Importance Of Sustainability, Leadership, And Human Resource Management In Intrepid Travel Company

Background of Intrepid Travel Company

Discuss about the Sustainable Management of Intrepid Travel Agency.

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Intrepid Travel Company is one of the largest adventure travel company that offer more than 1500 itineraries in more than 120 countries. The company was established in 1989. Headquarter of the company is in Melbourne, Australia. Intrepid Travel Company has more than 1600 employees and the structure of the organization is also attractive.  The paper gives emphasis on the importance of sustainability of Intrepid Travel.  The company offers many services to the public worldwide.  The paper also takes into consideration planning, human resource management and leadership styles. Sustainability is important for the company to make proper plans so that human resource management of the company can be improved. In Intrepid Travel Company the top management tries to manage all the operations of the organization so that goals and objectives can be accomplished.

It is evaluated that macro environment plays an essential role so that the advantages related to long-term can be achieved. The external environment is political, social, legal, environmental and economic factors. Innovative technologies are taken into consideration by the organization so that proper activities can be conducted in the organization. The level of competition is high that gives direct influence on the operations of the organization. The competitors of the company are Holland American line.

The mission of Intrepid Travel Company is to give benefits to the employees so that the activities of the organization can be conducted smoothly with positive results.  The main focus of the organization is to give best services to the customers so that the customer’s satisfaction level of the customers can be enhanced effectively.  Intrepid Travel Company vision is to be unique and trusted travel companies worldwide (Evans, 2015).

The aim of the company is to provide services that enhance the satisfaction level of the customers.  There are many values that the company considers so that the work can be conducted smoothly. The values of the organization are innovation, leadership, and teamwork.  It is essential to minimize the problems that are prevailing in the company. Intrepid Travel Company considers the problems so that the activities of the organization can be managed effectively (Dhar, 2015).

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Intrepid Travel Company set the goals according to the market conditions.  The company maintains proper objectives so that profits and revenue can be achieved effectively.  The employees of Intrepid Travel Company try to work together so that the operations of the organization can be conducted smoothly.

Importance of Sustainability in Intrepid Travel Company

To conduct the activities of the organization in a managed form it is important to consider proper planning so that the objectives and goals can be determined. Sustainability also has an important in the Intrepid Travel Company. The focus of the company is on creating the proper environment in the workstation.  The holistic and systematic approach is the approaches that help to conduct the trading activities of the organization in a smooth manner. By considering these approaches it is seen that correct decisions are taken that give an advantage to Intrepid Travel Company (Sparrow et al., 2016). 

The theories that are taken into consideration by the company are many like the proactive, pre-active and inactive approach that help to achieve profits in a proper manner. Types of planning are tactical, strategic and operational planning that helps the company to achieve a competitive factor in the market.  The plan related to operational also considers the activities of the organization so that the operations of Intrepid Travel Company can be smoothly operated by the workers of the organization (Altinay et al., 2015).

In Intrepid Travel Company, human resource management has an important role so that the operations of the company can be conducted in an effective manner. The organization tries to maintain proper human resource management so that the rules and policies are followed in a proper manner (Vann et al., 2014).  It is important to retain those candidates who are capable enough to operate the activities of the company. Professionals of the organization provide cross culture training and development that help to provide assistance to the candidates of the company. It helps to analyze the culture and language of various countries (Mowforth and Munt, 2015).

The organization considers many strategies so that proper sustainability can be achieved and also the operations can be managed effectively.  The company takes into consideration strategies so that the consumers can be increased (Reiche et al., 2016). Intrepid Travel Company helps to grow and evaluate the porter generic strategies so that profits can be achieved.  The company takes into consideration generic porter strategies so that the services can be differentiated from the competitors of the organization.

The human resource of the organization has the duty to consider those employees who are capable of conducting the activities of the organization.  There are various strategies that should be considered so that the workers can feel happy and be satisfied with the task assigned to them. The employees of the organization ar4e recruited to conduct specific task and if it is not conducted effectively then it can give negative impact on the overall profitability of the company.  The human resources of Intrepid Travel Company are motivated so that the employees can conduct the activities according to the directions given by top management (Cook et al., 2014).

External Environment and Strategies of Intrepid Travel Company

There are many rules and policies that are considered by Intrepid Travel Company before conducting the activities of the organization so that the goals and objectives can be determined effectively.  If the conflicts of the company are managed properly then it will help to enhance the job satisfaction of the employees and the employees will give their best towards the activities of the organization (Raj and Griffin, 2015).

The organization should implement proper recruitment strategies so that right candidate is given right job. The employees of the organization are given incentives so that they feel motivated and happy. The vision and mission of the company are created so that the level of performance can be increased. The action plan should also be proper so that the employees can easily conduct the activities. The operations of the workers should be proper so positive results can be attained (Nanjundeswaraswamy and Swamy, 2014).

Sustainability is related to maintain the ecological balance of the environment so that the activities of the company can be conducted smoothly. It is an essential role in Intrepid Travel Company and the emphasis is on mission and vision of the organization in the market.  The sustainable practices help to increase the outcome and revenue of the organization. The organization tries to maintain proper external economic factors like economic, political, legal, and environmental and socio-cultural factors. It also helps to compete with the competitors prevailing in the market.

Sustainability also assists to provide job security and job satisfaction to the workers who are conducting the activities of the organization. Sustainability is an essential process that is considered by human resource management so that efficiency can be maintained. The company is able to survive for the long term if there is proper human resource management in the organization (Vanhove, 2017).

Leadership is a method in which proper direction is given to the employees of the organization.  It gives impact on the performance of the individual and helps to determine the goals and objectives of the company.  Leaders play a significant role so that the performance and productivity of the employees can give a positive outcome.  The styles of leadership are considered by the company so that the positive outcome can be achieved and also the activities assigned to the subordinates can be completed with proper dedication (Carter et al., 2012).

There are various styles of leadership considered by Intrepid Travel Company so that the experience of the travelers can be increased with less money. The organization uses original leadership style so that the working pattern of the employees can be managed and positive environment can be created in the company. To achieve competitive environment cross leadership is considered by the company (Choi et al., 2017). Leadership should also be there in teams so that cooperation and coordination can be maintained by the workers of the company. Leadership also assists the company to achieve desired results so that the operations of the organization can be conducted in a right direction. If proper leadership is there in the organization then it can be easy for the employees to work with proper guidance. Intrepid Travel Company tries to motivate the employees so that the operations can be conducted according to rules and policies of the organization (DuBois et al., 2015).

Mission, Values, and Goals of Intrepid Travel Company

Leadership assists to enhance the motivation factor and help to attain a positive outcome. They focus on creating a certain standard so that the professional level of work can be achieved. The leader of the organization should try to maintain proper balance and relation between the employees of the organization (Goleman, 2017).

By this, the stress of the employees is reduced and happiness is enhanced. It is evaluated that it is essential to have the leadership qualities like dedication and positive attitude so that every hurdle of the company can be solved easily. Intrepid Travel Company gives emphasis on providing proper information to the employees so that conflicts cannot arise in the organization (Schuckert et al., 2015).

Sustainability is an essential part of the leadership as it helps to compete in the competitive environment.  It also helps to analyze the needs and demand of the customers.  By taking into consideration these practices the leaders of the company gives emphasis on maintaining diversity and culture in the company (Mittal, 2015). Leaders of the organization should consider the strategies so that the practices of sustainability can be followed. Intrepid Travel Company achieves proper sustainability with the help of proper leaders.  It is the responsibility of the leaders to communicate the vision and mission of the company with the employees so that the change program can also be considered effectively (Horner and Swarbrooke, 2016).

A value chain is a group of activities that control the operations of the company so that the products can be given to the customers. Intrepid Travel Company also considers the value chain process so that good services can be provided to the customers (Savitz, 2013).  Carbon management initiates the value chain evaluation and also the company is considered as carbon neutral travel company. Innovative techniques can be implemented by considering proper value chain that reduces the negative impact. The organization invests a large number of projects to offset the carbon emissions (Cross, 2011).

Operation management of Intrepid Travel Company is unique so that the activities can be managed in a proper manner.  It is related to design and consider the production process so that the operations of the employees can be taken into consideration by the employees in an effective manner.  The organization also has proper supply chain management so that the travelers can be enhanced.  The scope of logistics and supply chain management is increasing day by day and also the company is trying to increase supply chain management (Porter and Kramer, 2011).

Human Resource Management in Intrepid Travel Company

Sustainability has a great role to manage the value chain and technology in the organization. It is evaluated that the resources of the company should be proper so that the activities conducted in the organization can achieve success.  The organization should also provide proper training to the company so that the guest can avail good services.  The women also manage all the practices of sustainability so that the services can be promoted. In this way, the decision of the organization is made in a correct way (Dredge et al., 2015).

Intrepid Travel Company tries to implement the strategies so that the competitive advantage can be achieved. The recommendations for Intrepid Travel Company are:

It is essential to promote the products and services offered by the company as it helps to give knowledge to the customers. By promotion, only the demand can be enhanced in an effective manner.  This strategy also helps to increase the sales and encourage the employees of the organization to work with dedication. By considering proper techniques the company can easily accomplish overall goals of the organization (Xiang et al., 2015).

It is the essential strategy that should be considered by the organization so that customers can be attracted. If the prices are low for the packages then it will induce the customer to purchase the services of Intrepid Travel Company. The company should set the prices by comparing the prices with the competitors.  It will help to achieve competitive benefit and also helps to achieve goodwill in the market (Han and Hyun, 2015).

Intrepid Travel Company should consider cross-cultural strategy so that good culture of the company can be maintained. It will also help to reduce the issues concerned with cross-cultural training. Intrepid Travel Company should focus on teamwork so that coordination and cooperation can be achieved.  If there is no proper teamwork then it can be difficult to operate the activities effectively if teamwork is there it will help the customers to gain knowledge about the packages and trips. It is important to collect feedback so that the mindset of the employees can be changed and if negative feedback is attained corrective steps can be taken.

All the Intrepid Travel Company should appoint candidates who are liable to conduct the activities of the organization and also to offer attractive packages at fewer prices. The main emphasis of the manager is to collect the feedback from the employees so that they can make amendments according to the negative feedback. It is the duty of Intrepid Travel Company to enhance the satisfaction level of the customers.

Leadership Styles in Intrepid Travel Company


It is evaluated that sustainability plays a great role to operate the activities of the organization. Intrepid Travel Company is known as the largest travel companies that offer attractive services to its customers and also in fewer prices.  It is important to have proper planning so that the manager can give direction in a proper manner to the employees of the organization. Intrepid Travel Company enhances the satisfaction level of the employees so that they can give best towards the organization activities and also achieve a profit of the company.  Sustainability in Intrepid Travel Company is concerned with different leadership styles that help to achieve the overall strategies of marketing and also helps to achieve success in the competitive environment.


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