Fast Track Couriers: Implementation Of Change To Enhance Business Functioning

Business Profile

Discuss about the Stage Model Of Self-Regulated Behavioral Change.

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The company, Fast Track couriers is a courier providing company that operates in the market of the New South Wales of Australia. the company has been functioning in the market for the last fifteen years and the changes that are undertaken by the organization has helped in the understanding of the different aspects of the change in the structure and the functioning of the organization in the markets. The chief function that is undertaken by the organization is to deliver the medium and the large sized packages to the metropolitan cities in Sydney. 

  1. Analysis of the organisational organisation’s strategic plan goal/s:
  • The chief objective of the organization is to expand their business in order to rule over the market share of 7.5% through the deliveries of the large and the medium sized packages that are delivered to the clients as per the needs of the organization. It will be helping the organization to maintain its sustenance in the markets.
  • The other objectives of the organization is based on the advancement of the technology that is planned  by the organization for the better functioning of the workforce. The utilization of the PDA and the GPS devices is initiated by the organization in order to ensure the smooth functioning of the business in the market.
  • The company also aims at maintaining a well motivated workforce through the proper functioning of the management.
  1. Review of Current Scenario

The current situation that is faced by the organization depends on the change in the systems and the performance through the implementation of the technologies like PDA and GPS systems and the installation of the hydraulic lifters. Currently the smooth functioning of the organization is affected as the delivery time of the couriers is delayed due to the lack of tracking devices. The tracking devices might have helped the drivers in locating the correct location of the recipient. Absence of the locating devices thereby affected the activities undertaken by the business. On the other hand, the lack of presence of the lifters affected the smooth functioning of the workforce. It thereby affected the performance of the business in the market.

The changes that are planned by the organization are undertaken with the expectation of bringing in improvements in the functioning of the enterprise. On the other hand, the company has undertaken the initiative of installing the PDA and the GPS systems in order to bring in accuracy in the functioning of the workforce. However, the implementation of the changes has faced resistance from the workforce. On the other hand, the increase in the number of trucks indicates the objective of the organization to make an expansion in order to sustain in the market structure.

The company is currently facing various challenges while implementing the changes in the structure and the functioning of the business as the workforce feels betrayed and the drivers feel that the management of the organization does not rely on them. On the other hand, the installation of the lifters in the trucks has filled them with the fear of losing their jobs. Therefore, the company is facing resistance from the employees and the truck drivers while implementing the change which might help the same in bringing in improvements in the market situation.

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  1. Analysis of external trends

Objectives and Expectations

Trend 1:

Technological advancements as per the needs of the organization to adapt to the changes in the external environment 

The technological advancements have helped the organization in undertaking the smooth functioning of the same in the external markets. It helps in bringing forth improvements in the situation of the organization in the market.

Trend 2:

Introduction of the new trucks in the systems

It helps in adhering to the growing needs of the customers and thereby responds to the huge demand for the courier services in the operating region.

The determination of the needs of the workforce in order to keep the same motivated

The motivated workforce helps in determining the smooth functioning of the organization in the market.

  1. List of major operational change requirements

The major performance gaps that were faced by the organization prior to the decision of the change are:

  • The lacks of smooth functioning of the workforce due to the delayed deliveries as the drivers were unable to trace the location of the receiver of the courier. The lack of the tracking tool affected their functioning.
  • Due to the lack of the lifters, the heavy packages created injuries in the workforce. It has delayed the functions that are performed by the workers. On the other hand, it affected the packages and the contents too.
  • The major performance gap is based on the lack of proper training that is not amended by the organization to the employees and the drivers. It has affected the smooth functioning of the organization in the market.

The business opportunities are based on the changes that the organization is planning to undertake in order to bring forth improvements in the systems and the functioning (Mitchell, 2013). The section of the report enumerates the different opportunities of growth that the company has through the implementation of the change in the functioning of the business:

  • The implementation of the PDA and the GPS systems will be helping the organization to minimize the time gaps and the delays in the deliveries. N the other hand, the implementation of the technological advancements will be helping the drivers in locating the receiver of the couriers at ease.
  • The application of the hydraulic lifters in the trucks will be helping the organization to minimize the injuries that might be faced by the drivers and the employees while loading or unloading the trucks. It helps in determining the change in the systems and thereby determines the accuracy of the actions that are taken by the drivers. It also helps in ensuring the security of the contents n the packages.
  • The trucks that the company is planning to include in order to expand their functioning in the markets will be helping the company in widening their scope of the business in the markets. The utilization of the different technologies will be helping the organization in minimizing the cost of operations in the market and the training that will be provided to the drivers and the office employees will be helping to ensure the smooth functioning of the business which will help in enhancing the scope of expansion of the business.

The threats that are faced by the organization while determining the changes for undertaking their expansion in the markets is being enumerated in this section of the report:

  • The applicability of the new technologies and the cost that might be incurred by the organization while undertaking the change in the systems and the functioning of the business. The applicability of the technologies is based on the capabilities of the company which is related to the cost and acceptance of the same in the market (Jabri, 2017).
  • The resistance that is faced by the organization from its employees through the decision of the change that is planned by the organization. The fear of losing the respective job roles has affected the morale of the employees and thereby they resisted to the change that is planned by the organization. 
  • The market conditions and the trends in the market also affect the change strategies that are planned by the organization. The support of the market trends is a necessary factor as it determines the different aspects relating to the applicability of the change in the structure and the functioning of the organization in the market.

d.Management decisions/Strategic Plans

The strategic plans that are formed by the organization are being discussed in this section of the report. It will help in the understanding of the strategies that the company is aiming to implement and the manner in which it is related to the objectives of the company’s growth in the market (Bamberg, 2013).

Increase in the market share by 7.5% through enhancing the productivity The introduction of the new range of trucks It will help in facilitating the expansion of the organization in the market

Technological advancements The installation of PDA and GPS systems Smooth functioning of the workforce in the markets

Maintain well motivated workforce Rendering integrated training to the workforce It will be helping the organization to retain the skilled workforce in their systems

The IT engineers are required to be consulted by the organization before undertaking the implementation of the change in the systems and the functioning of the organization in the market (Parker et al., 2013). It will be helping the organization to analyze and understand the requirements of the same in order to bring forth the change. On the other hand, the organization is required to consult the Finance and the HR departments for the planning and the designing of the procedures that is required to be undertaken by the organization for bringing in the change is considered for determining the effects of the change in the structure and the functioning of the organization in the market. The consultation with the managers of the organization will also helps in understanding the situation of the organization and the manner in which the change will be helping the same in improving as per the needs of the market.

Current Situation

The determination of the consultation model will be helping the organization in understanding the different phases that is required to be taken by the organization for bringing in the change in the functioning of the enterprise as per the needs of the customers.  The consulting model also helps in determining the change in the structure and the functioning of the business in the market scenario (Manchester et al., 2014).

  1. Stakeholder Managers Review Plan:

List of Stakeholder Managers When (Time and Date)* How (Method)

General manager 21/01/2017 at 09:00 am


Chief financial officer 21/01/2017 at 11:00 am


Accountant 21/01/2017 at 11:30 am


Team leaders 21/01/2017 at 11:25 am

Newsletters and Emails  

*Consider availability information in scenario

  1. Review Suggestions

The suggested steps that might help the organization in successfully implement the change in order to bring in improvements in the systems and the functioning of the business is being enumerated in this section of the analysis:

  • Undertakings steps in order to form the HR department in order to conduct and understand the training needs of the employees (Prochaska, 2013).
  • Undertaking negotiations with the stakeholders, specially the employees, in order to convince them of the advantages of the change and the manner in which the change will be helping the organization to ring in improvements in the functioning.
  • Analyzing the effects of the technologies that the organization is planning to implement and the manner in which the change is being facilitated by the technological advancements (van den Heuvel et al., 2013).
  • Facilitation of the needs of the employees and providing them with proper healthcare facilities.

Identified changes

Priorities assigned


Installing GPS and PDA


Reduction of paper work and time

Installing automatic lift gates


Economic costing and injury free operations

HR department


Staff training and motivation

New trucks


Expansion of the business activities 

Conclusions/ any other information

Therefore, from the above analysis it can be stated that the changes that are planned by the organization, namely Fast Track Couriers will be helping the same in bringing forth improvements in the functioning of the business. On the other hand, the resistance that is being faced by the organization has affected the smooth functioning of the organization in the market. Therefore, the company is taking steps to analyse the different aspects of the implementation of the latest technologies and the manner in which it will be benefitting the activities that are undertaken by the organization.


Bamberg, S. (2013). Changing environmentally harmful behaviors: A stage model of self-regulated behavioral change. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 34, 151-159.

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Jabri, M. (2017). Managing organizational change: Process, social construction and dialogue. Palgrave.

Manchester, J., Gray-Miceli, D. L., Metcalf, J. A., Paolini, C. A., Napier, A. H., Coogle, C. L., & Owens, M. G. (2014). Facilitating Lewin’s change model with collaborative evaluation in promoting evidence based practices of health professionals. Evaluation and program planning, 47, 82-90.

Mitchell, G. (2013). Selecting the best theory to implement planned change. Nursing Management-UK, 20(1).

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Prochaska, J. O. (2013). Transtheoretical model of behavior change. In Encyclopedia of behavioral medicine (pp. 1997-2000). Springer New York.

van den Heuvel, M., Demerouti, E., Bakker, A. B., & Schaufeli, W. B. (2013). Adapting to change: The value of change information and meaning-making. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 83(1), 11-21.