Identifying The Key Personal Attribute Of Effective Project Managers Employed In The Manufacturing Industry In Cambodia


The title of the research is “Identifying the key personal attribute of effective project managers employed in the manufacturing industry in Cambodia.”

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Project managers play an important role in the success of a project. They have to understand the project for all the aspects and make sure that it is completed in the desired time (Arends 2014, 12). Manufacturing and construction sector has helped in the growth of the Cambodian economy. There has been a steady growth due to the investment by many multinational companies and domestic companies. According to Archibald, Russell and Shane Archibald, 2016, “Project management and execution involves various activities and procedures which makes it complex in nature”(Archibald, Russell and Shane Archibald 2016, 26). In order to resolve this issue there has been growing demand of experienced project managers. They have become an integral part as they bring innovation and changes in the many activities. Companies need effective managers who can provide direction to the workers and motivate them to accomplish their task. Project managers have to adopt many roles and responsibilities. They have to work in close relation with technicians and experts to gain deeper knowledge about the project. Project managers share many traits and attributes which are similar to a operational manager or functional manager (Schwalbe 2015, 2). Manufacturing projects involve time and budget constraints which make it difficult for the manager to manage it. The present investigation is based on the identification of the key personal attributes and skills of effective project managers in the manufacturing industry in Cambodia. In order to accomplish the objective of the study a systematic process has been followed in the entire research. It includes review of literature, research design, methodology and analysis of data. All these sections will help in proving a solution for the research problem.

There have been numerous researches in the past which have investigated the importance of key attributes of a project manager and project performance. Project management has gained more importance in past few years. But there has been no relevant research in the manufacturing industries and project management in Cambodia. Researchers have been limited to the skills and knowledge of project managers. But it is important to understand the importance of key attributes in the success of projects. Project management has been used to develop professional practice and flexibility in manufacturing projects (Gido and James Clements 2014, 25). Project manager have to develop various strategies and plans before the commencement of the project. They need accreditation and they have to attend training programs to gain knowledge.  

Aim and Objectives

There have been researches to find out the changing role of managers in a project. Hwang, Bon-Gang and Wei Jian Ng,  2013, believes that “Project managers are not limited to their roles and responsibilities. They have to undertake additional activities to ensure the success of the project” (Hwang 2013, 272). Their roles are clearly defined before the project but practically they have to do tasks which are not part of their job. They have to adapt themselves with the changing needs and demand of the environment. Project managers have evolved from being an administrator to becoming a leader and a manager. They should have managerial skills  to coordinate and combine the efforts of different activities and people. Therefore, the capabilities and requirements of skills and competencies cover a broad spectrum.

Project management has been common in many projects and industries. But still it is not considered as a well defined profession. As per Kerzner, 2013, “ There are only few people who dream to become a project manager in future”(Kerzner 2013, 10).       

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The aim of this research is to identify the key personal attributes of effective project managers and their influence on project success within the manufacturing industry in Cambodia.


  • To identify the key personal attributes of effective project managers in the manufacturing industry in Cambodia.
  • To determine the relative importance of these key personal attributes to the project success in Cambodia.
  • To determine the frequency of use of these personal attributes by these effective project managers over the period of project. 

Definition of the research items

  • Project success:According to Lounsbury, 2016, “Successful projects should fulfill five dimensions of project management” (Lounsbury 2016, 434). It consists of achievement of desired objective, satisfying the quality expectations, delivering the project on time, execution as per schedule and budget and meeting the demands of stakeholders associated with it.
  • Effective project managers:Effective project managers make sure that the project is completed in the stipulated time and in budget. They overcome all the challenges to meet the deadline and schedules (Makokha 2017, 10).
  • Personal attributes:Personal attributes involves basic characteristics and traits of a person which makes him effective. It could be leadership, communication skills, problem solving skills, team management, flexibility, adaptability or technical skills (Martinelli and Dragan 2016, 9).
  • Manufacturing industry:As per Nahavandi, 2016, “ Manufacturing industries includes those companies which are involved in processing or creation of goods. They manufacture different products and add value to them”(Nahavandi 2016, 33). They sell their finished goods to the consumers or other intermediaries which uses it as a raw material. In developed countries, manufacturing industries share a significant portion in the industrial production.


  • The project managers employed in manufacturing industries in Cambodia. 
  1. What are the key personal attributes of effective project managers in the manufacturing industry in Cambodia?
  2. What is the importance of key personal attributes to the project success in Cambodia?
  3. What is the major frequency of use of these personal attributes by project managers over the period of project? 

1.6 Rational

Many organizations in Cambodia were facing trouble due to the failure or non completion of the projects. They have not realized the importance of effective project managers and project management in the success of the project. The main objective of the researcher is to resolve this issue and to provide recommendations to the project managers. It will allow them to make changes in their existing strategies and planning process. The aim of the study is to find out the key personal attributes and their influence in the success of the project in manufacturing industry in Cambodia. Apart from this, the factors which cause problems in the project have also been included in the research.     

As per the research objectives author wants to determine key personal attributes of effective project managers in the manufacturing and construction industry in Cambodia. Successful project managers set their priorities in advance and cope up with challenges in a better way. They have good communication skills which to motivate their staff members (Rezvani, Wiewiora and Zolin 2016, 43). It brings consistency which contributes in the success of the project time. They make sure that the projects are feasible and as per the budgets. It involves planning and controlling.

Research Questions

The present investigation will follow a structure which includes different chapters that will allow the author in accomplishing the objective of the research in an appropriate manner. The main structure of the research is given below:

  • Chapter 1- Introduction:

It consists of introduction of the research, its aim and objectives. It includes information about the structure of the dissertation, its framework and analysis.

  • Chapter 2- Literature Review:

Literature review consists of the key personal attributes and traits of a project manager in manufacturing industry in Cambodia. These characteristics and attributes play an important role in the project. Traits theory shows the innate traits which   a manager should possess. Moreover, roles, objectives and responsibilities and other factors which influence the performance of a project manager have been included in the investigation.

  • Chapter 3- Research Methodology:

Research Methodology includes information about the methods which has been used for the completing of the research in effective manner. It consists of appropriate methods like research philosophy, research approach, design, research strategy, thematic information and data collection methods, etc

  • Chapter 4- Data Analysis:

Data analysis chapter comprises of all the findings which helps in drawing conclusion. Qualitative research strategy for the collection of data has been used. Furthermore, the analysis has been done by using thematic approach as it is very useful in the analysis of subjective data.

  • Chapter 5- conclusion and Recommendations:

This chapter consists of conclusion and recommendations. It shows how all the objectives of the research have been accomplished.

The present research will be very useful for research scholars and authors who wants to conduct investigation on a similar subject. Furthermore, it will be also useful for manufacturing industries in Cambodia which requires effective project manager who have relevant knowledge and experience in project management.  The biggest problem in Cambodia was lack of key attributes which are required in a successful project manager. It affected the performance of many project in manufacturing and construction industry in Cambodia. The current study will be very useful for them.

2.1 Introduction 

The literature review highlights the key personal attributes and traits of an effective project manager in manufacturing industry in Cambodia. These attributes play an important role in the success of the project. Traits theory identifies the innate traits which is required in a manager. Apart from this, roles, responsibilities and factors affecting the performance of a project manager in construction industry have been included in the research. It is the responsibility of the manager to complete the project on time and in given budget. He has to organise a team and delegate tasks to them according to their skills.  Proper planning and effective leadership is required to manage all the activities.


This section has been bifurcated into six divisions which includes introduction, personal attributes of a manager, roles and responsibilities, factors influencing the performance, importance of key attributes and research gap. All these sections will help in understanding the skills and competency of a project manager.    

The literature review contains 30 sources which focus on the importance of personal traits of a project manager. These sources include journals, books, published articles, reports and electronic resources. Most of the information has been accessed through journals.

2.2 Key personal attributes of project manager 

Project Management

A project involves various elements such as objectivity, output, complexity, product and interrelated activities. A project manager has to undertake of different tasks which may be unique (Rolfe and Svetlana Cicmil 2017, 12). Some of them may not be related to his predefined roles or responsibilities. Project Management takes care of uncertainty and risk associated with the project. They make sure that all the risks whether temporary have well defined risk management plans and procedures. Apart from this, life cycle analysis is done by the project manager to emphasis on resource allocation and project execution (Sakka 2016, 9). Project management involves all the activities and functions which help the manager to complete the project in an effective manner. They have to adapt to the changing demands of the clients as well as stakeholders. They have to make sure that they follow their plans and priorities which have been set up in the beginning of the project (Savelsbergh, Liselore and Peter Storm 2016, 50) .

Project manager is a professional who is responsible for planning and successful completion of the project.  He is responsible for allocation of resources, meeting the deadlines, setting of priorities and maintaining the quality. According to, Schwalbe, 2015,”An effective manager should possess three skills which includes conceptual skills, human relations and technical skills” (Schwalbe 2015, 10). Conceptual skills show the ability of a person to perceive a project from global perspective rather than focusing only on one aspect. Human relations show the ability to maintain good harmonious relations with the team members. While technical skills consists of applied knowledge in specified field such as engineering, finance, project management etc.  On the contrary, Tabass and Hamid Kadir Paki 2016 believes that “Technical skills are not required in large projects. Manufacturing projects have experts and the project manager should possess managerial skills instead of technical skills” (Tabass and Hamid Kadir Paki 2016, 13). As per Walker, 2015, “Construction projects require effective management and leadership” (Walker 2015, 9). The manager should be able to influence and motivate the employees. There are three important factors which affects the performance of a project.  It consists of speed, cost and quality. Project manager should take decisions after taking into consideration these three factors. It shows the effectiveness and leadership qualities of a manager. Warner, and Richard, 2016, has identified all the attributes and grouped it into five categories. “It includes team management, personal qualities, supervision, administration and problem solving ability” (Warner, and Richard 2016, 34). It allows the manager to coordinate all the activities and resources together. But Schwalbe, 2015, states that “There are three additional attributes: experience, knowledge and external factors” (Schwalbe 2015, 27). There are certain dominant attributes which play an important role in the success of a project:

  • Relationship with stakeholders
  • Planning and organising skills
  • Communication and interpersonal skills (Fung 2016, 72).
  • Analytical skills
  • Timeliness
  • Monitoring skills
  • Forecasting and knowledge
  • Technical skills
  • Team management and motivation skills
  • Leadership
  • Resource utilization and liaison skills
  • Understanding human psychology

Focus and Purpose

Traits theory

Traits theory shows the characteristics or traits that a leader possess. It enables him to take decisions and lead the team effectively. As per Lounsbury, 2016, “Manufacturing projects are complex in nature and it creates challenging situations for a leader. Project management is not limited to planning, allocation, controlling and monitoring” (Lounsbury 2016, 98). Project managers are solely responsible for the success and outcome of a project. They have to motivate their workers who are apart of newly formed group. According to Nahavandi, 2016, “Highly skilled technicians fail to understand or implement their work due to lack of leadership and a systematic approach” (Nahavandi 2016, 66).  A project manager should be goal oriented and should provide directions to the members. He should be able to apply different approaches and find alternatives whenever required.  Traits theory can be useful in identification and development of a leader. But Hwang, Bon-Gang and Wei Jian Ng, 2013, criticises this theory on the basis of two limitations. He believes that “The list of traits is very long and it has certain subjective judgements. But the presence of a set of traits and attributes increases the chance of the success of a project” (Hwang 2013, 76).  As per Sakka, Henri Barki and Louise Côté, 2016 there are some key attributes of a competent manager:

  • Effective project managers are task driven and project completion is their main priority.
  • Project managers identifies the need of the customers and improves client customer orientation
  • They maintain good relation with others
  • Team work and cooperation is given importance
  • Effective manager uses analytical thinking for analysis of problems and challenges
  • They are self confident, flexible, achievement oriented, committed and understanding (Sakka 2016, 55).

Fiedler’s contingency theory

According to the theory, effectiveness of a manager depend on various factors such as complex situation, nature of work and group members. The success of failure of a project is dependent on the skills, personality and behaviour of the project manager.  He should be flexible so as to adapt to the situation.  Fielder designed a model which is known as ‘least preferred co-worker (LPC)’ to determine the performance of a leader in the arrangement. Warner, and Richard, 2016, states that “Manufacturing industries can adopt LPC model to understand the effectiveness of the project manager” (Warner, and Richard 2016, 23). Low LPC indicates that the manager is task oriented while high LPC shows relation orientated manager. According to Martinelli and Dragan, 2016, “Project managers should adopt task oriented approach for blue collar workers” (Martinelli and Dragan 2016, 54). Apart from this, they should be flexible in their approach. It is essential for them to develop good relations with the workers. It will help him to resolve problems and face challenges in a better way.  

2.3 Role and responsibilities of project manager in manufacturing industry

Dissertation Structure

Project manager is accountable to the project board as he has the responsibility and authority to perform day to day activities in a proper manner. They are professionals who have project management techniques and knowledge regarding the subject matter. According to Gido and James Clements, 2014, “Leadership is a continuous process which requires training, self evaluation and experience” (Gido and James Clements 2014, 33). Project managers in manufacturing industries have to preform different roles according to the need of the situation. Makokha Nambuswa, Namusonge and Wanyama, 2017, believe that “Project completion and delivery on time is the main task of the manager. He should be able to complete the task irrespective of any delays and challenges” (Makokha Nambuswa, Namusonge and Wanyama 2017, 23) . On the contrary, Lounsbury, 2016, states that “A project manager has to take care of quality, time, schedule and performance of the entire project” (Lounsbury, 2016). He has to create budgets, schedules, pay requests; schedule updates and make changes in design and other related tasks. (Walker 2015, 67), has identified the responsibilities of a project manager:

  • Planning and monitoring
  • Delegation of work
  • Maintaining project management standards
  • Preparation of follow up actions and giving recommendations (Tabass and Hamid Kadir Paki 2016, 11).
  • Obtaining support and advice from experts
  • Managing risks
  • Liaison with engineers and managers (Arends 2014, 32).
  • Maintenance of health and safety at workplace
  • Improvement in efficiency, quality and services.
  • Cost analysis and cost reduction
  • Ensuring that all build materials are available in advance.

Role of project manager

Defining the scope: As per Kerzner, 2013, “It is the responsibility of the manger to set boundaries and time schedules for the project” (Kerzner 2013, 21). It should be communicated to the entire team and stakeholders associated with it. Defining the scope can be a challenging task for the project manager because manufacturing projects are very complex in nature. But he should complete this task and review it at regular intervals. Moreover, all the activities and elements involved in it should be discussed with the workers so as to reduce ambiguity and confusion (Rezvani 2016, 12).

Project execution and management: Managers should develop good relations with the stakeholders. It will help them in successful implementation of their plans. They need support from technicians and experts to take decisions. Schwalbe, 2015, believes that “The project manager and his team should be the focal point in project and in taking integrative responsibility” (Schwalbe 2015, 46). Furthermore, manager should use modern tools and techniques in the execution of the project.  It reduces the error and time.

Coordination and integration: There has to be coordination between various activities, resources, information and equipment. Project coordinators take care of this issue and help in smooth running of the business. As per Salah, 2001 “A project manager should work in association with the project coordinator to gain better understanding about the project” (Sakka 2016, 90).

Significance of the Research

Development of project plan: A plan should be made before the commencement of the project. Project manager plays a vital role in the development of the plan. Apart from this, it makes it easier for him to identify necessary activities of the entire project. Gido and James Clements, 2014, suggests that “The project manager should have coordination with the other project personnel” (Gido and James Clements 2014, 65). It will ensure that all the members have adequate skills and competency required for the project. Management plan should also be prepared with their help and they should be allowed to share their inputs.

Risk Management: Project manager is involved in preparation of contracts, analyses, identification of risks and formulation of mitigation plans. According to Savelsbergh, Liselore and Peter Storm, 2016, “risk management and project procurement helps a manager to counter unwanted events which affects the performance of the project” (Savelsbergh, Liselore and Peter Storm 2016, 559). Construction and manufacturing projects require huge funds and slight delay in completion of projects can affect their revenues.

Cost and time management: Project managers have to create a balance between various components of a project. Sakka, Henri Barki and Louise Côté, 2016, suggests that “Managers should evaluate the the total cost of the project. It should include material cost, labour cost, equipment and machinery cost” (Sakka 2016, 508).  Their main responsibility is to complete the project on time with minimum cost. Manufacturing and construction projects requires huge funds as such it is essential for the manager to manage time and cost (Makokha 2017, 88).

2.4 Factors influencing project performance in the construction industry

The roles and responsibilities of a project manager depend on the type of project and nature of business. But they have indulged in many activities because without them the success of the project will be in jeopardy (Fung, Han Ping, and Sheila Xiaojing Cheng 2016, 74). There are certain factors which affects the project performance in the construction industry:

Process and procedures: The selection and adoption of different processes and procedures affect the performance of the project. It includes designing, construction, contractors, strategies, experts etc. Rezvani, Wiewiora and Zolin, 2016, suggests that “Project managers should have knowledge about the allocation plan, procurement and tendering process” (Rezvani, Wiewiora and Zolin 2016, 1112). It will allow him to take part in the designing phase of the plan which will improve his understanding.

Project management: Project planning is done by the project manager prior to its commencement. But it is essential for him to follow the plan till the completion of the project. Martinelli and Dragan, 2016, believe that “Planning and success of the project are strongly linked to each other.  Poor planning or execution can bring unwanted challenges and delays” (Martinelli and Dragan 2016, 97). Project managers should communicate the layout and objectives of the project to other members. It is important fro them to follow it because planning affects performance of project. Apart from this, managers should review their plans and make changes in it according to the needs. All the workers should possess necessary skills and training. It is the responsibility of the project manager to ensure proper management and coordination. He should motivate his team members so that they work together.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

Human related factors: Rolfe and Svetlana Cicmil, 2017, believes that “Project managers in construction industry should have good reputation and experience in project management” (Rolfe and Svetlana Cicmil 2017, 739). It will help him to tackle challenging situations that may arise during the project. Experience allows him to predict and understand technicalities.  Apart from this, the competency of team members also affects the success of the project. According to Walker, 2015, “Managers should conduct comprehensive skills analysis to identify the skills gap” (Walker 2015, 14). Project managers and his team should have technical knowledge and training in the construction industry. Ther has to be good relations with suppliers, contractors, client, project sponsor and stakeholders (Kerzner 2013, 34). Other human related factors include:

  • Relations between the workers and managers
  • Adaptability to change
  • Project manager’s coordination skills(Hwang, Bon-Gang and Wei Jian Ng  2013, 284).
  • Emphasis of the client such as focus on low construction cost
  • Commitment of manager to meet the deadlines and cost budgets (Warner and Richard 2016, 65).
  • Clients demand of quick construction

Project related factors: Construction projects are different in nature, size, type and complexities. But Project managers have to ensure that it is completed in stipulated time ensuring quality and budget (Hwang, Bon-Gang and Wei Jian Ng 2013, 272). They have to define their goals and objectives clearly to the workers and other stakeholders. Less of ambiguity increases the chance of better project performance. Planning and defining scope makes it easier for the stakeholders to understand the requirements of the project. Apart from this, non productive activities and delays should be avoided by the project manager (Rolfe and Svetlana Cicmil 2017, 739). He should set priorities and provide feedback to the workers so that they can improve.

External factors: External factors also influence the performance of a project. As per Savelsbergh, Liselore and Peter Storm, 2016, “Environment or external influences include social, political, economic, physical and industrial related environment” (Savelsbergh, Liselore and Peter Storm 2016, 559). Apart from this, level of technological advancement affects various activities and processes. Project managers should take precautions and prepare themselves in advance. It is for this reason only risk management is done. He should be able to bring changes and adapt quickly to the changing demands of the external factors. They can increase the complexities of the project and manager should be able to solve the issues. They can take the help of technicians and experts (Gido and James Clements 2014, 272) . But they have to compete the project in desired time without compromising with the quality and cost associated with it.

2.5 Importance of key personal attributes in project success in manufacturing industry 

Some managers are able to complete the project on time and with given resources while other struggle to meet their deadlines. Project management requires planning and formulation of strategies (Rezvani, Wiewiora and Zolin 2016, 54). Effective project managers possess traits required in a leader. He makes sure that both quality and production targets are met.

Challenges in manufacturing industry

According to Tabass and Hamid Kadir Paki 2016, “The biggest challenge for a manager in manufacturing industry is to meet with three important factors: time, cost and schedule” (Tabass and Hamid Kadir Paki 2016, 67). These three elements can directly affect the profits and the success of the company. As a result, it has become a priority in all the activities assigned to it. Manufacturing involves series of processes. Completion of one process makes way for another process. Project managers have to ensure that the quality remain same in the entire procedure. It is considered as a stress point in the industry related to construction and manufacturing (Rolfe and Svetlana Cicmil 2017, 277). It is directly associated with customer satisfaction and profit of the company. Schedule is another stress point in the project. It can directly affect the budget of the entire project. Effective managers ensure that every task in completed in the stipulated time. They keep a track of the progress and make changes in the plan so as to meet the deadlines. Lounsbury, 2016, states that “The effectiveness of the manager is seen through his ability to meet the deadlines on time. It is for this reason only many tools and techniques are used to save time and cost” (Lounsbury 2016, 4). Apart from this, project managers have to work closely with other technicians and experts. They have to understand the project from every perspective.

Successful project managers set their priorities in advance and face challenges in a better way (Sakka, Henri Barki and Louise Côté 2016, 87). They have good communication skills which allow them to motivate their staff members. It brings consistency and it contributes towards strategic planning. They make sure that the projects are feasible which can be delivered on time and in budget. It is done through careful planning and controlling. Rolfe and Svetlana Cicmil, 2017, believe that “Managers keep a check of various activities and review them at regular intervals. It gives them an opportunity to understand their current position and future requirements” (Rolfe and Svetlana Cicmil 2017, 55). Moreover, they maintain good relation with suppliers, contractors, employees, client and other stakeholders. It contributes to the success of the project because they have better understanding and insights of the project. Furthermore, they get good support from other people which make their work effective. As per Savelsbergh, Liselore and Peter Storm, 2016, “In depth analysis and integration allows them to identify problems and uncertainties that may arise” (Savelsbergh, Liselore and Peter Storm 2016, 10). They are flexible enough to make changes in the current project plan so as to compete it on time. Apart from this, they maintain good health and safety procedures in the workplace. They allow their workers to share their views and opinions. It motivates them which increase their productivity and efficiency. A good leader always identifies gap through gap analysis. Relevant changes and improvements are made on the basis of it. Key personal attributes of a project manager plays a crucial role in the success of the project (Warner and Richard 2016, 25).

2.6 Research Gap

The above literature review has concluded that only limited information is available to understand the importance of key personal attributes in project success in manufacturing industry in Cambodia. Journals, articles, research papers and books have no information about the manufacturing industry in Cambodia. 

3.1 Introduction

Research Methodology is a process which is used to collect information and data from various sources for the purpose of research (Lounsbury 2016, 44). It helps in designing an investing plan to achieve the objective of the study. It is based on applied research form to acquire new knowledge. Apart from this, descriptive research design has been used which focuses on subjectivity and qualitative analysis (Arends 2014, 71). Qualitative information has been used to understand the importance of key personal attributes in project success in manufacturing industry in Cambodia. This chapter has been divided into various sections. It includes research philosophy, approach, research design, strategy, data collection method, sampling and limitations. These techniques will play an important role in solving the research problem.

3.2 Research philosophy

Research philosophy is an approach on which the entire investigation is based. It is used to describe a phenomenon in which the data in gathered, analyzed and interpreted (Sakka 2016, 89) . It can be subjective or objective. The present research is to identify the key attributes of a project manager in the success of manufacturing industry in Cambodia. To achieve this objective Positivism Research philosophy has been used. Positivism approach derives information through observation and knowledge. The role of the author in positivism extends only to collection of data and its interpretation (Rolfe and Svetlana Cicmil 2017, 77). Objective approach is used for the findings and analysis.  

3.3 Research approach

Research approach is a method which is used for conducting general or specific study (Hwang 2013, 90). It reflects the assumptions of the author taken for the research strategy. Research approach is of three types which includes deductive, inductive and abductive approach. Deductive approach is used for testing in which either the hypothesis in accepted or rejected (Gido and James Clements 2014, 43). On the other hand, inductive approach is used for drawing conclusions and new theories. While abductive approach is used for the explanation of incomplete information.

In the current study inductive approach has been applied which will help in investigation from specific to general. The aim of the research is to understand the key attributes of project manager in the success of manufacturing industry in Cambodia. It is development of new theory as a result inductive approach has been used. So, it is the best approach for achieving the objective of the study.

3.4 Research design

Research design provides the structure of the research. It provides a detailed outline which can be used to develop strategy for data collection, analysis and measurement (Nahavandi 2016, 88). It allows the researcher to address the research problem in an effective and logical manner. Descriptive research design has been used in the present study because this research is based on subjectivity and qualitative analysis.  There are different types of research designs which includes descriptive, correlational, experimental, semi-experimental and review. But descriptive research design has been applied in the investigation as it is based on subjectivity (Tabass and Hamid Kadir Paki 2016, 67).  It involves case study, questionnaire and surveys.

3.5 Research strategy

Research strategy is a method which helps in investigation of the research problem (Fung 2016, 11) . It also affects the research ethics during the collection of data. There are three types of research strategies which consist of qualitative, quantitative and mixed method. Qualitative strategy includes views, ideas and opinions of other researchers. On the other hand, quantitative method uses statistical or numerical data to solve the research problem. While mixed strategy involves both qualitative and quantitative in the research.

In this investigation qualitative method has been applied. It will help the researcher to understand the concept and evaluate the data in a better way. It is considered an exploratory research which provides insights to develop hypothesis. It allows the researcher to gain in depth understanding and to uncover trends in opinions and views of other people (Warner, and Richard 2016, 9). It includes interviews, focus groups and observation. Usually small sample size is used to solve the given problem. Similarly, in the present study only 6 managers have been interviewed to understand the importance of project managers in the success of manufacturing industry in Cambodia. It provides better results and less numerical data is used in the study. Qualitative research technique is best suited for this investigation because it is subjective in nature.

3.6 Data Collection Methods

Data collection is a process which is used to collect data or information from the targeted variables. It plays an important role in the interpretation and analysis stage of the research (Rezvani, Wiewiora and Zolin 2016, 43). There are many methods which can be used to understand the relation of effective project managers and their impact on manufacturing projects in Cambodia. The data can be collected either from primary sources or secondary sources. Primary data uses fresh information which is collected by the researcher(Martinelli and Dragan 2016, 445). On the other hand, secondary data uses information which is already available (Leary 2016, 10). In the present investigation, the author has used both primary and secondary data. Questionnaire survey method has been used to collect information from six project managers of Cambodia. On the other hand, literature review has been used to collect secondary data. It has been collected through books, journals, articles, research papers, etc.

Primary Data Collection

Primary data collection will allow the researcher to have better understanding of the project managers in Cambodia. In the investigation only six project managers have been interviewed instead of entire population. Usually primary data collection involves high cost ad it is considered time consuming (Rezvani, Wiewiora and Zolin 2016, 87). But the author has only chosen six managers which eradicates the problem of high cost and time. It will also give him lot of information which can be used for analysis and interpretation. Furthermore, the researcher is not dependent on other researcher’s data which may not be useful for him. Apart from this, it is difficult to obtain information about project managers and their key personal attributes in Cambodia. It is beneficial for the author as his research is specific and accurate. Moreover, questionnaire method has been used which can be easily evaluated and compared (Walker 2015, 9). There is less confusion and ambiguity. The researcher can design the questionnaire on his own on the basis of information he requires from the respondents. Even though, only six project managers have been interviewed by the author but it will serve the purpose of the study and he will be able to draw conclusions from it.

Secondary Data Collection

Secondary data collection uses information which has already been collected by other researcher (Makokha 2017, 34). The author has used journals, books, articles and research papers as secondary data. There is no information about project managers in Cambodia. So, primary data has been used to collect that information. Literature review has been used to understand the key attributes of project managers in manufacturing industry. Furthermore, it shows the importance of key personal attributes in project success.

Both primary and secondary data has been used in the study which makes it more reliable and accurate (Hwang 2013, 34).

3.7 Sampling

Sampling is a statistical approach in which the data is selected from the entire population (Archibald, Russell and Shane Archibald 2016, 22). Samples are the selected units which are used by the researchers from interpretation and analysis. It is not possible to study all the people from the population due to lack of time and high cost. As a result, sampling method is used to select the data or samples. Sampling can affect the outcome of the study and it should be carefully selected (Hwang, Bon-Gang and Wei Jian Ng 2013, 10). In the current investigation, random sampling method has been used. It is best approach in the present research because it provides equal opportunity for each sample to get selected. It reduces the chances of error and personal bias. The author has selected six samples which represents the entire population.

Random sampling is simple and straightforward probability method (Martinelli and Dragan 2016, 12). It is one of the most popular methods as it does not contain any complex calculations. It is used because it removes chances of bias from the selection. It has minimum amount of bias as compared to other sampling methods or techniques. Apart from this, research findings can be generalised by the use of random sampling method. But there are certain limitations associated with it. This method is not useful in face to face interactions which cover large area. Furthermore, some researches requires large data for accurate calculations and interpretations. Random sampling needs a sampling frame which can be costly and time consuming for the researcher (Mazur, Alicia, Anne Pisarski and Neal 2014, 77) . But the author has taken all these limitations into consideration in the study. Necessary steps have been taken to overcome these issues in the investigation.  

3.8 Data Analysis

The author has used Qualitative research strategy for the collection of data. Furthermore, the analysis has been done by using thematic approach. This approach is very useful in the analysis of subjective data. It consists of graphs, diagrams and charts which will be useful in the presentation of primary data (Sakka, Henri Barki and Louise Côté 2016, 34).

3.9 Ethical Considerations

Research ethics focusses on the application of ethical norms and principles in the research (Archibald, Russell and Shane Archibald 2016, 73). It becomes very important when human participants are involved in the research. It is concerned with the ethical issues when people are included as respondents (Turner 2016, 90). There are three main objectives in ethics. Firstly, to protect the human participants. Secondly, the research should be conducted in such a manner that it protects the interests of people and the entire society (Gido and James Clements 2014, 12). The last objective in concerned with the confidentiality, management of risk and taking consent of the participants. Researchers should follow the guidelines and ethical norms during their research. They should take care of the safety and security of the respondents. Technological advancement and improvements has made ethics in research more important. Data should not be shared without the consent of the person concerned and confidentially should be maintained (Lounsbury 2016, 67).

In the present study, the author has taken all the appropriate steps to ensure safety and security of the data. Apart from this, only that information has been used in the investigation which is relevant to the objective of the study. Some of the information has been collected from secondary sources which have been referenced. Plagiarism and manipulation of data has been taken care of in the entire report. Moreover, the present study has followed all the necessary rules and guidelines related to ethics in research.

3.10 Research Limitations

Researches have their own limitations which affects its results (Makokha 2017, 87). There is certain limitation in the present investigation but the author has taken some steps to overcome them. The researcher has only taken interviews of six project managers. The size of the sample is small which may affect the findings. Apart from this, the skills and competencies required in a manager for the success of the project may differ. Some manufacturing units are labour intensive and they need less technical knowledge. On the other hand, companies are only dependent on high technical skills of the workers and the manager. In this situation, technical skills become an important attribute which a manager should possess. Apart from this, lack of time and cost has not allowed the author to include more literature. But pre- planning activities of the author have allowed him to remove this limitation to a great extent. The word limit as well as limited financial resources has also been a constraint in the research. 

4.1 Introduction

Data analysis evaluation and examination of the data collected for the research. It helps the author to draw conclusions and to achieve the objective of the study. There are two types of data analysis techniques which include qualitative and quantitative data analysis (Lounsbury 2016, 23). Quantitative method uses numerical data for the interpretation of numbers and figures. On the other hand, qualitative method makes use of surveys, questionnaire and interviews. In the current investigation, qualitative and subjective information has been used. Furthermore, thematic theme has been applied to form charts and graphs. It provides flexibility to the researcher which helps him in presenting more detailed description of the information.

This section includes the analysis and findings of the data collected from six interviews of project managers in Cambodia. The responses and frequency of all the attributes have been evaluated to understand the importance of key attributes in the success of a project manager in manufacturing industry in Cambodia. Frequency system has been used which ranges from 1 to 5. This chapter has total of six themes which has been framed after the interview with project managers in Cambodia.

4.2 Thematic Analysis 

Thematic analysis is basically used in subjective and qualitative information (Makokha 2017, 45). It allows the author to achieve the objective of the study in an effective manner. It can be used to find out recurrent patterns in the data. It give rise to inductive analytical process which is an important part of qualitative research. Thematic technique provides relevant themes, categorises and concepts which helps in interpretation. Apart from this, it also provides flexibility to the researcher to choose appropriate theoretical framework. Therefore, the research is not limited to any specific theories. It provides rich and detailed information of the data collected. Thematic analysis for the present study is as follows:

Theme 1: Key personal attributes of project managers that play important role in success of projects in manufacturing industry

1. What are the major key personal attributes of project managers that play important role in success of projects in manufacturing industry?




Communication skills


Technical and analytical skills


Forecasting and knowledge


Planning and organizing skills


Team management and motivational skills


The current research is based on key personal attributes of project managers and their role in success and failure of a project. So for attaining this objective author wants to disclose the major personal attributes of a manager who handles different projects in manufacturing industry of Cambodia. Above theme has reflected that there are number of key personal qualities which help in managing projects. Different project manager has their own view point about these attributes. Every attribute has equal frequency. One project manager has believed that leadership is one of the best attribute that plays important role in managing projects in manufacturing industry of Cambodia. On the other hand, other project managers have said that communication skills, technical, analytical skills and planning and organizing skills are major key personal attributes for managing projects. Similarly, forecasting and knowledge management and team management skills are also required for success of projects. Different managers have different viewpoints about the key attributes of an effective project manager. The skills and competency required in a manager differs from project to project (Rolfe and Svetlana Cicmil 2017, 45). Some projects and tasks require more of technical knowledge while other requires managerial skills to manage workers. But it can be seen from the interview that Leadership, Communication, technical, analytical, forecasting, planning and management of team members are equally important. Therefore, above theme has helped in determining the major key personal attributes for managing projects in manufacturing industry of Cambodia. 

Theme 2: key personal attributes of project manager affect the project success in manufacturing industry of Cambodia.

2. To which extent you believe that key personal attributes of project manager can affect the project success in manufacturing industry of Cambodia?


Strongly agree








Strongly disagree


Theme 2 is based on the impact of key personal attributes of project manager on the success of manufacturing industry in Cambodia. It can be seen from the above theme that majority of the people believes that attributes or traits of a project manager affects the success of a project. The respondents were given five options to choose in the questionnaire. It consists of strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree and strongly disagree.  Only 1 respondent disagrees from the above statement. In the analysis six project managers were interviewed. 3 of them strongly agree while 2 agrees that attributes affect the project performance. From the theme 2 it is clear that 83% of the respondents are in favour of the statement. On the other hand, only 16% of the respondents are against it. Theme 2 was used in the analysis to understand the beliefs and nature of project managers in Cambodia. They also agree that effective managers possess necessary skills and competencies in them. It allows them to take decisions and understand the requirement of stakeholders associated with the project. Effective manager improves the performance of the project by meeting the deadlines. On the other hand, ineffective project manager find it difficult to complete the project in stipulated time and cost. Only 1 respondent believes that the success and performance of a project is not entirely dependent on the key attributes, skills and traits of the project manager.

Theme 3: Roles of project manager in manufacturing industry of Cambodia.

3. What are the major roles of project manager in manufacturing industry of Cambodia?


Identifying scope of project


Project execution and management


Development of project plan


Risk management


Communication and coordination


Budget and cost management


The third theme is based on the major roles of project manager in manufacturing industry of Cambodia. Six project managers were given questionnaire to find out their views. They were given six important roles of a manager which includes identification of scope, project execution and management, Development of project plan, Risk management, Communication and coordination and Budget or cost management. It can be seen from the above table that all the roles are given equal frequency and importance. The respondents had different views about the major role of a project manager. One respondent gave importance to project execution and management. While the other respondent found development of project plan as the major role of the manager. Similarly, identification of scope, communication, risk management and cost management are among the major roles of a project manager in Cambodia. Effective managers make sure that they identify their roles and responsibilities. They have to give equal importance to each of them to ensure the success and timely completion of the desired task.  All the respondents who were involved in the data collection and questionnaire are also project managers In Cambodia. They are handling projects in manufacturing or construction industry. They have identified their major role in the project. 

Theme 4: Major factors that can influence the project success in manufacturing industry of Cambodia.

4. Which factor can influence the project success in manufacturing industry of Cambodia?


Skills and abilities of project manager


Human resource factors


External factors


Time and cost


The main objective of third theme is to understand the factors which influence the project success in manufacturing industry of Cambodia. The respondents were given four factors which include Skills and abilities of project manager, Human resource factors, External factors and Time and cost. 33% of the respondents have chosen skills and ability of a manager and time and cost factor. 16% have opted for Human resource factors and External factors. Most of them believe that time, cost and skills of a manger influences the success of a project in manufacturing industry in Cambodia. Manufacturing industry has complex projects and they have to ensure that their work is completed in stipulated time and budget. Lack of time or preference of low cost can affect the project. It makes it difficult for the manager to successfully complete it. On the other hand, an effective manager through proper planning and strategies makes sure that the deadlines are met (Sakka, Henri Barki and Louise Côté 2016, 88). So, these two factors have been given importance by the respondents. Furthermore, human related factors or external factors do not affect all the projects. These factors have been chosen by 1 respondent each who have experienced this in their work or in past. This was the main objective of theme 3. 

Theme 5: Importance of key personal attributes to the project success in Cambodia.

5. What is the major importance of key personal attributes to the project success in Cambodia?


Managing time, cost and schedule


Motivating team members


Planning and controlling


Relationship with stakeholders


Theme 5 is used to find out the importance of key personal attributes to the project success in Cambodia. To accomplish this objective 6 project managers were interviewed and they are given four options in the questionnaire. It consists of managing time, cost and schedule, Motivating team members, Planning and controlling and Motivating team members. Most of them have selected management of time, cost schedule and relationship with stakeholders as the most important personal attribute which helps in the success of a project. One manager has selected planning and controlling. While other have selected  Relationship with stakeholders. It can be seen from the above table that all the four attributes are important for a manager. But respondents in Cambodia have chosen time and cost management and motivation has the factor which improves performance of a project. Time, schedule and cost can affect the project in manufacturing industry (Lounsbury 2016, 5). It is essential for a manger to meet the deadlines and complete the project in budget. It not only measures the effectiveness of the manager but it also affects the profits of the company. Motivation of team members is necessary so as to accomplish all the tasks. There has to be proper coordination and team work which can be possible only with the help of a manager (Warner, and Richard, 2016).  

Theme 6: Frequency of the use of key personal attributes at the time of managing projects in manufacturing industry.

6. How many times you use these key personal attributes at the time of managing projects in manufacturing industry?


Once at the time of starting of project


Continuous basis


End of the project


Start and end of the project


The final theme is based on Frequency of the use of key personal attributes at the time of managing projects in manufacturing industry. The questionnaire includes four answers: once at the time of starting of project, Continuous basis, End of the project and Start and end of the project. Out of 6 respondents, 3 have chosen continuous basis. While others have opted for starting of project, Continuous basis and Start and end of the project. Most of the project managers believe that key personal attributes should be applied on a continuous basis in a project.  It helps in the management of the project (Makokha 2017, 34). The other three respondents have selected rest of options each.  The difference in opinion can be seen in theme 6 but most of them feel that personal attributes should be applied in the project. It should be used during the project till it gets completed.

4.3 Findings and Discussion

Findings and discussion section is used to highlight the results of the interpretation and analysis (Hwang, Bon-Gang and Wei Jian Ng 2013, 67). It can be seen from the themes in the analysis that the success of the project is influenced by the key attributes of the project manager in manufacturing industry in Cambodia. Leadership, Communication, technical and analytical, forecasting, planning and team management is given equal importance by the respondents. This shows that all these skills are required in a project manager to ensure successful completion of the project. Furthermore, literature review also shows that a manager should possess all these skills. Rolfe and Svetlana Cicmil, 2017, believe that leadership provides direction to the workers and avoid complexities (Rolfe and Svetlana Cicmil 2017, 22). On the other hand, Savelsbergh, Liselore and Peter Storm, 2016, states that “communication, forecasting and planning provides guidance to the manager which improve performance of the project
(Savelsbergh 2016, 94). Team management and analytical skills develops better coordination integration in different processes and activities. According to Rezvani, Wiewiora and Zolin, 2016, “Projects manager should have technical skills and they should work closely with experts to gain insights” (Rezvani, Wiewiora and Zolin 2016, 54)

Majority of the project managers agree that there is strong relation between key personal attributes and the success of the project in manufacturing industry. Manufacturing projects are complex in nature and it differs from each other in terms of size, nature, layout etc (Nahavandi 2016, 34). Project managers should have relevant experience and skills to understand all the activities involved in the project. They should have all the attributes and characteristics to lead the team and take decisions during challenging situations. There are different roles and responsibilities of a manager. Some of the major roles of a manager which were identified by the participants are identification of scope, project management, project planning, Risk management, Communication and cost management (Kerzner 2013, 11). All these activities are important for the success of a project and the manger should focus on them. Apart from this, skills of a project manager, time and cost affect the performance of a project.  Human skills and external factors were considered least important in the performance of the project.  Manufacturing industry in entirely dependent on project managers who are responsible to complete the work on time and in budget. Therefore, the participants have considered these two factors.

The results shows that managing time, cost, schedule and motivating team members have positive influence on the entire project. Participants have not considered planning, controlling and relations with stockholders. They believe that highly motivated workers and meeting the deadlines is the key to the success in manufacturing industry in Cambodia. Apart from this, majority of the participants prefers key personal attributes to be used on a continuous basis. It should not be restricted to the beginning or end of the project. Project manager should use their key traits and characteristics in the entire process until the project is completed (Fung 2016, 54). It will improve the performance of the project which will de done on time and on budget. It can been seen that there is strong relation between the key attributes of a manger and project. Both are interdependent on each other. Project managers are in the centre of the plan and they design different activities which have to be carried out by the workers. Project Management involves planning, organising, controlling and risk management. Apart from this, a manager should get involved in various activities so as to understand the project in a better way. The list of key attributes required in a manager is very long but to successfully complete project in Cambodia managers should have key traits. It includes technical, communication, leadership, knowledge, planning and team management. It will allow him to overcome the factors which have been identified by the respondents in the research. These factors affect the performance of the project and it should be avoided through proper planning and ongoing involvement of the manager (Sakka 2016, 76) 

Chapter 5: Conclusion And Recommendations

The research provides insights and deeper understanding about the relationship between manager’s attributes and success of the project. Project managers define and establish the culture of their organization which helps them to achieve their objective. Effective leadership and direction to the workers can increase the chances of project success (Fung 2016, 48). Project management focuses on all aspects which is concerned with execution and organizing different activities together. He maintains good relation with all the stakeholders and workers. They are provided updates about different activities at regular intervals. The main aim of the research is to understand the importance of key attributes of the manager in the success of manufacturing project in Cambodia. There are three objectives of the research which has been accomplished. The first objective it to identify key attributes of an effective manager. According to the study, the key attributes include Leadership, Communication, technical skills, analytical skills, forecasting, planning and management of workers. All these attributes are required in a project manager which improves the performance of the project (Hwang 2013, 12). He makes sure that there is proper coordination and integration between different activities and processes. Some authors believe that technical knowledge is not necessary. A project manager should have managerial skills. But the present research shows that technical skills are equally important. Project managers have experts and technicians who take care of the technicalities involves in the project. Moreover, they have project coordinators who are responsible for coordinating the activities and functions (Lounsbury 2016, 93). But a project manager should have technical skills to understand different processes and procedures. He should be able to take decision and make changes in it with the help of experts. Furthermore, it will benefit the workers because they will get clear directions. Technical skills will allow the manager to gain insights and to have deeper understanding of the entire project. It can be very beneficial in risk management and during any unexpected events (Rezvani, Wiewiora and Zolin 2016, 22).

The second objective of research is to determine the importance of key attributes to the project success in Cambodia. The study shows that time, cost management and motivation of team are the main elements which help in achieving the goals of the project manager. They have to make sure that the project is completed on time and various activities meet the stipulated time frame allotted to them (Archibald, Russell and Shane Archibald, 2016). Manufacturing projects are complex in nature and the activities are interdependent on each other. Project managers have to ensure that there is no hindrance in the project. Furthermore, they have to follow the budgets and cost. Lack of planning can cause ambiguity which directly affects the cost and time constraint associated with the project (Tabass and Hamid Kadir Paki 2016, 73). They have to maintain proper schedules which have to be communicated to various stakeholders. Failure to complete the project in desired time can affect the reputation and profits of the company. In Cambodia, a similar problem was seen which resulted in failure of many construction and manufacturing projects. This research can be used to analyse this problem. Lack of effective manager and experience affects the performance of the projects. They find it difficult to make changes and to deal with unexpected challenges ((Rezvani, Wiewiora and Zolin 2016, 12). There are many factors which can affect the success of a project. It includes skills and abilities of a manager, Human  factors, External factors and time and cost. Majority of the respondents in Cambodia chose skills of a manager and time and cost constraints which results in failure of a project. It is for these reason only clients recruit highly qualifies and experienced managers. They can deal with the challenges in a better way due to their technical knowledge and managerial skills (Archibald, Russell and Shane Archibald, 2016) .    

The third objective of the investigation is to determine the frequency of personal attributes in effective project management. It can be concluded from the research that these attributes have to apply in the entire process (Warner and Richard 2016, 45). They are not restricted to the beginning or the end of the project. They are required in all the activities and procedures. It has to be a continuous process. The skills of a manager are necessary to handle complexities in manufacturing projects. A successful manager set priorities and delegate the tasks to different people. It not only reduces his workload but it provides opportunities to the workers to get involved in various activities of the project.

Manufacturing industries in Cambodia have to make sure that they have effective project manager who have relevant knowledge and experience in project management (Martinelli and Dragan 2016, 55). Some of the key attributes which are needed in the manager are leadership, technical skills, team management and managing time and cost. These attributes have to be applied continuously and during the entire project. They should involve themselves in various activities of the project to improve their knowledge and engagement. The biggest problem in Cambodia was lack of key attributes which are required in a successful project manager. It affected the performance of many project in manufacturing and construction industry in Cambodia.


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