Experience Comfort, Security, And Authenticity At Midland Tourist Park

Affordable Tourist Hotel in Swan Valley Western Australia


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Discuss about the Essentials of Strategic Planning and Authenticity.

Tourism has been the backbone of various economies across the globe. The most natural tourist destination has been consistently leading when it comes to attracting tourists. Midland Tourist Park is one of the most affordable tourist hotels. It is situated in Swan Valley in Western Australia. Situated on the edge of the lovely Swan Valley, it gives the most outstanding experience to tourists. It also offers tourist free Wi-Fi.

The rooms are very tidy and comfortable. There are spacious living as well as dining areas giving one a real home environment. These rooms are fitted with very nicely made pull out sofas. Midland’s individual cabins are simple and comfortable. The rooms are well maintained to give tourists an outstanding experience. These rooms are designed to give tourists the feeling of being home. It is one of the best place one can rest after a long day’s drive. Some of the rooms have kitchens. There are also spacious bathrooms fitted with Jacuzzi bathtubs.

Midland Tourist Park is located in Western Australia on the edge of the lovely Swan Valley. This location is advantages to this hotel as it is one of the features that attract tourists to Midland Tourist Park. Cavershan Wildlife Park is located just 12 kilometers from Midland Park. This makes Midland Tourist Park one of the must go to destinations in Australia and in the world. The Park is also just 4 kilometers away from Sandalford Wines.

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This Tourist Park targets the entire Australian market and by extension the world market. The Australian market alone is huge and untapped. Various tourists are consistently in search of better tourist homes. There is a real need for a home-like an environment and those tourist parks that provide this environment stand a better chance of getting more clients.

Companies keen on ensuring that customers get satisfactory services all across the globe. In this regard, several companies including those in the tourism industry are consistently stressing on the need to bring comfort to customers and improving customers experience when they (customers) interact with organizations. Concentrating on expanding fulfillment is essential. It is important to ensure that clients are more joyful with the services they receive. This ought to be the number one goal of every organization. Organizations that can skillfully deal with the aspect of improving customers experience stand a better chance of getting more benefits. Some of the key benefits, in this case, include improving customer loyalty and expanding the organization’s revenue.

Comfortable Rooms with Home-Like Environment

Several companies face severe competition. A good example is Midland Tourist Park. This tourist park is facing competition from the Australian maturing market. The prevailing situation is somehow made complicated by escalating costs. Keeping best customers thus calls for serious changes that ensure that customers get the best experience. This is what has brought about the concept of ‘home’ as a way to design tourist parks, to develop tourist parks, to market tourism destination and to deliver the hospitality experience in order to keep the best customers. Providing maximum comfort to tourists especially those that travel as a family has been a serious challenge to various tourist organizations. The typical reason why this has been a problem is well understood. Some of the factors that fuelled this problem had to do with pricing. The huge prices have cost many customers to leave. Midland has been able to incorporate the home concept in its operations in order to bring about affordability, comfort and outstanding experience. This has seen it retain some of its loyal customers while also increasing its revenue base.

It is the duty of every organization to work towards improving the experience of its guests. Guests are very sensitive and whenever they hear about a particular venue or tourist attraction, they often come to visit (Adner, 2012)When they leave, they may choose to come back or never to come back. This will depend much on the experience they receive. An outstanding experience will keep them coming back. Guest experience is thus a very important component in the tourism industry.

The experience cycle begins with organizations marketing efforts. These efforts involving such things as communication (Betts, 2014). Effective communication is essential. A business must communicate clearly what it has to offer in order to appeal to customers. At the same time, this communication must be able to leave room for the organization to deliver an outstanding experience that is by far greater than the expectation created by the communication process.

For Midland Tourist Park, the entire duration of the experience must be able to deliver moments of truth effectively. Tourist needs to experience genuine interactions (Dransfield & Needham, 2014). This is the only way in which the desire to return can be planted into the tourists. This is the surest way of achieving customer loyalty. One of the areas in which Midland is lacking as an industry has to do with the post visiting component. Midland appears not to be aggressive when it comes to obtaining feedback tourist. This is one area that presents one of the best ways to get repeat clients.

Attractions Near Midland Tourist Park

Comfort and security are the keywords that form the definition of a home. The home concept appeals to a guest’s security and comfort. Comfort and security are paramount. In their absence, there is no home.  A home has to be a place where one hides from the hustle and bustle of life (Whittington, et al., 2013). It is a place to relax, recover and connect with friends, family members and with nature. A home is a place to refresh and recover one’s spent energy. It is a place to cool off. By adopting this home concept, the tourism industry is trying to give customers a place to recover, refresh and restore oneself (Steiner, 2014).Tourist often looks for a safe haven, a comfort zone. A place to interact with family and nature. By adopting the concept of a home for purposes of marketing and delivering services, it tends to appeal to the innermost being of tourists. It is simply communicating a message that it is offering the best environment for tourists to be themselves.

Authenticity is a very important element when it comes to tourism. Tourists are no longer satisfied tourist activities that are superficial (Steiner, 2015). This is why it is evident that tourists tend to be in such of in-depth understanding of their specific destinations. What tourists need is an authentic lifestyle. This is why the home concept has all over suddenly gained much relevance in the tourism industry (Ngeleza, 2012). Authentic customs and cultures also appeal very much to tourists. Tourists are driven more by the desire to see what is normal. This is why a given destination may be preferred over a given destination. Without being authentic, it will be impossible to appeal to tourists. Nearly all tourists prioritize authenticity. This is one thing they would like to experience in their travel experience.

As the tourism business advances and develops, staff members need to keep pace with new improvements. Assessing whether the business needs preparing or not is the initial step. Once holes in the abilities of staff members it is possible to address them. 

Preparation is essential and can give points of interest to a business. One can thus enhance their client’s administration and representative profitability, persuade a staff and keep the operation current (Jackson, 2014)

It is essential to evaluate whether there is need to prepare staff members in a given way.

Checking whether new staff member needs more training is very important steps and need to be taken in training the staff further (Freedman, 2013).

Importance of ‘Home’ Concept in Tourism Industry

Look for Feedback: It is possible to find some shrouded preparing needs that make an interpretation of into chances to enhance benefit conveyance. There are basic ways that can be used to gather data,

Follow up on Complaints and Frequent Problems: Receiving protestations from clients or staff doesn’t really show an act of futility and must go. Maybe there is essentially an inadequacy that could be effectively amended with preparing. Whenever mistakes or dissensions are conveyed to one’s consideration, it is important to investigate the issue and decide if preparing may fathom it.

Get ready New Hires: When new cutting-edge specialists are pronounced, they regularly need to be propelled aptitudes in client administration and interchanges.  These need to be addressed immediately. Nature of administration impacts the guest encounter, which influences the organization’s main concern: preparing is an unquestionable requirement for new contracts.

Hold Employees: Recruiting new contracts is one issue; holding them over the long haul is another. Diminish representative turnover by making preparing openings accessible to those looking to propel their professions inside the business and inside one’s organization.

Organize: It is essential to take time to assess what the organization stands to pick up via preparing its representatives. Where would one be able to make the best utilization of preparing? Who can profit most?

By being proactive in supporting staff to prepare and improve on a continuous premise, one can help staff members to work to their maximum capacity. Surveying where preparing will be most noteworthy incentive in one’s organization and executing it in the long haul will at last better the client encounter and enhance organizations main concern (Dransfield, 2012).

The design of the home concept should take into consideration the nearest visitors center and work to help provide a navigable dashboard that guests can visit. It is important to have in place key concepts that tourists may be interested in. The design must be user-friendly and simple to use.

Utilizing online media is essential in finding clients. This is because tourists also use social media to find the best spots, to design their agenda, as well as to offer their recollections with companions (Dransfield, 2012).

The challenging bit of using social media is that it doesn’t sit flawlessly in one place of an organization’s guest’s trip. The social media may be the place guests initially get roused to take in more about an organization’s scene or goal. But at the same time, it’s the place where they find out about a tourist Parks services. They can then choose to visit or not to visit depending on the information they get and how it is conveyed.

Training Staff to Enhance Customer Service and Retention

Some two solutions need to be executed concurrently for the benefit of future activities. The first one being capitalizing on repurchase expectations. This is with regard to the home concept since tourist currently need comfortable and secure environments. The second solution deals with the influence the use of a positive word of mouth. Amid each conceivable open door, there is the need to advancing forthcoming occasions, advancements, bargains, or anything another thing that may urge visitors to return. It is also important to give guests certain incentives as well. This incentives need to offer more comfort. Incentives need to be aimed at improving the comfort of the tourists in order to help achieve the home concept and enhance customer loyalty to Midland Tourist Park services. This can be achieved through investment in referrals. These referrals will depend on the tourist’s demographics and the nature of the business. When tourists are satisfied with a given service, they will bring others along with them. The organization can then put the new customers through a similar action cycle. Midland, for instance, must consider such things as making ambassadors out of its guests. This is one sure way of generating guest loyalty. The good thing about this is that guest loyalty comes naturally. It is never forced.


Tourists’ priorities are changing. To stay relevant, tourist destinations will need to look into various aspects. Guest experience, staff training as well as design and marketing trends and styles are also changing with the tide. Today’s tourist prioritizes authenticity. Authenticity is turning into an inexorably significant product in the tourism business. The ever-increasing number of travelers consistently try to submerge themselves in neighborhood societies and situations that are authentic in nature. From eating at a nearby eatery to going to war-torn clash zones, tourists are prioritizing authenticity. Tourism suppliers might feel the strain to concoct increasingly unique “true” encounters. However, it’s really an open door – now suppliers can give individuals the ability to co-develop their own particular validness. Midland Tourist Park will have to seriously embrace authenticity in order to appeal more and more to repeat client. The good news is that Midland is already an authentic tourist destination.

Adner, R., 2012. The changing face of Tourism. New York: Penguin.

Betts, R. K., 2014. Tourism and the economy. Princeton: Woodrow Wilson School for Public and International Affairs, Princeton University.

Dransfield, R., 2012. Tourism in the 21st century. Chicago: Heinemann.

Dransfield, R. & Needham, D., 2014. Business Studies. Fourth ed. New York: Penguin.

Freedman, L., 2013. Strategy: A History of Australian Tourism. United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.

Jackson, D., 2014. Essential to strategic management of Tourism in Australia. UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Ngeleza, B., 2012. A Critique Of Prescriptive Views In Strategic Management of Tourism. Research Gate, IV(10), pp. 1-2.

Steiner, G. A., 2014. Importance of Strategic Planning in Tourism. New York: Simon and Schuster.

Steiner, G. A., 2015. Essentials of Strategic Planning and Authenticity in Tourism. New York: Simon and Schuster.

Whittington, R., Johnson, G. & Kevan, S., 2013. Benefits of Domestic Tourism. New York: CRC Press.