Identifying Targeted Managerial Position And Strengths And Weaknesses In Leadership Potentials

Targeted managerial position

1.Identify and explain your targeted managerial position in a selected organisation in New Zealand or Australia (e.g., marketing manager) by including: • Your selected organisation and department

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• Position title

• Job description (tasks, duties, responsibilities including the stakeholders whom you will need to lead in your targeted position)

• Person specification (knowledge, skills, abilities including the leadership skills including transactional or transformational leadership styles required to perform the above tasks, duties, and responsibilities)

2.Identify and explain TWO of your major strengths and TWO of your major weaknesses in leadership potentials.

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1.In a leader strength and weakness, both are present and improving their strength and reducing their weakness help them to make a good and loyal team. Here as a manager of the Foodstuff organization some strength and weakness are noticed and improving it one can do better in their working procedure.

As per the leadership quality it is noticed that as a manager I have to provide careful attention to the team members so that a loyal team has been made by him. Along with that the person maintain his time dividing capacity so that the team members gives him a good support for completing the work on time. Clear and ethical explanation helps a manager to improve his skills on leadership quality so by providing a clear-cut explanation of things related to work help him a good team leader (Shah, & Pathak, 2015). One of the major strength that I possess being a manager in the Foodstuff organization is to respect the innovation and development procedure of some new thing in the organization. It bring enthusiasm in the team which help them to innovate and improve their working techniques so that the company gets benefitted and also their market share increases in the market. This leadership quality falls under the trait theory of leadership qualities. This theory states that the people are born with certain leadership quality among which careful to the team member, responsibility and creativity falls in this group (Burch, Swails, & Mills, 2015). 

So being the manager of Foodstuff Company the leader supports the improvement and creativity of their team leader and is considered as one of the important quality to be a good leader. Another leadership quality that makes me as one of the good leader in the organization is the awareness of decision making strategies and capable of recognizing weakness. Any wrong decision in the workplace gives a huge effect on the business procedure and not only the company has to suffer from losses but the management team as well as the employee also faces problem due to this (Jin, Meng, & Berger, 2017). This help to build trust in between the team members and this increases their working capability in the organization. Due to such leadership skills the cultural sensitivity is maintained in the organization. As the team member belongs to different culture and supporting their ideas and creations help them to improve their skills. This leadership quality also motivated them to make new and innovative product for the organization. All this leadership qualities help the leader to make a strong team but along with this some weakness are also present in the leadership quality and this need to improve to become a good leader in the organization.

Job description and person specification

As a manager of Foodstuff Company, I have to maintain a good communication to their team member so that the member does not hesitate to explain their opinions and ideas towards their leaders. As a leader one should have to maintain good communication skills with their team member either verbally or non-verbally (DuBois, Hanlon, Koch, Nyatuga, & Kerr, 2015). The leader hesitates to communicate verbally with their team member and this creates a problem for both the leader and the employee. Due to such problem of proper communication, the employees belong to different culture did not put their ideas properly in front of the manager and this effect the production growth of the company in the market. As per the leadership skills, the behavioral theory is one that is based on the behavior traits of a person and thus for maintaining a good behavior as well as communication to the team members can diminish the problem in the organization (Trivellas, & Reklitis, 2014).

My strength is to maintaining a good communication behavior with the team member also helps to decrease cultural issues and the employees also do their work properly without any argument or conflict. The leader also faces problem to maintain a proper balance in between the workplace and home and thus does not maintain a proper self-care of its own. This causes a problem, not in the working place or home but the leader also faces many mental problems (Bealer, & Bhanugopan, 2014). Due to work pressure load, the leader faces many issues of maintaining balance in his working life and does not give time at home. Being a manager it is clear that I have to maintain working pressure and balance between home and working procedure. A leader should not mix his life with working procedure and for maintaining the difference between the two faces the leader should have to complete the work at the stipulated time so that the issues must be decreases in the coming days (Larsson, Eriksson, Olofsson, & Simonsson, 2015). 

  • To improve the self-care as well as balance in work and in family
  • Increase the self-care along with work-life balance to always maintained
  • Improvement in work-life balance can be achieved with proper strategies and development
  • Suitable training along with various activity will improve the work-life balance of the manager
  • The entire process for improvement of weakness need to be completed within 2 weeks

Objectives for weakness 2 (verbal communication) are:

  • To improve the communication process verbally in the organization
  • To effectively communicate with the client as well as the staff members in the organization and outside the organization also
  • Suitable and effective strategies and techniques are required for the development of communication skill
  • Training, learning program and various activity is required to improve the communication skill
  • Improvement in the verbal communication need to be done within 3 weeks

Personal development plan





Self-care and work-life balance

· Determination of the priorities

· Setting a specific goal for working condition

· Establishing boundaries

· Taking good care of health and organization

· Work smarter, not harder (Kehl, 2012)

· Known when help need to be asked

18/06/2018 to 02/07/2018

· Get enough sleep so that it help me to be productive in my work

· Have to get suitable training to understand the way for work-life balance and self-care

· Role play for understanding the need for work-life balance within the organization.

Verbal communication

· The usage of inspirational communication tactics in the organization

· Be the supportive communicator

· Have to encourage the open feedback within the organization (Archibald, 2014)

· Required consistency in the communication

· Have to be a good listener

· Have to speak with confidence

· Have to think about the perspective of the audiences

18/06/2018 to 09/07/2018

· Learning program like reading story books, magazine and other articles need to be done

· Critically think about the words

· Interact effectively with peers and the friends to reduce the issue

· Prepare the communication speech in the organization

· Be honest about communicating with others

· Share day to day working experience with the team members

Comment on achieving the SMART objectives in 2-3 weeks

The weakness is quite effective the working function of manager and also on the productivity level of the firm. It can be seen from the view of Stiehl, Felfe, Elprana, & Gatzka, (2015) that with the help of suitable strategies like establishing the boundaries and also by improving the communication skill can make a huge difference to reduce weakness of the manager. The facts are clear that to improve all the weakness it is essential to maintain some training and learning program within the organization with some daily activities. For the self-care and work-life balance, the most vital task is to understand the way to separate work life along with personal life. For this suitable training as well as learning program is being implemented that is for 2 weeks. In this two week, the manager needs to get well sound sleep for at least 8 hours that improve the energy level and boost up the employees to work for the betterment of the firm. Within 2 weeks this was one of the toughest jobs to achieve as various activities need to be performed. It is quite essential for the managers to understand their role and their responsibility within the organization. It helps to improve the various working function of the firm and also increase the productivity level of the firm. 

Strengths in leadership potentials

Verbal communication is another effective way that helps leaders to effectively communicate with the people (Chollet, Wörtwein, Morency, Shapiro, & Scherer, 2015). In an organization, the most vital task is to communicate with the staff members and this need to be done so that efficiency of the organization get increased. The action that needs to be taken within 3 weeks for the improvement of communication skill is quite effective for a manager. It can be seen that with the help of learning program, the communication skill helps to develop. It is done by reading various story books along with journal and magazine so that the manager can have clear idea regarding their speech and their communication term with the employees. The primary fact of this process is that to motivate and provide inspiration for the employee’s communication is essential. This could be effectively done with the help of open feedback program so that each member within the organization can share their view and improve their skill. In most of the time, it can be seen that preparation of speech is another best idea to maintain suitable and effective communication within the firm (Deery, & Jago, 2015). In the three week program, the effective usage of skill along with the various process is being provided so that effective leaders within the organization can be obtained. 

These two weakness are the biggest challenge for a leader to provide a suitable working function in the market. The fact is clear that to improve the weakness within two to three week some of the vital steps need to be taken for activities. It can be seen from the view of Mayfield, Mayfield, & Sharbrough III, (2015) that leaders need to communicate effectively with the staff members to understand their working process and their improvement in the business. Developing the skill in the organization can be done with the effective strategies and for that, the primary factor of a leader is to maintain their performance level within the business. One of the most important things to improve the communication level is that the leaders also need to be effective listener before providing verbal communication. Listening to the issues and the challenges of the staff members within the organization effectively help those to develop their skill and their working function within the market (Zheng, Molineux, Mirshekary, & Scarparo, 2015). It is clear from the various facts that effective strategies along with variable resources like training and the learning program help to develop the weaknesses of a leader. With effective working function and activity, it only takes few weeks for the improvement and this help in the development of business operating within the market. The fact is clear that for maintaining suitable growth in the organization, effective leadership skill is essential for the managers (Deery, & Jago, 2015). Being the leader I have to follow various communication process 


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