ERP Implementation And Challenges

Benefits of ERP Implementation

The ERP or Enterprise Resource Planning system is the technology that combines all the departments and processes of an organisation. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) mirrors an inventive business procedure, as ERP appropriation includes business prepare change, best practices execution, intra-endeavor combination and between big business coupling. ERP frameworks are intended to encourage the ERP idea by supplanting unique interwoven designs heritage frameworks crosswise over business associations with synchronised suites of big business wide applications. Potential advantages of an ERP framework incorporate profitability and quality enhancements in key regions, for example, item unwavering quality, client administration, and learning administration. Therefore, ERP frameworks are relied upon to improve advertiser esteem, and firm execution through productivity and viability picks up.

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Enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation for our company will provide the system is customizable, to integrate with the current business process as well as improving many on the core processes. Providing benefits of enhanced productivity, flexibility and customer responsiveness, by integrating core business processes together in one single application. Maximising the efficiency of business process across the entire company and manufacturing production can produce a product more efficiently increasing delivery time. Better management will result in effective inventory management and decreased the level of inefficiencies.

Identification of organizational and operational levels: Many implementations have been treated more from the operational than the organisational point of view. Accordingly, countless have discovered challenges to accomplish the advantages anticipated. Data innovations are unbiased, their effect contingent upon the way they are actualized and utilised as a part of a given domain.  

One difficulty in implementing ERP systems is this switch from a functional to a process orientation because modules cut across traditional department lines. It is because of the way that specialised arrangements, for example, an ERP framework don’t initiate necessarily the normal changes; it is not a direct result of the innovation. Innovation itself does not give from the social changes required, it is just individuals, who get it going by organising and adjusting the organisation business to the innovation. The CSFs recognised in the writing study [20,21] were arranged in three classes, authoritative and social factors as organisational CSFs; operational and specialised factors as operational CSFs; and nonpartisan CSFs, which can’t unmistakably be characterised as hierarchical or operational variables. Keeping in mind the end goal to distinguish which factor is organisational, operational or unbiased, a study was led with four scholastics experienced in ERP frameworks and 16 chiefs specifically included in ERP executions. In light of their experience and subjective judgment, the respondents chose the authoritative and operational rate required for each critical success factor. The data obtained from the survey was analysed by using MINITAB with 95% con- confidence interval for the mean. The values outside of the lower and upper boundaries (provided by Minitab) were removed to have a better approach.

Identification of Organizational and Operational Levels

The selection issue: There is no single answer on how to find what organisation need and there are multiple factors to consider on top of scope, size, and type, counting the cost and particular usefulness requirements. Moreover, there are frequently hundreds to thousands of components and capacities for every product framework that each should be considered as far as need and utility.

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Many companies may consider themselves immune to this challenge as they have already decided what they need and want in a new system. Be watchful about reaching this conclusion without legitimate foundation work, however, as choosing another product framework, particularly one as sweeping for an organisation as an ERP framework, is a standout amongst the most difficult and essential choices organisation will ever make. ERP determination ought to be considered as genuinely as workable for the reason that ERP framework decision predefines an organisation’s system for in any event the accompanying 6 to 10 years and, probably hugely affects the future accomplishment of the whole business. A far reaching endeavour programming counselling and research industry exist to serve the necessities of organisations confronting the determination issue for the first or second or third time. For example, Technology Evaluation Centres (TEC) offers a range of software selection programs available for organisations starting out on an ERP selection process.

Technical Issue: How to successfully select a software package is important but not the last problem that will appear on the thorny path toward getting the whole system software and hardware, server, and users working together and bringing any value back to the company. Another arrangement of usage issues is identified with the specialised piece of the venture. More than likely servers and workstations should be reconsidered to suit the new framework and new and more present day ones may be requested, bought, and supplanted. The interior system additionally must be broke down and modernised if required, and the speed and transfer speed of the current Internet get to ought to be thought about alongside conceivable specialised worries about the cell phones being utilised.

If these requirements are thought little of, they can drastically affect the general after effects of the venture or substance an initial couple of weeks (or even months) of utilising another framework with moderate execution. Moreover, it can bring about a loosening of the current pace of business. Be that as it may, changes amid the most recent couple of years in conveyance models have caused a move in how ERP and different sorts of authoritative programming are made accessible to clients.

Selection Issue

Mind-shift Problem: This is the most difficult type of issue to resolve. It is anything but difficult to overlook that the achievement of the usage of a product framework depends for the most part upon the clients. The framework itself is a non-living and sensible element that takes after intelligent strides and procedures as it has been modified too. However, the clients of the framework are people who were utilised to forms with programming being one way and will more than likely think that it is difficult to change to another method for getting things done, particularly if the advantage of the new techniques is not quickly evident or approaching. This is an ERP extend administrator’s “top pick” assortment of the issue (which means their most exceedingly awful bad dream), emerging from clients’ propensities and their comprehension of what is useful for the business as a rule and the client specifically.

It is truly hard to portray or order the conceivable issues that can emerge from the client base when another undertaking programming framework is actualized; really, any inquiry can show up. Sadly, change is difficult to acknowledge without seeing the obvious points of interest of it, and if association don’t find a way to enable association’s representatives to see these favourable circumstances before the execution starts association will probably think twice about it later. I would recommend trying to predict such problems at the planning stage to reduce the potential negative impact of users’ contra-collaboration activities.

The vision of our organisation to create a new ERP system enabling the organisation to increase revenues and time management for the customers. The biggest challenge for the organisations is the limitations of the current system revolving around the time it currently takes to deal with one customer.

Currently we have system inadequacies between the different departments, for example, when a CSR writes an order it is sent to shipping to fill and process. One of the issues lies in that shipping most times cannot decipher if the customer is a 30-day account or Credit card only. With the evaluation of the new system, we will be able to connect to different departments with ease and ensure that the accounts are billed accordingly. Better processes and data flow will ensure that we begin to attain the proper procedures.

The Use of the Work Breakdown Structure and Organizational Chart: The work breakdown structure can be referred to as the decomposition of the deliverables (associated with the tasks of the project) in a hierarchical manner. The work breakdown structure encourages the powerful ID of the abilities sets required to finish the work that, like this, encourages the fast assurance of the ideal individuals for the occupation. It likewise encourages the assurance of the correct number of individuals essential for work fulfilment. With the correct individuals and the correct number of individuals at work, the colleagues specifically and the group when all is said in done ought to be more beneficial. This can bring about conveying the correct expectations at the opportune time and with the correct expenses, maybe even surpass desires.

Technical Issue

The work breakdown structure accommodates a level of detail that makes it less demanding for the venture director to consider his colleagues responsible and in charge of the fulfilment of their undertakings. This is additionally valid for the colleagues in connection with the venture director’s work execution really, a two-way road that likewise supports correspondence that is more successful.

Designing a Roadmap to Select Best ERP: Assessing the business process is the first step toward the selecting the ERP. This is a long-term strategic decision for organisation’s company. Regardless of whether the association will be actualizing association’s first ERP arrangement or moving up to a cutting edge industry-particular ERP arrangement, these inquiries can enable the association to decide whether acquiring an ERP arrangement will be valuable. These inquiries will likewise help the association to better recognise current hindrances and crevices in association’s business forms. The association might need to shape an assessment advisory group to include every office to pick up big business wide receivability and acknowledgement.

Building up the Selection Criteria is the second stage in the choice procedure. Cost is typically the best factor for most while assessing and considering an ERP programming buy. In any case, recollect that an ERP programming buy is a speculation. Cost is difficult to overlook, however disregarding valuing out of doors can be something worth being thankful for to do when starting to investigate the ERP advertise. The truth of the matter is, most suppliers will enable the association to back, pay month to month, and can get inventive with the ways association can pay for the product. The ultimate objective is to make Association’s business more productive and beneficial. Finding the arrangement that gives the most grounded general return, is a great deal more noteworthy win than constraining forthright expenses, yet missing a possibility for major progressing investment funds.

Getting matches is the third and final step in selecting the best fitted ERP model for the organisation. The needs of the organisation, as well as the requirements of the system, will be analysed by the vendor. If the product can meet the organisation’s requirement within preferred cost, then the ERP will be selected for implementing within the organisation.

Employing a Technical Lead: To mitigate the issues regarding the technical difficulties, a technical lead can be appointed to the project. The lead will be analysing the technical requirements of the project and creating reports regarding the possible issues and challenges that can be faced. These reports will be sent to the project manager, and the project manager will provide the idea regarding the technical difficulties that can have a harmful impact on the project and acquire more resources for avoiding technical issues.

Mind-shift Problem

The smart chart in this assignment provide a brief idea regarding the implementation project related decisions and their relation with the project.




Forming Project Team


Project Manager Employment and Assigning existing technical employees

Select Vendor



Selecting ERP Software


The vendor will be making report regarding the perfect product as per organization requirements

Carry out Implementation Plan


Preplanning stage and Requirement Analysis

Develop Product



Direct Deploy Product


Passive Deployment

Pick to Win: In this case, the organization may choose to deploy the application in passive manner so that all the ERP related issues can be successfully acknowledged and resolved. The preplanning stage and requirement analysis is better than any other phase. This will allow the project manager to have better understating of what is the exactly required form the ERP.


Evaluating Criteria

Rating on Other Variable


Final Score

Forming Project Team




Select Vendor




Selecting ERP Software




Carry out Implementation Plan



Develop Product





Direct Deploy Product



Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are large and comprehensive information systems (IS) aimed at integrating our business processes and functions. The idea is to increase the functionality of finance and auditing process, increase sales while streamlining the process of working with each customer, also to include the missing module for human resources. Most importantly is the ability to automate and integrate the company’s data and business processes across all departments. ERP implementation involves major decision-making, involving internal IT and personnel from inside the organization, as well as, external consultants.

  1. To object of the new ERP system is to allow the ability to maintain and create new process to allow for better efficiencies on customer service, streamline production, and build better cash flows.
  2. Measuring these goals will be a process that will occur during the implementation process working with the correct staff in each department. This may also be a means to move appropriate members into different departments based on skill. We want to have improved the Accounting department from eight days for completion of financials to with the implementation of the new system to five days more systems connected together and the ability to collect information on one place instead of many.
  3. To obtain more online sales with the connection of the ERP system to the website allowing sales to migrated directly into the system.
  4. To be accessible for online sales and the increase we will need to allocate time and system to streamline the process.
  5. To see a value in the increase of sales we will look at the 90 days periods after implementation

SMART Goals framework, and follow the smart goal setting we are aiming to attain better sales and a streamlined system for the company. With minimum mental and physical fatigue, keeping in mind that we will have ERP systems and supporting services as well as implementation partners. The decision to acquire the ERP system is complex and as such is changing our environment, and processes.


Figure 1: Probability Tree

(Source: Created by Author)

Within the probability tree, two decisions that can be taken regarding the selection of planning phase has been presented. It has been found that the implementation plan has 55% chance of becoming success while the preplanning and requirement gathering phase has 78% chance. Therefore, the preplanning and requirement gathering phase will be selected within project management.


Figure 2: Force Field Analysis

(Source: Created by Author)

The diagram graphically represents the factors that drive the change (in this case ERP implementation) and factors that are against change. Three example of each factors has been presented within the diagram.


From the above study, it can be concluded that the ERP implementation in the selected organisation is required to be very carefully as various aspects of the organisation may have a negative impact on the project. The project manager must be ready for facing any challenge such as the lack of resources, technical faults and much more. The problem definitions have included many of the issues that may have to be faced by the organisation regarding the implementation of the ERP. There are various ways to implement an ERP and several ERP software that can be deployed within the organisation’s environment. The selection of the adequate ERP is the first challenge that the organisation has to face. After the implementation, the ERP will be able to integrate all the aspects of the organisation in the same space. This will allow the organisation to compare the organisation’s status better.

Designing a Roadmap to Select Best ERP

Preparing gives the hands-on instrument that permits clients of the ERP framework to investigate the framework both from a specialised stance and additionally from a utilitarian point of view. It enables the clients to get direct data and experience. It likewise enables them to investigate the PEU of the framework. Along these lines, preparing helps in the arrangement of the common convictions in the advantages of the ERP system aswell as influences the PEU of the framework. Thus, our examination affirms that administrators may attempt solid and viable correspondence activities combined with viable preparing on ERP frameworks to influence the centre TAM factors. In the investigation, it has been discovered that noteworthy help that mutual convictions in the advantages of ERP framework influence both PU and PEU of ERP framework. Confidence in the advantages of ERP framework enables clients to comprehend the different ways that the ERP framework will make them gainful.

Strategic Planning: Allocate a project group with representatives from deals, client benefit, bookkeeping, obtaining, operations and senior administration. Each colleague ought to be focused on the accomplishment of the venture and responsible for particular errands, i.e. building up a course of events, concluding destinations, planning a preparation design. Ensure association incorporate first line specialists and administration on association’s group. Construct the determination in light of the learning of the group not status of the worker. The destinations ought to be unmistakably characterized before executing the ERP arrangement. ERP frameworks are gigantic and association won’t have the capacity to actualize each capacity. association need to characterize the extent of usage.

Procedure Review: Commit three to five days of concentrated audit of the product capacities for the venture group. Prepare on each part of the ERP programming to completely teach the group on abilities and recognize holes. Decide if changes are required before worker preparing. Assess which forms that are manual and ought to be computerized with the ERP framework. Create standard working methods (SOPs) for each part of association’s business. These methods ought to be archived. Ensure that association alter the archive as association’s SOPs change. This is a colossal undertaking, yet it is basic to the accomplishment of association’s usage.

Data Collection and Clean-Up: Association can’t accept 100% of the information can be changed over as there might be obsolete data in the framework. Figure out which data ought to be changed over through an examination of current information. Characterize the new information that should be gathered. Recognize the source reports of the information. Make spreadsheets to gather and portion the information into sensible tables (Most ERP frameworks will have an utility to transfer information from a spreadsheet to their database). Survey and get rid of unneeded data, for example, clients who haven’t obtained in a while or are no longer in business. This is the ideal opportunity for enhancing information precision and re-building up contact with inert clients.

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