Improving Healthcare Administration: Barriers And Solutions

The Role of Healthcare Administration

The healthcare administration is responsible to delegate the work and resolve the issues of the organization. However, there are so many barriers in the organization but uncertain role or lack of accountability is the major concern of the health care administration. This issue take place in the process when administration does not delegate the task and job role to the employees as per their capability (Luxford, Safran & Delbanco, 2011). This factor may hold back an organization but firm leadership cannot be exaggerated as critical element for efficiently driving Six Sigma or other initiatives in healthcare. It is vital for the leader to abandon adherence to outdated management tools for increasing the efficiency and close the chasm between optimal patients cares.

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Human resources: the role of human resource is integral in very industry as it provides the way of handling the work and support the employees by providing them training. Human resource would be effective for the healthcare administration because it enables employees to keep focus on accomplishing the task. The issue of improper delegation of work and job role can be resolved with the efficiency of the human resource because this department analyze the ability and skills of the employee and allocate the task as per their efficiency.


Government:  the economic condition of every industry is influenced due to amendments in the policy by government. The role of government in the resolving the issues of healthcare administration are vital. The government of United States contribute in healthcare to improve the productivity of the employees so that they can provide good patient care to the patients.

Health care providers: the role of heath care providers in the context of improving the issues within the process is vital. The delegation of the work is settled down after analyzing the skills and capabilities of the employee and health care provider need to control the unnecessary pressure over the employees due to improper understanding about the delegated tasks.

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There are so many organizations that are involved in the support or delivery of public health services are needed to comply with the general law involving obligations of duty of care to patients along with the specific state and commonwealth requirements created to regulate the functioning of public sector as well as heath related bodies. Internal regulations are necessary to increase the efficiency of the employees to provide the better services to the patients.

The Importance of Human Resources

Health Services Act and Health Administration Act: it is integral for the chief executive and the board to be more mindful about the legislation in which the organization covers and regulates.  It has been analyzed that Services Act 1997 is the relevant act for public health organizations because it provides at the end of this compendium (Legal and policy requirements, 2016).

The main concern of workplace health and safety is improper policies and procedures that are sustained by risk management programs that define potential risks of aggressive behaviour occurring in the public health sector workplace. The main responsibility for attaining a violence- free workplace for patients and staff with chief executive and the board of the public health organization.

Organizational structure can provide the guidance to the employees to accomplish the task. It is integral for the healthcare administration to provide the proper guidance and clarity on specific human resource issues such as managerial authority and the delegation of the work. Just as each bone in a skeleton has a function, similarly each branch and department of health care has function and the delegation of the work in an effective manner make them enable to perform in an effective way. There are various departments and job roles that make up an organizational structure which are component of the plan to ensure the organization execute its important goals.

The above mentioned image is shown that organizational structure should be simple so that and administration of the healthcare should cover the information, therapeutic, diagnostic and support services of the healthcare.

A strategic plan is considered as the set of strategies built by top level managers to attain the specific strategic objectives. There are two kind of environment of every healthcare organization such as internal environment which consists of such controllable variables in the form of management structures, development of workforce and the layout of the operational processes. Uncontrolled variables are consisted under external environment which creating outside of a company like preferences of consumers and legal environment (Ginter, Duncan & Swayne, 2018). Healthcare administration should consider both environment and analyze the job roles of the employees for increasing the productivity of the employee. Strategic development process would be helpful for the organization to make enable employees of the organization to make the patient engagement.

To communicate the plan for increasing the efficiency of the employees within the healthcare organization, administration should make the relevant and clear message to all. The healthcare organization can choose the SMART objective and activity plan to find out the required time for accomplishing the goals. The discussed issue is quiet huge for the organization because when employees of the organization would be unable to understand their responsibility, they cannot perform in an effective manner (Betancourt, Green, Carrillo, & Owusu Ananeh-Firempong, 2016).

Stakeholders and Their Roles

Smart objectives are helpful to describe the strategic, measurable, attainable, relevant and time specification of the proposed plan. This strategy will be facilitated to know about the relevancy of the proposed plan with effective timing. SMART objectives encompass five major elements which help to attain the goals of the organization by reducing the issues. The communication strategy and plan focus on the situational analysis in which the issues are identified (Ginter, Duncan & Swayne, 2018). Communication strategy contains am, objectives, key message, key communication channels and prioritisation. The healthcare can be benefitted with the help of action plan which comes under evaluation.

It is the responsibility of the government to prevent and advance the interest of society involves the delivery of high quality care. It is because entire market of united states cannot make sure that all Americans access to quality health care, in such case government must converse the interest of citizens by providing the market where there are distance and controlling the market where there is inadequacy. There can be different kind of dimension of barriers in the healthcare organization such as geographic accessibility, availability, affordability and acceptability which may impact the entire procedure of working of a health care organization (Zingg, Holmes, Dettenkofer, Goetting, Secci, Clack & Pittet, 2015). It has been analyzed that most of the health care institutions do not monitor report on legislative compliance to their boards and audit committees. It is vital for the organization that report should be made on as per consideration of manager of key federal and regulations that their zone is initially responsible.  The service providers are integral within the organization because their performance can enhance the fame of the healthcare organization (Weaver, Ball, Kim & Kiel, 2016). Training of the employees should be given by the healthcare organization so that the employees can understand their duties and responsibility towards their task and can perform efficiently. The issue of improper delegation of work and job role can be resolved with the help of human resource department because human resources observe the skills and capabilities of the employee before appointing them on required profile (Baranenko, Dudin, Lyasnikov & Busygin, 2014).


Baranenko, S., Dudin, M., Lyasnikov, N., & Busygin, K. (2014). Use of environmental approach to innovation-oriented development of industrial enterprises.

Betancourt, J. R., Green, A. R., Carrillo, J. E., & Owusu Ananeh-Firempong, I. I. (2016). Defining cultural competence: a practical framework for addressing racial/ethnic disparities in health and health care. Public health reports.

Ginter, P. M., Duncan, J., & Swayne, L. E. (2018). The Strategic Management of Healthcare Organizations. John Wiley & Sons.

Ginter, P. M., Duncan, J., & Swayne, L. E. (2018). The Strategic Management of Healthcare Organizations. John Wiley & Sons.

Legal and policy requirements. (2016). Legal Obligations for Health Organisations. Retrieved on 3rd March, 2018, from:  

Luxford, K., Safran, D. G., & Delbanco, T. (2011). Promoting patient-centered care: a qualitative study of facilitators and barriers in healthcare organizations with a reputation for improving the patient experience. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 23(5), 510-515.

Weaver, C. A., Ball, M. J., Kim, G. R., & Kiel, J. M. (2016). Healthcare information management systems. Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Zingg, W., Holmes, A., Dettenkofer, M., Goetting, T., Secci, F., Clack, L., … & Pittet, D. (2015). Hospital organisation, management, and structure for prevention of health-care-associated infection: a systematic review and expert consensus. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 15(2), 212-224.