Impact Of Globalization On Current Community And Social Action: Effects On Working People

Globalization and Current Community

Impact of Globalization on Current Community and Social Action

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Social action is all about people coming together to look for ways of making their existence better on the globe. However, we all stay in a global environment. Globalization has got a lot of impacts on the current community. To begin with cultural influence, people have intermingled a lot (Sharma, 2012). The concept of global citizenship has been brought along by globalization. It was impossible for people to know about other countries culture before globalization. People are now doing things that were not part of their culture due to the introduction of tools such as televisions, radios and cell phones (Hamdi, 2015). For example, in the United States, people now practice Yoga. Globalization has impacted how young people do their things. Students can now take their college studies from home. Secondly, the way people buy and sell goods has drastically changed (Sharma, 2012).

Nowadays, people trade freely between countries. All the deterring factors that prevented people from trading have been removed. People can sell their goods and services to other countries due to the advancement of infrastructure. Lastly, globalization has brought along political impacts. States that were poor have gone poorer (Sharma, 2012). Residents from those states have lost most of their job chances. It is clear that globalization has brought along both positive and negative impacts. It is not yet clear whether countries will continue upholding it due to their looming debt crisis.

The Implication of Co-Operating Globalization on Working People

Globalization can affect developing countries through the labor market (Ibrahim, 2013, p. 85). Increased competition in services, import penetration, foreign straight investment, exchange rate and export sales fluctuations engineered by international capital groups all affect the labor and employment earnings. Cheap labor is a major concern. For countries to become competitive, they need to dismantle their trade barriers, legal monopolies as well as devolve their state-owned enterprises to private entrepreneurs. These changes can, on the other hand, lead to a massive loss of jobs hence promote unemployment.

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Effects of Cooperate Globalization on Working People

Globalization has negative and positive effects on working people as discussed below.

Positive Effects

The living standards of working people have increased as a result of globalization. International businesses have developed as a result of the globalization of economies. Associates have amplified their make to other countries around the globe as a result of the growing demand for goods needed by people (Danev, 2017). As it was indicated by Michel Camdessus, the administrator of the Global Currency Fund in the year 1996, incomes have increased hence raising the living standards of many workers globally. This is as a result of the increasing employment chances around the globe.

Cultural Influence

Working people enjoy free movement policies. European Union was formed as a result of globalization. This is an organization made up of 27 countries. The member countries have unified economies as well as unchained motion rules. Workers from the member countries can move loosely to the place of their choice while handling professional ambitions (Ruhs, 2017, p. 23). This has led to an increase in employment chances. It has also motivated the working people to look for higher paying job opportunities.

Workers gather more information concerning their rights and duties through the globalization of communication (Danev, 2017). Many cases of mistreatment of immigrants by employers in the developed countries have been witnessed due to the origin of the immigrants. However, the emergence of world communication services such as the media and the internet are advantageous to workers as they can be able to make themselves familiar owing to their social as well as lawful discretions and tribune for them.

Education has various advantages for workers (Danev, 2017). Workers in the evolving countries are turning more informed of these benefits. Most of the employees have sought to enroll in universities to pursue professional development. Seminars and training sessions are also getting more people who are in search of knowledge for them to be employable. It is through globalization that individuals have enrolled in universities for them to find better employment opportunities. Globalization values various types of knowledge. It, therefore, induces ordinary employees to study more elaborate topics such as organization management and accounting among other subjects.

Negative Impacts

There is a reduction in wages for jobs given in upcoming states. If payments go down for ranks that yielded more, employees put minimal effort into their jobs as they feel less appreciated (Smith, 2018). Most of the countries have fewer workforce laws. As the matchup for imported work increases, payments for the laborers go down. Most of the companies at some points stop valuing their personnel. This makes them yield permanent issues in pursuance of temporary savings.

In most of the emerging states, there are little or no labor laws to protect workers from mistreatment and exploitation (Laliberte, 2013, p. 176). This possibly harms the image of companies which outsource labor from other countries which exploit the rights of their workers or children. If a company treats its employees poorly even if it is overseas, it can lose most of its customers.


This paper represents an attempt to provide the implications and effects of cooperate globalization on working people as well as impacts of globalization on current community and on working people. The struggle is based on a critical review of other researchers’ studies. The claims made in this paper could later be challenged based on other researches. With all this in mind, this paper suggests that globalization can be useful for a good number of workers for as long the required economic policies are put in place. On the other hand, globalization may not be suitable for all workers, and thus its distributional impacts on working people should be kept in consideration. Out of this paper, it is true that in economies that integrate well with the rest of the globe, wages tend to grow faster. Globalization is closely linked to joblessness. It is also associated with loss of skills as permanent workers who are expensive are replaced with cheap casual laborers. Due to monitoring requirements, globalization requires active involvement of the civil society.

Social action involves people coming together to reason on how they can make their lives better as well as solve some significant problems that are a threat to their community (Malczewski, 2015, p. 530). It is an idea borrowed from Max Weber’s convivial doing theory, which sees society as a product of human activity. Through social action, people give their resources and time to their collective advantage. This happens through a range of forms from community-owned services, volunteering, community organizations or various neighbourly actions.

People, companies, and governments of different states interact and integrate through a process known as globalization (Irani, 2011, p. 216). This process is always obsessed by investment and multinational exchange with the help of facts technology. The operation has diverse effects on political systems, culture, environment, prosperity and economic development as well as the individual physical well being of the societies around the globe. In this section, I will discuss some of the impacts of globalization on current community and social action as well implications and effects of cooperate globalization on working people.


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Laliberte, P., 2013. Trade unions and worker cooperatives: Where are we at?. International Journal of Labour Research, 5(2), pp. 171-287.

Malczewski, E., 2015. On the Centrality of Action: Social Science, Historical Logics, and Max Weber’s Legacy. Journal of Historical Sociology, 28(4), pp. 523-547.

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