Exams On: Conduct Exams Anywhere Anytime

Unique functionality for automatically checking student answers

The user interface of the online examination system is required to be designed include some unique functionality such as automatically check the answers given by the student. The interface is designed for different schools and colleges such that they can use it to test their pupils on a regular basis and improving their teaching line. For using the system the user is required to register into the system with their college IDs and an enrolment number is provided to them that is required to be used for participating in the online test.

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The questions of the test is required to be entered by the respective college or universities using their admin ID and password. The college have a different registration page and they need to upload the question in the database and activating the test system. After logging into the account the student can participate in mock test and a timer is used for that shows the time allocated to the user to complete the test. The student has the option to skip a question and complete it later to save their time. The criteria of the test is required to be filled by the college or the university and the system would act according to the criteria.

The online examination system is designed to save time and providing flexibility in the examination system. The result of the test can be displayed after the completion of the test and the student can review the question and find where they have made mistake. This increases the efficiency of the examination system. For designing the interface a simple layout is followed and light background colour is used such that the student can easily read the questions asked during the test. The simple design makes the website light such that it can load quickly on low internet connection.

High resolution graphical images are avoided and a standard font size for the text and the headings are used. The interface of the online examination system consists of a welcome page, two registration pages one for the student and the other for the university, insert course page, insert question page and insert test details page. The test page and the finish result page is also created such that the developer can develop the original website according to the designed interface.

Project Scope

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The main scope of the project is to involve more number of universities and colleges to use the online examination system and change the current examination system. More features can be added in the website for improving the system such as providing unique ID for each of the enrolled university. The positive and negative marks for answering the questions can be applied depending on the rule of the university.

A scholarship scheme can also be applied for the students topping in the exams and for them some sponsorship can be provided that would help them for further higher education. The control of modification of the information entered during the enrolment is required to be provided to the university such that they can modify their data if there is a change in the course and add courses in the examination chain. The result of the student is required to be mailed to the university such that they also have a record of their students who have participated in the online test.

Registration for institutes and students with unique credentials

Business and User Requirements

Business Requirement

The business requirement identified for proceeding with the interface design for the online examination system are listed as follows:

  • Save time of the university and the teaching faculty for checking the answer sheet of the students
  • Reduces the cost of maintaining the university information system if they want to use their information system for conducting the test
  • Increasing the accuracy of the e2xaminatuon system and reduce the wastage of papers and other organizational resources

The user requirement identified for proceeding with the interface design for the online examination system are listed as follows:

  • To review the questions and answer given by the student and display the information regarding the marks awarded for each of the questions
  • To display all the information regarding the exam details and rules and regulations required to be followed by the student for conducting the examination
  • To display the time left for completion of the test and providing skip function such that the student can jump to the next question if they are unable to solve it.

The key assumption made for designing the website interface is that the website would work efficiently and respond to the user on handling more than 1000 students at a time. The users using the online examination system would be comfortable with the English language and have skills to run basic application of a computer. There is future scope of improvement of the website and the database of the website is secured from external access such that the hacker cannot modify the result generated from the test and increase the efficiency of the system.

Design Process

For designing the web interface the requirement of the project is required to be analysed and the constraints affecting the project is also required to be analysed. The system is required to be designed to be able to handle errors such as if a situation occurs that the validation does not hold true an appropriate error message is required to be displayed to the user for completing the design. For designing the data flow diagram of the project is analysed for identification of the flow of the information and the process for identification of the input and the output of the project (Chen, 2013). The flaws associated with the manual examination system is also required to be analysed and it should be removed in the online examination system for increasing the efficiency of the project.

The fields required to be included for filling the tables of the database is also required to be included in the interface design for the development of the project. Authorization that is required to be given is analysed for designing the registration page (Tasdemir et al., 2015). The design of the user interface is kept user friendly and it is required to be reliable such that the user feel that the information are secured. A prototype of the user interface is created for evaluation and it is required to be approved by the stakeholders associated with the project.

An appropriate methodology for designing the interface is required to be chosen and here the iterative method is chosen for proceeding with the interface design. There are different online and offline tools for designing the user interface, in the project pencil is used as a web interface designing tool for creation of the user interface of the online examination system (McKusick, Neville-Neil & Watson, 2014). The interface design would help the website development team to create the website according to it and thus help in rapid deployment of the website.

The components identified for the preparation of the user interface of the online examination system are as follows:

Use of text- short text are used in the web interface such that the user can read the content of the website at a glance and thus save their time and concentrate on the online test.

Admin controls for uploading questions and setting criteria

Use of add space- A space is kept for advertisement since it is a non-profitable website and the advertisement would be the source of income of the website.

Use of header- each of the pages are designed to have a proper title such that the user can understand the purpose of the page and it also helps the developer to link the pages for proper navigation.

Simple design- The design of the website interface is kept simple contrasting the background and the text. The simple design reduces the response time and creates less load on the server.

Search- A search function is integrated with the website that allows the student to search for the university and the course offered and directly jump on the university link for proceeding with the online test.

Consistency- All the pages are filled with information such that the user does not feel that the pages are inconsistent and minimum 50 words are used for filling the content of the website and using more than 50 words would make the website clumsy.

Use of colour, frames and sections

Appropriate colours and fonts are used for designing the interface of the online examination system. The utilization of frames for planning the site UI is dodged in light of the fact that it makes the site substantial and troublesome for the engineer to alter the framework amid the upkeep stage. Rather than utilizing outlines areas and side bars are utilized that can be effectively adjusted. For the foundation of the website page straightforward and light hues are picked while in the front brilliant pictures and dim shaded content are utilized for making the plan appealing. The use of the sections helps the maintenance staffs to update the user interface without working on the whole interface design.

Help and user assistance functions

The help and the user assistance function is embedded in the navigation bar of the website interface such that the student can contact the technical staffs and the customer care representatives if they face any problem regarding the usage of the website. The help work helps the client to get associated with the client agents and tackle any issue they are confronting in regards to the use of the site. Besides a criticism alternative is likewise given in the website page to such an extent that the client can rate and remark on the client encounter they had with the online examination framework.

Use of icons

Since it is an educational website buttons are used instead of icons for giving the website a traditional feeling. The icons are used in appropriate places such that the user can find the usability of the icon and the icons are design such that the meanings of the icons can be easily understood by the student. The icons have a standard size and a consistent message is embedded in the icon for creation of an effective website interface design.

User task navigation

The route of the website page is intended to keep up a stream of data in the site page. A site guide is required to be set up for characterizing the route of the errand and plan the interface concurring the stream of data. Short substance and legitimate images are used as a piece of the site interface arrangement to make the customer grasp the usability and effect on tapping the image or the association. The recognizing evidence of the customer parts and commitment is moreover basic for the headway of the site interface layout. A model of the web UI is expected for support before starting the progression of the main webpage interface arrange. The purpose of the webpage sketching out is to incorporate uniqueness and help the customer to investigate to different site pages without feeling redirected.

Timer for time management during tests

Objectives and user requirement


Design justification


Search bar

The design is kept simple such that the loading time of the website is faster and a search function is integrated for the student such that they can search using their University ID and jump into the online test.


Navigation Tab

New student can register into the system and fill their details for getting a unique ID that is required for the online examination and recording the details of the student.

Course details


A course details button is added in the profile of the student to see the details of the examination status and the upcoming examination that the user have to give and prepare themselves for the examination.

University details


The university details button is also added in the profile of the student such that the customer can click on the button to fetch the details of the courses available in the university such that they can enrol to another course

Take Test


The icon is designed for assisting the student to click on the option a short description is embedded with the icon for creation of an effective interface design.



The result icon is placed at the middle of the page after displaying a dialogue of test completed to help the user to view the marks they have obtained after giving the test.



The student can review the result of the test by clicking on the review icon and view the answers they have given and the answers for the wrong answers are also given on the website.

Success Criteria

The users of the online examination system are mainly the student and the university and they are required to be divided and a unique ID is required to be provided to the users and the university. The registration page of the website is required to be designed to record all the details of the university and the student for increasing the efficiency of the system.

The details of the university and the student is required to be recorded for aligning the student results with the university such that the teachers can have all the details of the students.  

Usability Testing and Evaluation

Evaluation aims

The main aim of the project is to develop an online examination system and the main rationale of the project is to include different university and colleges to use the online examination system and motivate them to move their examination system to online platform. The venture has various points of interest including time administration, easy to understand, security and privacy, openness and adaptability, decreased manual work and cost sparing.

On one hand, organizations will have the capacity to enter and alter the inquiries alongside the arrangements of the understudies and then again, results can be seen without even a moment’s pause. Besides, online examination framework likewise enables understudies to view test papers for practice and gives them a chance to have a go before the genuine test is directed. In addition, the product has a tendency to decrease manual work, looks after precision, expands productivity and spares a great deal of time.

Evaluation methodology

It comprises of four principle steps, for example,

  • Definition of the parameters are required to be assessed
  • Determination of the requirements for which the assessment is performed.
  • Determination of the components that are required to be accounted for to the evaluator
  • Using an appropriate arrangement of rules that ought to be taken after for the usage of the assessment.
  • Designing the strategies that is required to be utilized for playing out the assessment
  • Determination of the proof and tests that is required for the assessment
  • Determination of the routes for the accumulation of the proof
  • Setting an arrangement for playing out the assessment
  • Setting the models utilized for assessment
  • Collection of the proof
  • Documentation of the discoveries
  • Reporting and taking choice
  • The nature of the site is checked and answered to the proprietor and the advancement group
  • Decision is taken with respect to the change of the outline in the wake of dissecting the discoveries
  • The result is report fittingly

Test audience selection and ethical considerations

The audience chosen for the assessment of the UI configuration ought to be acquainted with utilizing other online examination sites accessible in the market. They ought to likewise have some information in regards to the web surfing and ready to dissect the diverse issue related with the web interface plan. The distinctive hazard related with the web interface is likewise required to be broke down by the test crowd and the advancement group is required to be required for settling the blunder and build up the venture productively.

Evaluation experiments

It is performed to gather and build up the venture including the arranging and rules taken after for the advancement of the framework UI outline.

The choice of the improvement approach is vital for dissecting the chance of the blessing shop and adjust the advancement procedure as indicated by the necessity of the venture. The assessment of the test techniques is additionally imperative and the surveys of the specialists and the testing gathering of people is required to be dissected for the fruitful organization of the venture.

A model is required to be chosen for distinguishing proof of the mistakes and settling the hazard related with the advancement procedure. Specialized staffs with skill and consistency ought to be included and mechanized devices can be utilized for the investigation of the consistency of the web interface.

Efficient and reliable result generation

The outcome is likewise required to be recorded and affirmed for playing out an intellectual walkthrough on the advancement procedure and the change procedure that can be connected is required to be dissected for settling the blunders in the present system.

Analysis methodology and procedures.

The status of the momentum improvement of the web interface can be examined and inquired about applying a proper system and approach. Polls can be made for making inquiry on various fields of the web composition. The gathering of analyser is required to answer the inquiries set on the surveys and the consistency and ease of use of the site is required to be broke down from the diverse answers given by the testing group. The subtle elements of the site ought to be accessible to the client and after an effective examination the layout or the structure of the framework is required to be changed.

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