Gender Inequality In The Labor Market: An Overview

Gender based Inequality at Workplace

Gender Inequality in the Workplace

Discuss about the Gender based inequality at workplace.

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Gender inequality is the unequal treatment on the basis of gender. Gender inequality in the labor market is prevalent from a very long time and has received a considerable attention over the years.   The facts state that the gender inequality occurs more in the occupational category. Gender socialization is one of the factors that are responsible for the reinforcement of gender inequality (Ridgeway, 2011).  It is because of the continuous belief of the society that is transmitting the traditional gender roles to the individual. Men are considered as the bread earner and women are considered as the home-maker. The different institution is responsible for giving a role to an individual in order to carry out work. Since childhood women are taught to be submissive towards men.  Above all the gender gap, organizational power and different employment opportunity has increased the disparities.  One of the most shocking facts is that, in Australia men are earning more than women in every industry. There is still a wider gap in pay in between men and women.  The imbalance not only exists in Australia but across the world.  The gender pay gap of 15.3 percent shows that there is still a lot of scope in term s of improving gender inequality (Stilinovic, 2017). 

Gender difference is identified as a behavioral pattern which differentiates women and men.    In general the radical feminism is considered as a harmful factor that is causing gender segregation. Women have to overcome many obstacles at the workplace. It is a growing trend visible in majority of countries whether developed or developing (Jones, Arena, Nittrouer, Alonso & Lindsey, 2017). The gender inequality is one of the serious issue need to be addressed. In present day, women make up almost half of the workforce. There is a huge pay gap irrespective of the fact that women  hold more graduates degrees. This issue is considered to be one of the serious issues in the Australian labor market. The purpose here is to manage the workforce with an approach to reduce the growing issue pertaining to gender. Gender inequality has occurred due to the long term issues that are taking place inside an organization. There is a continuous necessity to make a balance in pay.  The reason is due to the bifurcation on basis of the job (Dunham, 2017). 

There are certain jobs that are specifically made for women. This is creating less number of opportunities for females hence causing problems in attaining a balance. This is important from the point of view of gaining effective role and responsibility at workplace in order to reduce gender based disparity (Burke, 2017). Australia is still lacking behind and requires a close vigilance in terms of managing the gap in pay. As per the data provided by the federal government’s Workplace Gender Equality Agency, men on an average earn 24 percent more than women. In addition women are not getting the similar opportunity that they used to get in early days.  There is still gender biasness at the top most position. Women’s are finding difficulty in securing executive position. There are several efforts made to include women in the board.  There are a few women who are working at a top level.  There are very few women who are working at a part-time (Okechukwu, Souza, Davis & de Castro, 2014). 

Factors Contributing to Gender Inequality

However there is a necessity to develop a mindset that allow women who are working at a part time to be at senior post.   There is a necessity to embrace the flexibility. This will not only allow in embracing the changes but also help in generating an effective change in the society. There is a need to change the view of people (Women…Like Men, Only Cheaper, 2018). This change will automatically allow in managing effectiveness that in return will allow in gaining better growth. Their career growth is obstructed due to different reasons. One of the main reasons is that women have to take care of their family.  Due to which they are not considered as a contender for a top-most position.   It is important from the point of view of developing a majority of prospect that allows in maintaining a balance (Hacker, 2017).   The changing human resource approach is all needed to gain a balance in a better way.

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There are incorrect assumptions that the gender equality has been achieved despite of the disturbing figures. There are strange facts in terms of gender quality at workplace. There is a continuous belief that the number of women at the top most position is increasing .   There has been number of theories that are put forward by different researchers. Amongst the given theories are the inequality and the modernization theory. These are important enough for understanding the concept behind gender inequality (Jayachandran, 2015).  The origin of gender inequality in between men and women is a matter of intellectual debate.  The pervasiveness of male dominance in the society has lead to the difference in gender.  This is considered as one of the reason that has contributed in workplace inequality.  The argument behind the feminist analyses has created a superior status of male.  Hence it has contributed in an imbalance that has created wide gaps in achieving goals. In terms of gender inequality it is quite evident that there is a continuous issue.  There is promotion that has created a gap in adopting gender equality. It is important from the point of view of understanding the gaps in between men and women in securing a job position (Davis, 2016).

The modernization theory is based on two ideas that are about social change developed in the 19th century. The focus is primarily on the idea that held back the development and empowerment of females. There is an approach that focuses primarily on the idea that there is equality in between the men and women.  However there is a necessity for the society to undergo transformation in order to accept the changes taking place (Coelli & Borland, 2016).  There is a primary focus where it has become must for the society to manage the gaps in order to attain effectiveness while matching up the expectations. This is one of the most necessary and effective need that required to be focused in order to generate better role and responsibility. It is necessary for gaining necessary goals and meeting the purpose on a regular basis.  It is important from the point of view of developing a measure that allow in generating useful value. It is important for matching up with the expectations in order to generate different role and responsibility (Kelsey, 2015). 

Disparities in Pay and Employment Opportunities

In the changing industrial scenario, it has become important for the Management to incorporate an effective process that allow in managing a balance in the employment. It is necessary for acquiring a balance and providing with a concrete focus on developing great concern. It is necessary for managing a better balance in providing with a equal status. It is necessary for achieving a balance and attaining a focus (Stier & Yaish, 2014). This is important for generating better roles and responsibilities and concentrating on managing jobs. The increasing employment opportunities need to be managed by focusing on a dynamic approach.  This is further important for attaining a balanced productivity and attaining growth and development (Calás, Smircich & Holvino, 2014). 

Changing corporate landscape and policies by the company is causing an issue in managing complex situation. Of the top 200 companies in Australia, 40 have reached an aim to get 30 percent of the board as female.  This practice is focused on generating results by involving more females in the senior most position. It is evident for the purpose of managing a fair ratio.  There is a necessity to take this whole thing seriously so that it is possible to balance the growth of women at a top-notch position. It is one of the important parameter that will ensure consistent growth in order to achieve certain results.  This is necessary from the point of generating sustainable roles and allowing in maintaining a balance that would allow in making them realize their real potential.  There is a need to improve the figures in the coming years. It is certain from the point of generating better results and organizing goals for the purpose of gaining effectiveness.  Hence it is important from the point of developing a scope in order to implement an effective process to gain goals.  This is necessary in terms of developing better futuristic approach and dealing in organizational consistency (Wilkins, 2015). 

There is a recent push to implement a target of 30 percent in the females in the board.  There are cases of discrimination at the workplace that requires a strict approach.  The part time women workers are hardly considered for executive positions.  There is a risk of harassment and discrimination. There is a necessity to address such issues in order to define a positive approach for the future generation. Women are taking role of a part-time worker.  This will help in ascertaining long term sustainable growth in their careers. There is a requirement to develop flexible working conditions. This will allow in managing the situation arising at present.  Providing with a flexible working timing to the women is the only solution that will somehow allow in managing the work.  There is a perception that the person at a high position cannot work at part-time. This type of perception is restricting women at the top position.  The overall purpose here is to reduce the gap  on the basis of gender and create a flexible environment. This will  certainly allow In adding value to the working environment. There is a necessity to meet the fact related  to the gender based inequality mentioned above. The purpose is to reduce the gap in terms of gender and allow  continuous motivation which will improve the facts in coming years.

Efforts to Address Gender Inequality


To conclude, the particular concern is regarding paying out the balance in concern of the gap. The increasing gap in the gender based inequality needed to be addressed with a better approach. This will certainly allow in managing a balance that is important from the point of generating better opportunities. This is necessary for focusing on different factors that has a potential to manage the gaps. It is a well defined approach and necessity that has grabbed the attention of people across the globe. This will certainly allow in managing the concern and help in developing a better approach. As per the data published by the Australian Government, Women accounts for 46.2 percent of the local workforce.  It is evident to find out an effective way to eradicate  the issue related to gender inequality at workplace. This issue can only be addressed through coordinated function in between the industry and the employees.  Such an approach is important for gaining long-term sustainable results which will allow in gaining capabilities. It is further important for arranging lead role in eradicating the gap. This will help in putting forward a positive  result for the other countries.  The changing social behavior towards women  employees is important in order to reduce  the disparity.


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Davis, K. M. (2016). Hard Work is Not Enough: Gender and Racial Inequality in an Urban Workspace. UNC Press Books.

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Kelsey, C. L. (2015). Gender inequality: Empowering women. Journal of Legal Issues and Cases in Business, 3, 1.

Okechukwu, C. A., Souza, K., Davis, K. D., & de Castro, A. B. (2014). Discrimination, harassment, abuse, and bullying in the workplace: Contribution of workplace injustice to occupational health disparities. American journal of industrial medicine, 57(5), 573-586.

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Stilinovic,M.(2017). How Far Has Australia Come In Terms Of Gender Equality? (Online). Retrieved from: (Accessed on: 20 Jan 2018)

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