Financial Management In The Sports Industry: Collaborative Leadership Development

Literature Review

Discuss about the Financial management in the sport industry.

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The increasing nature of the intricacy in the sports industry is seen to be evident in many cases. The main problem has been seen with the leadership styles and approaches in several times. In the past there are several instances which has led to the problems associated to the collaboration, gaining the advantage from the knowledge, insights and experience in terms of the stakeholders of the company. The leader abilities are seen to be based on the depiction for the encouraging the inputs that contribute to efficient utilization for the complex operations of the sports business. The ability of the leaders for successful adaption of the values and beliefs are considered with the adaptations of the techniques for sports management. The important concepts of the project will discuss on the interactions taken from the various extracts in developing a collaborative leadership in the preparation of a significant body of the theoretical and practical work. The study will also show the implementation of the specialist skills for the analysis of the complex issues concerning the synthesis of the research. The synthesis of the concepts is further depicted with the broad range of the previous subjects such as finance, marketing and operations (Pedersen, P. M., & Thibault, 2014).  

It has been depicted that the Transformational leadership model is considered with the foremost framework for the effectiveness of the study which is widely applied with the workplace settings in sports industry. The transformational leadership is defined with the potential motives which the followers seeks to identify with the higher needs. The transformational laureateship is also discerned with the problems which are considered with the transactional leadership behaviours and TL behaviour, the Transformational leadership is able to raise the awareness about the motivation and several types of the other concerned problems. It needs to be further understood that motivation cannot be accounted for the exchange for the task accomplishment about the payment but instead the incorporated by the ability to influenced by others and transcend with the own self interest for the betterment of the groups, organization and country (Hoye et al., 2015). 

The research will be further based on the application of the four I’s of the TL which is considered with the “intellectual stimulation (IS)”, “individualized consideration (IC)”, “inspirational motivation (IM)”, and “idealized influence (II)”. In IS the leader enables and enhances the creative abilities and re-examination of the pressing problems considered in developing of the various solutions, The IC is taken into account with the attention and the energies which focuses on the energies and attention on the individual motivations and appropriately responds to the issues and challenges. The IM is the aspects in which the leader turns attention with the shared visions of the organizational excellence impassioned with the articulation of the vision. The II factor will consider the main motivations for the extraordinary efforts for exhibiting the chromatic behaviour concerned with the identification with the associates, gaining the trust and showcasing of confidence (Morse & McEvoy, 2014).

Transformational Leadership

There several leaders who are depicted to possess the capacity for effective transformation to address the challenges faced by the organization and the demanding environmental conditions. These are seen with the aspects such as competition, globalization and technological progress. The TL behaviour is further seen to be depicted with the several types of the factors which are indicated with the capacity of the leaders and the effectiveness of the developmental level. In several types of the other aspects the leadership development is identified with the different types of the consideration which are seen to be based on the personal developments (Schwarz, Hall & Shibli, 2015).

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The organizational trainers, consultants and coaches for several years have seen to be focusing on the obtaining skills which is best suited for solving organizational problems. It is also related to the ways which are related to effectively address the complex problems arising inevitably. Firstly, the lateral development takes place when an individual acquires the appropriate knowledge, skills and the competencies which is able to translate the present ways of thinking and doing things (Burton, 2015).

Secondly, the vertical development of the leadership is taken into consideration when an individual learns to interpret experience in different manner. The vertical development is consideration is seen with the situation when an individual views the aspects with expansive notion and encompassing the assumptions with a more complex view (Peachey et al., 2015).

The “Leadership Development Framework (LDF)” is depicted with an integral role in terms of the vertical development which is comprised with seven of the vertically oriented development levels supported with the action logics. The leadership in particular is seen to be dependent with the leader’s development which is taken into consideration with the assumptions by which the leader aligns the intentions and the purpose with the behaviour and actions (Taylor et al., 2015).

What are present problems faced by the sports Management authorities globally in terms of leadership and sustainability?

The techniques for the sampling will be considered with the various types of the aspects of the primary data analysis technique. The total number of the respondent are seen to be based on the several types of the consideration for respondents and the expatriates dealing with the international assignment related to the sports management. There are several types of the different types of the hitter aspects of the study which are seen to be based on the inclusion of the various factors considered with the individuals associated to the sports industry (Matthew, 2017).

Leadership Development Framework

The primary data collections will be considered with the several types of the factors which are based on the survey method.  The various parameters selected for the study has been further seen to be based on the responses collected from the participants or the research subject selected for the study. It needs to be also seen that the various aspects of the quantitative analysis of the data will be considered with the nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio scales (Lewis, 2015). It has been also discerned that the study will be established with the several types of the depictions as per the use of descriptive statistics tools (Vaioleti, 2016). These considerations of the information will be seen with the “Sample Variance, Skewness, Standard Deviation and median”. The secondary analysis will be also seen to be based on the several types of the depictions of the information which are seen with the theoretical aspects of the study as discussed with the leadership theories and leadership framework in the literature review (Masterman, 2014).

The initial research will be carried out with the inductive research process as it has only considered to be based on a research question instead of considering hypothesis. In addition to this, the inductive research is conducive with the qualitative aspect of the research. The research process will be based on the several types of the grounded theory considered with both primary and secondary analysis of the data (Taylor et al., 2015). 

The data analysis will be considered with questionnaire prepared for the survey for the 50 respondents. The data analysis as per the likert scale approach will be seen to be depicted with the several types of the consideration   with the options such as “Very Strong Influence, Strong Influence, Marginal Influence, Slight influence and no influence at all”. The depiction of the results will be seen with the global aspects of the sports management. The data analysis will be performed with the application of both descriptive statistics method and regressions analysis (Baggio et al., 2016).


The main depiction of the information as per the literature review will be considered with the conceits of transformational leadership and leadership development framework. Transformational leadership model is considered with the foremost framework for the effectiveness of the study which is widely applied with the workplace settings. The transformational leadership is defined with the potential motives which the followers seeks to identify with the higher needs. The transformational laureateship is further identified with the problems which are considered with the transactional leadership behaviours and TL behaviour, the Transformational leadership is able to raise the awareness about the motivation and several types of the other concerned problems. In addition to this, the leadership development framework is seen to be focusing on the obtaining skills which is best suited for solving organizational problems. It is also related to the ways which are related to effectively address the complex problems arising inevitably. The primary data collections will be considered with the several types of the factors which are based on the survey method.  The various parameters selected for the study has been further seen to be based on the responses collected from the participants or the research subject selected for the study. It needs to be also seen that the various aspects of the quantitative analysis of the data will be considered with the nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio scales. The initial research will be carried out with the inductive research process as it has only considered to be based on a research question instead of considering hypothesis.


Baggio, R., Czakon, W., & Mariani, M. M. (Eds.). (2016). Managing tourism in a changing world: Issues and cases. Routledge.

Burton, L. J. (2015). Underrepresentation of women in sport leadership: A review of research. Sport Management Review, 18(2), 155-165.

Hoye, R., Smith, A., Westerbeek, H., Stewart, B., & Nicholson, M. (2015). Sport management. London, England: Routledge.

Lewis, S. (2015). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches. Health promotion practice, 16(4), 473-475.

Masterman, G. (2014). Strategic sports event management. Routledge.

Matthew, B. T. (2017). Financial management in the sport industry. Taylor & Francis.

Morse, A., & McEvoy, C. (2014). Qualitative research in sport management: Case study as a methodological approach.

Peachey, J. W., Zhou, Y., Damon, Z. J., & Burton, L. J. (2015). Forty years of leadership research in sport management: A review, synthesis, and conceptual framework. Journal of Sport Management, 29(5), 570-587.

Pedersen, P. M., & Thibault, L. (Eds.). (2014). Contemporary sport management, 5E. Human Kinetics.

Pedersen, P. M., Laucella, P., Kian, E., & Geurin, A. (2016). Strategic Sport Communication, 2E. Human Kinetics.

Schwarz, E.C., Hall, S.A. & Shibli, S., 2015. Sport facility operations management: A global perspective. Routledge.

Taylor, S. J., Bogdan, R., & DeVault, M. (2015). Introduction to qualitative research methods: A guidebook and resource. John Wiley & Sons.

Taylor, T., Doherty, A., & McGraw, P. (2015). Managing people in sport organizations: A strategic human resource management perspective. Routledge.

Vaioleti, T. M. (2016). Talanoa research methodology: A developing position on Pacific research. Waikato Journal of Education, 12(1).