Gun Violence And Mental Health: A Critical Analysis

Thesis statement

Gun violence and the development of the ammunition technologies has resulted to different issues in the social and cultural elements in most of the countries including USA.  It has been noted that the relative number of deaths, as per the world mortality statistics has referred to the growth of gun violence in the societies. On the other hand, Joseph  (2014) stated that the problem with gun violence is basically dependent on the mental illnesses that are faced by the people in the different parts of the world. The discussion will be aiming at evaluating the direct link between gun violence and mental illnesses that are affecting the lifestyle of the people.

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The higher level of violence in the US has resulted to increase in the Gun ownership. On the other hand, the in reased amount of mental illness among the people has resulted to maximization of the violence rates.

The purpose of undertaking the research is based on the identification of the direct link between the mental illness and gun violence. Te research will be evaluating the effects of human stigma and psychiatric disorders in influencing violence in the societies. The perception of the people and different psychiatric disorders results to the growth of gun violence in the different region of the world.

Influence of Gun Collectives on the mental health of the people

The influence of Gun collectives and dialogues relating to gun ownership is an emerging issue that is being faced by the social structures. On the other hand, the different association of the people in different gun collectives has stimulated the violence in their minds. The influence of the dialogues that are created by the gun developers for attracting the attention of their target market has influenced the stigma of the same relating to violence. The development of different films like Mafia and other shootout- based movies that portray violence affects the mental health of the people. On the other hand, the family background of the people and the different circumstances that are faced by the same has resulted  to psychiatric disorders in the people.  Moreover, the emergence of the different social issues relating to political unrest and violence is supported by the different activities that are undertaken by the people to collect guns. The implementation of Erikson’s psychological needs theory will be helping to identify the different psychological needs of the people in  different stages of their lives (Blithe  & Lanterman,    2017).  The legislation of different nations relating to providence of license to the public for utilizing guns for their personal safety has also influenced the growth of gun violence and different other illegal functions. Leyton  (2018) stated that in most of the cases the public shootouts and firearm sales has resulted to the growth of corruption in the societies. The un shows and slogans relating to the collectables has affected the stigma of the people and thereby resulted to an growing influence of the same on the psychiatric nature of the same. The act of violence is specifically based on the activities that are undertaken by the gun developers in attracting the people to make a buy o their new designs. On the other hand, the gun collective arsenal that is created by the gun developers has resulted to an increase in the maximization of violence in the different aspects (Metzl  & MacLeish,  2015).  The highest rate of firearms homicides is found in US over the other nations. It has resulted to different psychiatric illnesses among the people.  The repeated event of stigma has affected the rate of firearm collectives among the people, as they are fascinated with the power that is given to the same (Leyton,  2018).  The legislative council of the nation has provided free license to the people so that they might carry firearms for ensuring their personal safety. In this regards, the growth in the firearm deals has affected the mental structure of the people as they believe that they were given the ultimate power. The specific mentality of the people to bring forth anarchy in the social systems has given rise to violence and affected the social law and justice along with the structure of the same.

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Purpose of the research

Metzl  and MacLeish  (2015) stated that the psychiatric disorders in the people relates to the deformed mental growth and perception in the people. It has been researched that most of the people with different psychiatric disorders are the root cause for relating violence in the societies. Blithe and Lanterman (2017) also stated that around 10 to 20% of the people with different mental illnesses are indulged in crimes. The basic criminology relates to the psychological factors that leads a person towards crime. Moreover, the different aspects of change in the behaviour of the people due to mental illnesses have resulted to socially objectionable trait development in the same.

On the other hand, the mental illnesses in the humans give rise to emotions relating to discrimination and a sense of isolation from society. It affects the mental setup of the people and results to the exalting crime rates under different social systems. The inability of the people suffering from mental disabilities to correlate their position in the society results to the rising crime rates (Joseph,  2014). On the other hand, the providence of guns to the paranoiac and isolated humans might bring forth the emotion of changing the society on their own. It has also resulted to the rise of the crime levels in the different nations. Metzl and MacLeish  (2015) stated that the  identification of the mental issues that are faced by the people and limiting the access over the guns will be helping the governments in minimizing the crime rates.  The isolation and deprived state of the individuals affects their respective mental and cognitive abilities that results to the tendency of resorting to criminal activities. Leyton  (2018) stated that the people that are neglected in the societies are also affected by the different psychiatric illnesses and complexes which affects their activities leading to maximization of crime rates.   The wide spread mental disorders like schizophrenia and split personality has affected the mental growth and cognitive abilities in the people resulting to the rise of criminal activities.  

The ECA study has enumerated the growth of violence among specific demography that constitutes of younger individuals and males with lower socioeconomic status (Blithe  & Lanterman,  2017) . The studies have helped in identifying the status and the origin of the growth of the crime rates in the different sub-continents. The studies have also enumerated the manner in which the history of crime rates has helped in enhancing the cognition of the crime rates that the future generations might hold. Leyton  (2018) stated that there is an increasing amount of correlation between the rising crime rates with the mental illnesses of the people. On the other hand, the growth of the gun violence depended on the provisions that are made by different governments to provide license to public to carry firearms for their personal security. The ailments like schizophrenia and isolation might create a situation where people feel depressed and inferior to the social status that is being carried by the others. The provision of carrying firearms gives the people the right to apply power as per their needs. It has resulted to the growth of the criminal activities. On the other hand, Blithe and Leyton  (2018) stated that the developments that are made by the social structures and the different circumstances that are faced by the people has affected their mental growth. The identification of the history of gun violence will be helping to predict the course of action in the context of the criminology.


The growth of mental illnesses in the society might also helps in predicting the future of the crimes (Leyton,  2018). The excessive use of drugs and the depiction of violence in the television shows has affected the psychological aspects of the people.  On the other hand, the different provisions for self defense that are provided by the governments and legislative bodies in different nations affect the rates of crime.  Joseph  (2014) stated that the excessive utilization of drugs in the Western countries has resulted to different mental diseases like superiority complex, inferiority, complex, split personality and schizophrenia resulting to the growth of violence.

 On the other hand, Metzl and MacLeish  (2015) stated that the  changes in the social structure and conditions relating to economic fluctuations has affected the mental health of the people. Different activities like drug trafficking, murder and the like is influenced through the changes in the social conditions. The identification of Erikson’s psychological needs theory helps in identifying the different stages in which the humans are affected through the crisis that they face in their lives (Metzl & MacLeish, 2015). The identification of the different situations that are faced by the people and thereby estimating the rate of mental illnesses that are faced by the same will be helping to identify the manner in which the crime rates will grow in different demographics.

The identification of the relevant causes of gun violence in the present social structure is  based on the identification of the historical context of different psychological disorders in people. On the other hand, the association of psychological disorders with the growing violence in the society is based on the minimization of cognitive development of the people. The growing trend of violence is based on the development of the national regulations in countries like US, which does not restrict the  ammunitions from the general public, thereby delivering enormous power in the hands of the people.


Therefore, from the above research it can be concluded that the growth in the gun violence and crime rates in the different nations are specifically based on the mental state of the people. The different factors like drug intakes, circumstances faced by the individual and the social structures influence the mental health of the people. The different factors are being discussed in the research, which interlinks the concepts of gun violence with mental health of the people. On the other hand, the research also enumerates the different predictions relating to the growth of the crime rates through evaluation of the mental state of the people. Therefore, the research has helped in understanding the direct correlation of increasing rate of gun violence with the psychiatric diseases of the people.


Blithe, S. J., & Lanterman, J. L. (2017). Camouflaged Collectives: Managing Stigma and Identity at Gun Events. Studies in social justice, 11(1).

Joseph, A. J. (2014). A prescription for violence: The legacy of colonization in contemporary forensic mental health and the production of difference. Critical criminology, 22(2), 273-292.

Leyton, M. (2018). Are people with psychiatric disorders violent?. Journal of psychiatry & neuroscience: JPN, 43(4), 180058-180058.

Metzl, J. M., & MacLeish, K. T. (2015). Mental illness, mass shootings, and the politics of American firearms. American journal of public health, 105(2), 240-249.