Implementing Sustainable Development Laws: A Case Study Of Coke E-Learning Foundation

Background of Coke e-Learning Foundation

The aim of the current study is to reflect upon the given case study of the company named Coke e-learning foundation. The main theme of the case study is to implement the laws regarding the sustainable development of the company. The role of the project team of the company is also reflected and the critical evaluation of the relationship between all the workers of the company is also reflected and it helps in the better process of coordination of the project team, who are going to increase the  and the level of profit margin of the company.

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The reflection about the decision making process is also given, where the reason behind every decisions that are taken are provided. All the stages and effects of the decisions that are taken are also discussed.

In the given project, the different aspects related to the growth of the company named Cooke e-learning Foundation is been described that is implied to increase the level of the company’s profit. As the company has suffered loss in the recent times, it is important for them to revalue the brand image, which will help in the matter related to the improving the reputation of the company and also help them to deal with improving the level of profit margin. The use of the effective marketing tools has been the most effective ways to deal with the project management work. Like the use of the SWOT analysis tool has helped the company to deal with understanding of the internal strength and weakness of the company and also to have better ideas related to the opportunity and threats that exist in the external market. Hence, the project management team will have the ability to evaluate the marketing plan and also ensures that it is being applied properly.

The company background is also provided carefully that help in the matter related to the understudying of the past and present scenario and also understand the importance of the present situation. The company is an e-learning forum, which helps students in the education purpose by applying the latest mode of technology. As it is one of the most demanding services in the market, it is important for the company to use the business opportunity to have high level of profit.

The main aim of the project task is to improve upon the policies of the company that have the capability to increase the level of company profit. At the very beginning of the report the task brief has been provided, which help in the matter related to better understanding of the project task and the protocol of the project work. According to the report, it is important for the company to implement proper brand imaging techniques that will help them to gain proper reputation in the market. The brand image of the company helps in the matters related increasing the level of awareness among the customers (Nebenzahl and Jaffe 2013). This is the main positive side of the report as it helps to focus of the primary aim also have the ability to deal with the usefulness of the company report.   The tool of SWOT analysis also have been applied in the given scenario, which will help in the matter related to the better understanding of the company’s position. As most of the company’s brand imaging depends on evaluation of the marketing plan, it is important for them to have better ways to deal with the same. The report has also provided various ways to deal with the brand imaging techniques. There is also detail information about the brand imaging techniques that are used by the company that helps to deal with the duty of the project team.

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Project Task and Brief

The report then follows with the ideas related to the marketing strategy of the company that will help with the matters related to improving the level of profit of the company. The team work that is involved in the process is also discussed and it helps to understand the importance of the team management it the overall work of the project of the company. The assessment of internal strength and weakness of the project team will help in the overall process of strategy implementation. It is also important in the context that application of brain storm has been applied while implementing the marketing plan. The report has also identified the challenges that will be faced by the project team while implementing the marketing strategy.

The main weakness of this report is that it has not mentioned in details about the data collection techniques that the project team will use to evaluate the condition of the market strategy, which will help in the matters related to dealing with the challenges in the market and also the business opportunity that can be used by the project team to improve upon the business techniques. Hence, it is possible for the Cooke e-learning Foundation to have greater implication of the marketing plan.

The main intention of the project team is to have effective decision making capability, which will help to implement the marketing plan based on the needs of the company and also to look after the essential needs.  The project team also needs the ability to deal with all the risky and unfavorable business situations and thereby is able to deal with the all the challenges in the business environment. The leader of the team also needs to have the capability to deal with all risky and challenging situations in the business. It is also the duty of the project team to discuss matters in regular interval by formal meetings.  

In the Cooke e-learning Foundation company may role was that of the project manager and I had to lead the team for implementing the marketing plan depending upon the need of the company. As mentioned by Michalko (2014), the ideas related to brain storming is one of the most effective way to deal with the project team of an organization. With the help of the ideas related to brain storming, it is possible to have fixed techniques that will help to deal with all the major issues of an organization. It is the duty of the leader or manger of an organization to have the ability to deal with the issues related that can lower the reputation and also have the ability to deal with improving the profit level of the company. I have applied the elements of brain storming, in order to deal with the issues related poor brand image of the company Cooke e-learning Foundation. It was also possible for me to deal with all the major issues of the company by proper application of the brain storming ideas.  The relevant new ideas can also be generated with the help of most of the issues that are encountered within an organization. I had to encourage all the members of my team to generate new ideas, which help to deal with the issues related to poor market reputation of the company. With the help of proper application of the ideas, it is possible for me ensure that all the talents that are available with every members in the project team and all of them can contribute signnifcalty in the rapid development of the overall organization (Michinov et al. 2015).

Evaluation of Marketing Plan

I have also taken initiation to gather ideas from outside the organization, which is done from young candidates of business studies and help them to accurately participate in the decision making process. I have instructed my team to arrange for survey and interviews for the customers of the company that includes all the students, who regularly avail the service if online education from our organization. With the help of the data that is collected from the students, our project team will be able to understand the exact needs of the customers and thereby is able to improve upon the marketing plans to attract more students to avail our education service.

It is important for any project team to have the ability to have good communication and healthy official relationship with all the team members. As a leader of my team, it was my duty to ensure that all the members of the team have good understanding and they are properly able to communicate with each other in order to share the ideas among themselves. It is also my duty to properly communicate with the all the team members, which will allow me to deal with all issues within the organization. It is also possible to have better team coordination and we are able to work as unit to make implement plans for the company. 

One of the major decisions that are taken by the management of Cooke e-learning Foundation in order to make up for their loss is to implement the policy of rebranding that includes changing the logo and overall marketing plan of the company. According to Liu et al. (2014), one of the main target of rebranding is to reestablish the reputation of the brand and thereby have the ability to deal poor level of sales. The new look of the company will have new impression on the mindset of the customers, which has allowed to deal with the consequence of losing the market share.

In the modern day scenario of fast changing world, I strongly believe that reshaping the market plan along with modification in the branding strategy is highly effective and is one of the easy ways to seek the customer’s attention, who are always looking for new style of products and  service. The new logo and the outlook of the company can also help re-establish the reputation of the company and thereby help to gain competitive advantage. With the help of the company policy, it is possible to attract new customers and thereby expand the range of the business.

Teamwork and Decision-Making Processes

The primary steps that are initiated by the Cooke e-learning Foundation Company for better rebranding is to imply the marketing tool of SWOT analysis. With the strength of the company being the expert team, I think it is possible for them use their expertise and experience in order to reshape the marketing policies needed for rebranding. I would also suggest that the company can use their past reputation in order to rebrand the name of the company.

Moreover, the lack of appealingness and attractiveness has been the main issues of the company over the past few years. The company can also use the latest modes of marketing that includes the use of social media marketing. I also believe that with the policies of rebranding, it is also possible for the company to make full use of the business opportunity that exists in the global market and thereby expand their business reputation.

I also agree with the marketing strategies that are implemented by the company needs, which is made according to the needs of the company. However, I do not agree with the company policy of that they have not decided to implant any external marketing strategy including the implement tool of PESTEL analysis. Without the analysis of the external environment of business, it is not possible for a company to evaluate the impact of the new marketing strategy on the external environment of business.

With the help of most of the policies branding, it will be possible for the company to provide accurate information to the public about the quality of the service that is needed and also provide the features that are related with their products. The high brand values can also help the customers to identify their choice and also chose the product they desire. The company can also maintain consistent performance and thereby ensure that they are able to hold a high brand value and reputation within the society.

The decisions of the project team work can also be effective techniques to deal with the consequence of poor reputation in the market. I strongly agree with the fact that it is possible to deal with all major issues within the organization with the help of effective teamwork. The main duty of the project team will be to collect market information and also ensure that it is being used properly in order to make high for the company. In my opinion, it is not possible to deal with the major issues related to business challenges without proper team work and also ensure that the business policies are properly implemented in the business. The decisions that are taken in the team work helps in complete assessment of the company and also ensure that the every members of the project team take active participation in all the policy making activity. The decisions that are implemented after proper consolation of all the members of the team can help to ensure that all the major company policies are properly evaluate before implementation. The chance of implementing in correct decision about the market strategy also reduces significantly. The company also needs to have the policy to have proper marketing plan, which can help them to regain the market share that is needed to shape up the target market.   

The democratic leadership style can also help in the major decision making process of the company and it is also one of the effective techniques that can resolve all the major business relevant market issues.


Proper market evaluation of the company along with the active participation of the project team members can help to deal with all the major issues related to the poor business performance of Coke e-learning foundation. The strategy of rebranding is one of the effective ways to deal with the loss of the company and also help them to re-establish the image that is needed for future development of the company.

It is the duty of the project manager to ensure that all the members of the team take active participation in the decision making process of the company. This can help to deal with the major issues and help to resolve the issues that are faced by the company.

Hence, it is recommended for the managers of Coke e-learning foundation to ensure that proper leadership policies are implemented in order to deal with the major relevant issues that can help them to deal with the challenges at the organizational level of the company. 


Liu, R., Joireman, J., Sprott, D. and Spangenberg, E., 2014. I Don’T Know You Anymore: Effects of Identity-Based Motivation on Responses to Rebranding. NA-Advances in Consumer Research Volume 42.

Michalko, M., 2014. Thinkpak: a brainstorming card deck. Ten Speed Press.

Michinov, N., Jamet, E., Métayer, N. and Le Hénaff, B., 2015. The eyes of creativity: Impact of social comparison and individual creativity on performance and attention to others’ ideas during electronic brainstorming. Computers in Human Behavior, 42, pp.57-67.

Nebenzahl, I.D. and Jaffe, E.D., 2013. Measuring the joint effect of brand and country image in consumer evaluation of global products. Journal of Marketing Practice: Applied Marketing Science.