Issues And Trends In The UK Graduate Job Market And The Retail Industry Jobs

Issues and Trends in the Graduate Job Market

The purpose of the following essay is to focus upon the various issues that are involved in the current graduate job market. The market environment has grown up to be so much competitive in the modern era and the price of all the important things has been increasing a lot. In order to maintain the family and meet all the requirements of the individuals, they have to do jobs and earn good money as well. The importance of getting the jobs at a proper time is very important since it takes a lot of time to manage the lives of the human beings. However, the current job market is growing to be extremely competitive and the need for getting the proper jobs ( 2018). It has been a major problem for the overseas students in terms of the current UK labor market. This is why the students need to focus on their academic performance in a proper manner and know about the most important issues that have to be kept in mind at the time of the interviews. The retail industry will be evaluated here in this paper in terms of getting the jobs. The organizations need the best people in their organizations and the ways to compatible with the needs of the organizations will be discussed over here (Haigh. and Hoffman 2012).

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It has been seen that many students are in favor of trying for the jobs after the completion of their graduation in general (Trought 2017). They prefer joining jobs instead of going for higher education because of the career prospects they can build their career from a very early age. This will be very interesting ro see how they will confront with the challenges and issues that they have to face whenever they appear for the job interviews ( 2018) The big names in the current retail industry in UK have been on a spree for employment after they have revived a bit from the problems of the issues in the graduate job market. The employment rates have gone higher in the past few times since the organizations want to recruit more people for the sake of their expansion of the business (Trought 2017).

After the Brexit, the unemployment had dropped down to a huge margin. The job market in UK had been badly affected and the overseas students felt the evil impact of this. This is why it is very much welcome that the job market is growing in the recent times. The rate of the unemployment rate had been very high in the past few years (Trought 2017). The overseas students were not able to get the jibs since the organizations always preferred the local people to increase the GDP growth of the country. The cultural and ethnic issues had also come to play as well. The people coming from different countries and minority ethnic backgrounds were suffering from this issue as well ( 2018) The number of the part time workers had increased in this context as well. The retail industry companies were not properly able to give the jobs to these graduate students. In this competitive labor market very few companies would want to take the chance of employing the young people just finishing their graduation. It is because their experience in the job field has not been so much (Trought 2017).

Issues and Trends in the Retail Industry Jobs

The primary problem for landing up with the good jobs for the graduate students is their lack of the formal training in the jobs. The only simple fprmal graduation training for the students does not support them to get the best jobs in the market. This is why it is very important to have a practical knowledge about the industry they will want to enter (Mavromaras et al. 2013). In UK, the selection procedure is so very competitive and the candidates are expected to know about many things rather than just their knowledge from their graduation studies. This is why the companies try to test their knowledge in the practical world of jobs. If they are quick enough to understand the requirements from them and ready to adapt to the changes in their mindsets, they are hired. Some companies have issues with the cultural backgrounds of the overseas students.

This becomes a very problematic issue for them to select the graduate students and give them the placements (Mavromaras et al. 2013). The current economic condition in the United Kingdom is gradually increasing so it can be looked as one of the best positive things for the new university graduates. It is the graduate students who will be design the future of the country and play a major role in increase the GDP of the country by giving more productivity. The graduate job market has been increasing since 2015 and this has been a good sign for providing the jobs to the new young people (Cai 2013). The recession issues have been so much in consideration since the organizations have not been able to provide jobs to most number of people for different financial issues. The employment outlook for the new university graduates has been widened in the last few years. Hopefully this will go through the good times as well. The job markets in the United Kingdom will likely to increase in the coming years as well ( 2018)

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It has been predicted by certain authorities that the job market for the graduates will open up in the new ways. This will be very much helpful for the organizations as well. If they invest in the youth they will get long term benefits as well (Cai 2013). The matter of fact is the graduate job market in the country is generally open to the graduate students of all the fields. This is indeed a great opportunity as well. In the retail industry, it is also much more open to the graduate students of every discipline (Tomlinson 2012). The jobs in the retail industry is much open to the graduate students from the fields like the media studies, fine arts, physics or other science subjects. This is why the organizations in the retail industry are searching for the new graduates for their energy and enthusiasm. However, this does not mean that all the graduates will get to find their jobs very easily as the selection scales for getting the jobs are considered to be higher than ever (Tomlinson 2012).

If the graduates are experts in the skills that are specifically in demand will be very much helpful for them to get their dream jobs. The new graduate students should always be open to the issues that are very challenging in the current situations (Teijeiro, Rungo and Freire 2013). If a graduate student is an expert in the skilled economy, he or she might have a good opening in the financial and accounting services as well. The students should be aware about the skill shortages in the industry they will be applying for. They should always try to meet up the skill shortages to meet the demands of their job interviewers (Teijeiro, Rungo and Freire 2013) The impact of Brexit would definitely creativity in the job market. If the Brexit really takes place it will directly hamper the job market and the vacancies will lower down for the fresh graduates. The economy will weaken as well (Holmes and Mayhew 2012). The fact of immigration will play a role in this role as well since the overseas students also come in to get the jobs they have aspired for. The overseas students will are very much worried and concerned about their future so they will likely be looking to increase their expertise as well.

The retail industry has been considered to be one of the biggest job providers in the United Kingdom. This is why the fresh graduate students will look to start their job careers in this industry (James et al. 2013). The retail industry has a good opportunity for the career growth and this will be very important for the graduate students. One of the most important things for surviving successfully is the good communication process. People who are not able to communicate with the customers swiftly will face many challenges indeed. This is the skill that is generally not taught in the colleges and universities (James et al. 2013).

The employees in the retail industry must have a good affinity with the technology as well. This is why the proper knowledge of the communication and technology should be very important in succeeding in this industry (Abreu, Faggian and McCann 2014). The graduate students are mostly very aware about the use of the technology. This is why they can handle these issues if they are extrovert enough. The career opportunities are huge in this sector as well. The retail industry is very much fast paced and the changes are coming around in this industry as well (Abreu, Faggian and McCann 2014). The graduate students must be able to know about these things The big organizations like Tesco and Asda are very much present in this country with their high margin profit figures. The retail industry sector has been considered as the largest job provider in the country. The companies are planning to open new outlets in various parts of the country so they will need many more employees to run their operations in a successful manner (MacKenzie 2015).

The retail sector will need to employ many people in their day to day activities for the customer care service and the marketing campaign of those products. The need to make the proper strategic decisions will be important for the organizations as well. The graduate students must be able to develop a proper idea about these things (MacKenzie 2015) There are many online and offline employers who always like to employ the junior graduate employees to look after their operations. This becomes quite effective for them since their youthful nature and enthusiasm will lead to the success of the business operations (Portes and Walton 2013). Various retail supermarkets are also engaged in the employing of the fresh graduate employees as well. The big retail icons like Asda, Sainsbury and Tesco want to recruit the graduate employees as they are unmarried and probably they will have lots of time to give to the organization as well (Portes and Walton 2013).

Thus the organizations tend to attract the graduate employees by giving them a fair amount of career growth opportunities (Verhaest and Van der Velden 2012). The working environment in the retail supermarkets is quite interesting and challenging. The new and fresh graduates will find it very energetic as they like to face the new challenges posed before them at their age. They can work in this industry for part time and continue their studies as well. They can attend their work through the online medium and attend their further studies as well (Vedder, Denhart and Robe 2013).

The fresh graduate students must possess the proper knowledge about the job roles that they will have to perform. It is the duty of the graduate students to have a brief idea about the job role that they will have to perform (Shierholz, Davis and Kimball 2014). There are many retail companies that pay good money to the employees. As graduates are considered to be the fresher candidates; their salary is not very high but they can use it for their pocket money as well. They will grow with the experience and confidence as they progress further with their jobs in the retail industry ( 2018)

The graduates must keep an eye on the vacancies in the top companies. The employers will be able to seek the best graduate employees according to their qualifications and career expectations (Shierholz, Davis and Kimball 2014). The starting salaries will have to be very attractive for them as well. The vacancies for the graduate employees have increased around 3.6% in the year 2018. After the reduction of the graduate employees in the year 2017, the recruitment of the graduate employees has been gaining the rise lately. In the year 2017, the annual growth of the graduate jobs just came to a halt indeed ( 2018) The employers did not receive the enough number of the applications for the posts that are meant for the highly specialized jobs (Maselli 2012). It has been found in the research work that the harder-to fill vacancies have worked as the main impediments for the recruitment of the graduate employees.

The various organizations have been offering on campus jobs to the graduate students for a number of years now (Abel, Deitz and Su 2014). The employers belonging to the engineering and industrial sectors featured the increase in the recruitment of the graduate students indeed. The accounting and professional services firms have been exceptional in recruiting these graduate professionals. The recruitment of the private sector employees in the private sector has not been that much whereas it has increased a lot in the public sector and UK Armed Forces ( 2018) Thus the graduate recruitment has sped up a lot in these industries.


The conclusion to this paper can be drawn by saying that the graduate recruitment is a huge prospect for the future development of the country in many ways. Both the public sector and private sector look to provide the jobs to the youth so they can develop their future and attain a career growth as well. The graduate recruitment has suffered a setback because of the Brexit in the last few years. The graduate students should also be aware of the needs and responsibilities of the organizations in the future. The recruitment of the graduate students will be helpful for the public and private sector organizations to work faster and smooth manner. The organizations should provide good salaries to the graduate candidates to attract them towards their jobs.


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