Ethical Issue In Social And Technology: Analysis Of Social Credit System In China


This paper is going to discuss about the ethical issue in social and technology. Ethical issue arises when a person or an organization include themselves in such an activity that will benefit them but will harm others. With the developing technology and science, the ICT industry is facing both advantages and disadvantages equally. For overcoming this ethical dilemma, it becomes very much necessary to come up with new set of rules and perspective. This paper will briefly discuss different types of ethical perspective. This paper will discuss ethical issue faced by the implementation of social credit system (He et al.,2013). The Social Credit system idea was brought into the country in the early 2014 and an expectation of being implemented by 2020. The main objective is to implement a system that will analyze the credits done by the citizens or the business of the country. However, the concept of this system is unclear among the people until now, regarding the fact whether the system will be an unified system or an ecosystem that will be run by both private companies and government.

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The Social Credit system uses data in the form of big data technology. This was launched in 2014 and is expected to accept by whole nation by 2020. This system rates and tracks the activities of every individual and will also hold government and business persons together. Once the implementation is completed, each individual will get a file that will contain sources from private and public resources which will track the credits made by them. This will get mandatory for every citizen by the end of 2020. The implementation of this will result in judging the individuals based on this. The system has developed outlines for this project that includes : commercial integrity , judicial credibility , honesty towards the government affairs and social integrity. The credit system developed is among the top-level approaches. The concept behind this system was bit unclear for everyone. Whether the system will work as a government body or will work for private company. The implementation of the system will bring a new way of handling both the behavior of business and individuals. The credit scorecard will be evaluated based on the factors like taxation, treatment towards the worker, behavior in the school, indulged in cheating or not and ecological conformity. The companies will be penalized who will be with less scores, so this becomes very much necessary for the company to act accordingly so that no penalization occurs. Variety of penalization includes increase in high interest rates, the taxes will get highly imposed on the company, the investments made by the company will get declined, no company will be allowed to maintain partnership with that company and many more. Even the low credits of the company will individually affect the members of the employee. The train and flight tickets will be banned for senior managers and several other individual punishments will be imposed on them. This will beneficial for the organization no one will dare to act any illegal act and the corruption will also reduce (Backer, 2017). Thus, it becomes necessary for the organization to maintain a high credit score, so that it does not affect the organization reputation and also does not impose punishment on the employees.

Elimination from private school

The results will be the individual will either be punished or will be rewarded based on their behavior. Types of punishments that are decided by the government once the person comes under public blacklist are elimination from private school, banning from high prestigious work, segregation from hotel, flight ban.

The children gets eliminated from the school in their region when the parents scores lower then a certain threshold (Lu & Abeysekera, 2014). This will highly affect the future of the child, so the parents need to score good in order to save the future of their child.

 There are several peoples who are banned from having train and flight trips as they are being marked in the blacklist by Supreme Court people (Kshetri, 2016).

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There is an immediate result of scoring low, or being in touch with someone having low score . From lowering, the speed of the internet to the termination from job and many more things comes along with scoring low (Tang & Guo, 2017). Similarly, the benefits of having a high score are they will be rewarded with some facilities. This includes easy access for getting jobs, loans will be granted easily for them and many more.

There arises a number of controversies among the citizens and the organization of China due to the complications generated with the implication of this system. Many people had started facing punishments as an outcome of violating the protocols (Jing, 2015). This arises a negative impact on the citizens, as nine billion people are being already blocked for gaining low scores and are being banned from taking domestic flights. In the basic stage , it also effected people and their children , as due to less score the child got eliminated from the school, and also prevented citizens from getting access to their credit cards and hotels and also their jobs got banned. The system marked the citizen based on their behavior (Raghupathi, 2014). There were marking scale developed, which will deduct points on every wrong activity. For example 1 score will be deducted on excessive use of internet for gaming purpose (Jia & Jukes, 2013). Many more activities such as the habit of citizens to shop and different feature that will not affect the community were taken in to consideration.

The implementation of this system effected people in many ways, but proper implication can add in a positive way especially when the business and the government officials are responsible.

Flight ban

A direct scheme aims companies as strictly as individuals (Lü, 2014). The firms that have caused damage to the environment in the past are also being exposed by this scheme and are marked in the blacklist. The online blacklist also contained government officials. More than 1,100 employees of government were blacklisted by the end of 2017. This system will help the China to remove corruption. As Professor Du Liqun  of Peking University states that, this system will help China in building a trustworthy government (Black, 2017).

From the business point of view, the main objective of building the system of social credit is to destabilize the companies, which are not China based so that they can promote the Chinese business. The risk related to this system depends on two major factor , first on how the data is being collected (Packin & Lev-Aretz, 2016). The data collection done is fare and involves less business data, and then the risk can be reduced. A caution to the system is that, is that analytical data may become so vigorous that even limited data can affect the organization (Guttmann, 2016). Secondly, the transparency should be maintained by the system. If the program maintains transparency, it will help the business in growth. Maybe this plan of social credit system does not harm the business but will have some risk factors.

The system developed by China is useful and it is needed, as this will help to reduce the corruption among the government employees. Everyone will be aware of their duties and will try to do any act that will impose punishment. This is obvious that no citizen will like to lose his or her facilities. No citizen will be happy after losing their jobs or their children is being expelled from schools. This will make the citizens responsible and will not indulge in illegal activities. Thus, this will help in developing a country with efficient and trustworthy people. There are also several types of rewards for scoring good, this will attract and motivate the people to achieve more score. This system will thus add profit towards the country.


From the above report, it can be concluded that, implementation of Social Credit system will be beneficial for people, as they will try to avoid doing activities, which will lead to punish them. Social credit system is a system that will monitor the activities of an individual or a business based on the credit done by them. Each activity will generate a score, that score can be negative or positive. Induldging illegal or cheating manner can score them hugely, this will further lead them to  punishments. This punishment will affect everyone . This will help the country to build a nation with trustworthy people. The main of the government is to assess the honesty and loyalty of each person in the country. This will also eradicate corruption from the nation as the black list contains even the government employee. So does not matter , whether the employee or the citizen works in a private or a government sector , or the citizen is studying in a school ,anyone found doing illegal activities will be punished.


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