Handling Spillages, Load Shifting, And Transport Metrics

Immediate Action and Applicable Legislation and Regulations

Upon noticing the spillage on the floor, the first step would be to notify the administrative authorities at the working station about the occurrence. In this way, the procedure of handling the spillages are given, and the safety measures are taken to as to cater for any possible damages, mainly because even little spillages could result in gross injuries. While determining the safety responses, it is essential to keep away from the spillage, especially since the chemical possible spilled may not be known. Depending on the type of the spillage as either simple or complex, appropriate measures would hence be taken to effectively handle the mess.

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The active handling of the spillage involves the prevention of the spread of dust and vapor from the area affected. Any acids or bases in the spilled liquid hence require to be neutralized. After this, the liquid spilled on the floor would then be barred from spreading into the other floor areas initially not involved. After this limitation of the liquid flow, its absorption would ensure it is dried off from the floor, after which the clean-up residues would be collected and cleaned. The wastes thereof will hence be disposed appropriately, decontaminating them if need be.

Special considerations would be given if the spilling liquid is flammable, volatile, a substance with direct hazards, or if it is mercury spillage. Eventually, there is a need to document the events around the occurrence of the spillage and the handling of its clearance.

What are your immediate action and the applicable legislation and regulations?

In responding to methylated spirit spillage, it is first necessary to evaluate the extent of the mess, to effectively develop a practical approach to clear the confusion. The next step would involve the wearing of personal protective equipment, which would protect the people advancing towards the area of spillage. Mainly, the things to avoid in this case include; inhalation of the spirit, skin contact with the spilled spirit, eye contact, and ingestion of the substance. The mentioned risks would inform the kind of personal protective wear to be used when cleaning the mess. As such, it is crucial to consider thee points in handling such spillages.

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Besides these, it would also be essential to consider the applicable legislation regarding the spillage. For example, the spilled fluid should strictly be disposed according to the outlined regulatory measures and criteria. The recording of such events is also essential as it keeps track of the occurrence for future references, and would also be of help in making claims, especially in cases where certain damages are recorded. In addition to generating this kind of record, the information regarding the spillage should be delivered to the authorities for the sake of openness and establishment of future safety measures to prevent future occurrences of the same.

Policies and Procedures to Follow

What policies and procedures should have been followed?

The procedures followed would first involve securing the area of the spillage, followed by securing the people around using appropriate PPEs. As such, the steps towards cleaning the spillage would begin after a clear record has been made, and the spillage evaluated and classified as either simple or complex. It is after this that the spillage would be absorbed from the floor area using designated and available materials. It would hence be disposed safely, and any equipment involved in the spillage would then be collected, cleaned and assessed for possible causes of the silage. It would also be essential to notify the area security teams as such events could involve specific legal procedures, especially when there may be need for prosecution and claims.

The reporting required

Staff and stakeholder communication and the costs involved and any potential further costs

There is a need to make clear communication of the spillage to everyone working in the same organization. In this way, they can stay safe and be informed of the dangers they may be exposed to, due to such spillages. Every stakeholder has the right to be informed about such an occurrence.

Regarding the cost implications, an evaluation should be done to possibly quantify the amounts of the spillage. Further investigations may focus on other areas, for example trying to determine the root cause of the events. As such, the cost implications are effectively measured and quantitatively assessed. The additional costs resulting from this spillage would be met via appropriate channels, for example, if there were an insurance cover, the insurance company would be informed to pay the claims to the organization according to the terms of the cover. If not, the company may have to meet these costs on its own.

Actions to ensure it does not reoccur in the second scenario

The evaluation of the scene and circumstances around its occurrence would provide vital hints regarding the possible cause of the spillage. In determining the likely cause through keen evaluation, there is a chance and opportunity to effectively come up with preventive measures for future similar occurrences. Afterward, it would be essential to note these recommended changes and hence implement them as part of preventing similar incidents in the future.

Load shifting refers to a dangerous phenomenon that may happen on roads, air, and water during transportation. It involves the movement of many small items towards the ground when the vehicle, airplane, or ship has consistently tipped past 10 or 15 degrees, (Crawford, 2018). Load lifting results from possible overloading of vehicles such that it becomes unbalanced. The load shift condition can be prevented through an active load management team that supervises the loading of vehicles. Secondly, avoiding high sea conditions and only using the sheep when the sea is calm is another solution. Lastly, the places where goods are being placed should always be properly maintained. While loading assets, it is crucial to consider the center of gravity. Expert information regarding load-lifting mainly lies with engineers, especially those that deal with the construction of transport ways such as roads. It is hence from these people that valid information could be obtained.

Reporting Required

Transport engineers and experts would be in a better position to give reliable information regarding the retrain that needs to be put on goods on transit to prevent their falling off during transit. The restraint can, however, be achieved depending on the nature of the products in transit. For example, bulky goods may require metallic chains if they are retainable using these chains. Tanks could also be used for liquid commodities.

First, rail transport is cheaper and relatively safer for long distant journeys. Rails traffic is also more appropriate for transporting bulky goods as compared to other carriers means such as road transport.  The benefits hereof do not only apply to people but also goods as they can easily transport bulky and fragile products. Trains have fewer reported accidents as compared to road transport. Rail transport is slower, especially in cases where it is not modernized for example, by electric trains. Secondly, rail accidents through fewer, are most often fatal and severely damaging when they occur. Rail transports also lack proximity hence cannot offer door to door services. Secondly, they are slower compared to road transportation. The advantages of road transport include they are flexible and can move in any areas, including the rural areas. Other than that, they can offer door to door services on the delivery of goods safely without the goods getting lost. The disadvantages of road transportation include they are more prone to accidents, and their accidents usually are fatal. Secondly, they have frequent breakdowns. It is due to the poor roads, making them unreliable.

The mode of transport used in my business is road transport. It is because the location of my business is in a rural area, and only vehicles and motorcycles can easily access the place. The reason I use this mode of transport is that it is cheaper as I only have to pay for the delivery services. Other than that, it can carry many bulky goods; hence, I only pay once in a month for my products to be transported. Other than that, in case the weather is good, the vehicle delivers the goods typically in good time. In the case of a natural calamity like rains and floods, this is when the products usually take time to reach the shop. Therefore the road means of transportation using vehicles is very reliable in rural areas and very efficient in goods transportation.

Staff and Stakeholder Communication, Costs, and Further Potential Costs

Give fourexamples of transport metrics.

Transportation metrics refer to the tools that are used to evaluate existing transportation processes of inventory to help in improving the transport sector or to determine the limitations of the transport means (Dembrowski, 2017).  They include backlog value, the book to fulfill ratio, book to ship days, annualized inventory turns, and claims percentage for freight costs. 

Whywould a transport company implement TMS? What is it and what are the benefits?

A transport management system refers to software that is specialized for planning and the execution of the transport for goods. A company needs to have such a transport system. It is because: firstly it keeps a company whole supply chain runs smoothly and quickly. With efficient management, the goods in the supply chain will be transported fast and safely from the supplier to the markets. (Howard, 2017) Secondly, it reduces the costs that are incurred in another means of transportation as the best methods of shipping are chosen. Lastly, with the as good management system, the customers are fully satisfied with the services of the transportation sector.

To track the goods that are being transported at my workplace, then first, you go to the website of the business, then log in using your account. The account details contain different things like the status of the transport being carried, the vehicle that is taking the goods, and the time that it is supposed to arrive. The details of the driver ferrying the goods are usually placed in the accounts; thus, in case one feels that the products are not safe or are taking too to reach, they can reach the driver through phone and enquire about their goods.

The first problem in my place of work involves the remarketing of returned goods. The other problem is the shelf reliability. The remarketing of returned goods is quite a challenge existing even present in the organization I work in. Its possible prevention could be done by attempting to eliminate the occurrence of events leading to the returning of goods. Besides this, the remarketing can be intensified to involve more significant areas, hence targeting larger populations of people. In preventing the recovering of products, it would mean that maximal care is taken throughout the processes to keep the goods in their first state for delivery.

The second problem is the reliability of the shelves at the warehouse. This challenge contributes to the possible loss of goods through potential damage due to unreliable shelves, whose effectiveness in storage is in doubt. Such shelves may easily cause extensive damage to goods stored in the warehouse, awaiting appropriate subsequent steps in the logistical criteria. The solution for these kinds of shelves will be found if the shelves are technically repaired and maintained. Constant maintenance and evaluation wold most likely keep the shelves in good condition, which would mean they store the goods therein more appropriately. The solutions mentioned above are currently in use, but to a lesser extent, and as such, their improvement would mean that we get better results with regards to solving these challenges.

Actions to Prevent Reoccurrence in the Future

Employers and employees must take all reasonable steps to manage fatigue.  List at least three symptoms of Fatigue, and what does ‘reasonable steps’ mean?

Fatigue refers to a state of being tired after work or during working hours caused by a lack of sleep or overworking in a workstation. There are different symptoms of fatigue. They are sore or aching muscles where one has pains in the muscles all through the day — secondly, moodiness and irritability. The person performing a particular task is not happy while performing the job and looks like it is being forced on perfornmi9ng the task. Lastly, the person experiences severe headaches and dizziness while working. The reasonable steps refer to the ways of managing fatigue (Grist, 2016). They are: managing of stress, reducing the use of caffeine   in the body and lastly changing one’s way of doing things

In coaching the staff member on dealing with angry customers, I would advise using the following steps while dealing with the customers. First, the staff member should always remain calm and ever settled when the customer yells or hails abuses at him. Secondly, the staff member should not take the situation too personal and should also make sure that the use of the best listening skills is applied. Thirdly actively sympathize with the customer. At the same time, a graceful apology should always follow. The excuse might make the customers calm down. After calming down, the two should find a solution to the problem, as they give their different opinions. After the phone call, the staff member should implement the solutions to avoid the incident again.

Chain of responsibility refers to the behavioral design pattern that allows different people along the line of work in a logistical setup, to effectively transfer requests along the designated chain of operation, made up of various handlers. The chain has a group of people that handle the requests. (Bennet, 2016). In case the claims cannot be processed, then it passed on to the next person who can handle it. The main aim of the chain of responsibility is to make sure that roles are distributed equally.

The chain of responsibilities covers many people. A person may be a party to the responsibility chain in more than one way. The responsibility chain includes all the roles of the workers and their duties. It also covers those that are the heads of the various departments. All the employees of an organization are included in this chin.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Road and Rail Transport

In the chain responsibility, the fundamental obligations of the employees are to deliver on the request placed by the other party in the chain, to complete the ultimate task of the logistical chain of operations. It may involve various activities performed on certain goods, which ultimately make the commodities ready for delivery at the designated paces or clients. They include managing finances, transportation of goods, selling of products, and offering customers services. The employers usually are given responsibilities, and they have to take them. If one is busy, then he transfers then the responsibility to the next person.

For goods to be delivered in time, firstly, they have to be packed in time, and the supervisor must assess their rights before they leave. It ensures the completeness of these goods before they are sent to the clients.  All products must be recorded as they are being packed to avoid confusion with the customers.  The business should concentrate on the role allocation appropriately such that everybody performs this role successfully. Another critical factor that can work is the proper allocation of capital in various departments to increase their efficiency.

Firstly I should enquire about what the person is undergoing and why he looks tired. I would engage the person in a series of questions before packing the products. The procedure for fatigue management is: first, the worker’s supervisor will talk to the employee at length to know what the [problem is. Secondly, after finding the problem, the supervisors will act where possible, for example, shifting jobs or changing roles, reducing the workload, or making the worker go home and relax to report the next day to allow for rest (Hanel,  2017).  In case it is a health issue, then the worker is immediately taken to the hospital. Fatigue management is located under the occupational safety and health act of a company. (OHS)

In ensuring DIFOT, metric measures such as on-time pick-ups work to ensure the ultimate achievement of a good DIFOT. The time elapsed from release to ship confirm is the other metric measure that could ensure that a good DIFOT is achieved. Besides this, the transit time and receipt to put-away are just more of the steps that could ensure that the desired DIFOT is met.


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Bennet, D. & O’Kane (2016) achieving business excellence through synchronous supply in the automotive sector. Benchmarking; An international journal. 10, 67-80.

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Crawford, D. & Huntzinger B.(2018)  Multi-objective decision analysis for transmission conductor selection. Management of Science.  5, 34-40.  

Howard. R. (2017).  Decision analysis: Practice and promise. Management of Science. 3, 4-7.