Impacts Of Internet Usage In Society: Positive And Negative Aspects

Overview of the Research Paper

Information technology has been gathering importance in recent years. There has been the huge increase in the internet usage among individuals in the society. Both positive and negative consequences of internet usage have been discussed in this paper. The use of internet has helped in many ways (Poushter 2016). Different advanced technologies have been accessed by using internet services. The Internet was able to influence various levels of society. Transportation system has been made convenient for users to different classes of individuals of the society. Communication systems have been enhanced with the availability of the internet. Television, computers and mobile devices have been main sources of entertainment for individuals. Satellite and Internet broadcasting has been the main source of live telecast of shows and games (Dunbar, Proeve and Roberts 2017). However, there have been various negative impacts of the internet in the society.

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This paper discusses various negative impacts of the internet in the society. Positive impacts have been also highlighted in this research paper.

The goal of this paper is to look into the depth impacts of the internet over the society. This research paper has used Cognitive development in the internet use theories for developing an idea about the positive use of the internet. The research has followed a proper methodology to complete the research. Online survey questionnaire has been developed for data collection related to the topic.

The aim of the research paper is to critically analyze the benefits of the internet usage in society.

The objectives of this research are following:

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  • To identify benefits of internet usage in the society
  • To critically analyze the usage of internet in the society
  • To identify negative impacts of internet usage in society
  • To recommend strategies for mitigating issues in usage of internet in society

Research questions are as following:

  • What are the benefits of internet usage in the society?
  • What is the use of internet in the society?
  • What are the negative impacts of usage of internet in the society?
  • How can these negative impacts be removed?

This research deals with identifying cognitive approach towards the benefits of internet usage in the society. The research focuses on the limitation so the internet usage in the society the impact of the internet users have been depicted in the research. The methodology if the research has been its strength. Online survey questionnaires have been created for collecting data from the customers in the society. The findings if the analysis has helped in understanding the benefits of the internet usage in the society.

This chapter discusses the overview of the research paper. The research aim, objectives and questions have been initiated in this chapter. The basic scenario of the internet usage in the society has been provided in the chapter. 

The Internet established in the 1960s and became a mainstream lifeline for the people in the recent years. It has shown many changes and growth in the market the demand if the internet has been continually rising in the market (Servidio 2014). The internet is a massive network that is used globally in the market. The use of internet has been spread up to every field in the market.

Positive and Negative Impacts of Internet Usage

As commented by Macfarlane (2016), the use of internet has increased worldwide. In 2011, 30.2 % of world ‘population has been using the internet. As argued by (), from 2000-2011, population growth in Thailand declined from 0.9% in 2000 to 0.6% in 2010. The growth of Internet use in Asia (706.9%) was higher than that in Europe and North America (353.1% and 151.7%, respectively) (Gerpott and Thomas 2014).

Internet usage has been positively affected the society. Various types of knowledge and information can be accessed from the internet. Students are getting help from the internet by reading online tutorials. There has been a massive change in the thinking if the people by the use of the internet. As argued by Torrent-Sellens et al. (2016), teenagers are misusing the internet by watching illegal websites and videos over the internet. However, the internet has helped in maintaining the balance of knowledge among people in the society. The use of the internet has simplified the source of knowledge in daily life. Various medical knowledge is provided by the internet. The internet has helped in connecting the world to one network. Social media has helped in chatting and making new friends from all over the world. As argued by Venkatesh et al. (2016), many criminal and illegal activities are being initiated by the use of internet including cyber-attacks, brainwashing, phishing and flooding, data loss have a common problem by the use of the internet. Therefore, the internet has both positive and negative aspects of the society.

A sample has been taken from the population of different demographics including children, teenagers, adults and senior citizens of different professions. Data has been collected from a primary method of data collection. An online survey questionnaire has been prepared for collecting data. A sample size of 34 people have been taken for the online survey and their answers were collected in the form of data and information related to the usage of internet in the society. The research has been ethically considered by following Data Protection Act 1998 (Rahimi and Rad 2017). Outcomes and results of the research have not been published and shared with any other individual. The timeline of the research was not appropriate for completion.

There has been some limitation in the data collection process. Some participants have haphazardly filled up the survey form. This creates the problem for collecting wrong and manipulated data for the research. The budget for the research was low that restricted the use of advanced technology in the research (Verboord 2017). The results and outcomes of the research have successfully fulfilled the objectives and research questions that were initiated in the first chapter.

Data Collection and Analysis

The results of the graphs and charts show that most of the internet users are males. However, female users are equal to the male users. Most of the users are ranging between 16-40 years of age group. It means that generally teenagers and adults are using the internet in a frequent manner. From the chart, it is observed that most of the users connect their computers and mobile phones with the internet and access for 7-8 hours a day.

The results show that most of the users are using internet for entertainment and education purpose. Most of the users are doing online chatting with friends and have more than 10 online friends. For ease of use of the internet, most users bookmark their favourite site. However, users are preferring online shopping using the internet than offline shopping. However, it seems that most of the young users are getting addicted to the internet.

Conclusion And Recommendations

It can be concluded that the internet has helped in many aspects of life. The use of the internet has helped in providing a better life to the users in the society. Internet has changed the scenario of the standard of living. Communication and transportation systems have been advanced from the previous approach. Internet has helped in providing entertainment from home. A various online telecast of games and television shows can be watched from home. Theories have helped in gaining knowledge about the internet usage. The online survey has helped in data collection process. The analysis fit the data have shown that most of the users are using internet for entertainment and education purpose.

The survey shows that the ratio of internet usage for chatting is significant. The Internet also provides a platform for the educationist fir getting updated online information with a single keystroke. In addition, the Internet has enhanced their knowledge as far as reading and research interests are concerned.  However, 80% people have declined the impact of the internet on their daily physical activities.

Awareness: People in the society have to be awarded about the ethical use of the internet. The use of the internet has to be trained to people that might help in the positive use of the internet for their development.

Training: Training on the use of internet needs to be provided to the people of the society.

Government role: Different cyber laws need to be implemented for restricting the illegal use of internet in the society.  

The current research focuses on the benefits and limitations of the internet usage in the society. In future, researchers might work on implementing various tools and techniques for minimizing the limitations of the internet usage in the society. 


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