Implementation Of Creativity And Innovation In Aldar Properties

The Importance of Creative and Innovative Management in Organizations

Creativity and innovation are the key factors to the success of the organisations as with the advancement of the technologies and the adoption of the innovative ideas help the companies to attain global expansion, extended customer base and upsurge revenues. The implementation of creative and innovative business practices leads to generation of competitive benefits and enhanced organisational productivity (Liu, ET AL., 2016). Aldar Properties is one of the most recognized companies in the innovation and creativity aspect as it has taken several steps to build a strong innovation and creativity network in the organisation. the company was established in the year 2001 and is the biggest real estate organisation of Abu Dhabi which deals in investment, management and development services. the company is governed by the Abu Dhabi institutions. There are several innovative and creative practices of the company that has lead to rapid developments in the real estate industry of Abu Dhabi. The most significant innovation is the innovation lab established by the company (Aldar, 2017). The company is planning to achieve sustainable developments in the real estate sector which are completely free of the emissions of GHG and achieving sustainable development and operations at Aldar Properties (Rapoport, 2014). The paper will present several aspects of implementation of creativity and innovation in context with the chosen organisation.

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Evaluate current creative and innovative management processes in an organisation

Aldar Properties is the largest and the most renowned real estate development, investment and management organisation. Creativity and innovation are the key aspects of the huge success and growth of the company (Harrington and Voehl, 2016). Evaluating the current creative and management processes in Aldar, it has been identified that the company has established an innovation lab with utmost creativity and innovation processes at Yas Island’s ‘The District’. The lab is one of the most pioneering and creative step of Aldar for achieving increased level of innovations in the business processes and practices (Aldar, 2017). There are various technological and creative innovations that would be taking place in the alb such as the areas comprises of sustainability, nutrition, science, health, digital media, fashion, technology, entertainment and innovation to name a few. The Innovation Lab of Aldar offers dynamic and fun environment for discovering technology, building knowledge, information sharing and creativity. The lab or the programmes at the lab includes Entrepreneurship Academy, Recycling Robotics, 360 VR (Virtual Reality), La discipline du rectangle, Genesis, Murals and The Game. Alal these are the key programs or activities which take place at the lab and enhance the level of creativity and innovation in the business practices of the company (Aldar, 2017).

Explain how to lead others to positively embrace innovation and change 

To lead others to positively embrace innovation and change, it is essential that the CEO and the key managerial authorities of Aldar must emphasize that the employees have successfully adapt the changes. It must be ensured that there is current and up-to-date information in respect with any kind of change as well as must decrease or eliminate the risk associated with those changes so that all people can be a part of the creativity and innovation processes. To embrace innovation, it is also required to incorporate and implement creativity and innovation in all the departments of the company as well as there must be hiring of professionals to adopt innovative practices in the most efficient manner. Another aspect could be offering the employees or other individuals with basic training related to the adoption of the technological and innovation related modifications so that the trained individuals can act as self-sustaining creativity and innovation practices and processes and help Aldar to remain active in embracing innovation and creativity (Jensen and Van der Voordt,  2016).

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Assess the influence of vision and mission on generation of creative and innovative management processes in an organisation

The Innovation Lab at Aldar Properties for Enhanced Innovation

There is a key role of the mission and vision of the company in enabling creativity and innovation in the management processes. It is essential for Aldar to have a clear set of mission and vision emphasising on the adoption of creative and innovative business practices. There must be integration of the aspects of creativity and innovation in the vision and mission statements of Aldar so that there can be effective communication to the organisational employees and other members about the creativity and innovation related objective and long-term goals of Aldar. The vision statement and the mission statement of the company must help managers in building up of positive and improved associations with the organisational employees so that it can result in enhanced productivity and efficiency (Delmas and Pekovic, 2016). There is a need that the organisational mangers at Aldar must communicate their mission as well as vision for developing a sense of arousing the key objectives and aims of Aldar among the workforce. It is essential that the employees understand that what is the key reason behind the change practices in the organisation and there must be monitoring of the mission and the vision statements so that it can be analysed whether the strategise are formulated in accordance with them or not (Brown, 2015).

Use analytical tools to identify potential creative and innovative management ideas

For identifying potential innovative and creative ideas and to evaluate whether the business organisation is on the correct path or not in context with the implementation of the innovative and creative business practices, there can be used few tools by the managers. There is an essential need of these tools because of the reason that they help in analysing the various loop holes in the organisational strategies and thus taking appropriate measures to overcome those weaknesses and loopholes and to remaining competitive as well as innovative. There can be taken use of analytical tools such as brainstorming and SIS i.e. Systematic Inventive Thinking (Lindberg, 2014). Adoption of these analytical tools will help Aldar Properties in generating innovative and creative management ideas which will help the organisation to achieve growth and also increased employee engagement. There can also be taken use of tools for analysing the financial position of the organisation so that it can be determined what amount of investments must be done in the research and development department for achieving increased level of creativity and innovation (Amit and Zott, 2012).

Assess risks and benefits of creative and innovative management ideas

In the process of incorporating increased level of innovation and creativity in the organisation and the business processes, there are certain risks and benefits which are associated with this process. In context with innovation and creativity at Aldar Properties, the risks which can be analysed comprises of the resistance from the existing employees as the creativity and innovation has number of changes associated with it and it may not be comfortable for all the employees and thus as a result there can take place resistance from their side which could be a risk for the company required to me manage. Aldar Properties could also take use of various risk assessment tools for assessing the risks such as what-if analysis, checklist and HAZOP method i.e. Hazard and operability study. To assess the benefits associated with the creativity and innovation in the company, there must be developed a ratio of risks and benefits of the practices to be implemented in the company. The benefits could be increased competitive advantages, sustainable operations, communal support, increased customer base, etc. (Fusco Girard, 2013).

Use change models to support the implementation of creative and innovative management ideas 

Supporting Creative and Innovative Management Processes for an Organization

For supporting the implementation of the innovative and creative management ideas, there is a need that Aldar Properties must take use of a change management model so that the risks associated with the implementation process can be decreased and efficient results could be fetched from the implementation of idea in the company. For this purpose, there must be taken use of the Lewin’s change model, according to which there are 3 different phases i.e. Unfreeze, Change and Refreeze. In phase 1, the company must prepare and make the employees ready to adopt the change in respect with creativity and innovation. In this phase, it is required to break down existing processes, mange the resistance of employees and prepare individuals regarding adoption of new practices. In phase 2, i.e. Change, the company must implement the innovative and creative practices and processes which are required by the company. In phase 3, i.e. Refreeze, the company is required to observe that the changes incorporated are giving results and there is a sort of stability which is occurring in the organisation (Bartunek and Woodman, 2015). Thus, the company must refreeze the changes implemented so that the employees as well as the operations are successfully engaged with the changes.

Produce an appropriate rationale to persuade stakeholders of an organisation of the benefits of a creative and innovative management idea

To persuade the stakeholders of Aldar Properties about the benefits and advantages of creative and innovative management idea, it is essential that the managers must inform about the various benefits which are there for the stakeholders. A rationale will be developed which will comprising of the benefits such as the innovative and creative practice for sustainable development with no GHG emissions will result in increased support from the Government and other organisations. The other benefits will be increased number of customers to engage in building sustainable housing and construction of other buildings, improved market value of the share holding of the company which will result in increased profits of the stakeholders and improved brand image because of taking use of more of sustainable practices in construction and development. Thus, communicating all these benefits to the stakeholders is necessary to have their support in the implementation of the innovative and creative management ideas in the organisation so that no resistance may occur from their side (Albino, Berardi and Dangelico, 2015).

Communicate a creative and innovative management idea to stakeholders of an organisation

It is essential that the creative and innovative idea to be communicated to the stakeholders must be appropriate as well as must be communicate in an effective way so that they can offer their support to the implementation of the idea. The creative and innovative idea of Aldar Properties is to develop building that are free of GHG emissions and are hundred percent sustainable. It is an innovative and creative management idea as the construction companies are recognized for their incorrect practices and unsustainable operations (Huston, Rahimzad and Parsa, 2015). Thus, to gain increased number of competitive benefits and also have upsurge profits, the company is planning to develop completely sustainable buildings. To communicate to the stakeholders, it is necessary that complete financial planning must be done with the associated impacts upon the current business practices, market share and brand image of the company. there must be an answer to all the respective questions which can be arise from the side of stakeholders regarding the creative and innovative idea planning to be implemented (Betterbuildingspartnership, 2017).

Establish key goals and priorities for implementation of a creative and innovative management idea using feedback from stakeholders 

Tools for Identifying Potential Innovative and Creative Ideas

The key goals and priorities for the successful implementation of an innovative and creative idea by taking use of the stakeholders’ feedbacks will be that there must be keen emphasis upon the workforce so that they can sense high involvement and engagement and efficiently participate in the change process. Secondly, with the creativity and innovative operations, the prices must not be charged so high that the customers do not involve in the practice rather there must be adequate and competitive prices for retaining the customers. There must be open discussions in the company inviting ideas and viewpoints from the employees so that they have a reliable association with the company and do not left because of change practices or taking use of advanced technologies. This will result in increased motivation and participation of the employees and engagement with the change implementation (West, 2014).

Assess the barriers to the implementation of a creative and innovative management idea in an organisation

There are certain barricades which restrict the successful implementation of the change and creative and innovative idea in the management. Following are few of those barricades:

  • The first barrier is the lack of cooperation from as due to technological advancements the workforce turns out to be repellent as they do not want any kind of change in the company. And thus, it results in lack of cooperation. This lack of cooperation could also be from the stakeholders’ side if they are not influenced by the benefits of the creative and innovative idea.
  • The second key barrier is communication as the absence of adequate communication channels results in distracted flow of communication among the employees and the managers and thus it restricts successful implementation of the change.
  • The third key barrier is resistance of employees. In every company there are certain group of people that does not recommend change and they develop resistance from change implementation in the company. Thus, it results in unfavourable organisational environment that leads to barricade for the change implementation (Shafie, Baghersalimi and Barghi, 2013).

Plan a strategy to overcome identified barriers to the implementation of a creative and innovative management idea in an organisation

To overcome the above discussed barriers to the successful implementation of a creative and innovative idea there can be used certain strategies such as first of having an involvement of all the employees in the change process so that no employee left alone and thus create resistance to change. It can be done by having one-on-one discussion with the employees as well as by explaining the key benefits to the workforce which can influence them to participate in the change program. From the leadership perspective, there is a need that the managers of Aldar must work in a democratic way in the process of involving employees as well as the viewpoint and ideas must also consider by taking recommendations from the employees at the time of decision making. As well as there must also develop a strong communication plan so that all the information is passed to each and every employee of every level including the grass root level workforce and the stakeholders must also be informed about the respective changes that would take place in the company with the incorporation of eth innovative and creative idea (Storper and Scott, 2009).

Explain how a strategy plan for overcoming barriers will ensure innovative change is achieved

There is great significance of the strategies used for the overcoming of the barriers as it ensures that the creative and innovative change is attained in an efficient manner. Because of the various barricades, the companies do not able to implement change in a desired way as well as increased efforts related to management and cost are also exhaust. The use of effective strategies will result in minimization of the cost and maximization of the revenues. With the upsurge profits, the stakeholders will also be satisfied and give their support as well as involvement of employees in the decision making will lead to eradication of the resistance of employees and will result in robust participation of the employees and thus leads to successful execution of the change programs (Legrenzi, 2010). And thus, all such positive implications of the strategies will result in ensured success and effective implementation of the change process in the company.

Communicate a strategy plan for overcoming barriers to relevant stakeholders in an organisation

Risks and Benefits of Incorporating Innovation and Creativity

The organisational stakeholders are the individuals that have vested huge interest in the organisation. The stakeholders of Aldar Properties have tasked the operations and management of the company. They possess the power of making policies and ensuring that they are implemented in an effective way. A strategy plan will be of huge importance and significance in presenting changes and primarily that involves innovation and creativity. It is essential that the strategy plan must be straightforward, clear and open (Chauvel, et al., 2012).

The first step of the plan is to communicate the change process to the stakeholders in the most effective possible way. The second step is to convey the benefits and advantages that will be there for the stakeholders of implementing the change program. This will help in fetching their support as they will be informed about the protection of their interest and the value to the company. The next step would be communicating the strategies that will be used by overcoming the barriers to the change. The plan helps in involving the stakeholders at each and every step of the change program and an effective flow of communication is developed which helps in successful execution of the change program of innovative and creative idea in the company (Langley, et al., 2013).


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