Handbook On Business Process Management: Choosing The Right Project Management Methodology

The Chosen Methodology for Organisation A

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Creativity and Innovation is the vital success factor for any business as it assists any particular business to gain more competitive advantages. All types of organizations are bound to face all types of challenges and issues like HR related issues, Finance related issues, and Operation related issues in the business along with this the business success mainly depends on all implemented methodologies and techniques for any particular organization to tackle all the faced challenges. Apart from that, it also discusses about different proper project management techniques to address the faced challenges of the project. Kerzner and Kerzner (2017) defined that the project management methodologies is mainly defined the ways to implement a process of methods which is used to manage any particular domain or study. On the other hand, in this report the concept of methodology is also discussed. Saltz and Crowston (2017) opined that methodology is the type of theoretical analysis of various methods which are applied in any particular study or field, particularly in project management. However, the utilization of an appropriate project management methodology assists to implement a project in a very strategic and planned manner. As any project success mainly depends on the risk management techniques of the particular project with the help of selection of an appropriate project methodology to help in doing suitable project risk management. The selection of any appropriate project management methodology depends on faced problems of the projects varying from project to project. The main objective of this particular study is to elaborate the proper project management methodology need to be undertaken in all three organizations, based on the characterization of faced problems (Kerzner 2018). As the problems types, sizes and characteristics of any organizations are different then simultaneously the undertaken project management methodologies will also vary. Therefore, the whole essay discusses about the suitable project management methodology selected used in all the three mentioned organizations.

Here the organization A is one of the manufacturing organizations which mainly produce high volume and high end memory chips. It is one of the multi-national organizations with more than 2000 employees. The main aim of this particular organization is to create a better market in both South and North America and it also extend its all types of related manufacturing operations to Brazil. However, this particular organization mainly sets up both its marketing and sales operational modules then it also get followed with the better establishment of more high-tech and low cost manufacturing organization. All organizational staffs will be transferred to do the set-up of new operational hub (Schwalbe 2015). Hence, it becomes important for Organization A to become one the fastest growing implementation of project. This particular organization also establishes the local operation team that helps to setup the manufacturing organization.

Based on the proper evaluation of recent status of this particular organization, it is identified that one of the important constraint attached in this project is its both exact planning of budget and time to get the rapid growing of the low cost manufacturing unit.

Some of the existing project methodology techniques mentioned in this project are Project In a Controlled Environment (PRINCE2) and Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK). Kerzner (2017) discussed that the PRINCE2 methodology is mainly implemented in different construction projects and also developed by Office of Government Commerce in UK, on other side, PMBOK is also one of the available methodologies technique used in Globe. The implementation of PRINCE 2 methodology implemented in a controlled environment of a project due to which the phases become login resultant to overcome project delays. However, this particular project aims to develop a low cost estimated project based on pre-determined parameters and schedules (Hornstein 2015). This becomes one of the vital reason due to which PRNICE2 method will not be used.

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The option of PMBOK project methodology is considered as proper to implement in this project and also predicted that any local project team need to have better knowledge regarding the implemented methodology. However, the PMBOK is one of the project guide which helps to do the productive implementation of any particular project based on the pre-determined plan. The selection of any project management methodology is surely one of the vital management level activity due to which the organizational goals is expanded in both South and North America which leads the fruitful beginning of the project in this competitive business world. The assigned project manager acts vital role to do the better selection of implemented project management methodology as per the project’s requirement (Joslin and Muller 2015). As the project manager have more knowledge about all undergoing project processes and project related works which will needed to be completed properly to get the better outcomes. However, a program manager can also be assigned along with project manager based on large or small project size.

A project management knowledge body will be selected as an appropriate project methodology depending on the project situation evaluation of any particular organization which helps to fulfill the necessities of the undergone project. Hence, it also proposed that the PMBOK methodology will be proper implemented in the whole project based on the identified different project stages which are identified and divided among all stakeholders by the project manager. Muller (2017) discussed that, the PMBOK project methodology segregates the project in five different stages like initiation stage, planning stage, execution stage, controlling stage and the closure stage. (Refer appendix 1). The distribution of project in different phases assists to have the better implementation of the particular project. However, the implementation stages undertaken in organization A are discussed below:

Initiation Stage: This is the first stage of the implementation of any particular project. In this particular stage, the requirement analysis and gathering as well as the project feasibility test also are done. Based on the above mentioned analysis, goals, outcomes as well as the marketing and sales divisions are prepared for the implementation of this manufacturing unit.

Planning Stage: It is one of the important stages for implementation of any project to obtain the pre-determined outcomes successfully. In this stage, the main part of resource allocation and delivery modules are planned accordingly with the final project teams.

Execution Stage: In this execution stage, the undergone project gets implemented that also includes the development of low cost manufacturing unit (Krysi?ski and Miller 2016). It also done based on the appropriate project controlling and monitoring techniques.

Closing Stage: In this particular stage, the project gets successfully delivered followed by proper maintenance stage dealing with faced error rectification.

In addition to this, Vanickova (2017) discussed that project governance is one of the vital phase of PMBOK project methodology that make sure the project get delivered based on the plan. However, it will eliminate the delay risk chance from the whole project implementation process. Apart from that, the uses of PMBOK project methodology will not allow the changes in scope statement from the project implementation as a result the selection of methodology for organization A gets justified based on the proper scope statement of project.

On the other hand, in organization A for the implementation of PMBOK project management approach depends on some assumptions which are listed below:

  • It understood that the project scope will kept as unchanged in the whole project implementation stage.
  • It also understood that all the team members and employees need to have all types of skills and knowledge regarding PMBOK project methodology (Lecomber and Tatnall 2017).
  • It assumed that no changes will be done in project requirements which are recognized in the project initiation stage.
  • It is understood that no deliberate delays will occur in doing the implementation of all project phases.

Though the uses of PMBOK project methodology is suitable for this particular project which also face some related issues due to the uses of PMBOK. The main cause of all faced issues is its guide nature rather than methodology nature. It also offers the required guidance to all project team members for doing the proper implementation of this particular project. Apart from that, there will no opportunity to do changes in scope statement of the project if the project enters in the implementation phase (Tomanek and Juricek 2015). Furthermore, the new associates working in this project also can face difficulties to understand the whole implementation process of PMBOK methodology.

In terms of addressing all related challenges and issues due to the implemented PMBOK methodology, an appropriate project governance technique will be maintained from the initiation stage. The process of requirement gathering needs to be done in more accurate manner so that no possibility of any discrepancies will be there for the project implementation. Before doing the project implementation, it recommends to provide all necessary knowledge to all associated members regarding the project processes as well as PMBOK knowledge.

Except all these implementation issues, it have some benefits to implement the project by doing the proper uses of PMBOK methodology. However, with proper help of PMBOK technique, it becomes easier implementation based pre-determined schedule of project. Apart from that, by doing the proper use of PMBOK, it will not leave any single possibility for scope creep as well as in budget errors or scheduling errors which leads to maximum delay to implement the project (Kononenko and Lutsenko 2018). Based on all above points, the PMBOK approach is suggested for the particular organization A.

In this part, the organization B is one of the construction organizations which undertake various European Government Infrastructure Projects. The selected organization is one of the small sized organizations with less than 500 employees and also mainly operates in both France and Paris. The basic aim of this particular organization is to improve the numbers of upcoming projects which helps to increase the profit-level. The associated Board of Directors of company is mainly concerned for the increasing numbers of projects, along with the project numbers, the financial risk of organization will also rise (Arriagada et al. 2016). Therefore, this particular organization required a proper project management methodology which will stage the whole risk assessment techniques.

The selection of project management methodology is depends on all criterion which a methodology will involves in the whole risk management process. However, it is suggested to implement the PRINCE2 project management methodology. Hence, the organization’s owner gets involved to make better decision to choose any particular project management methodology as it is one of the management-level activity. Therefore, in this construction organization projects, the PRINCE2 project management methodology will be suggested because of its comprehensive risk management methodologies. However, this particular project management methodology gets implemented in all undertaken projects by the particular organization for doing the proper management of all associated risks (Nicholas and Steyn 2017). As this particular organization is based on the construction related project, the implementation of appropriate PRINCE2 project management methodology will be justified. It also ensures appropriate risks examination where all risks will be accessible with their occurrence of likelihood. In the PRNICE 2 methodology, the project will be categorized in different seven parts which helps to do the better implementation of any project in a better environment. However, the implementation planning of risk examination in PRINCE 2 technique is discussed here: Better project governance becomes important for doing the proper identification as well as mitigation of all associated risks of the project (Joslin and Muller 2015) Furthermore, the risk management process of PRINCE 2 procedure can access as well as mitigates all faced five phases’ risks. The five phases discussed about project implementation phase, project identification phase, project assessment phase as well as the risk mitigation phase.

The risk mitigation process in PRINCE 2, the process of proper communication becomes important to do the identification of different mitigation approaches for all risks (Rosemann and vom Brocke 2015). By doing end-to-end communication and regular meetings, it will be easier to do management of different associated risks within the project.

The selection of PRINCE 2 project management methodology for organization B depends on some assumptions which are discussed below:

  • The implementation of any project by doing the proper usage of PRINCE2 methodology becomes more costly. It is assumed that organization B gets ready for doing the expenditure.
  • It is understood that the organization needs to appoint all those associated members who have better knowledge regarding PRINCE 2 methodology or organization needs to arrange training classes of the project associates for all techniques and process need to undertake in this particular project (Rodriguez et al.2017).

The implementation of PRINCE 2 project management methodology will be done depending on different issues faced by the project team in this construction related project. The challenges of PRINCE 2 approach arise due to the long and time consuming project stages. It also directly implies to the increasing trend of project costs as well as required time of the project.

Conversely, it has some benefits due to the implementation of PRINCE 2 project management approach other than risk management techniques. Baptista et al. (2016) also discussed that, PRINCE 2 is one of the process based technique that mainly ensures better project governance, therefore, the project gets implemented as per the pre-determined plan. As a result, the selection of PRINCE 2 methodology is appropriate for the organization B which is a construction based organization.

This particular organization C is one the financial services organization which deals with the domain of financial planning, taxation, retirement planning as well as fund management. However, this particular organization mainly deals with all types of new techniques to do the better improvement of all business related operations. This particular organization is also desire for different new techniques and ideas to do the improvement of their business related processes. For all the better project related operations and performance, a project management methodology implementation is needed (Tenera and Luís Carneiro 2014). Hence, the Six-Sigma project management methodology is recommended for this organization due to its continuous project improvements techniques.

Pyzdek and Keller (2014) discussed that Six Sigma project management methodology is one of the data driven and statistical approach that mainly assists in doing the continuous improvements of product delivery process and defects elimination of the project. All future projects of this particular organization will be based on the implementation of six sigma project management approach which undergoes of 5 stages (Akpolat 2017). In this particular approach, the customers are analyzed for doing the proper implementation of improvement plan which is executed by the creation of proper project management metrics. The selection of six sigma project management methodology depends on different assumptions. However, it also faced different associated issues in this project due to the lack age of proper leadership skills and time consuming nature of the project (Muller 2017). Therefore, to work with this particular project management methodology, the associated employees need to be more properly trained to manage all faced risks.

It is resulted that, the using of this particular methodology will have better customer handling as well as improvement of project qualities.


This particular essay concludes about three project management techniques in three different kind of organization. All the suggestions of selecting project management approaches are based on their organizational requirements as well as needs. The employ of any appropriate project management methodology make sure that the project gets implemented without any hassles and due to which a proper project management methodology needs to be selected. Depending on the all needs and project expectation, PMBOK approach for organization A, PRINCE 2 approach for organization B and the Six-Sigma approach for organization C is recommended for their successful project implementation.


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