Excavation And Construction Of An Olympic Size Swimming Pool In Oran Park
- December 28, 2023/ Uncategorized
WHS (Work, Health, and Safety) Issues
The Oran Park is a housing development project initiated in the south west of Sydney in the Marcathur area in the newly created south wales Australia. Initially, the area was a home to one Murigong where he used to rear his Merino sheep (Maddox, 2018). The Oran park development project was initiated to replace the Oran raceway which stood the test of time and has been here since 1962 to 2010 until it was replaced with this promising development plan.The Oran park has been a beehive of activities from being the commercial area of the region housing the Oran park podium which stores goods and services to be used by the members of the community. The park also houses a housing scheme which is used by the members f the community to set up affordable rental services in the region. The area has seen an improvement in population density. According to the 2016 census, the area has a population of about 4765 residents(Willis, 2010). The region has a mix of native Australians and a mix of some Spanish speaking communities who leave in harmony. The area is under the jurisdiction of the Camden council and managed by the Camden mayor.
When our group visits the Park for a grand tour of the facilities, we realized that their swimming pools were not to the standards of the Olympic, and there were hardly any swimming pools except in the expensive hotels and motels of the park. With the growing population of the working class around the park, we felt the people deserve a standard swimming pool to enhance recreation and fitness that will intern enhance their productivity in their workplaces. The pool will also be a form of enhancing fitness and physical therapy which is a preventive measure to thwart future illness, swimming pool provides perhaps the best form of exercise for our body by enhancing metabolic activities in the body. The pool will also serve as an entertainment spot for the people around the park as it can be used to host swimming competitions from an Olympic perspective. The above reasons prompted the group to come up with a report detailing how we are going to achieve the construction of the Olympic size pool centralising our report from construction perspective, the various ground works and earthwork needed, the tools we envision to use, the machinery that will help us achieve the objectives, various safety measure and environmental concerns that we shall put into consideration when making the plan. The excavation and the construction methods to be used, the cost estimations among others. The report shall be vital for the final implementation of the project(Oran Park Town Art and Craft Markets | Sydney, Australia – Official Travel & Accommodation Website, 2018).
The International Labour Organization (ILO) established the code of safety regulation in the industrial establishments in 1949 whose aim was to set up good practice and standards that could be followed global and install practices where one does not exist. Acquisition of tools and machinery should ensure they conform to the ILO regulation so that their operations are safe. This shall be the first issue we shall deal with when procuring the earthwork machinery we shall use. Most safety concerns arise from non-coordination of most of the critical tasks in the construction sites, This has caused a lot of injuries to some coworkers who are not in sync with each other on their operations(Behm, 2005). The group shall divide the work according to specialty and assign the most qualified individual in that field to lead the team. Thi shall reduce the risks associated with lack of proper coordination among the coworkers when we shall be implementing the construction. Another great risk associated with handling the machinery are the defects associated with some of the machinery. This defects if not identified earlier and corrective measures taken to reduce the threat materializing. The group has assigned the quality assurance team to ensure all the construction equipment are standardized and that their defects are detected earlier and a corrective plan in place to mitigate such risks. The construction site will be off-limits for minors as they may pose serious risks if allowed near the machinery. The group shall use signposts signals to deter any minor from accessing the swimming pool while under construction and even during its opera the management of the pool shall take due diligence to deter minors from accessing the pool without the guidance of an adult. This shall enhance the safety of the minors in the pool vicinity. Another critical safety issue in the management of wastes from the construction site. Such wastes as used scrap metals and other metallic substances if not properly disposed of can not only cause serious injuries to the general public but also cause a serious environmental degradation since most of them are non-biodegradable. The group shall implement a cycle a waste management policy derived from the ILO standards to ensure the environment, safety, and health hazards are reduced to a minimum.
Major earthwork machinery and handheld devices
All these safety regulations shall regulations shall be in compliance with the government construction act of 2006 which requires all the players in the construction industry must adhere to the requirements of providing safe spaces during and after the completion of the various groundbreaking projects(Dingsdag, Sheahan and Biggs, 2006).
The groundbreaking machinery we shall use in the proposed project is outlined as follows,
Escavator shall be used to lift heavy machinery that the group shall be utilized to complete the earthwork to be done. This is due to their long bucket arms like structure which they use to lift long objects(Miyaoka and Yano, 1999).
Backhoe Loaders
This machinery which to many looks like a tractor but in reality has some difference with the conventional tractors. The shovel embedded at the back and front shall be used to dig the ground for constructing the swimming pool. Our choice for this machinery is its ability to be used in physically restrained areas while still
Bulldozers are perhaps the most known machinery in the market as it is known for its heavy-duty ready made. This will be used to shift a large amount of dirt from the dugged ground for laying the foundation of the swimming pool (Harold, 1941)
Skid Steer Loaders
This machinery is particularly best for small sites like the proposed swimming pool. It is relatively very easy to use and being on the wheels it has quick turning range.
Excavations and method of construction
The swimming pool groundbreaking requires a special type of excavation know the earth excavation whose details and operations is detailed hereinafter.
Earth Excavation Methodology
This method of excavation starts with the survey of the soil to be excavated, how the machines shall access the site, the environment around the swimming pool. The process we shall follow is as outlined below,
Excavation and Construction Process
The excavation will be preceded by ensuring the area of the park where the pool is to be constructed is properly cleared of any vegetation and trees. This will be followed by a thorough landscaping of the area. On the day of the actual excavation, the machines shall be transported to the site. The bulldozer shall be used to to remove the upper top soil quickly. This activity usually lead to heaps of topsoil. This shall be collected by the bulldozer in a pile so as to be tied again on top of the back fill. Some of this dirt shall be used fill the spaces around the walls of the pool.
The vinyl method of excavation adopted for this pool will ensure the digging is in two parts, the first step will involve over digging the one side unto approximately 24-30 inches larger than the to be completed size of the pool. The walls shall be 42 inches long, so literally their will be 42 holes which are 2 feet wider than but of the same shape as the to be finished pool.
The second phase phase will be to dig the deeper end of the pool. The outline of the vinyl is outlined by a maker and be used as a guide for the operator of the bulldozer. This part nature of the deep end will require a little digging around the corners to ensure they are firm.
Excavations and method of construction
Wall installation is a critical part of the pool construction, since it enhances the structural integrity of the pool. Once the overseeing the various ares where the wall will be tied to, the panels of the wall will be connected to each other using bolts and some kicker legs. Once the assembling is done, we will use a transit to ensure the pool is leveled on all its corner sand that the bolts are tightened. Once the the tightening is done, the concrete will be dumped along the pool edges. Our team shall level I through the base of the pool to a depth of 10inches fill the areas which were overdue.
Based on the the nature of the soil, elevation of the site and the budgetary constraints, we settled to use a poured concrete floor, which shall be done on the same day as the day we shall lay foundation. We shall pour the concrete on a 6*8 inch pad which shall be placed on the deep bottom of the floor and we shall use the verniculite for the shallow ends of the pool. All the three types of liner floor material which shall be made of vinyl shall be spread up to a depth of 1-3 inches in thickness. This shall be a one day operation.
Plumbing step in the pool construction is vital to ensure smooth inlet and outlet of water into and out of the pool respectively. We shall dig a trench from where the pumping system is based and the filter all the way to the pool. We shall then connect PVC pipes which will be laid in the dug trenches and connect using glue. The pipes shall connect to the pool via the main drain system in the deep end floor. The other end of the pipes shall have valves to control the flow of water in and out of the pool.
The electrician shall using the dug trenches to lay their conduits before the earth workers back fill . The electrical current shall majorly be used to power the underground lighting subsystem. The lights niches shall be placed strategically on the wall mainly in the deep end
The surface soil or material dirt is settled up against the walls of the pool, and compress every foot of depth. Then, it should be watered very generously, to help the dirt settle down even more. On top of the soil is ordinarily placed 3-4 inches of blue stone gravel, in the areas where you will plan to have a pool platform installed. (WORK PROCEDURE – EXCAVATION, 2018).
The excavation process shall incorporate some temporary structures that shall enable us to undertake the excavation process, this includes,
The temporary fence around the proposed swimming pool working area thing is particularly important to keep would-be intruders at bay from the working space. This is a security concern for us. In addition, it will help us reduce vandalism of the various equipment and machinery we proposed to use
Ladder and Temporary Stairway, The ladder and temporary stairway shall be used by our workers to enhance movement to and from the dug swimming poll. This reduces the risk of falling over into the dip which could cause death, the ladder used here are temporary.
Several calculations and estimation methods have been used in the proposed earthwork of the pool, they are explained below
Measuring Earthwork Volume
We have used the depth area method to estimate the earthwork volume, the algorithm is illustrated below;
V=Volume in cubic yards
A=Surficial slope area
T=Thickness of strata. (Slattery, Slattery and Peterson, 2011)
The above method measure the volume by multiplying the surface area of the site and the thickness of the earthwork
This is a measure of the quantity that the earth foundation requires plus the foundation’s backfill below the pipe. The algorithm is defined below;
W=2W +B-2A/12 (Houlsby, 1990)
This report was meant to provide an overview of the proposed project in the Oran park area. The Olympic size swimming pool was in particular described in details on the appropriate earthwork and excavation technologies that can be used to aid in the overall groundwork activities in the project. Various machinery and equipment deemed important for the project have been explained, Some estimation techniques described to help ensure the ground cost and volume estimates are properly done to ensure the success of the swimming pool in Oran.
Anon 2018. Oran Park Town Art and Craft Markets | Sydney, Australia – Official Travel & Accommodation Website. [online] Available at: <https://www.sydney.com/destinations/sydney/sydney-west/camden/events/oran-park-town-art-and-craft-markets> [Accessed 22 May 2018].
Anon 2018. WORK PROCEDURE – EXCAVATION. [online] Available at: <https://theconstructor.org/practical-guide/work-procedure-excavation/1632/> [Accessed 22 May 2018].
Behm, M., 2005. Linking construction fatalities to the design for construction safety concept. Safety science, 43(8), pp.589–611.
Dingsdag, D.P., Sheahan, V.L. and Biggs, H.C., 2006. Safety Culture in the Construction Industry: Changing behavior through enforcement and education?
Harold, S., 1941. Bulldozer construction. Google Patents.
Houlsby, A.C., 1990. Construction and design of cement grouting: a guide to grouting in rock foundations. John Wiley & Sons.
Maddox, G., 2018. Oran Park, the suburb that’s grown from a population of 0 to 7500 in eight years. [online] The Sydney Morning Herald. Available at: <https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/oran-park-the-suburb-that-s-grown-from-a-population-of-0-to-7500-in-eight-years-20180301-p4z2bb.html> [Accessed 22 May 2018].
Miyaoka, S. and Yano, K., 1999. Excavator. Google Patents.
Slattery, K.T., Slattery, D.K. and Peterson, J.P., 2011. Road construction earthwork volume calculation using three-dimensional laser scanning. Journal of surveying engineering, 138(2), pp.96–99.
Willis, I., 2010. Oran Park. Sydney Journal, 3(1), pp.44–51