Impact Of Air Pollution On High Population Countries



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You are required to Compile a Research Proposal for your chosen topic, to be used as the foundation for your research project in RES310.

Clean air is a basic requirement of human health and wellbeing. However while the processing of development of economic; air pollution has been a noteworthy health risk worldwide (Kampa & Castanas, 2008). There are various sources of air pollution such as urbanization, economic development, energy conception, motorization and transportation along with increase the population in the urban area. Air pollution is the only reason of destroying the healthy environment (Yang, Chen, Chen,  Kuo, 2007). The report will focus on the air pollution in high population country. It has been analyzed that the most populated country in all over the world is China and India. Divisible define and explain the topic by taking help of various resources. Methodology will reflect in this research which will be helpful to get us the relevant and valid data for the research program.


The main problem statement of the topic is the impact of air pollution on various things in high population country. “Air pollution and population health” is most important environmental and public health issues (Mills, Donaldson, Hadoke, Boon, MacNee, Cassee, & Newby, 2009). There are various driving forces exist in large city which may enhance the air population such as economic development, urbanization, transportation and energy consumption which is liable to expose the polluted air by leaking the hazardous gases in the open environment which may influence the many people and harm them.

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Significance of the research project  

The research study will be important to analyze the conditions of the high populated country and the impact of the air population on them. It will be helpful for further study to analyze the various factors related to issue in high populated country. The research will also focus on the other factors which may impact the high populated country. High populated country want a huge space to live and for living better, it started to destroy the maintaining the balance between nature and human (Raaschou-Nielsen, et. al., 2013). Therefore, this research can be used to evaluate the various factors related to the high populated country. The review in this report evaluates the proof of health belongings of outdoor air pollution in developing country like Asia in the context of ongoing amendments in not only air quality but also population health. Health risks are linked with the natural as well as built environment changes as economic development happens (Beelen, Hoek, van Den Brandt, Goldbohm, Fischer, Schouten & Brunekreef, 2008).

Research Methodology

Main points of argument

However, it is hard to categorize the major point to arguments but there are some major points are mentioned below which can be argued in the context of topic.

  • Air pollution is a key matter in various areas of Asia and has provoked actions to enhance the superiority of the air.
  • Air quality in Asia shows complex relation between enhanced conduction of energy for transport and generation of power (Loomis, Grosse, Lauby-Secretan, El Ghissassi, Bouvard, Benbrahim-Tallaa & Straif, 2013).
  • Climate change and emission of climate shows a substantial challenge for Asia.
  • Unfavorable health belongings linked with exposure to air pollution
  • Health effects of long term and short term revelation to air pollutants (Kan, Chen & Tong, 2012).


Method and approaches


Use in research

Qualitative data

Qualitative data is facilitated to gather the information regarding research topic with quality.

It has been chosen for this research where is it allows to evaluate the air pollution in the high populated country in depth and detail. The evaluation and the frame work done by researcher can be revised quickly with the help of this method.

Quantitative data

Quantitative research involves collecting the numerical data on which the statistical calculations can be done to draw the conclusions

Quantitative approaches are utilized to make worth conclusion of the research by evaluating the various aspects regarding topic.

Primary Sources

Primary sources are provided the first hand information.

The primary source is able to provide the current information. The questionnaire has been made and it will be represented to the junior Doctors of the hospital which are facing this issue.

Secondary sources

It is considered as the used material.

A secondary source provides a data which is already utilized (Ellis & Levy, 2017). It can be accumulated from the articles in the newspaper, research paper, magazines, journals and other available data over the Internet.

Research strategy

It is helpful to conduct the research program in an adequate manner so that the decided goals can be attained within tome frame (Hamilton, 2007).

A systematic approach has been utilized to execute the result program because it is able to sequence manner (Gatrell, Bierly and Jensen, 2015). It focus to make the action plan for representing the every activities while conducting the research so that the possible changes can be done to achieve the target within time frame (Adler, 2015).

Sampling technique

Sampling is considered as the process in which the specific sets of units are chosen from the total population to make an observation.

To analyze the data in an efficient manner Institute of having huge Collection of data. Random sample after which provides equal opportunity to every sample of the population (Aramberri & Butler, 2013).

primary research methods with justification

Serial No.

Primary Research Methods




An observation is one of the primary methods (Kennedy-Clark, 2013). The use of this in research to observe the reaction of people of high populated country such as country of Asia towards air pollution.



Surveys can be distinguished into various forms such as postal surveys, online surveys, and face-to-face surveys. Postal survey is considered as cheap survey because this survey can cover the wide range of geographical area and does not observe the potential for interview bias.

Apart from that there is an online survey which is used to analyze the response of selected people about the impact of air population.



Interview is conducted with selected people to get know about the environment in which they are living. It would be helpful to analyze the various factors related to air population and initiation against air pollution can be executed by knowing the response of people (Osthoff, Roberts, Ravishankara, Williams, E. J., Lerner, Sommariva  & Stark, 2008).

Ethical considerations of the project

The ethical value of the research program is essential to determine the right or wrong in the certain activity. This research involves ethical consideration at every step and takes care of the right or wrong activities and how the research will has been maintained. The research program has been implemented by keeping in mind about the ethical consideration. The researcher is followed the certain rules and regulation to execute the research program (Kampa & Castanas, 2008). The research is made with honesty which represents the integrity of the entire research program. The uses of this research program can easily trust the data and information mentioned in the research. Define data confidentiality has been maintained and no alteration will be done without permission of the researcher (Fullerton, Bruce & Gordon, 2008). Data protection act is strictly followed by researcher and there is a certain punishment that will breach the rule and policies. It was made clear to all the participants that this research program is conducted for the purpose of academic and everyone is free to join in the research program.

In the context of privacy, confidentiality and anonymity, entire anonymity was not possible. However, it has been ensured by researcher that the confidentiality would be maintained of the participants by removing any identifying characteristics before widespread distribution of information (Buschmann, Berg, Stengel, Winkel, Sampson, Trang & Viet, 2008). The researcher made it clear that the name of participants would not be taken in use for other purpose and their information would not be shard to reveal their identity in any way.        

Anticipated outcomes and limitations

In the limelight of above discussion, it has been concluded that air pollution is enhanced in high populated country due to number of people. They have begun to cut the tree and establish the industrial area in that place to earn which contributes in air pollution. Air pollution is the health hazard and it is a global challenge. It is vital in Asian developing countries because of the severe level of pollution and high density of population linked with them (Huang, Song, Li, Li & Zhu, 2012). It has been analyzed that the improve air quality has measurable, substantial and integral public health benefits. It has been recommended that the efforts should be made and goals should be focused in order to control air pollution in every country. there are some common ambient air pollutant encountered in daily life of ours that is particulate matter (PM), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2) and sulfur dioxide (SO2). There is a tool to study that is environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) can be utilized for the purpose of study the relationship between economic development and the level of air pollution.

Primary Research Methods

The research limitations are considered as those factors which are not controlled by researcher to execute the research program. It can be consider das the shortcomings which may hamper the methodology as well as the conclusion of the research program (Pope, Mishra, Thompson, Siddiqui, Rehfuess, Weber, & Bruce, 2010). The mentioned of research limitation is in the research study is essential so that the user of the research is in the knowledge of such constraints. There are some limitations are critical and on the other hand some can be avoided. The researcher can overcome some of the limitations or not but the limitations limit the progress of the research as a whole. The shortage of time is one of the biggest limitations in this research program and to overcome this situation, researcher has chosen the random sampling technique to gather the relevant data regarding topic in quick manner (McGranahan, 2012).

Personal reflection

During the entire process, I learned that the people are living under hazardous situation. Air pollution is one of them that destroy the fresh air from the environment. It is very important to engage yourself in some sort of mental and physical exercises so that the work do not overburden the mind and health remain maintained. In the duration of my study, I analyzed each aspect related to topic and enhanced my knowledge. I learned to observe people and learn from them. Surveys and interviews make me aware about the condition of people during the air population and I realized that it is vital for the government to take action against it so that it could not take a wide face. I believe that there is no better way than personal learning for learning the things and tactics


It has been concluded that the evidence that exposure of long term to ambient air pollution has bad influence on lung cancer, chronic respiratory disease and worst reproductive outcomes in Asia. However, wherever possible, it has been calculated the consequence estimates for the enhancement of standardized in measured pollutants. It helped to provide additional opportunities for the summarization of quantitative and comparison of outcomes. It has been reviewed that the evidence regarding health consequences of outdoor air pollution in developing Asia in the term of ongoing changes in both air quality as well as the health of population. It has been found that the risk of health interlinked with the natural and built environments amendments as economic developments happens. It has been recommended that high populated country should be regulated by the government strictly in the context of prevention of increase population and destroy tree for self purpose.

Ethical Considerations


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