Human Resource Management Information System And Surveying Clients: Improving Recruitment Process And Delivery Improvement

The Purpose of HRMIS and Storing Data

The HRIMS survey was done inorder to to get the effectiveness of the HR department and the process in which selection process is determined. It is also to get a feedback if the HR is oing a good job or not. Also, completing the questionnaire will show if the HR department is doing a goo job. This is a survey to help the staff in better HR management.

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Human resource management informations system(HRMIS) is an online solution that helps in storage of data, tracking data, data entry and data harboring of the human resources. It is used in the payroll system, management of human resources and accounting in an organization. It is a database that is useful in the process of tracking human resource requirements, gather useful information and purposeful data for future use(Schaeffer, 2016). The HRIS has become a database where companies use to upgrade their human resources to the capabilities and of the organization. Its choice could paralyze the HR information department. Overall, an HRIS is used to manage the resources and human capital. A well rounded and has the following functions and includes payroll management systems, management of all employees information, benefits to the administration including status changes, personal information updates, enrollment and vacation tracking(Gilani and Jamshed, 2016). Also, HRIS stores Company related documents like the emergency evacuation procedures of the company, safety guidelines and employee’s handbook or manual. It also helps in performance development plans, training records and disciplinary actions.

Surveying clients and evaluation of human resource helps in management of recruitment, training and overall performance of the human resources. It helps a company to know the needs and what to do foe effective human resource management.  Questions should be as close as possible to the activities of the company and facilitate the full disclosure of the candidate as a person, by identifying his professional and managerial qualities. And the criteria and methods of selection of personnel should be chosen with the maximum approached to the requirements of corporate culture(Vinayaka and Ramaswamy, 2017).

. Main selection goals,the selection procedure can be initiated both by external and internal search of the suitable employee. The search for candidates in the foreign market helps the company to fill the gap in fresh ideas, professional knowledge and new talents. Internal search is carried out in order to fill vacancies by employees already working at the enterprise or to organize the process of promotion on the career ladder. These are some of the need and importance of surveying clients.

Importance of Surveying Clients in HR Service Delivery Evaluation

The recommendations to every management regarding human resources should come from the need to improve performance therefore giving more productivity to the organization(Vinayaka and Ramaswamy, 2017).

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  1. Proper management of human resources to help in overall productivity of the company
  2. The methods of personnel selection can be diverse. They can try as much as possible to get things done so that after an analysis, neutral answers are rare.
  3. Selection should be done on merit and the strongest candidate picked.
  4. HR selection process should be an elaborate process that take time to complete. There should be stages in an interview where qualified candidates progress until the right on is found.
  5. Selection process should not be biased against age, color or gender unless they had indicated on the advertisement

Human resource management means that all the systems used in management of human resources should be the best for efficiency and maximum output. The reason why the HR process should focus on this is because it needs competent employees in the vacant position.

Management change is always the best for any organization that is willing to grow. Organizational change should ensure that there are good strategies to effect the changes(Humburg and Van der Velden, 2015).. Few organizations have escaped the need to change effectively while other move on with making substantial changes to the company in terms of technology, human resources and the environment. Change management is a set of interventions meant to deliver successful management targets. When one does not change, the organization is left by its competitors and peers. In dealing with management change, the organization should;

  1. Understand and let human resources know the impact of the changes
  2. Build rational and emotional case for change to be effected
  3. Ensure that the entire organization leadership is a model and a role model for the implementation of change
  4. Mobilize the employees to own up to the change and
  5. Embed the organizational changes to the fabric of the organization.

Part 1: Develop a survey

HR survey on employees is an essential component in an organization. The survey has been designed by the organization as a sample staff survey for the employees own learning and development. The survey takes 10-15 minutes to be answered and is aimed at building a healthier organizations(Babu and Rao, 2018). It is both an open and a closed ended surevy for our staff. It is a 10 questions survey.

Employee engagement survey

Information on Employee

  1. Are you a staff and what is your job role?
  • Management
  • Employee
  • Intern
  • Volunteer
  • Owner
  • Team leader

Nb: The survey is private and confidential

  1. What department in the organization do you work in?
  • Accounting and Finance
  • Human Resource
  • Procurement
  • Logistics and transport
  • Nb: The survey is private and confidential
  1. I am satisfied with my opportunities for professional growth. On a scale of 1-5 where 1 is the strongest and 5 is lowest
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  1. Organization is concerned with my professional growth
  • Strongly agree
  • Agree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  1. I am satisfied with the job relating training offers from the job in 1-5
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  1. I am satisfied that I have opportunities to invest in the organization
  • Strongly agree
  • Agree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  1. I feel completely involved in the organization
  • YES


  • NO


  • Don’t know

Reason why?

  1. I am completely focused on my job duties
  • Strongly agree
  • Agree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  1. Employee proactively identify the organizations challenges and opportunities
  • Strongly agree
  • Agree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  1. Employee in the organization willingly accept change
  • Strongly agree
  • Agree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral

Part 2: Analyzing survey results

Employee engagement survey

Strongly agree



Strongly disagree


During the interview process was the job accurately described to you?






Was the HR consultant fair in the interview process?






Was the challenges and opportunities clearly described to you?






Was the mission and mission of the organization clearly described to you?






Was the HR clear on the expectations and obligations of the organization?






Do you agree with the interview process?












The HR recruitment process should be based on merits and not any other model. The HR panel that is interviewing the candidates should be qualified and have experience on the department that is hiring. The focus should be based on the qualifications of the particular candidates and the need to hire the most qualified candidate (Gilani and Jamshed, 2016). The reason why the HR process should focus on this is because it needs competent employees in the vacant position (Humburg and Van der Velden, 2015).

When an analysis falls into neutral (neither agree nor disagree and what does it indicate from the new team members perspective?

It means that the question from the HR is neither agreeable nor disagreeable. It means that it is not polarizing. The perspective is that it should be. Now let’s compare the bonuses for the brigade employees before and after applying the recommendation. In addition, information will be provided on the condition that the workers worked well the whole quarter, the work was carried out on time and at the same time brought profits to the Company, earning only raising coefficients( Posthumus and Bozer, 2017) 

Would you consider the overall service was well received by the candidates?

Yes, the reason for this is that according to the analyzing survey results, the candidates in the overall results strongly agree with the services offered by the HR in the interviewing panel. The selection of questions for the interview is an important matter(Schaeffer, 2016).. The need to reduce staffing can also activate the procedure of internal selection, because the company must answer the question of who should leave and who should stay at the enterprise (Vinayaka and Ramaswamy, 2017).

Recommendations based on the outcome of the survey

 The company’s need for personnel and the situation in the labor market are the two main factors directly affecting the selection process when hiring.



Gilani, H. and Jamshed, S., 2016. An exploratory study on the impact of recruitment process outsourcing on employer branding of an organisation. Strategic Outsourcing: An International Journal, 9(3), pp.303-323.

Humburg, M. and Van der Velden, R., 2015. Skills and the graduate recruitment process: Evidence from two discrete choice experiments. Economics of Education Review, 49, pp.24-41.

Posthumus, J., Santora, J.C. and Bozer, G., 2017. How can HR practitioners complement search algorithms in recruitment of high potentials?. Strategic HR Review, 16(3), pp.150-152.

Schaeffer, A., 2016. CERN modernises its recruitment process.

Vinayaka, M. and Ramaswamy, S., 2017. Recruitment Process and Practices Undertaken in IT Sector: A Comparative Analysis of Selected Indian and MNC Companies. Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 3(2).