Human Resource Development For Diversified Culture – Opportunities And Challenges

Background of the scenario

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The change planned by the organization determining the involvement and collaborative functioning of the workforce towards achieving common goals of organization. Major aspects of performance of the organization are determined through the understanding of the levels of involvement of the employees in the systems of the organization. Performance of the workforce helps the organization in undertaking the improvements in the situation.

The company “V- Pvt. Ltd.” has taken steps to grow in the international markets, more specifically on the Middle Eastern nations of the world. However, there are different issues and challenges faced by the business, which is based on the determination of different features of the alteration in the structure and the functioning of the business.  The key aspects of the modifications, which is planned by the organization is based on the understanding of the different aspects of the change in the systems and the functioning of the firm. The diversified culture and the people from the different origins of the nations have affected the smooth performance of the organization in the market. It has affected their position in the international markets. On the other hand, the influence of the competitors has affected the functioning of the organization on the different aspects of the change in the organizational structure and the performance.

The purpose of the report is to determine different issues and the opportunities that are possessed by the management of the organization for bringing in the modifications in the systems of the business. The motive of the organization to increase the involvement of the employees and the manner in which the workforce can be motivated to achieve the objective of the organization forms the major part of the report.

There are various challenges and opportunities that will get emerged in managing and leading the employees in countries including India, China and Germany. This is mainly due to the cultural differences existed among these countries. According to the Bennett’s scale of cultural dimensions, one of the major challenges that will be faced in leading the employees in three different countries is the denial of differences (Coffey et al. 2013). This is due to the reason that according to the author, people tend to consider their own culture as superior to others and they are less interested to consider other cultures. Thus, it will be difficult for the leaders to get accepted in different cultures.

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Purpose of the report

However, on the other hand, there will have opportunities for the leadership roles according to the Bennett scale. It is stated in the model that people tend to slowly accept the differences in cultures and they slowly starts to integrate them in the diverse cultural situation. Thus, this will help the leaders to gain more diverse knowledge from different cultural groups.

According to this theory, countries such as Germany are having high level of universalism compared to the countries such as India and China. Universalism refers to the concept of initiating standardized approach of ideas in every place (Vaiman and Brewster 2015). Thus, leaders will have the opportunities to implement their ideas for the German employees. This will enable them to use their own knowledge and approaches in managing the employees, which will further enhance their effectiveness. On the other hand, the leaders will face the major challenges in China and India. This is due to the reason that in order to manage the employees from these countries, leaders should modify and customize their approaches according to the circumstances and the local preferences.

Another important dimension discussed in this model is the achievement and ascription. According to the reports, Germany is having more of achievement model, which denotes that leaders will have to perform in order to gain the accorded status. Thus, the past experiences and the status of the leaders will not be considered in this case. On the other hand, countries such as India and China are having more ascription type of culture. This denotes that leaders can leverage their gained status from the very primary stage. This will help them to have the upper hand in managing the employees. In these countries, employees will give the status to the leaders without being determined by their work performance.

Hofstede’s cultural dimensions states about different differences in dimensions between the countries. It is stated that Germany is having much lesser ranking in comparison to the China and India. Thus, it can be concluded that leaders will face the issue of lack of effective communication due to the hierarchy being followed in China and India, while it will also help them to have the controlling power on the employees. On the other hand, Germany is having lower ranging and they are not the followers of hierarchical structures. Thus, in this case, leaders will have the opportunities to have effective communication with the employees. According to the Hofstede’s dimensions, it can be concluded that cultural factors of India and China are much more similar to that of the Germany.

Theoretical exploration of potential opportunities and challenges

The opportunities and the challenges that are faced by the organization is being discussed in this section of the report. It helps in perceiving the best practices that might be undertaken by the organization in order to manage the workforce and thereby bring in changes in the performance of the organization (Torrente et al.  2012). The analysis of the opportunities and the challenges is facilitated through the identification of the different factors that helps in determining the needs of the organization to bring in the modifications and the fields where more stress is required to be given (Kim, Kolb  and Kim  2013).

The motivation that the organization is required to provide to the employees of the same is facilitated through the proper functioning of the Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. The theory will be helping the management of the organization to determine the needs of the employees and thereby distinguish between the same in order to determine the capabilities of the organization to provide the employees with the same (Robertson, Jansen Birch  and Cooper  2012). The proper identification of the different features of the modification in the system is facilitated through the determination of the theory and the manner in which the theory might be placed in the present scenario.  

The determination of the psychological, safety, belonging, esteem and the self-esteem needs will be helping the business firm in bringing in changes in actualization of the performance of the same in the market (Suharti  and Suliyanto  2012). The determination of the requirements of the organization to bring in improvements in the performance of the organization is based on the perceiving the different factors of the motivation of the workforce. The HR department of the organization must take steps to determine the needs of the employees through the implication of the model on the organizational structure. It will be helping the organization in building a strong relation with the employees. It will also encourage the employees to involve themselves to the change in the structure of the business firm (Albrecht et al.  2015). On the other hand, the determination of the needs of the employees helps in influencing the change in the constitution and the performance of the organization.

The proper engagement of the employees of the organization helps in bringing on the changes that a required to be taken by the business firm for improvements in the situation of the same. The major  aspects that determine the involvement of the employees in the functions that are undertaken by the organization is determined through the fulfillment of the needs of the same (Sonenshein  and Dholakia  2012). On the other hand, the perception of the management of the organization facilitates in determining the elements of the change that is planned by the organization. As per the case, the HR department of V- Pvt. Ltd must take steps to analyze the fundamental criteria through which they can maximize the engagement of the employees in the initiatives that are taken by the organization.

Bennett scale

Institute for Employment studies (IES) Engagement Model might help the organization, V- Pvt. Ltd, in determining the different factors that contributes to the effective engagement of the workforce in the processes that are planned by the business firm. The organization must build up different levels of insights through which they can keep the diverse workforce motivated to their respective job roles as per the needs of the organization to bring in improvements (Shuck  and Herd  2012). The company is required to provide continuous training sessions to bring in development of the employees for improving their engagement in the processes that are undertaken by the organization. The appraisal strategy of the organization will be helping the same in keeping the employees motivated to their work. Shantz et al. (2013) stated that rewards and recognition of the employees is a crucial step that the organization must take in order to empower and motivate the employees to facilitate the change in the business firm. The determination of the equal opportunities to the people will be helping the organization in retaining the diverse workforce, which helps the business in facilitating continuous innovation (Schaufeli  2012). Health and safety policies of the organization will be helping the organization in securing the workforce and thereby make them feel safe for the smooth performance (Ariani  2013). Therefore, the determination of the factors helps in providing the employees with the value proposition, which will enhance the employee engagement in the systems of the organization in the market. 

The determination of the commitment of the employees determines the different aspects of the transition that is planned by the business. On the other hand, the balance in the job demands and job resources will be helping the organization in understanding the involvement of the employees to the function that is planned by the firm (Menguc et al. 2013). On the other hand, the determination of the needs of the organization is based on the functioning of the resource capability of the business to suffice to the demands of the employees. It helps in determining the change in the performance of the organization.

The determination of the (JD-R) model helps in determining the activity of the employees. The Key aspect of the change that is being planned by the organization is based on the committed functioning of the workforce (Bedarkar  and Pandita  2014). The job satisfaction of the employees plays a major role in perceiving the different levels of the change in the structure and the functioning of the business, which will be helping the organization in making continuous improvements in the systems, and the functioning of the organization in the market.  Dalal et al. (2012) stated that the involvement of the employees in the different levels of the transition helps the firm in bringing forth the modifications in the systems (Hoon Song et al. 2012). The motivation of the workforce helps in determining the determination of the modification objective of the business. The enormous pressure that is felt by the employees due to the subtle changes in the organization determines the processing of the same. However, the company must take steps in order to defend the interests of the employees in order to support the job satisfaction of the employees.  

Trompenaars model of cultural differences

The progress that is planned by the organizations are based on the performance of the individual employees. The functions of the employees and the smooth implementation of the transition plans helps the organization in making their progress in the market scenario (Truss et al. 2013). The major aspects of the change that is planned by the organization is determined through the activities that the organization takes in order to keep the employees motivated and focused on the respective job roles.  Anitha (2014) stated that the organizations depends on the functioning of the employees and thereby the business firms must take steps in order to improve the engagement of the employees in the processes that are facilitated by the organization.

Task and Contextual performance model helps in determining the change in the job role and the manner in which the performance of the employees helps the organization in enhancing the systems. The major issues that are faced by the concerned company are based on the diversity in the workforce and the manner in which it affects the performance of the workforce. The company must take steps in order to determine the needs of the employees in order to determine the different aspects of the motivation that the organization amends to provide to the employees is a reward of the performance (Mone  and London  2018). On the other hand, the organization must take steps for devising the proper synchronization of the different elements for balancing the criteria of the management of the organization and the performance of the employees.  Keeping a track on the progress made by the employees will be helping the organization in bringing forth changes as per the market trends.

This section of the report aims at undertaking the recommended actions that might be taken by the organization for bringing in the transition in the structure and the functioning of the organization, V- Pvt. Ltd, in the market. The key steps that might be taken by the organization is being enumerated in this section of the report. It will help in determining the prospects of the alteration in the conditions faced by the organization.

  • The organization must take steps to develop the rewardsand the recognition programs for keeping the workforce motivated towards their work. The rewards and recognition not only helps in motivating the employees but also helps in determining the competition among the employees to retain their position in the organizational structure. The proper functioning of the workforce and the competition between the internal departments of the organization will be helping in making the desired progress in the system. On the other hand, the determination of the recognition helps in encouraging the employees top put their efforts on the progress of the organization through the enhancement of the engagement in the processes of the business firm. The different factors of the modification in the structure and the functioning of the organization is based on the perception of the employees productivity. The determination of the needs of the employees to be recognized for their activities must be adhered by the organization for retaining the skilled workforce and thereby influence the employees to perform as per the needs of the business.
  • The company must take steps to facilitate the needs of the employees relating to the health careand security of the employees. It will be helping the organization to keep the employees motivated to their individual job roles. On the other hand, this step will be helping the organization in retaining the workforce of the organization as per the needs of the same to make its progress in the market. The healthcare and security polices of the organization will be helping in insuring the lives of the people based on the needs of the same in the market. the safe workplace is an important factor that is based on the design of the policies by the firm which helps in determining the smooth functioning of the same in the market.
  • Diversity managementis one of the major recommended action that must be undertaken by the organization in order to facilitate the equal employment opportunity to the people not discriminating of the caste, creed, religion, race, nationality or gender. It will be helping the organization to bring in continuous innovation in the systems resulting to its expansion in the international market. Management of diversity of the business helps in determining the sustainable growth in the international markets. Therefore, the company must take steps to provide equal employment opportunities to candidates and encourage the diversity in the workplace for making the continuous innovations in the market.
  • Involving the workforce in the decision making systemof the organization will be helping the same in making the progression as per the needs of the market. Involving the workers union in the board members of the organization helps in maintaining the equilibrium of the management and the employees in the organization and thereby will be helping the organization in undertaking a unbiased decision. The different actions that are taken by the management of the organization is based on the functioning of the employees. therefore, the involvement of the employees in the decision making helps in enhancing their functions in the workforce.
  • The company must take steps for determining the trainingneeds of the employees. Delivering proper training sessions to the employees will be helping the organization in enhancing the functions of the same in the market. On the other hand, the training helps in ensuring the empowerment of the employees as per the needs of the organization as it will bring in progress in the workforce. Providing proper training to the employees will be helping the organization in keeping the employees updated to the job responsibility that they are into. It will facilitate the understanding of the demand of the respective job roles of the employees. Training will be helping the employees to bring in changes in the functioning of the processes that are undertaken by the business firm. The determination of the needs of the employees relating to the training will be helping the same in modifying the activities that are taken by the employees.  
  • Communicationwith the employees is again another important part that is to be taken by the HR department of the organization, which will facilitate in recognizing the issues that are faced by the employees while undertaking their respective job roles. It keeps the management of the organization informed of the practices that are taken by the workforce. On the other hand, it helps in transmitting the decisions of the management to the employees, which helps in the smooth functioning of the employees as per the needs of the objective of the organization.
  • Monitoringover the actions that are taken by the employees will be helping the management of the organization to keep a track of the issues that are faced by the employees while undertaking their respective job roles. It helps in determining the change in the functioning of the organization based on the understanding of the needs of the organization to make their expansion in the international markets. Providing proper guidance to the employees on their respective job roles and the functioning of the employees will be helping the management of the organization to empower their employees and keep them engaged in the processes that are taken by the business.


Therefore, from the above analysis it can be stated that the smooth functioning of the organization depends on the criteria of the performance of the workforce. The progress that is planned by the business is based on the involvement of the employees and the motivation that helps in enhancing the performance of the employees and the business at large. The different functions that are undertaken by the organization are based on performance of the employees, which is characterized by the understanding of the needs of the same. The fulfillment of the needs of the employees helps in facilitating the job satisfaction among the employees.  Therefore, the organizations must take steps to motivate the employees and empower the same for facilitating the improvements.

Hofstede’s cultural dimensions


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