Evaluation Of Leadership Coaching And Self-efficacy: A Mixed Methods Approach

Evaluation of the Literature review

1. Evaluate the literature review conducted for this research

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2. This article uses mixed methods. Describe the characteristics of this research design and evaluate its appropriateness. Was this design sufficient to address the research objective, or would you suggest anotherdesign?

3. Are the methods used to collect data (e.g. focus group and questionnaires) sufficiently justified and described? What further information (if any) do yourequire?

4. Critique the sampling strategy and respondent selection used in this study.

Leadership Coaching

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It has been evaluated from the literature review that the leadership coaching is one on one relationship that includes counselling regarding to the work-related conflicts with the purpose of developing their leadership effectiveness. It is an effective approach that helps in developing the leadership effectiveness. It has been found from the literature review that the coaching can increase the impact of 360 degree feedback. The productivity of the employees can be enhanced by getting effectual coaching within the organization (Mackey and Gass, 2015).

Leader’s role efficacy

With respect to the evaluation of the literature review, it has been evaluated that the self-efficacy refers to the ability of an individual about his or her confidence to mobilize the motivation. It is an essential factor that should have in the leader as it facilitates to a strengthening of effort toward actions and perseverance in the face of issues, both are considered as the vital behavior for the leaders.  It has been stated that the leadership self-efficacy could be increased by enhancing the leadership coaching. Moreover, it has been evaluated that the impact of leadership coaching on efficacy trusts that coaching has the positive impact in the leaders as it encourages them to perform transactional and transformation leadership style within the organization (Ladegard and Gjerde, 2014).

Trust in subordinates

Leadership covers building outcomes through other people and it is required for the today’s leader to have the efficient skills to accomplish their tasks, but also ability in their subordinates to do their tasks in an appropriate manner. Trust can be defined in the form of the psychological state comprising the purpose to accept susceptibility based upon positive expectations of the intentions of another. It has been found that latest development in the theory of leadership suggests that the leadership is improved within every organization which helps in improving the relational procedures (Palinkas, Horwitz, Green, Wisdom, Duan and Hoagwood, 2015). Relational leadership theory provides a sight of leadership as a shared influence procedure between leaders and subordinates and organizational actor in which the organizational practices are shaped via interaction and dialogue. It has been argued by many authors in the literature review section that trust in employee could act as a substitute for control in the form of trust. The development of self-efficacy in a leader can encourage them to take risk and make effective decisions in the favor of the organization.

The characteristics of this research design and evaluate its appropriateness

Coach behavior

It has been evaluated that the major objective of this study was to show about the formative evaluation which can contribute to the explanation of the outcome. The ability to challenge the leader is another coaching skill. Coach behavior is effective to attain the achievement instead of recognizing the challenges and support to subordinates. This literature review also shows that feedback should be used as an element of facilitative coach behavior. It has been found from the literature review section that the facilitative coach behavior will influence leader role-efficacy positively. It has been suggested that challenges are the component of facilitative coach behavior. Along with that, it has been found that the facilitative coach behavior should impact the trust of the leader in their subordinates.

The major feature of mixed research design is that it includes both qualitative and quantitative research design in a single research study. It has been found that quantitative research design includes diverse fundamentals such as posing a research question, accumulating the data and interpreting the results (Silverman, 2016). On the other side, qualitative research design encompasses the explanation of research design and theoretical elements concerning research issues. It has been evaluating that there are various characteristics of using mixed research design. These reasons are discussed below for bringing better understanding regarding the features of this research designs.

  • There are two forms of data used in the research that can connect the entire information regarding the research issue.
  • Both data are collected in persuasive manner as per the research questions that increase the reliability of the research.
  • The combination of this method facilitates researcher to get the more complete image of the effects of leadership coaching as a leader improvement practice than any one of these alone.
  • The combination of mixed approach facilitates in collecting the data with opportunities for expansion and development.
  • These data provide priority to both kinds of information according to the research questions and also focus on the research.
  • This method of research designs is appropriate as it gives significant information about the research topic in quantitative as well as qualitative manner (Smith, 2015).

The mixed research designs is an approach that facilitates researcher to gather the information in the more efficient manner by declining the weaknesses and draw the strengths of qualitative and quantitative methods. There is a lot of features entails in both approaches in which the value of knowledge such as experience, factual aspect and perception aspect of the world can be evaluated by qualitative data. Another feature of mixed research design is that it entails the dualism such as qualitative by the use of fact-based methodology and quantitative by the use of subjectively based methodology (Taylor, Bogdan, and DeVault, 2015).  Along with that, the mixed research design is adequate to deal with the research concerns as it entails the characteristics of both qualitative and quantitative research design. The mixed research designs are able to recognize the features, patterns as well as statistical relationships. This research design was used in the research to gain the generalizing outcome and to accumulate the stronger evidence for a conclusion through validation of findings. It is an appropriate strategy for the researcher as the researcher is not bound to answer the research question because this approach creates a broad range of collecting the data.  It has been stated that the mixed research design entails both qualitative and quantitative research design collectively for completing the necessary understanding to tell the practices and theory(Tashakkori and Teddlie, 2010).

Justification of the used methods in the research and required information

Yes, this design was sufficient to address the research objective and there is no need to suggest any other design. It is an effective approach but it is essential for the researcher to learn about multiple techniques and approaches

It has been evaluated that the used method (e.g. focus group and questionnaires) is adequately justified and described. It has been defined by this articles that a focus group is a set of deliberately selected people who occupied in the planned discussion. It is the technique that intended to decide the perception of the leader in the relations of the leadership coaching, leader role-efficacy, and trust in subordinates. The focus group discussion has been conducted in the research with experienced coaches that reveal that the researcher is concerned about the research. The outcomes have been received on the basis of both practice and theory.

It has been evaluated that the major aim of the focus group is to attain the collective results. It is the strategy that allows the member of the group for communicating and persuading each other at the time of discussion and includes their ideas and perceptions on the subject of research concern. The investigators of the research have used a small set of people for conducting the market research in the comparison of previous research. It has been found that the focus group can be specifically useful for a comprehensive illumination of the idea, opinion, and understanding of people that are difficult to get in an individual interview (Ledford and Gast, 2018).  It has been found that the participants in the focus group were varied as they give effective and different information regarding the research topic and to accumulate the feasible information about leadership coaching, leader role-efficacy and trust in subordinates management.

It has been found that there is a requirement of sensitivity and self-awareness so that the leaders who hesitate in sharing the information can do share through the focused group discussion. At the time of focus study, it has been found that the challenges and the information regarding the research have been gathered in a different manner with the help of focused group which is helpful to make a comparison between the challenges and the situation of the leaders (Robinson, 2014).

There is another key research type which is more data-driven investigations that utilizes the questionnaires to attain the numerically based statistics. It has been found that the investigator has opted open-ended questionnaire for focus group survey. The use of questionnaire provides effective interpretation in comparison of other facts (Mowder and Sanders, 2008). The questionnaire is considered as the research instrument that encompasses the set of questions with the intention of gathering the data from participants. The questionnaire was entailed close-ended questions which were distributed to 34 participants at the time of the beginning of coaching. It is mainly used in the research to test the hypothesized effects of leadership coaching (Mertens, 2014).

There is no need to get further information regarding the research data as the used methods in the research are effective. Focus group discussion enables to bring innovative ideas and entailing challenges that can be resolved (Onwuegbuzie, Dickinson, Leech and Zoran, 2009). On the other hand, a questionnaire was prepared which is quite a good strategy to collect the information regarding the research issues from a number of people management.

The investigator has used a probability sampling technique in this research with the principle of selecting the respondents. It is an effective sampling technique that evaluates certain sorts of random selection. Under the procedure of the random sampling technique method, an investigator has applied process that ensures the various units in the population. it is the techniques that help to give equal chance to the population for being selected. The use of the computer was being done by the investigator to develop the random number on the basis of random choices. Simple random sampling is considerable uncomplicated probability sampling strategy. It is an important method to choose a sample from a huge number of populations with a broad range of purpose.

It is the technique in which each member of the population is getting equal chance to get selected in the sample. It has been evaluated that the foundation behind simple random sampling is that it ignores the prejudice from the selection process and should outcome in representative samples. It has been found that the small number of sample size is needed to execute the simple random sampling in a reasonable way. Simple random sampling is simple to recognize but multifaceted to act in practices.

 Simple random sampling is connected to the lowest amount of sampling unfairness as compared to other sampling techniques; therefore, this technique was selected. It is no complexity of preliminary a sample group from a huge number of samples. The exercise of simple random sampling can be widespread from research findings because of the representativeness of simple techniques. The selection of the respondents is done by taking consideration of the demand for the questionnaire in which 34 participants were selected.


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