Fall Prevention Program For Residential Facilities In Jurassic Aged Care

Phase One Preparation and Implementation Project – Process Evaluation Table

The purpose of the entire evaluation of the preparation and implementation is to reduce the mortality, morbidity, and the budget related to the investment made with falls in 10 residential facilities in the Jurassic Aged care. Strategically moving forward, the evaluation will focus on analysing the different facts related to the establishment of the better care for the older age people. The focused problem is the above factors. The emphasizing problem for this project to be solved is the care for the old aged care and limiting the falls to the extent level and providing them better care than ever. The solution being introduced that is introduction of a fall prevention program, which focuses on the hip fracture prevention is being designed in manner to limit the morbidity, mortality and the investment being made for limiting these falls. The aim is very clear to focus on these three objectives and develop the strategies accordingly in manner to manage and maintain the efficient and smooth flow of the managerial activities those could alternatively be helpful in managing the deliveries of the operational activities. This evaluation will be emphasizing on two different phases of the project that include the first: preparation and implementation of the project and the second ongoing phase those will be for 12 months and after 13th months respectively.

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The objectives and the strategies to the objectives are clear and thus, the managerial attribute will be emphasizing on the alignment of the strategies and the accomplishment of the identified objectives in manner to meet the alternative goal of the project. The key activities need to be monitored throughout the project execution considering the project constraints and evaluation that assures that the project will be delivered will be capable of meeting the overall goals and objectives of the project. The first phase will be all about the delivery of the strategies and objectives those have been considered for the delivery and management of the project and thus, the strategic planning will be emphasizing on the delivery of the key activities, strategies, and the consideration of the project constraints those could meet the project quality attribute.  The second phase will be all about the evaluation of the post project attributes and assurance of the project deliveries in the context of the end users.  It is necessary to analyse whether the developed project meets the necessary attributes of the project or not and the developed strategies are capable of meeting the expected benefits or not.  

Phase One Preparation and Implementation Project – Impact Evaluation Table

This evaluation document will be emphasizing on the process evaluation and impact evaluation considering the approaches those could be best suited for the project delivery and management. 

Phase One Preparation and Implementation Project – Process Evaluation Table


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Key Activities/components to be included in process evaluation

Indicators for measurement

Methods for measurement

(How will you collect the data)

When will the information be collected?

To implement a falls risk assessment method to all 10 residential facilities within 3 months;

· Risk identification

· Risk Prioritization

· Risk management

Impact and probability of the risks

· Survey

· Questioning experienced players

· Literature review

Before project implementation

To introduce a falls monitoring system within 3 months;

· Regular update on ongoing project

· Regular documentation of the project

How much data is collected related to the project

· Meeting with the internal stakeholders

After the accomplishment of risk management

To provide training to all staff to ensure they all have the competence in conducing falls screening and prevention within 6 months;

· Face to face meeting

· Sharing information using certain platform

Delivery of the project operational activities

· Questionnaire

After the training is finished

To reduce facility physical risk factors for falling within 6 months;

· Measurement of the probability and impact of risks

Keeping the project at minimum risk

· Data collection and analysis

After the accomplishment of risk management documentation

To ensure all high-risk residents are allocated hip protectors within 6 months;

· Review on the documentation from the experienced players

Comparing the under-risk residents and the assurance of risk mitigation for the residents

· Using quantitative data analysis

After the development of monitoring documentation

To provide regular remedial physiotherapy and strengthening programs to all residents throughout the project

· Providing the availability of necessary medical resources and medical specialist

Comparing the total number of residents and the resources availability for those resources

· Survey

· quantitative data analysis

After the accomplishment of the first phase

The mentioned methods for measurement include the various primary and secondary data analysis tools that include survey, questionnaire, meetings, and literature review and analysing the collected data using the data analysis tool. SPSS can be used in the place of excel due to the various functions and inbuilt formulas. The survey and questionnaire will be delivered considering the proposed strategies and the ongoing operations those are related to the project deliveries. Relative data can be collected for further analysis and reaching at a conclusion that is near to the proception of everybody. The data analysis can be a better way in reaching at a conclusion. The data collection method will be focusing on the different phases, activities, and constraints of the project and putting them in front of the various stakeholders whose roles are crucial for the successful delivery of the project. The questionnaire will have straight forward questions regarding the various aspects related to the project and thus, restricting the answers in between certain quantitative figures that will allow to gather quantitative measure for the project constraints and assuring that the analysis could result in the quantitative value. The meetings and the interview will allow in gathering the comments of the key stakeholders whose contribution will be vital and taking the decision-making accordingly considering the better benefits for the entire project. These data collection and analysis methods will assure in making the changes throughout the project and taking better decisions best suited for the overall delivery and accomplishment of the project. 

Phase One Preparation and Implementation Project – Impact Evaluation Table


Indicators of achievements / Success indicators

Methods for Measurements

including details of data collection

When should data collection and analysis take place?

To increase at risk resident’s balance & strength by 20% within 8 months

· Balance of the resident and strength

· Survey

· Questionnaire

After 8 months

To reduce falls incidence by 50% within one year

· Number of falls incidence

· Survey

· Comparison with the previous falls and falls after implementation

After one year

To reduce fractured necks of femur by 50% within one year

· Number of fractured necks of femur

· Survey

· Questionnaire

· Comparison with the previous falls and present falls

After one year

To reduce health care costs for falls by $500,000 within one year

· Cost investment in health care for falls

· Survey

· Questionnaire

· Compare with previous parameters

After one year

The same methods could be used for collecting and processing the data and information related to the on-going project activities and the modifications those have been implemented for the implementation of the various key activities as mentioned above in the FRAMT strategy. However, comparison of the data collected during the first twelve-month phase with the data collected after the accomplishment of the data after those twelve months will be required for the management and introduction of the new strategies. The developed objectives and the relative quantitative values can be analysed after comparing the previously collected data and the accomplishment of the real deliveries. Again, the questionnaire and the survey can be helpful in the development of the new strategies those could be adopted for further introduction and implementation in manner to compare that whether the previously defined objectives are being accomplished or not and if not, what are the alternative strategies those could be gained for the management and delivery of the project. The adoption of the strategies will focus on filling the gaps between the actual accomplishments and the accomplishments those were planned. The strategies adoption will be accordingly for the management and delivery of the activities that can meet the necessary requirements and deliveries of the project. These methods will be efficient and effective enough for the identification of the strategies those could be related to the growth and development of the project and assuring that the decisions being made is alternatively helpful in getting better output and productions. 

Factors Impacting on Internal Validity

Factor that may impact on the internal validity:

The variability in the Process implementation and impact evaluation will be the major concern and hence, the survey and questionnaires variable needs to be considered in an efficient and effective way. The variable should be considered and assumed as per the overall outcome and progress of the project. It should consider the strategies being adopted for the evaluation of the planning and ongoing phases’ activities of the project.

History can be another factor that can also impact on the internal validity as the investigation will be based on the short experiment that will process the recorded data. The comparison will be delivered in the impact evaluation phase comparing the expected values of the falls and the budget spent on the implementation and care for the old aged people.

Time will be another factor as the mentioned data collection methods will need certain time management for the accomplishment of the data collection using the different strategies. The stakeholders need to be communicated and informed for their cooperation with an assurance of non-biasing results. The data analysis could be run over the collected data and could be processes in hours using the SPSS tool however, collection will require days for gathering the response of different stakeholders.

Size of the population should be big as the description of the case study is focusing on the 500 high care places and so, the targeted stakeholders’ number will be larger. The survey, questionnaire, and meetings need to cover the audiences from the old aged care homes, the medical specialists, nurses, and the resource providers.

Maturation: This factor needs to be considered as it can be helpful in operating during the instance, when the psychological or biological changes occur among the old aged people. The history and the maturation will be of major concern for assuring that the proposed internal validity is being defined in an effective and efficient manner in the longitudinal studies.

Testing: the changes occurring during the instance of score collection can be a threat to the testing due to the intervention. The approach of identical posttests and pretests can be adhered for eliminating this threat and assuring that the analysis is being delivered in an efficient and effective manner. Similar questionnaire or quiz can be learnt to the audiences and hence, the different type of questionnaire and quiz must be introduced during both the phases in manner to assure that there is not any impact of this threat on the overall evaluation procedure of the project.

Regression: during the various data collection and analysis process through the mentioned procedures, regression can be a threat as the data will be collected on the basis of the extreme scores and hence, the actual mean between the various data needs to be considered and so the SPSS will play a crucial role in getting accurate and exact results.

Factor that may impact on the external validity:

Situation: All situational specifics (e.g. area, time, lighting, treatment conditions, clamour, examiner, treatment organization, extension, timing, degree of estimation, and so forth.) of an investigation possibly confine generalizability.

Aptitude–treatment Interaction: For instance, similar psychotherapy thinks about frequently utilize particular examples (e.g. volunteers, exceptionally discouraged, no comorbidity). The example may have certain highlights that connect with the free factor, restricting generalizability. On the off chance that psychotherapy is discovered successful for these example patients, will it likewise be viable for non-volunteers or the somewhat discouraged or patients with simultaneous different disarranges? If not, the outer legitimacy of the investigation would be constrained.

Post-test effects: On the off chance that reason impact connections must be discovered when post-tests are completed, at that point this likewise restricts the all-inclusive statement of the discoveries. Obviously distinguish each hazard or issue that may bring about amid process and effect assessment and examine what activities that perhaps required into to tending to them.

Pre-test effects: In the event that reason impact connections must be discovered when pre-tests are completed, at that point this additionally restricts the all-inclusive statement of the discoveries. 

The ongoing monitoring of the program annually will be focusing on the collection of the data and information related to the ongoing activities along with the estimated accomplishment of that particular activity. The ongoing monitoring is always crucial for the projects in manner to manage the high-quality delivery with and assurance that the final delivered project is capable of fulfilling the needs and requirements of the end users. This project is being delivered for the establishment of the “Hip Fracture Prevention” considering the four objectives as mentioned in the above report. The strategies are being already highlighted those needs to be considered while executing the project and hence, the monitoring program will include the evaluation of the ongoing operations and the strategies those have been already developed. It is necessary to consider the cost factor for the evaluation program as it is one of the major aims to reduce the overall cost being spent on caring for the old aged people and hence, the monitoring program will regularly collect the various data related to the budget being spent throughout the project. It will develop the project documentation on the regular basis and will also assure that the entire growth and development of the project is being communicated with every internal and external stakeholder. The overall estimated budget for the annual expense is estimated to be $90,000 however, the distribution states $30,000, $50,000, $10,000, and $10,000 for training, maintenance, hip protector maintenance, and physiotherapy programs respectively. The monitoring phase will be emphasizing on the development of the strategies through analysing the entire data collected throughout the project monitoring program and assuring the proposition of the strategies those could be helpful in balancing the $10,000 of the additional budget being spent over the estimated budget.

The management of the operational activities is very necessary along with the continuous growth and development of the project and it could be managed through monitoring. The monitoring can assure the comparison of the contribution of every internal stakeholder towards the accomplishment of the necessary project activities and if not matching the estimations, new strategies can be developed along with the better decision-making that can fill the identified gaps. Monitoring will assure the accomplishment of the estimated project constraints along with the development of an efficient and effective strategies those could efficiently manage the alternations for the instances when the project is not meeting the estimated constraints or lagging from its milestones.

The key project activities can be enlisted here considering the proposition of the indicators those need to be adopted for the ongoing evaluation and impact of the proposed project:

  • Introduction of a Falls Risk Assessment Method (FRAMT) and Falls Register in care plan for each resident

The monitoring should calculate the documentation of each resident where this facility is being introduced, about to be introduced, and will not be introduced. The frequency of the data collection should be in every two weeks in manner to demonstrate the progress and growth in front of every stakeholder and propose the best strategies if the project is lagging in certain factors.

  • Introduction of a falls monitoring system in all ten facilities

The falls monitoring system should function properly within the ten facilities however, the establishment of every monitoring system needs to be monitored along with the budget, timeline, and the complications being faced throughout the instalment phase. The documentation needs to be prepared in every month in manner to check the current progress and estimate the final delivery of the project. 

  • To train all direct care staff in falls prevention including using of FRAMT and a Falls Register;

The FRAMT being introduced will need training programs in manner to make sure that the care staffs well understood the functionality and operations of the introduced method and utilize them in an efficient and effective manner. the monitoring program will check three times during the training session in manner to document the growth and development of the training program and make sure that the care staffs well understood the introduced system and utilize them in the enhancement of the care system for the old aged individuals.  

Since, the budget is given high importance and thus, the following budget considerations need to be considered while delivering the monitoring activity in manner to assure that the project budget does not cross the limit and the overall project delivery can be managed within that budget.

  • 10 residential facilities to collaborate with appropriate staffing to implement the strategies

The monitoring activity will ensure the documentation of all the staffing within the 10 residential facilities with an assurance that there is the availability of these staffs throughout all the residents. The frequency of this monitoring will be once, every month in manner to manage and assure the availability of the staffs at all the residents.

  • $200,000 for staffing, development and implementation of falls risk assessment method/process & monitoring system

The budget monitoring for staffing the staffs at the every resident will be another major factor in manner to assure that the FRAMT method is being managed by the specialised staffs who can manage all the necessary operational activities. The monitoring system establishment should not exceed the estimated budget and hence, the monitoring program will document the necessary data every month in manner to make sure that there is always availability of the staffs with a cost-effective overall budget. 


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