Impact Of Social Media On Communication Management: A Case Study Of IBM

Background and Research


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Discuss about the Business Communication for Electronic Commerce and Business.

The proposal is done to focus on the impact of social media on the management of communication at the business organisation IBM. Communication is essential, not only for enabling coordination of work among the employees but also can lead to effective decision making, furthermore allow the organisation to perform its tasks within less time (, 2017). The digital communication is an easy and convenient way of communicating with each other through social media use and even makes quick decisions that can be successful for the management of business (Cambie, 2012). There are various channels of enabling communication between the employees and it is possible with the involvement of social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

The background of research illustrates the use of social media for managing communication within the organisation and its efficiency in managing good relationships between the stakeholders and allowing them to commit to the organizational excellence. Gmail, Google hangout, facebook, instagram and Twitter are relevant platforms for enabling communication transparency and make people communicate with each other within the organisation and discuss about matters to fulfill the roles and responsibilities with ease and efficacy (Chesher & Kaura, 2012). Social media involvement is also essential for making people communicate with its customers and obtain their opinions and feedbacks to determine the market conditions and fulfill he needs and requirements of the customers easily (, 2017).

  • To identify the role of social media in facilitating the processes of communication at IBM
  • To evaluate necessary measures for utilizing the social media and bringing out the best of benefits for the company
  • To assess the probable impact of social media involvement on the management of communication at IBM
  • To recommend probable measures for improving the communication process and maintaining string relationships with the business stakeholders

What is the impact created by involving social media on the communication process at IBM?

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How could the various ways or approaches be used for facilitating the social media involvement and obtain business benefits?

What kind of impact is created by using social media for the purpose of communication within the organisation?

What are the methods or techniques recommended for enhancing the efficiency of communication process at IBM?

The discussions are mainly based on the kinds of data and information that have been collected for understanding the impact of social media on the management of communication and facilitating the relationships between the stakeholders of IBM (Clark Jr & Cain, 2013).


By analyzing the report, it could be understood that the social media usage had brought great benefits such as proper communication was enabled along with management of proper relationships between the stakeholders in business.

Few recommendations included:

  • To use social media for enhancing brand awareness, enhance the visibility of products and services to make customers know about those and ensure that their buying behaviours are influenced too.
  • To use the social media channels for promoting effective communication between the employees and making it easy for them to make decisions too
  • To utilize the social media for improving the customers’ services
  • It is also recommended to integrate the use of social media by aligning it with the business goals and objectives

Social media platforms are effective channels for promoting effective communication and enabling higher engagement of the employees within the organisation. Social media involvement could increase the speed and rate of information flow and exchange, furthermore increase the employee engagement and reducing communication activities done through face to face meetings and telephonic conversations (Glisic & Leppänen, 2013). The social networking within the workplace not only facilitates the communication process but also improves the organizational productivity by distributing information among the employees working at IBM. It improves the effectiveness of communication process, helps in identifying the new information and data and even allows the employees to discuss ideas and share opinions among themselves (Godlovitch et al., 2013).

Benefits of Social Media

The personal communications at IBM are managed with the help of providing a platform for managing accessibility to data, information and applications that are present on the host system. The personal communication feature at IBM include the virtual terminal emulation and system network architecture that can provide multiple functionalities such as proper networking, communication and other features of administration including the emulation of host terminal, client server applications and better connectivity (, 2017). The major component of IBM Host Access Client Package and IBM Host integration solution could also facilitate the social media involvement and enhance the processes of communication largely.

One of the major effective social media platform is the facebook, which has been a top priority for the businesses to allow people connect with each other and share personal thoughts, opinions and behaviours. Twitter is another fast-paced network that has allowed the users to share data and information by using hash tags and allow the content to be seen by the targeted audiences (Kotz, Kozubowski & Podgorski, 2012). The employees of IBM have managed to communicate with each other through these social media platforms and this has facilitated the marketing activities and ensured proper communication at the workplace. Snapchat is also used as a temporary social media platform that allows the employees working at IBM to share the content and it can be seen for maximum 24 hours (Kwok & Yu, 2013).  It is effective for the managers and higher authorities to communicate and share their messages and information that are confidential and so Snapchat can be used to make the messages visible for 24 hours and then get automatically removed, so that it cannot be accessed by any other person. This would communicate the messages and instructions properly to the subordinates and allow for making quick decisions too (Leonardi, Huysman & Steinfield, 2013).

With the involvement of social media in business, there are more scopes and opportunities to enhance the business contacts and target wider audiences. It is also useful for managing advertisements and the recruitment process, which can further enhance the market research capabilities and develop marketing campaigns by enabling proper communication between them. The implementation of marketing campaigns would also deliver effective communication and direct the individuals to various websites for making them acknowledged with happenings within the company (Macnamara & Zerfass, 2012).

The companies to communicate and connect with its customers and other stakeholders while selling the products and services use the social networks. By involving the social media, it has become easier to develop trust and loyalty among the individuals within the business and ensure that ideas and opinions are circulated properly. The social media sites can be created to focus on personal broadcast network and fare well above the traditional advertising, furthermore share both positive as well as negative responses related to the business transactions or decisions that are needed to be made (Schivinski & Dabrowski, 2016).

Recommendations for Enhancing Communication Efficiency

The most suitable online communication strategy is to invest in social media and think strategically about how to make the best use of these social media platforms. The social media communication strategy could create a proper networking event and monitor the content that should be provided by the people. The blogs are used as an excellent platform for managing the business communication strategy, share insights into the business and develop relationships with the customers (Wang, Yu & Wei, 2012). The blogging in social media can help in producing quality content for engaging the individuals within the company and determine the needs and preferences. The content posted through blogs could also make people know about the industry trends and facts and share about the business success stories too (, 2017).

Digital communications have been largely influenced by the involvement of social media to foster the development of relationships and setting connections between the staffs within the workplace of IBM. Conversations are easily managed with the use of social media platforms by communicating through open body languages and connecting it with the staffs, managers and subordinates. Few drawbacks of social media communication within organizations could be the lack of skills and abilities to read, write or spell due to lack of accessibility of keyboards (Cambie, 2012). Though social media usage could promote effective communication, still the lack of physical cues and face-to-face interactions might create misunderstandings and misconceptions. Information overload could be caused due to the busy online discussions and communications through useof social media. The time taken for commenting or receiving a particular response might be high, which could create other issues as well. While using social media platforms for facilitating the communication process, negative comments might be posted, which in turn, could result in deteriorating the brand image as well (Chesher & Kaura, 2012).


The report was developed to focus on the various aspects of social media and how it had impacted the process of communication at the organisation IBM, India. Social media platforms had helped in creating effective channels for managing communication between the individuals and ensured successful functioning of the business organisation. The social media platforms enabled the staffs of IBM to communicate and at the same time, improved the marketing activities’ efficiency to share and exchange messages and information, furthermore make effective decisions with ease and effectiveness.


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