Environmental Analysis Of Pollution Eating Bikes Using PESTLE Framework

The Pollution Eating Bikes

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The business world in the present times has become much more competitive than it was a few decades ago and it is a reflection of this that various new innovative products are being launched by the diverse business organizations (Hillson and Murray-Webster 2017). It is significant to note that these business organizations use the various platforms provided by the “developments in the fields of technology as well as innovation” to launch new products and services which were unheard of in the past (Paul, Yeates and Cadle 2014). These business organizations use new as well as innovative products and also strategies to not only capture the business market but also to gain a sustainable advantage over their competitors in the market (Paul, Yeates and Cadle 2014). Therefore, it would be apt to say that these business organizations are posing a threat to the already well established business organizations of the world. In the opinion of many people “the advent of globalization as well as the recent developments in the field of technology has much facilitated this particular process” (Hillson and Murray-Webster 2017). This report will focus on the new “Pollution Eating Bikes” and will provide an environmental analysis of this particular product on the basis of the framework of PESTLE analysis.

The technology of the “Pollution Eating Bikes” was initially developed in the nation of China. However, the original technology behind this particular bike was developed by the “Dutch designer Daan Roosegaarde” (Gibbons 2018). It is significant to note that this particular bike was originally designed to control the excessive amount of smog and pollution which is causing a serious problem in the nation of China (Gibbons 2018). In the words of the designer of this particular bike Roosegaarde, “the idea for his Smog Free Project came just over three years ago, as he gazed out of his Beijing apartment’s window” (Kentish 2018). It is significant to note that in the nation of China more than “1.6 million people die every year in China from breathing toxic air, and in December a much-publicised airpocalypse hit 460 million people, who were exposed to smog levels six times higher than the WHO’s daily guidelines” (Kentish 2018). It is precisely here that the significance of this particular innovation. This particular bike is in the testing phase right and if its sustainability is proved then following the model of the “reverse innovation” this particular technology will be used in the other nations of the world as well (Hart 2018). It is significant to note that many first world countries of the world are already trying to enter into collaboration with the Chinese nation to use this particular technology (Hart 2018). In the opinion of many people if the sustainability of this particular technology is proved then it might as well be incorporated with the other top brands of the world (Hart 2018).

PESTLE Analysis

The country selected for the purpose of the expansion of this particular bike is the United Kingdom. It is significant to note that although the dominion of the United Kingdom is one of the most technologically advanced ones yet the nation faces a significant amount of threat from the environmental perspective. In addition to this, it is seen that the nation is also facing the same problem of smog which the nation of China is facing and therefore the technology will be very useful for the nation consideration. Furthermore, as the United Kingdom is one of the first world nations of the world so the nascent technology of the “Pollution Eating Bikes” can be incorporate with the other significant innovations as well as top brands of the nation.

PESTLE is the acronym for the “political, economic, social, technological, legislative and environmental” factors (Srdjevic, Bajcetic and Srdjevic 2012). This particular framework “of macro-environmental is factors used in the environmental scanning component of strategic management” (Srdjevic, Bajcetic and Srdjevic 2012). Furthermore, in the opinion of many people this particular framework is “part of an external analysis when conducting a strategic analysis or doing market research, and gives an overview of the different macro-environmental factors to be taken into consideration” (Hillson and Murray-Webster 2017). Moreover, this particular tool is often used by the various business organizations not only to access their external environment but also to understand their business positions and also to get an idea about the best way to devise their business operations plan (Hillson and Murray-Webster 2017). In the opinion of many people the originator of this particular framework was “Harvard professor Francis Aguilar” in his famous book “Scanning the Business Environment” (Srdjevic, Bajcetic and Srdjevic 2012). In the business world, the framework of the PESTLE analysis is thought to offer four major benefits, namely, the first benefit which this particular framework provides to the various business organizations is that it provides them with an idea about the key opportunities which galore the concerned business organization and also the weaknesses on which they need to work on in a bid to bring about their overall growth as well as development (Paul, Yeates and Cadle 2014). The second benefit which this particular framework provides to the business organization about the “direction of change” which they need to make (Cadle, Paul and Turner 2010). Thirdly, this particular framework also helps to avoid the start of the projects or the services which are likely to fail and therefore helps the business organizations to save a considerable amount of resources (Cadle, Paul and Turner 2010). Fourthly, this particular framework becomes especially important when the various business organizations are following the path of globalization and planning to open their centers in the other nations of the world (Cadle, Paul and Turner 2010). It is significant to note that in such situation an analysis of the business environmental factors of the nation becomes very important and it is here that the importance of this framework lies as it helps the various business organizations to analyze the external macro-environment of the business organizations (Paul, Yeates and Cadle 2014). These in short are some of the benefits of the framework of PESTLE analysis.

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Benefits of PESTLE Analysis

An analysis of the United Kingdom as the future market for the “Pollution Eating Bikes” would reveal the following facts-

The political environment of a nation plays a significant role in the overall business operations of a particular business organization (Lilleker and Jackson 2013). Furthermore, it is seen that a stable political environment is very congenial for the overall growth as well as the development of a particular business organization (Lilleker and Jackson 2013). Therefore, it can be said that a stable political environment is one of the prerequisites of a business organization. It is significant to note that an unstable or volatile political environment is very uncongenial for the business operations of a particular business organization. In addition to these, the role played by the government of a particular nation is also very significant to note. The government of a particular nation should take active initiative for the allocation of the natural resources owned by the nation concerned to the various private business organizations which are operating in the nation concerned (Lilleker and Jackson 2013). Furthermore, the demand of the government for the particular products or the services offered by a particular business organization not only helps in the creation of demand of the product under consideration here but also helps in achieving the sustainability of the product or the service offered by the business organization under consideration  (Ho 2014). In the opinion of many people the government of a particular nation can “operate as an almost unbeatable competitor in the marketplace” (Lilleker and Jackson 2013). Thus, it is very important for the various business organisations to have an idea about the diverse strategies of the government. It is significant too note that these factors which play a significant role for the “Pollution Eating Bikes” in the market of the United Kingdom. This particular product manufactured in the nation first of all will require the support of the various governmental authorities of the United Kingdom. It is significant to note that depending on the decision of the government of the United Kingdom this particular innovation can be merged with the existing innovations of the United Kingdom or can stay the way it was developed in the nation of China as a separate entity (Lilleker and Jackson 2013). Furthermore, this particular product manufactured in the nation of China will require not only the support of the government of the nation of the United Kingdom but will also require the natural resources of the nation of the United Kingdom. These natural resources of the United Kingdom will play a significant role in the overall growth as well as the development of this particular product. Another significant fact to note that the United Kingdom is facing several problems in the present times on the score of air pollution and smog which is causing not only breathing problems but also other related problems among the citizens of the United Kingdom  (Ho 2014). Therefore, the government of the United Kingdom is likely to show a positive interest in this particular product as it is likely to reduce the smog problem of the nation in a significant manner.

Analysis of the United Kingdom as a Future Market

The technological factors also wield a considerable influence on the business operations of a particular business organization. It is significant to note that the recent technological advancements have considerably changed the way the various business organizations conduct their business (Marres 2016). Therefore, it is often seen that the various business organizations often take the help of the various forms of recent technology and innovations to bring about the overall growth as well as the development of their business operations. In addition to this, it would be fair to say that the United Kingdom, being a first world nation is very technologically advanced and thus it provides very advanced technological opportunities to the various business organizations operational in their nation (Marres 2016). It is significant to note that this particular technological environment will be very congenial for the “Pollution Eating Bikes” developed in the nation of China. This particular product developed in the nation of China can utilize the technological innovations of the United Kingdom to further enhance the quality of this particular product. It is significant to note that this particular can be merged with the other top brands of the United Kingdom to reach out to a much larger number of people or they can offer this particular product to the customers as a single entity itself (Marres 2016). Furthermore, the devise which this particular bike uses for the absorption of the smog to cleanse the air can be further developed in the United Kingdom using the latest technology as well as the innovations of the nation. Therefore, it can be said that the technologically advanced environment of the nation will be very congenial for the “Pollution Eating Bikes” developed in the nation of China.

The environmental factors in the recent times have emerged as one of the majors causes of concern for the various business organizations. Therefore, this particular product innovated in the China which is aimed to curb the smog as well as the pollution of the environment. Thus, this particular product is likely to not help the nation in controlling the level of smog and pollution but is also likely to find a suitable market in the United Kingdom.


To conclude, the recent advancements in the field of technology and the other factors have drastically changed the way the various business organizations conduct their business. It is a reflection of this that every year several new business organizations emerge in the market providing a range of technologically advanced products as well as services to the customers. The “Pollution Eating Bikes” developed in the nation of China is one such instance. It is significant to note that this particular product was developed in the nation of China in response to the growing environmental problem of pollution and smog which the nation is facing at the present moment. This particular product manufactured in the nation of China is therefore looking for a market in the other nations and the various nations of the world following the concept of reverse innovation are vying to get this particular product in their own nation. However, the various political as well as the technological factors will also play a significant role in the business market of this particular product in the United Kingdom.


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