Financial Analysis Of ANZ Bank

Current Capital Structure

The CFAT at 10 percent lower sales unit varies from the 10 percent higher sales uint in the first year of estimation.

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  1. iv) CFAT after tax is appropriate in decision making as it

trials the company’s fiscal fitness and presentation over time and in assessment to participants inside the identical industry, since dissimilar businesses have dissimilar levels of wealth strength and, therefore, dissimilar heights of devaluation. Though,, cash flow after taxes is decent method to regulate whether a commercial is creating positive cash flows after the belongings of income taxes have been comprised, it does not justify for cash expenses to obtain fixed assets.

  1. c)

Calculation of NPV at Monthly Repayment



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 $ (7,125,000.00)

 $ 3,120,000.00

 $ 4,920,000.00

Discounting Factor




PV of DF

 $ (7,125,000.00)

 $ 2,888,888.89

 $ 4,218,107.00


 $      (18,004.12)

Calculation of NPV at Quarterly Repayment









 $ (7,125,000.00)

 $ 2,680,000.00

 $ 2,680,000.00

 $ 2,680,000.00

Discounting Factor





PV of DF

 $ (7,125,000.00)

 $ 2,481,481.48

 $ 2,297,668.04

 $ 2,127,470.41


 $    (218,380.07)

The report is framed to analyze the financial structure of ANZ Bank. In this report the comparison of capital structure has been done with the Westpac Corporation Ltd. the expected return is calculated and justification of the outcome has been done. Overall the report is about the management and the soundness of financial system of the bank.

ANZ Banking Group Ltd was established in the year 1835 in Melbourne, Australia. The bank gives distinct banking facilities with fiscal products. The bank has 1337 branches all over the world wide. The bank has been  rated as best class to provide the fiscal products to its clients. The company is tangled in structuring, ongoing monitoring of customers, credit analysis and execution.

Basically banks has corporate, institutional, small business including retail clients in the Asia Pacific region, Middle east, Europe, New Zealand, Australia and United States. The facilities provided by the bank to the personal clients are offering finance for equipment, motor vehicles, products for investment and regional business services. The bank even supports its clients by providing working capital solutions that is including products that are deposit, international payments, transaction of cash, financing trade, managing trade including clearing and risk management facilities.


Current Capital Structure

Capital structure indicates the fitness of a firm in financing the end-to-end day operations through growth by using distinct sources of resources. It is even referred as to the figure of debt and equity. The structure is described as debt-equity ratio.  If the debt to equity ratio is less than one it indicates that stockholders provide greater side of asset than the creditors and vice versa. The ANZ Bank has lower debt to equity ratio that is 0.3. (Appendix-1) This signifies that bank takes steps in order to protect their clients’ money. (Robb & Robinson 2014).

Weighted Average Cost of Capital

Weighted Average Cost of Capital

While calculating the WACC of ANZ Bank the assumptions of cost of debt and cost of equity has been derived from calculating CAPM for cost of equity and cost of debt is derived from dividing borrowings from interest expenses.

Capital Asset Pricing Model

The beta value indicates the return on market share. If the beta value is, greater than one it signifies that the shares are of aggressive nature. The shares tends to rise at bull market and vice versa in the bearish market. The ANZ Bank has a beta value of 1.37 so; the shares are of aggressive nature… As per CAPM, the return is 10 percent. (Appendix-2) higher than the market return. This indicates that the stock of the bank gives outstanding performance.

Capital Structure Comparison 

The capital structure of ANZ Bank Group is compared with Westpac Corporation. The comparison indicates that the ANZ Bank has a better capital structure. As the debt equity ratio of Westpac is greater than one that is three.

The ratio shows the position of profitability in the year 2017. This ratio is helpful for investors. The operating profit is 51.3 percent this signifies that the profit earned by the bank on selling its financial products. The return on total asset suggest the figure of net income that is earned on the total assets that is being used by the bank. As compared to previous years, the ratio has increased. This indicates that the income has increased. (Appendix-3)

Efficiency Ratio

Fixed assets turnover ratio express the volume of net revenue attained by the business on their total assets. On relating the volume of net revenue received on the fixed by the banks it can be said that there is no main modification in earning capability of the bank. (Appendix-3)

Solvency Ratio

Debt equity ratio is the total of debt as in contradiction of the total of equity. It measures the class of debt cast-off by the bank to fund dissimilar actions in the business .On assessing debt equity ratio of the bank it can be said that ANZ Bank is not dependent on debts to finance the activities. (Appendix-3)

Cash Flow Ratio

Cash flow ratios are utilized to compute the sum of cash reserved by the bank to fund its day to commercial. Free cash flow to sales ratio analyze the sum of free cash preserve by the bank as in contradiction of the sales. On evaluating, it was found that ANZ Bank maintains more cash. (Appendix-3) (Ongore & Kusa, 2013).

Capital Asset Pricing Model

Changes Occurred in the Capital Structure

The change in capital structure is measured through analyzing change in earning price of per share, alteration in the expenses related to interest tax shields, change in reduction in contrivable values of security holders and also the probable rearrangement of capital from common stockholders to preferred stockholders and debt holders. In the past three years from 2014 until, 2017 it is analyzed through studying the annual report those main components of change in capital structure has been changing. The preference share has been totally converted.

The impact of loss falls directly or indirectly on adequacy of capital, earnings, including values that is the effect of opposing observations of the Group held by any of clienteles. The community, stockholders, depositors, controllers, or rating agencies; comportment risk related with the Group’s employees or free-lancers or both or the community or eco-friendly or both influences of our loaning conclusions.

Reputation Risk is managed by preserving an optimistic and active culture that guarantees that the corporation act with integrity. It enables management to figure strong and reliable associations with consumers and clients, with contemporaries, and with the broader culture. The business have well reputable conclusion-making agendas and plans to guarantee our business pronouncements are directed by comprehensive social and eco-friendly values that take into explanation Reputation Risk.

Share Price

The share price fall down due to the scandal marked by the royal commissioners. They stated that ANZ has settled a deceitful work philosophy where the goal of the association is not to square the declarations of monetarist position of the claimants in actual manner. In addition, they also declined the requests based on their improper valuations for their own reimbursements ( 2018). The bankers of ANZ did not subscribes the requirement to elucidate the accessibility of fee-unrestricted accounts in the existence of the power of the operators to open these accounts. At the similar time, with the purpose to expand dishonor and insolvent fees, the financiers was complicated in the deceitful practice of opening unsuitable account for the clienteles ( 2018).

Australian and New Zealand Banking Group is One of ASX top 100 companies. It is perceived that corporation is observing with all the international standard and including accounting policies. The entire group should use accounting as chastisement in its business working for copy compulsory data. Australian and New Zealand Banking Group needs to make acquiescence in grounding of general compliant fiscal statement by conforming with indicated fours norms such as use of reporting currency while reportage, sustainability,

 preparation of Financial statement on annual basis and matching concept.  However, corporation has been exposing high amount of arrears in its financial statements consequently, there is essential to produce an account of establishment of uncertainly debts in its occupational operative. Accounting theory should be steadily changed around grounding of fiscal statements. Corporation has to produce direct tie with administrations such as international accounting standards board. It assist group to make variations in its accounting theories as per the varying needs of commercial in this complication of budget. Australian and New Zealand Banking Group have used these rules, regulation and other GAAP policies in very important manner. Nevertheless, corporation should upsurge its reportage strategies as per international accounting standard. (“Annual Report / Annual Review | ANZ Shareholder Centre”, 2018)


The report gives the overall idea and knowledge about the recent activities revealing the current position of the bank. The report discusses about the financial position and the result regarding the comparison with one of its peers. This report has delivered the deep thoughtful about secretarial notions and values. Now in the conclusion it would be alleged that Australian and New Zealand Banking Group has to mark good deviations in its commentary with a opinion to bring into line its commentary eminence on worldwide level.


Annual Report / Annual Review | ANZ Shareholder Centre. (2018). Retrieved from 2018. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Dec. 2018].

Ongore, V. O., & Kusa, G. B. (2013). Determinants of financial performance of commercial banks in Kenya. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 3(1), 237-252.

Robb, A. M., & Robinson, D. T. (2014). The capital structure decisions of new firms. The Review of Financial Studies, 27(1), 153-179.