Electronic Commerce Research And Applications: Opportunities, Threats, And Recommendations For Green Dinner Table

Identification and Evaluation of four potential benefits that are provided by e-business for Green Dinner Table

E-business is referred to as the conduction of business processes with the help of the Internet services. This process includes buying and selling of goods via the Internet, managing the production of materials, the dispensation of payments, recruiting employees and so on. E-commerce is somehow similar to the E-business and is referred to as the form of commercial business that deals with the transfer of business information with the help of the Internet. The organization that has been chosen for the research is the Green Dinner Table and their business involves the selling of plant oriented meal solutions.

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Primarily, the report concentrates on the opportunities and threats of E-business for Green Dinner Table. The discussion then focuses on the appropriateness of E-Commerce related to the chosen organization. The report concentrates on the identification of revenue model and recommendation for Green Dinner Table. The report focuses on the payment systems for e-commerce followed by the description regarding the supply chain management. Finally, the report ends with a conclusion.

According to the research, it has been identified that the E-Business technology can transform all the business processes of Green Dinner Table by improving their communication with the customers. The implementation of e-business technology can help the chosen organization to achieve their business goals within a shorter period of time and with greater effectiveness. The lists of four potential benefits that the e-business could provide to Green Dinner Table are as follows:

  1. Centralized data: The centralized data will help Green Dinner Table to store the training documents of their employees, client information, and other kinds of valuable information with a central location of data storage (Carayannis, Sindakis & Walter, 2015). The cloud storage of e-business technology also allows the clients to access necessary information related to the organization.
  2. Efficiency in the sales processes: The efficiency of the sales processes can be increased by Green Dinner Table with the implementation of customer relationship management software that can improve the relationships with the clients.
  3. Automation and inventory control: The e-business technologies can be utilized by Green Dinner Table for automating their inventory with warehouses, in-stores, and point-of-sale integration. This system will allow the organization to place new orders thereby automating the regular shipments.
  4. Advertising and marketing: All the business organizations are required to develop their customer base and which can be done with the implementation of e-business technologies (Mazzarol, 2015). The e-business solutions are going to help Green Dinner Table to advertise their products within their target market.

During the research, it has been found that there are various kinds of barriers which the business organizations need to notice carefully which can affect their e-commerce business enterprise (Bohari, Hin & Fuad, 2017). The lists of two threats that Green Dinner Table need to be aware of which may affect their e-commerce business processes are as follows:

  1. Inaccuracy in the management of the business processes: The poor management in the e-commerce business settings of Green Dinner Table may occur if their security systems get inactive due to some dangerous threat within the business networks (Singh et al., 2018).
  2. Price manipulation: One of the major issue with the e-commerce system is price manipulation which can affect the overall business processes of Green Dinner Table.

Green Dinner Table is known to be a Christ Church-oriented organization and they have gained the attention of the customers for selling plant-based meals. During the analysis, it has been found that the implementation of e-commerce systems in Green Dinner Table will be much effective for offering their products to the customers. The e-commerce system will help Green Dinner Table in optimizing their customer user experience by introducing the method of online order placing for meals. The customers can also get the flexibility of ordering foods from offices or houses without any sort of hindrance (Hartono et al., 2018). Thus, it has been found that e-commerce is suitable for offering the food products by Green Dinner Table.

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Discussion of two threats which Green Dinner Table must be aware of that can affect the e-commerce business enterprise

E-commerce is considered to be the utilization of web-oriented applications for automating the business transactions and interactions. A brick-and-mortar store, on the other hand, is known to be the physical location for performing business where the clients can view the products in the store before purchasing.  Green Dinner Table has the potential to maintain the dual presence of e-commerce website in addition with brick-and-mortar store which results in enhancing their capabilities of customer relationship management (Rehman et al., 2016).

After the through research it has been found that the two potential online revenue models that can be adopted by Green Dinner Table for enhancing their business are as follows:

  1. Advertising: Advertising can be used as the online revenue model by Green Dinner Table for introducing their new food products in the marketplace. Moreover, for expanding their customer base, the organization can use this revenue model for better exploration in the new market.
  2. Subscription model: The subscription model is a type of online revenue model that can help Green Dinner Table in simplifying their business processes thereby retaining a huge number of customer base with a consistent flow (Roma & Ragaglia, 2016).

After the thorough analysis, it has been found that the subscription model is considered to be the most suitable revenue model for the Green Dinner Table. The reason behind the fact is that the subscription model is quite simpler and it will help in making the business processes quite easier for Green Dinner Table (Roma & Ragaglia, 2016). Moreover, the subscription model will help Green Dinner Table in enhancing their opportunities for marketing their products in the marketplace.

The lists of three mobile payment systems that Green Dinner Table can utilize for meeting the needs of the visitors in their e-commerce site are as follows:

  1. Google Wallet.
  2. PayPal
  3. Venmo

According to the research, it has been analyzed that the three mobile payment systems which can fulfill the needs of the visitors in the e-commerce site of Green Dinner Table include Google Wallet, PayPal, and Venmo (Rackley III et al., 2018). In the research, it has been found that Google Wallet is known as the mobile payment system which serves as a kind of virtual wallet that will help the online customers of Green Dinner Table to make their payments and also helps in transferring their money via phones (Dahlberg, Guo & Ondrus, 2015). PayPal is considered to be an online payment option which consists of both a payment gateway followed by the merchant account. This PayPal will help the clients to accept the credit cards in the e-commerce stores of Green Dinner Table. Venmo is known as the peer-to-peer payment method that can be used by the customers of Green Dinner Table to pay the number of various food products by using the bank account, debit or credit cards. Thus, with the help of these three mobile payment systems, the visitors of the e-commerce site of Green Dinner Table can easily fulfill their requirements.  

Analysis of the suitability of Green Dinner Table product for e-commerce

During the research, it has been analyzed that the recent mobile payment systems need the implementation of near-field communication (NFC) technology and which is going to be much suitable for the e-commerce model of Green Dinner Table. The near field communication technology can result in offering various kinds of benefits for the clients as well as business processes of Green Dinner Table (Mahaffey et al., 2015). The lists of benefits that can be obtained by the implementation of NFC technology in the mobile payment system are as follows:

  1. Increase in the level of customer satisfaction: Green Dinner Table always concentrates on improving the customer experience and which is considered to be their first priority (Fisher & Guha, 2016). The utilization of NFC technology will help in making the payment transaction quite easier for Green Dinner Table because with the help of that technology the customers can make their payment by just holding up their mobile phones.
  2. Improve the sales of the food products: The NFC technology helps in enhancing the checkout lines thereby improving the customer satisfaction within the business processes of Green Dinner Table. The employees working within Green Dinner Table can easily process their transaction in a quick manner with the help of NFC technology thereby allowing the organization to enhance their daily profits by selling the food products.
  3. Lower in the expenses: Green Dinner Table can utilize the near field communication as an alternative of credit card processing for reducing the additional costs of the transaction. Green Dinner Table can save money that they spend on paper and in spite of that, they can email the transaction receipts to the clients.
  4. Improving the employee communication: With the help of the NFC card readers, it can be seen that Green Dinner Table can result in implementing the NFC tags for improving the employee interactions (Baldwin et al., 2014).
  5. Reducing the requirement for organizational staffs: A shifting to the NFC technology will surely help Green Dinner Table to have long-term benefits from their business processes (Cope, Paczkowski & Parsel, 2014). NFC technology is going to help Green Dinner Table by eliminating a number of irresponsible staff personnel from the organization. This help of this new technology it can be seen that the customers will also get the benefits of moving through a fixed queue thereby completing the purchases with great efficiency. For completing this overall process only a few employees would be required for processing the transactions and in this way the requirement for organizational staffs can be reduced (Kulkarni, 2015).

According to the supply chain management perspective, it can be said that the suppliers can result in creating value for the Green Dinner Table e-commerce enterprise in the following ways:

  1. Enhancing the efficiency of the transaction: Green Dinner Table utilizes the Internet for increasing the efficiency of their transaction which will help in creating value for the people associated with the transaction (Laudon & Laudon, 2016).
  2. Creation of “Stickiness” for motivating the repeated transaction: The most crucial strategy for value creation with the help of e-commerce is “stickiness”. It is regarded as the capability of the websites for drawing and retaining the customers (Chaffey, 2015). Stickiness can be used by Green Dinner Table for creating value with the enhancement of transaction volumes.


After the analysis of the overall research it can be concluded that E-business is the form of commercial business that deals with the transfer of business information with the help of the Internet. Four potential benefits that the e-business could provide to Green Dinner Table are centralized data, efficiency in the sales processes, automation and inventory control, advertising and marketing. The research has found that two threats which Green Dinner Table need to be aware of that may affect their e-commerce business processes are inaccuracy in the management of the business processes and price manipulation. It has been analyzed that the e-commerce system will help Green Dinner Table in optimizing their customer user experience by introducing the method of online order placing for meals. The two potential online revenue models that can be adopted by Green Dinner Table are advertising and subscription model. Three mobile payment systems that can be used by Green Dinner Table are Google Wallet, PayPal, and Venmo. The lists of benefits that can be obtained by the implementation of NFC technology in the mobile payment system are increasing in the level of customer satisfaction, improving the sales of the food products, lowering the expenses, improving the employee communication, and reducing the requirement for organizational staffs. Finally, it has been found that the suppliers can result in creating value for the Green Dinner Table e-commerce enterprise by enhancing the efficiency of the transaction and creation of “Stickiness” for motivating the repeated transaction.


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