Importance Of Sustainable Engineering Management In Gold Coast, Australia

ENG93000 Engineering Management for a Sustainable

Concept of Engineering and Sustainability

In engineering the incorporating sustainability are required for the products, processes, the technology system and the services mostly meant that the integrating, environmental, economic and the social factors for evaluating the designs. The concepts of engineering and sustainability might simple in the abstract that is by converting the concepts into the quantitative designing tools that could be applied in the engineering designs can be referred as the greatest challenge. The sustainable development could be referred as the development process that satisfies the requirements of the present generations without compromising the future ability of the generations for satisfying their requirements. From then the sustainable development has become the priority for the leaders all over the world influencing the economic, social and the environmental development. This could be said that the sustainable developments supports the strong economic and the social developments that is mostly particular for the people with the lower standards of livings. At that time this brings in light in the importance of protecting the natural resources base and the environment. The economic and the social well-being could be improved with the measures that mostly destroys the environment. The intergenerational solidarity are mainly important as the development could depend upon the impact on the opportunities for the future generations.

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The sustainable designs engineers are mostly working attentively on designing the buildings for reducing the national resources. The designing buildings reduces the energy consumptions, water consumptions and refraining from generating the massive using up of the fossil fuels. This helps to create the healthier environments for the employees and reducing the carbon footprint of the organization. This is also suggested in this study that whenever the companies begins with the sustainability projects, policies and the procedures that this will continue to reap the wide variety of the benefits like adding more values to the business owner, reducing the operation cost, reducing the complaints, the ability for increasing the market values of the buildings.

This study will focus on the implementation of the sustainable engineering management those are practiced in Gold Coast in Australia and how this sustainable management take place in Gold Coast in Australia and the importance of the sustainable engineering management in Australia.

The sustainable engineering management are getting important for the society as it is found out that the society has not provided the entire attention upon the practices and the habits that the society have usually developed and those leads to harmful impacts and the continuous harm o our environment. Therefore it can be concluded that the society lacks in sustaining their environment and the community are required to reduce the resources those negatively affects the water and the air supplies. The sustainable engineering management does not involves the shifting of the stance, which favors the resolutions only as this environmentally sounds better. Thus for making any decisions in the sustainable engineering management process the individuals are required to take into this account and those should be incorporated in the plans and strategies of the sustainable development process.

Sustainable Designs Engineers

For example in the construction field this is always found out that there is emission of the harmful pollutions to our environment, therefore the sustainable management process would make the construction sites more bearable for the society by following the green construction that is recycling the emitted products from the construction sites. The sustainable management are required for the city as well as for the community living there and the community will be able to lead the comfortable life.

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Therefore the above mentioned examples showed the importance of maintaining the sustainable engineering management and the sustainable management process includes the importance of involving the integrating sustainability into the engineering project. This is so because most of the research study stated that the engineering management field

Examples of sustainable engineering management process

The biggest challenges those are faced by the efforts of the green designs that is finding the affordable and the effective methods for mitigating the emissions of pollutions. Like the air pollutions arises from the various sources as the vehicles are one of the biggest contributors for the poor air quality as they mostly emits carbon monoxide, greenhouse gas and the various harmful pollutants. The Urbanize Pittsburgh is looking forward for targeting the types of people those who normally lives in the Suburbs. For achieving the challenges Urbanize is working for revitalizing the urban places by developing the public efforts by boosting the access towards the cultural locations, events and encouraging the development of the urban businesses. The housing developments includes the housing developments those are developed by the housing developments those are developed along with the new house developments that are built with the green technology for limiting the uses of the essential resources.

Sustainable engineering is the process that is used for the operating and designing of systems so that use of energy and resources for maintaining the sustainability practise can be maintained. It has been stated by Halbe Adamowski and Pahl-Wostl (2015) that the sustainable engineering can be associated with the development of the natural environment or the ability of the future generations to meet the requirements based on satisfying self needs. Sustainable engineering can be considered as an aspect of the engineering discipline and take into account the application and construction of ideas associated with the development of an efficient natural environment.

Some of the common areas in which sustainable engineering focuses on include the reduction of wastes, management of materials, prevention of pollution as well as the enhancement of the products. According to Dubey et al. (2017), in the modern world, the development of green sustainability can be considered as one of the important developments of engineering management. Every engineering management company need to comply with the effectiveness of the pollutants that may have a negative impact on the development of a society. For example, sustainable engineering takes into account the recycling of the waste materials so that decay of germs within the waste does not provide a negative reaction to the people within the society.

Society and Sustainable Engineering Management

As stated by Chang (2015) in engineering facilities the incorporation of sustainability into various products can be integrated with the protection of the environmental, economic and social factors. The designing of the sustainable engineering practises can be associated with the conversion of the concepts into quantitative design tools that are necessary for the development of a project. In this regard, the Gold Coast of Australia can be focused upon so that the effectiveness of sustainable engineering management can be analyzed. The analysis can help in understanding the manner in which the Gold Coast can remain free from any type of unethical pollutant activities that may have a negative impact on the place.

The introduction of sustainable development was formulated in 1992 at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. Presently sustainable development can be associated with the requirement of the current generation without making any type of compromise for the future generation. Hering, Nunnenmacher and von Waldow (2018) stated that sustainable engineering practice also underlines the importance of protecting the natural resource base of the environment. Economic and social wellbeing is hard to improve by procuring the results that destroy the environment.

In the case of applying sustainable engineering management practise in Gold Coast Australia, analyses of the growing population need to be taken into consideration so that affluence around the globe can be maintained. As stated by Bocken, Rana and Short (2015) one of the critical elements that need to be kept in consideration is the fact that wastage is not dumped in the sea beach. This can be mitigated by ensuring the engineering department develop proper waste dumping facilities so that every people around the region can be familiar with the development of sustainability and its influence in the development of a business or a society.

It has been seen that along the Gold Coat, sustainable engineers have taken up the initiative to work towards the constriction of buildings that reduce the usage of natural resources. As stated by Genovese et al. (2017) the manner in which natural resources like the air pressure, water and light are used by the people residing close to the sea beach can have a negative impact for the future of the resource. Therefore, the effectiveness of the engineers can help in the development of buildings that can reduce the wastage of the natural resource and increase the effectiveness of the services.

Challenges Faced in Green Designs

The advantage of the sustainable buildings is that it can help in the reduction of the excess use of fossil fuels so that natural environment can be kept in a conservative manner. As stated by De Luca et al. (2015) it is the responsibility of the community to support the development of this community so that a healthier environment can be maintained. It can also help in the reduction of carbon footprint so that the natural environment can be saved. One of the benefits of the development of sustainable buildings is that companies can benefit from the sustainability construction.

Some of the important aspect of the sustainable engineering management practise includes the addition of value to the owner. The owners of the buildings in the Gold Coast of Australia add value to the manner in which it can build on the existence of its building. For example, the buildings can be provided on lease to companies that are willing to work for the betterment of the society in a positive manner. At the same time Zimmer, Fröhling and Schultmann (2016) stated that sustainability reduces the operational costs that are associated with the development of the community.

In this regard, it can be said that sustainable engineering management based on the construction of efficient energy sources can help in the development of large energy mass within a community. However, the future concern of the development of sustainable engineering is that short term and long term steps is needed to be taken so that fossil resources can be reduced (Halbe, Adamowski and Pahl-Wostl 2015). Questions can be raised about the effectiveness of the engineering prospects and the manner in which processes and products related to engineering can help in the development of the Gold Coast in the future.

Hence, a conclusion can be provided about the effectiveness of sustainable engineering management practice that highlights the potential it possess on the development of an ecological background. It is necessary to ensure that the resources used are limited and people remain aware of the rapid rate at which natural resources can be depleted in the environment. Hence, it can be said that Gold Coast Australia have an advantage in the constriction of the building as it can provide the area and the people with an opportunity to maintain sustainable practices.

The asset manager could improve the engineering management practices related to the sustainable future for Gold Coast in Australia which includes following factors:

Sustainable Engineering Management in Gold Coast, Australia

Scope management

The scope management could takes into account that the business values and its impact on the business project. Along with the sustainable project management the asset manager could include the environmental sound choices and the strategies, those are considered as the integral part of the project and it is also easier to set the objective before any project plans begin to take be planned so that it would become easy to integrate the environmental awareness based on the entire scope of the project.

Stakeholder management

The most essential role of the asset manager is to focus on the stakeholder management as without the investments of the stakeholder, the engineering project will not be able to bring sustainable management in the engineering project. This is also evident that the stakeholder are not directly linked with the sustainable management of any business but they are required to bring sustainable development in the business. The asset manager are required to interact with the both types of stakeholders that is internal and the external stakeholders. The asset managers are required to follow the stakeholder’s management that is by first identifying and acknowledging the stakeholders for the business project. This is followed by the analysis of the stakeholder’s contributions and support. Along with this informations, the asset manager remains in the position for the more effective support and easily influencing the supports of the engineering management. This is followed by the thorough analysis of the stakeholder’s contributions and the support. The green asset manager will be in position for effectively and influencing the support of the project’s sustainable initiatives.

The asset managers should follow the sustainable tactics that educates and build awareness among the employees and customers could impact on how the sustainable practices could easily and inexpensively integrated into the daily problem.


Therefore from the above discussion, it can be concluded that in the engineering field the sustainability are required for the products, processes, the technology system and the services mostly meant that integrating, the environmental, security and the social factors for finding out the designs. The sustainability and the engineering concepts could be described in the manners of converting the concepts of the quantitative designing tools, those could be applied in the engineering designs so that it can be considered as the biggest challenges. The sustainable management process are based on the construction of the effective energy sources that could help in the energy development of the large energy masses within the community. The sustainable engineering management in the future management process in Gold Coast of Australia.


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Dubey, R., Gunasekaran, A., Papadopoulos, T., Childe, S.J., Shibin, K.T. and Wamba, S.F., 2017. Sustainable supply chain management: framework and further research directions. Journal of Cleaner Production, 142, pp.1119-1130.

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Zimmer, K., Fröhling, M. and Schultmann, F., 2016. Sustainable supplier management–a review of models supporting sustainable supplier selection, monitoring and development. International Journal of Production Research, 54(5), pp.1412-1442.