Influencing Consumer Behavior: A Case Study Of Officine Panerai Watch Brand

Marketing Behavior of Officine Panerai Watch Brand

Customers are in most cases influenced to specific brands differently. The aim of every brand is to meet its customer’s needs. However, many of these needs arte psychological. Customer’s need is the priority in many of these brands. In purchase of these products, the consumer’s behavior plays a major role.

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For this case, Officine panerai- watch brand has been successful in influencing customers’ behavior. The company is concerned with the watch sales in most parts of the world. The organization has grown very fast because of influencing its customers towards liking its product. Through advertisements in media, numerous offers that the company offers to its customers, the brand has obtained a big consumer population (Geerts, 2013, p.384).

Customers approach the brand with pride and rates the product very well. The officine panerai– watch brand product has been appreciated by different customers and therefore giving the brand a chance to expand from Italy to many parts of the world since the 19th Century. Consumers are in a position to enjoy the watches and associate it with the History as it has taken long for the product since invention to date.

Marketing behavior in Officine panerai- watch brand is determined by five key factors. These include, the marketing strategies that the company use, the economic condition versus the affordability of the watches, the social and personal preference, influence from the mass and finally the purchasing power of the officine panerai- watch brand product. The campaigns that the company has done are through the social media and other platforms (Schivinski and Dabrowski, 2016, p.189). For instance, officine panerai- watch brand is found in virtually all social media groups like Facebook, twitter, Instagram, google and other channels for public domains. Amidst this, the company has developed a software Application that ease the services for the customers to view the watches and also buy them online. Campaigns are also done through the constant television shows and also attires that are made by the company bearing the names of the company like the T-shirts.

The cost of Officine panerai- watch brand is at a friendly position for the consumers to afford. In different country’s economy, the products differ favors the concerned consumers. The individual influence is based on the group’s influences through the likes and dislikes that the consumers come across. for this case, Officine panerai- watch brand has very many people who like it and thus influencing other individuals as well. This has helped the company to retain its market position.

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The brand therefore targets the male and female, young and old. It geographical target is the whole continent where it can reach. So far it has expanded to above 60% of the countries in US, Canada, Latin America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Middle East and also Pacific region.

Identification is the first step of the process. Identification is realized through a process of careful analysis of the consumers’ needs. There is need assessment whereby, the customer comes to conclusion of what he/she needs. For instance, for the officine panerai- watch brand, the consumer has to identify what they want. If the customer is in need of a watch that of high manufactured standards of prestige, it becomes their identity. This part defines the nature of the decision that one is going to take. In identification, the customer examines the opportunities that the product will result to them, then, they have to examine their unique preference that the brand product they want should contain. The customer identification of the product will guarantee the product a market.


The stage seeks for the relevant information about the branded product. The consumer will first look for the information so that he/she can be able to make the decision wisely. A careful customer will look for the pertinent information from variety of sources. The sources can be, from the people who have been using the product, from the social media channels and some would even consult the brand officials to have full news about the product (Olsen, Slotegraaf, and Chandukala, 2014, p.119).

Officine panerai- watch brand has been able to handle this customer behavior. The customer will have identified the item and the product he/she needs. Afterwards, the customer may decide to look at the watches and see how they look. He goes to the shop and looks at their appearances, he looks for a variety of sources. In this case, the consumer may decide to look for the information such as, what is the material that is used to make many of the watches at the disposal. The customer may also seek information about the technical content of the product, the quality and also the performance as provided by the manufacturer. In this case, officine panerai- watch brand can be among the top brands that can guarantee the customer to build more interest and confident on the product. This is because Officine panerai- watch brand has met all these standards.

The consumer can then find information from the public opinion. Friends who have this type of product can help the consumer in identifying the product. officine panerai- watch brand can top in this because many people, celebrities and popular individuals have watches from officine panerai. The likes of Jason Statham a movie actor, Usher a secular artist and others. The people has high expectation for the brand because its manufacturing process has been acknowledged by many people for years and its prestigious (Oliver, 2014).

The consumer will then go to identifying and evaluating the alternatives.  This is where the consumer will be required to list down all his alternatives.  The part involves the optional paths that the consumer may opt to take bearing the consequence of each action that he/she would take on the brand product that he aims to settle at. The customer who want to buy a watch will take many of them from different watch companies. The customer will take the alternatives and evaluate what would be the possible outcome if he/she decided to take any of the product among the many alternatives. The alternatives must be real and desirable to the customer. officine panerai- watch brand is among the desirable alternatives that stands out among many watch company brands (Zhang et al., 2014).

Then the consumer has to weigh the alternatives.  In this emotive process, the customer will ultimately side with the product that best fits his/her needs and requirements. These favored alternatives are the ones that has the potential to for reaching the estimated goal of the consumer.

The consumer will then move to choosing the alternative watch brand. Looking at the product quality, performance, cost, past reputation history of the brand and prestige were on the top of the list of the consumer. The brand product that fits these qualities is the officine panerai- watch brand. The brand product has a good history of production since the 19th century. The material that has made the watch are of good quality. The colors are awesome. I can opt for silver, gold or either black panerai- watch has a good reputation (Davenport, Dalle and Lucker, 2014).

Information Search

When it comes to cost, officine panerai- watch brand is offering good prices for the watch. The quality of the watch and its performance matches its price.  The Italian origin brand has been appreciated from its main developer the Italian Marine military Penerai. Among the many brans that were suggested previously during the collection of information and analysis officine panerai- watch brand stands out to be so unique. Its physical appearance is also attractive.

The outcome becomes the last bit of the decision making process for the customer. As a customer, review of the effectiveness of the selected alternative in imperative. The need that the consumer had identified at the beginning of the process at step 1 is evaluated to see whether the alternative chosen resolved that need. If the customer did not select a watch, in this case, that do not solve the existing need, he/ she is forced to repeat the same procedure and come up with better alternative. Officine panerai- watch will certainly serve and give the expected outcome. The customer will enjoy the service the officine panerai- watch would give.

Marketing implications on the basis of consumer decision making 

It therefore implies that the factors that relate to the customers’ needs for selecting a brand’s product must be considered in the company production, management and sales processes. The consumer is dependent on the needs he/she want to settle with the product he decides to choose. Careful considerations of customers’ scope in terms of price, appearance, material, performance, durability and also reputation and guarantee for service period are important (Krishna, 2015).

Psychological factors influence the customer’s choice of a product. The consumer will have to gather full information for a certain brand before purchasing the product from that brand. In forming a decision, the consumer will involve a long process of synthesizing this information and holding some alternatives of different brands offering similar product. If the company of the brand is not well known for value, the consumer will certainly opt for an alternative product (Schmitt, Brakus and Zarantonello, 2015, p.166).

It is the way one identifies, thinks and understands a product from a certain brand. The awareness that the consumer has over a brand product will certainly affect the buying behavior. This variable is mostly in purchase decision process. The approximated reality that the customer builds on the product is mostly dependent on many factors like the reviews, the rating and the ‘likes’ in the social media platforms like the online marketing sites (Zhang et al., 2014, p.107).                                         

Peoples personality influence what they purchase. Consumers neuroticism, extraversion and openness to experience defines the customers’ personality. Different personality of customer will exhibit different traits. However, the sales department team is supposed to handle the consumers of different personalities with care (Lu, Chang and Chang, 2015, p.205).

The attitude of the consumers towards the brand product will also influence their choice for the product. Attitude is a psychological feeling that the customers perceive over the product.  The attitude that the Officine panerai- watch brand has imparted on its customer is recommendable and that is why the brand is embraced by the world (Olsen, Slotegraaf and Chandukala, 2014, p.119).

Evaluate Alternatives

Motivation involves the consumers drives to making a decision on choosing a brand product.  There are many factors that motivates the consumer in buying behavior. One of these factors is the perception that the consumer has over the brand product (Hugstad and Durr, 2015, p.115).

This can be regarded as an intrinsic motivation. When the need of the consumer to meet certain motive presses on him, he is motivated to select a product of preference based on the perception of the product to meet that need.

There is also the extrinsic motivation of the consumer. There are factors outside the buyer. There are factors that are not dependent on the consumer but they still exist on the environment. How people say about the brand product, the past history of the product and also the price tags and the manufacturing quality.

Officine panerai- watch brand can motivate the customer to buy their watches if both the intrinsic and extrinsic conditions of the customers are examined in the process of manufacturing advertising and selling of the branded products (Osterwalder et al., 2014, p.285).

Learning comes as a result of hearing, reading and also listening to what different sources have to say about the branded product of interest among the alternatives. When the consumer has enough knowledge on the product from a variety of brands they are likely to purchase the product of the best brand. It obliges the brands to produce valuable products that the consumer will ascertain

A family is a unit that affects an individual on consumption of a product. A family can be said to be people who are living together and are related through marriage or blood and share a common home, income or status. It is crucial for a producer to think about the structure of the family, its composition, purchasing lines, purchasing roles, family member motives, life stages and more, in order to know the family influence on the consumer behavior of the product he or she delivers or intends to deliver to the market (Michael-Tsabari, Labaki and Zachary, 2014, p.161).

Each family member influences or is influenced by another depending on some factors. They include: Their buying roles in the family; one who provides details on the product or service, one with the power to decide on buying the good or service, the buyer, user or even maintainer. For the panerai- watch, all these roles are played by a single buyer.

Family dynamics; Family relationship dynamics among the members are a contributor to buying behavior on who is engaged in decision making.  But in the case on the panerai watch accessory, decision making is personal hence anyone can purchase it.

Stages of family life cycles; Different stages in the life cycle shows family influence on the consumer behavior in accordance to the family member position in the life cycle stages.  The panerai wrist watch is applicable in any cycle since it has no bearing on the cycle stages.

Producers ought to understand that an individual’s social status has a big influence on the type of products they produce. The social class one finds himself in is a major contributor to one’s purchasing power and habits. Social status is an external influence as is considered because it’s not a feeling or a skill. People are stratified in terms of their income, fortune, education level or even the occupation.


Social class has a great deal of influence on spending habits. The rich will consume higher quality products for example expensive jewelries and clothing unlike the lower class that will only focus on necessity. Therefore, the producers must be very keen on the target market of their products as well as the dynamics of the social class the products are already in. The dealer in Officine panerai watch might choose the higher income class as they are the most likely to purchase it as opposed to the poor.

Culture is all about the society. Society has frameworks which determine the search of the buyer. It creates standards and doctrines which a successful market must operate. Culture affects the buying behavior by shaping their attitudes, feelings and opinions that the buyer may draw upon a given product. For example, having a good luxurious Officine Panerai watch is a good feeling and will draw positive opinions from friends and workmates (Ressel, 2016).

Buyers also consider acceptable behaviors when purchasing a product. For example, the buyer knows that one is expected to order and make payments on time for the online Officine Panerai watch. Also, one is expected to make complaints on the products through the right channels. The doctrine of integrity is also expected in such kind of purchase from both parties. These are the cultural ethics and customs of buying.

In some society the buyer is expected to bargain on the price while others like USA direct purchase is more common. The Officine panerai watch is expensive and therefore the buyer is expected to bargain or end up purchasing a cheaper product to serve the same purpose.

Society perception of a given product is also a contributor to the buyer’s behavior. A dealer of short dresses and skirts may not consider Arabic markets as his first destination. On the contrary, the great Officine panerai watch is a great accessory that will be acceptable in all societies.

The customer profile for the Officine panerai- watch brand can be used categorically on the basis of specific market segment. The categories that can be used to classify these customers are geographical locality, preference, lifestyle, stage of life attribute and trait.

The Officine panerai- watch brand is a preference for many people across ages. Different stages of life will have different view over Officine panerai- watch brand. Mostly, teenagers value this brand from the age of 15 years (Money, Gilly and Graham, 1998, p.76). Young adults from the age of 22 to the age of 60 years are the majority of those people who like the identity of valuable jewelry. Most of them will fall for the Officine Panerai- watch brand. The socialites and the celebrities in the art and music industry like expensive things. Their jewelry is also selected on the basis of prestige based on price. Officine Panerai- watch brand offers watches of their preference. Artists like Jason Statham, Wayne and also world known figures (Solomon, 2014).

The promotion efforts that the company is embracing are effective. Through advertisements and providing the customers with adequate news on the brand through social media has been a good move (Aaker and Biel, 2013, p.92). There are still other strategies that the brand can use to market its product. One of the strategies is to open Officine Panerai- watch brand shops across the globe. In many countries, for instance, the developing countries of Africa and Asia, the brand is not well known as it should be. Bringing the shops close to them would open channels for the extension of the brand.

There is a challenge when it comes to the repair services of the Officine Panerai- watch brand. When it happens that the watches from this brand encounters technical problem, there are hardly spare parts and the technicians who can be in a position to repair the watches for the customer. For this reason, the customer in many parts of the world where the repair services are not available will opt for another brand. For this reason, I can recommend for more service centers for Officine Panerai- watch brand so that the customers can have a sense of security incase their watches have a technical problem. On the customer profile, different age groups respond differently to the Officine Panerai- watch brand and other watch brands (Terasaki and Nagasawa, 2014, p.173). Promoting the brand to them should take diverse methods so as to incorporate all as the brand customers.  


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