Evaluation Of The Quality And Demand Of Coffee For Vegetarians In Australia And The Establishment Of Sigma Culture Coffee Shop

Focus on Provision and Delivery of Best Coffee Shops in the City

Project management has been one of the complex undertaking in many organizations. Having completed the project, evaluation of the entire process would be very important. This article would try to evaluate the demand and quality of coffee required by Australians who are vegetarian. The project was mainly based on preparation and consumption of coffee in Australia. This has been attributed to number of Australians changing their diet to vegetarian. In this case, the main focus would be on provision and delivery of best coffee shops in the city. Considering most of the Australians are changing to vegetarians, it has been a challenge to come up with quality coffee which satisfies customer needs (Tomomitsu, Carvalho & Moraes 2018, p. 356). The issue of quality coffee has been attributed by the fact that, this is a new type of drink that many vegetarians are not used to. In this regard, preparing quality coffee has been a great challenge and this has prompted many consumers to shift their need for coffee to shops rather than preparing at their houses

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The sigma culture coffee shops would majorly be focused in providing quality coffee from all its planned outlets. The analysis of this project would revolve on organizational planned services in order to avail to its customers’ a coffee product with taste, suitable for kids packaging as well as take away for consumption at home with family members (Moura, Carneiro & Diniz 2017, p. 16). Business location has been one of the major aspect that an organizational executive should consider. The proximity of sigma culture coffee shop to Brisbane University grants it operational competitive advantage. Institutions of higher learning are composed of different people from all walks of life. In this regard, more coffee consumers would be captured in regard to location of the shop. Considering project would generate more returns, it would be important to raise some contributions as well as make some savings from the profit gained. Such capital savings would be used to make some renewals on land leasing and acquisition where possible. To make sure there is smooth business operations, there would be structured management from top to the lowest level. Qualified staff with elegant skills would be employed in order to provide cutting edge services. Being a startup that focuses on customer satisfaction, organizational executive embraces management by walking around (Awwal, 2014, p. 158).

Business establishment should not be taken lightly as it involves rigorous processes. These processes include; setting up required structures, fulfilling legal requirements, defining business operational rules, establishing market gap as well as coming up with parameters to satisfy customer needs. While coming up with business operational requirements during market gap analysis, organizational management was involved in a bid to make sure essential aspects were captured. Organizational management involves top level managers and owners’ who have clear understanding on the goals and expectations of the sigma culture coffee shop (Chen, Partington & Wang 2008, p. 661). These were key stakeholders’ in the establishment of coffee shop as they came up business ideas, suitable business location, raised required capital and oversaw launching of business. The next of group of individuals involved in business requirement definition was prospective customers. After identification of market gap, business owners are required to make sure a survey has been conducted to find out viability of upcoming services. Without thorough market research, it would have been difficult to understand customers’ need and expectations on the type of coffee (Kwak & Anbari 2009, p. 439). Once prospective customer opinion was collected, an analysis was done with aim of integrating the same to business operations. The last group involved all state government agencies which was required to approve and business operational permits.

Market Analysis and Business Requirement Validation

In order to make sure business requirements and documentation is done appropriately, data collection and analysis should be done with best tools ever (Williams 2017, p. 57). It is from this collected data that organization would be able to define business operational procedures with aim of retaining and attracting more customers. Some of the tools that was used in data collection aimed at capturing all prospective customers’ was questionnaire. Questionnaires were prepared to help capture the nature of the services if they were to be introduced, expected quality and its availability in the market. Besides, focus group was another important tool in evaluating requirements of the sigma coffee shop. It is from the focus group that researchers were able to define the extent of coffee consumption in the city. From focus group data, it was able to estimate the number of coffee consumers’. Out of 10 participants, seven of them were frequent coffee consumers’ but lacked appropriate joints to take quality coffee from. The final tool was document analysis which was meat to help gather data such as number of vegetarian in the city (Ghaeli 2018, p. 121-123). Higher number of vegetarian would indicate a positive response from the market.  From the document analysis, it was possible to learn that the number of Australian converting to vegetarian was quite promising to support operation of sigma coffee shop. Combination of all these tools and associated techniques made it possible to collect viable data which could be used to determine on business requirement adoption (Rabechini & Monteiro 2013, p. 6). These tools worked perfectly as they gave very accurate and reliable data which was used to make viable business decisions.  

Business requirement validation was an important criterion that could not be underrated by any business startup. Since several requirements were received from different stakeholders, it was important to analyze each in order to determine if it was viable or not (Lechler & Yang 2017, p.12). To validate an idea for implementation on business processes, several aspects such as number of consumers and cost of implementation had to be factored. A good example was deduced on evaluation of the type of coffee brand which most consumers’ preferred. In such a situation, the number of each type and brand had to be analyzed in order to determine if it would be viable to invest in them. For a coffee brand and type to be adopted as a viable one, it had to receive a 70% of demand in the market. Such a decision was made based on fact that, if a coffee type and brand had such consumption rate in the market, it must be of high demand. Similarly, the number of consumers in a given party of the city would influence the location of the sigma culture coffee shop. In this case, a business requirement on location of the coffee shop would definitely be based on number of consumers’ in the area. Sigma culture coffee shop had focused on establishing long term business operation which offers the best services in the city. In order to feature out in the market competitively, all business requirements such as whole-of-life or through-life support had to be factored (Tatar 2010, p. 19). This was made to make sure that sigma culture coffee shop captures all consumers’ in the market. It is important to note that, every market opportunity in the market should be considered in decision making when evaluating business requirements. Business requirement analysis and documentation is the key to success of every organization and sigma coffee shop cannot be an exception.    

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Data Collection Using Questionnaires, Focus Groups, and Document Analysis

In business development and implementation, organizations require capital to purchase, rent or outsource some of the services that supports business operations. Being a startup business, it was obvious that most of the tools and services had to be purchased or outsourced from other service providers. First, any startup do not have required staff to such as human resource manager to contact other staff recruitment in an organization (Jovanovic et al. 2016, p. 234). In this case, Sigma culture coffee shop was not an exception because it had to outsource human resource services from other firms. To get quality services, business owners had to approach some firms which offer personnel services. Once approached, managers gave out job description of the positions required as well as number of employees. This helped organization get qualified employees in its bid to offer cutting edge coffee services. To minimize on cost of bringing new employees on board, once human resource manager was recruited, all other staff members were vetted by managers with help of newly recruited human resource manager.

Similarly, purchase and leasing of services from different firms had to be conducted in order to make business implementation a success. A piece of land from which to operate from had to be leased for a maximum of three years with possibility of extension (Muszynska et al. 2015, p. 1361). In regard to renting and leasing, this was very hectic process because it was completely new process to managers. Getting a suitable location which was accessible by all target customers was one of the biggest challenge in the entire process of renting. Since this was a normal process which could be done managers, there was no need to outsource either leasing or renting services. To get in touch with land and other asset owners, advertisements and networking with friends was of great help. Considering the business was being set up within the city, it was possible for to get in touch with friends and asset owners easily. Establishing business within our locality which was quite familiar made it possible to start business without outsourcing some of the services.  

In order to make sure organization got quality services with reasonable prices, intensive and extensive evaluation of services had to be done. A good example can be deuced from purchase and outsourcing of goods and services (Sanchez-Morcilio & Quiles-Torres 2016, p. 69). A comparison evaluation sheet was developed to help keep tracker of services and cost from each service provider. Several service providers had to be approached in order to be able to access the market. Once all possible service providers were visited and data collected, managers had to sit down and analyze the data. The collected data had to be presented in form of tables, charts and graphs to make it simple to analyze and make decisions. The evaluation did not only factor out the cost of acquisition but a mirage of activities such as quality, available support in case required service need continuous maintenance and ease of accessing the service (Van & Steyn 2016, p. 159). In cases where service was to be administered by the provider directly to sigma culture coffee shop, the quality of services had to be evaluated by getting feedback from other consumers. Once feedback were received, an in-depth analysis had to be done in order to determine if feedback given was appropriate. Generally, all these metrics was only meant to evaluate the quality of goods and services before purchase and acquisition was done (Salamah & Alnaji 2014, p. 266).    

Business Establishment Process: Legal Requirements, Operational Rules, and Market Gap Analysis

Business implementation and operations are very sensitive as they require careful selection of tools and equipment to use. The selected tools and equipment was quite applicable as they helped sigma culture coffee shop to come up with viable business ideas. Outsourcing of some personnel, good and services was very helpful to organization as this was only done in cases where business managers had no alternative (Frefer et al. 2018, p. 2169). On the same note, tools chosen for data collection and analysis such as table, graphs and charts were very useful as they made decision making easier. On project environment, it was somewhat challenging as it required some of the critical aspects such as business location and consumer preferences. Business environment evaluation had to be done professionally to avoid business challenges that are associated with external business factors. The suitability of tools and methods used in the entire project can only be evaluated by analyzing the extent to which business benefited from them (Anantatmula 2010, p. 19). Since establishment and running of business has been successful, it would be worth to conclude that both methods and tools were quite appropriate. If any of the selected methods and tools would have been ineffective, it would have been impossible to implement sigma culture coffee shop successfully.            

Signing a contract between two parties has not been simple as it involves several steps which are complex in nature. Any contract should be signed in such a way that it bids all parties together. Being the first contract which was to involve huge sums of money, business owners had to be very careful to follow all required steps to the latter. In this regard, contract formation and management would be analyzed into details.

To make sure all best practices were followed during formation and signing of contract. The following steps had to be followed; an investigation was done with aim of establishing the both existing legal and business processes as well as its related transactions had were clear and followed. To be able to understand this, sigma culture coffee shop had to analyze prior contracts that business has entered with other organizations and their outcome (Justin, Mbabazize & Zenon 2016, p. 198). Secondly, to make sure all required information was available, business owners had to make sure they were working with actual, informed and appropriate representatives from the target company. At this point, the contract had to be taken back to top level management for review and signing. On sigma culture coffee culture shop, the top level management had been working on the entire business process. The third aspect that had to be considered was the contract scope in a bid to understand all contract documents (Svejvig & Andersen 2015, p. 284). In this regard, target organization was required to present past contracts as a sample of compliance to set procedures. The fourth aspect that focused on procedural tendering involved preparing both time and responsibility schedule to be used in discussion, revision and completion of all contracting processes. With all these process having been considered during contract formation, it is a proof the entire process was in accordance with best practices.  

Capital Acquisition and Outsourcing of Human Resource and Services

It was the dream of sigma culture coffee shop owners to have the project implemented successfully. In this case, having gone through several related contracts in order to understand all required information in to details, the contract was substantially prepared. Some of the contracts signed with other service providers included supply of some assets such as chairs, table and utensils, human resource services among others (Fan 2013, p. 9). A good example can be deduced from contracting of utensils such as cups which were to be used for taking coffee. In the contract, all details such as quality of the cups, quantity, color and marks had to be prescribed in the contract. Since all the contracts entered by sigma culture coffee shop and other business entities were executed successfully, that can be used as a clear proof of having delivered set objectives. If any of the contracts signed by the sigma culture coffee shop had not materialized, it would have been difficult to achieve organizational set goals.

Contract management involves several steps, tools and process in order to get it completed. In this case, combination of both tools and processes were used to facilitate contract actualization. First, contract management should consider ethical standards as they are quite important for any business and sigma culture coffee shop owners were very keen to make sure ethical concerns does not hinder smooth process of managing contracts signed with other firms (Serra & Kunc 2015, p. 64). To ascertain all ethical practices were considered during contract formation, ethical standards and guidelines checklist had to be used. The second tool was contract law checklist which was very useful in outlines key considerations in order to sign off a successful contract with no liabilities. Similarly, a five factor test was used determine whether the contract was to be awarded through agents. To integrate the entire contract processes, all available tools and processes such as preparing for contract signing and organizing for contract meetings had to be held as desired. During contract execution process, it was obvious that some processes did not conform to legal guidelines and had to be managed professionally in order to make sure project goals were executed as planned without project creep. To make contract management processes smooth, law requires that all stakeholders be on board before making some decisions. The law was used to create a common platform for all parties once they enter into the contract (Otniel, Nicolae & Claudiu 2012, p. 1014).

Analysis of Services for Reasonable Prices and Quality

Once objective of the project has been met, it important to close it and handover all the documents to the relevant bodies for closure. Normally, project closure happens after confirmation from all stakeholders’ quality project deliverables have been provided (Novo, Landis & Haley 2017, .p 75). This can only be met by having a well-documented criterion for performance clearly outlining all phases of project actualization. In the case of sigma culture coffee shop contracts with other service providers and suppliers, contracts were verified by keeping track of all processes. It was a simple process because before moving to the next stage of contract execution, the previous steps had to be fulfilled (Fitsilis & Chalatsis 2014, p. 131). Contract varication was mainly based on the following aspects; meeting contract terms such delivery on time, products and services meeting specification threshold as well as offering required support. In order to make sure all stakeholders are aware of completed milestones in contract execution, all stakeholders were notified over the mail (Furnell & Scott 2014, p. 899). To make it simple to verify the contact closure, all stakeholders were to check confirmation messages sent to them at intervals of project deliverables.

During project actualization, communication is a key factor to consider at all stages of execution. To make communication faster and effective, all communication was done over the mails and other interactive tools such as WebEx and skype for online meeting. The nature of the tool used to convey message and any other required data would be chosen in regard to stakeholder and urgency of the data (Keogh & Venables 2009, p. 156). For the purpose of sharing data, drives such as google drive was used. In cases where data could not be shared online due to sensitivity of the matter, physical delivery could be done. Despite having several means through which data and information could be shared, online interactive tools were highly recommended. In cases where clarification was required, phone calls could be used to make sure there is no delay due to lack of data. Important to note was that, communication had to be kept confidential by sending it to the right team.

Project handover is enough proof that all project goals have been met and should be passed to the owner. In this case, the nature of the contract would determine how it would be implemented. Some of the contracts would be actualized on phase while others would be implemented at cut-over date. Phased contract implementation was mainly on types of projects that involved quality testing before full delivery could be done (Cohen, Rozenes & Horowitz 2017, p. 96). The decision on handover had to be agreed among all stakeholders’ after careful analysis. The analysis had to factor out if there was need for support after implementation. It was obvious that the nature of project delivery had to be determined in advance in order to make it suitable in regard to its nature. According to Ogunde et al. (2017, p. 1236), the aim of having pre-determined delivery criterion was to align the entire handover process suitable to organizational operating environment. Therefore, having executed all project phases successfully, there are no doubts on suitability of the project handover technique chosen.

Structured Management Approach for Customer Satisfaction

To facilitate smooth handover process from various stakeholders, relevant documents were prepared to support the entire process. These documents forms parts of essential documents that should be presented on request by relevant authorities and stakeholders’. They include; project charter which explains project objectives, all stakeholders’ roles and responsibilities as well as key project stakeholders. , contract forms (Zwikael & Globerson, 2004, p. 1552). Similarly, statement of quantities had to be presented in order to be able to outline whatever had been done, prices involved in execution of the project and dimensions that had to be taken to execute project successfully. Finally, general project conditions descriptions had to be prepared to give an overview of how projects was executed, complaints raised by stakeholders, measures take to resolve disputes and success arte of the project. This is a surety that, all project goals, deliverables and ethical ethics had been followed and all stakeholders were ready to close the project.       

From the critical analysis, it was possible for learn that organizations and government agencies have not been following project execution life-cycle. Project execution is a process with specific execution strategies in relation to organizational goals. The next lesson learnt from sigma culture coffee shop project execution was that most of the project execution does not consider required ethical practices. Similarly, it was possible to note that many projects execution does not keep required project execution documents such as project charter and bill of qualities. Additionally, it was learnt that most of the contractual agreements do not follow required legal procedures and that has been the main reason why involved parties opt for simple means of dispute resolution. Finally, project execution has been challenging due to lack of required skills and experience in project management. In order to improve on project execution strategy, the following recommendations might be useful; state governments need to focus on educations that impact learners with project management skills. This will help not only government agencies but private sector with skilled and experienced employees who can delegated to execute any project without any doubts. On the same note, state governments need to enact and enforce rules and regulations which contractual obligations between transacting parties. This creates a sense of confidence among contracting parties. Some of the business have been collapsing because of signing contracts with organizations that do not honor contractual terms. If government would not necessary actions, it would be quite difficult for small businesses to succeed due to lack of genuine firms to sign deals with. Finally, it is important for all parties to consider keeping all project actualization documents. Some of these documents are prepared upon accomplishment of very important deliverable and they serve as a proof of meeting project objectives. With these requirements and considerations, organizations would be able to execute projects successfully. Every successful business in the industry is a benefit to citizens, state government and its owner.

Business Location and Competitive Advantage

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