Exploring Social Exclusion, Population Groups And Health Outcomes


The 1951 refugee Convention which related to the state of refugees in the country and therefore, in the process they defines the key international legal document which mentioned that definition of refugee. as pet the Article 1A(2) mentioned in the 1951 Refugee convention , refugee is the person, who is living outside his country or residence that made him fearful to other people because of his different race, nationality, religion and sociality (Hatoss 2012). Further, it also states that the refugee individual are generally unable or unwilling to go back to their own nation because of the fear of persecution (Hollifield, Martin and Orrenius 2014). The life of refugees are full of negativity, social discrimination, racial, gender and cultural discrimination and hence, it is important that governments and world leaders and the United Nations to think about their resettlement and their inclusion in the human society so that they can lead their life with each of their fundamental (Andrade and Doolin 2016).

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In this assignment, a detailed discussion about the social exclusion of refugee people in Australian society will be discussed further the experience of the population at individual, community and society level will be discussed with health and wellbeing related issues the social exclusion determined for the refugee population in the country. Finally, ethnicity will be used as the theoretical perspective using which the population inclusion can be conducted in the healthcare perspective of the chosen population.

Social exclusion is one of the major aspects due to which diversity and multicultural communities are unable to live in that society and faces major conflict or differences. the social exclusion related factor is one of the useful key concepts using which the  Australian government is trying for the resettlement of the refugee community in the Australian society so that their social life can be balanced and the disempowerment and inequalities present in the society could be removed (Piškur et al. 2014). There are several concepts related to social exclusion of refugee community in the Australian society such as adverse incorporation, social discrimination, and voluntary exclusion using which the world is trying to include the community hailing from their land to the country they have taken shelter in (Moulaert, MacCallum and Hillier 2013).

Social integration is the concept in which discussion about the promotional values, relations and institutions that enable the population to take part in the social, economic and political events of the society (Murphy 2012). This is because, refugee population also hold the rights related to equality, dignity and equity. However, it should also be mentioned that prior to social integration, nations should focus on the social inclusion and cultural homogenization so that prior to providing them with rights of the host country the people of that country understand their culture and accept them, in the society (Piškur et al. 2014). Voluntary exclusion is the concept in which, some of the voluntary community exclude them from the society due to the existing fear and hence, it is the duty of the governments to include them in the society (Fozdar 2012). These communities can be the refugee community as after entering a new country they are unable to understand the rules and regulation, policies, and the culture of the society. Hence, they try to confine themselves away from the society so that they cannot break any rule of the society (Moulaert, MacCallum and Hillier 2013). Therefore the Australian government should implement this concept to decrease the social exclusion related incidents of refugee community in society. The adverse incorporation or third concept is related to adverse incorporation due to which discrimination with poor and sufferers of inequalities are identified and then by including them in the social events the political and economic concepts are changed. The governments should think about all these concepts prior to perform actions to remove the issues that promote social exclusion in the society (Piškur et al. 2014).

Key Concepts Related to Social Exclusion of Refugee Community in the Australian Society

Prior to discussing about the incidents which is responsible for the refugee exclusion in the society, it should be mentioned that the government involved all the refugees, asylum seekers and homeless people in the strategic planning so that all the fundamental demand and help could be provided to the people who are included in the society (Alam and Imran 2015). The primary purpose of the refugee inclusion strategy, against the social exclusion should include a clear strategy so that all the members who are working for the inclusion of these people can be provided with a clear idea about the topic (Fozdar and Hartley 2013). Further, the government strategize that they will provide the refugee camps with all the necessary products to make their life comfortable and provide them chance to think about their future within or outside the host country (Abdelkerim and Grace 2012).

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For the inclusion of refugee community, against the exclusion policies, in the Australian society, the government decides several principles that underpins the refugee inclusion strategy and these are as follows:

  • Refugees and asylum seeker are ordinary common people who are stuck in extraordinary circumstances in other country and due to which, they have to be provided with grace and dignity and respect so that they can live their life without any fear and discrimination in the society (Fozdar and Hartley 2013).
  • The government differentiates between social exclusion and assimilation of cultures, Assimilation abandons the differences of cultures forcefully and hence, it can be risky for such a diverse community loving in Australia. Therefore, the government decoded to provide social inclusion a base of humanity and human involvement so that without any discrimination, everyone can be provided with a strategy related to social inclusion of refugees (Alam and Imran 2015).
  • The government determined that the refugees will be included in the society by providing them with the ability to take part in healthcare, education and other social events. This was helpful for the community as well as for the people as they were benefitted with the social support and successful inclusion in the society (Lloyd et al. 2013).
  • Despite of the fact that all the refuges are similar for the government of the country their have taken asylum in, but for the refugee community they also have social discrimination and differences which could be a reason for the social inclusion and communal isolation of the society (Alam and Imran 2015). They differ among themselves on the basis of gender, age, sex, ratio, language, culture nationality and skills. Therefore, it is the duty of the healthcare professionals to take part in the social event, so that while deciding the interventions for social inclusion and other actions, these factor sod not affect the development of the society (Fozdar 2012).

Social exclusion is not a short and simple process which can be affect the society within a specific time period. This process requires skills and determination of skilled employees and the implementation of theoretical themes on practical scenario so that communities can be included in the society (Alam and Imran 2015). Further, the health condition of communities who come to Australia from another countries for asylum, comes with an affected physical and mental health due to which their inclusion in the society takes time and complete determination of the people involved. The physical and mental of refugees taking asylum in the country are already affected as while coming from their society, they were persecuted, torture and mental as well as physical trauma that affect their health even after years of their persecution (Fozdar and Hartley 2013). These factors makes the health of the community vulnerable and they fall weak to the current situation. Further, moving from one place to another and suffering from weather changes makes them susceptible to different bacterial and viral diseases and the war or conflict related memories make their vulnerable to severe mental health issues (Abdelkerim and Grace 2012).

Therefore, there are several challenges the healthcare community faces while dealing with such problems in the healthcare situation. The first challenge will be the inability of the community to take part in the health services as many factors such as the age, race, gender financial condition, mental strength and ability to compact with negative situation provides the authorities to change a strategies which these health issues can be treated in the population (Murphy 2012). Further, to overcome the mental health challenges, which occurs due to the presence of legal, cultural and other negative aspects, could be affected due to the presence of these barriers faced by these communities (Marmot et al. 2012). The second biggest health issue which is identified in the healthcare strategies of refugee community is Australia is the presence of large amount of sexual and reproductive health compromised individual. As the refugees are not being able to understand the sexual and reproductive health issues, they suffer from these issues and hence, they become affected with such diseases increasing their morbidity and mortality rates in Australia (Merolli, Gray and Martin-Sanchez 2013).  Diet and nutrition are another issues faced by the healthcare facilities for the refugee community as they are unable to find food as per their preference and cultural competency and hence are unable to trust the healthcare facility for their health and wellbeing improvement. Therefore, it is the duty of the healthcare professionals to adapt the social inclusion strategy of the Australian government and utilize its policies to create a social inclusion environment for the refugee community (Bonell et al 2012).

Challenges of Refugee Healthcare Strategies in Australia

Ethnicity has been defined as a category that determines the racial and cultural background of a group of people. It has been termed as the essential factor that determines the originality of a group of population. In accordance to the literary evidences, furnished by the research studies it can be said that immigrants and refugees who come to a land to seek refuge deal with a number of obstacles both in terms of physical and mental health (Fozdar & Hartley, 2013). It has been seen that the refugees who have migrated to Australia primarily because of the purpose of higher education and jobs are affected with a number of factors, ranging from physical to mental health determinants. It has been reported that immigrant individuals find it extremely difficult to be able to adjust to the new atmosphere where they are placed. In addition to this, it must further be noted that the host country is not feasible in terms of providing facilities to the refugees (Hadgkiss & Renzaho,2014). Cultural competence has been regarded as a primary aspect that plays a vital role in dealing with a target audience that comprises of individuals from diverse cultural and ethnic grounds. According to research studies, it has been stated that there is a wide prevalence of stigmatized behaviour among the natives of a country towards the immigrants and refugees (Savic et al., 2016). The manner in which the immigrants are perceived is not healthy. It is primarily due to the lack of cultural competence among the healthcare professionals that the refugees hesitate to avail health care facilities and as a result fall prey to a number of diseases. The most common diseases that affect the immigrants have been studied to be STIs, Malaria, Tuberculosis and other infectious disorders. Lack of awareness and education have been considered to be the major reason for the deteriorating health condition of the refugees in Australia.


In conclusion, it could be stated that social inclusion is an important aspect to battle social exclusion for including deprived and discriminated Australian refugee community in the mainstream Australian society. Further, there are millions of refugees living on the offshores of Australian territories and it is the responsibility of the Australian government to make them a part of the Australian society so that they could also be provided with their fundamental rights and could contribution in the world development. In this assignment, the communities issues related to healthcare and social inclusion were discussed with the reference to Australian governmental strategies to include them in mainstream Australian society. Further in this aspect, it also provided the theoretical aspect of ethical concept in affecting the social inclusion of refugee’s ion the Australian society. Finally, in a section, it provided the complete details the governmental strategies using which the Australian government is planning social inclusion of these communities in the society.

The Role of Ethnicity in Refugees Healthcare Strategies in Australia


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