IT Consultancy Solutions And Advice For SIA

What are Information Systems and Why are They Important to SIA?

Management information systems. Nelson Education.

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I have used this article to address question 1. In this article, an information system has been properly defined and the different tasks such as collecting, organizing, storing as well as communicating information in the organizations have been clearly discussed. The authors have explained how the authors have explained the usage of management information systems by the employees use to collect, filter as well as process data within an organization. The authors have explained the application of information systems in defining digital information and their benefits.

The issues of manual pen and paper method should be eliminated in order to save time as well as make it feasible for SIA to expand its operations in other countries. This can be achieved using a specialized information system known as a document management system or DMS. It is a computer program based used to manage and store documents digitally in order to reduce the tedious pen and per method of storing data.

I have used this article to address questions 2 and 3. In this article, the authors have helped in understanding the priorities of business issues and how they are determined using different techniques. For instance, improvement in technology, are causing proliferation of revolutionary service offerings and changing the way customers are servicing themselves before, during as well as after purchase. To understand this aspect in a better way the authors carried out an international as well as interdisciplinary research to identify the issue priorities that can exist in the organizations.

The authors have also defined the main areas of business problems that can occur within an organization and the information needed to address them can be summarized below as:

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  • Priority 1: Stimulating and gathering information about service innovation and gathering necessary information on that.
  • Priority 2: facilitating the process of servitization, service infusion as well as solutions to address the issues related to stringent and non-flexible existing business operations of SIA.
  • Priority 3: Understanding employee concerns that exists in SIA and gather necessary information such as reasons of their job dissatisfaction etc.
  • Priority 4: Developing the service networks as well as systems to ensure efficient transmission of data and other information. Information such as requirements for setting up such an infrastructure and associate cost factors should be gathered.
  • Priority 5: Usage of big data analytics should be used to address the issues in SIA.
  • Priority 6: Understanding the importance of customer and better service experience, which can be made possible using an effective customer relationship management solution . For this information such as customer feedbacks form the markets and employee opinions, should be collected.

Knowledge management: Systems and processes.

In this article, the authors have explained the concept of knowledge management and how it is used in the organizations. The different concepts as well a systems and technologies used in the knowledge management systems in order to manage the different kinds of knowledge that exists in the organizations are clearly explained by the authors which can be correlated with the requirements within SIA. A management information system or MIS will be needed by SIA, which is financial information database and is computerized. I have used this article to address to question number 4.

The important data of the business such as student data, employee information etc. will be stored in an organized format and produce reports on a regular basis. Reports based on the different operations such as new student’s admission updates, offer letters for employees as well data analysis form SIA branches in the other cities will be provided for the managers of all levels within the organization This in turn will help them take better management decisions in any business situation. The authors have clearly explained in this article how an efficient knowledge management system can help in sharing values between the students as well as the teachers within an educational institute, which is also necessary for SIA considering the issues it is presently facing.

The impact of information and communication technology adoption on multinational firm boundary decisions.

In this article the author has clearly explained the difference between internet, intranet as well as extranet and it can be clearly understood how they can be applied in SIA. I have referred this article in order to answer question no 5. The authors have shown that the Internet can be used by SIA for creating networking opportunities, information retrieval and communications, performing marketing as well as sales tasks etc. The study also shows how Intranet can help SIA to securely store and access electronic data. Using intranets can speed up workflows and help in reducing errors. Some of the important tasks of intranet within SIA can be including folders over the network, where in multiple employees and students can access commonly shared files. Functionality of offline website of SIA can be tested before it is made live, facts and figures of student expenditures and other data can be looked up for internal operations. The authors have also explained in this article how Extranets can help in connecting multiple intranets together. It can be used for passing information to other third party organizations and government bodies for permissions and approvals as well as passing other kinds of information Multiple companies and other stakeholders such as including administrators, community members, staff members, students, parents, teachers, local leaders in businesses, and elected school officials such as board members can have access to the dedicated network services provided by SIA.

The effectiveness and specificity of change management in a public organization: Transformational leadership and a bureaucratic organizational structure. European Management Journal,

In this article, the authors have clearly explained the importance of having a clear change management plan while migrating to a new business model or new information technology innovations strategies. The author have explained how the change has to be sustained within the organizations once they have been implemented following a structured roadmap as explained below:

  • A proper Communication plan.
  • A Budget planning.
  • A proper employee training plan
  • Sustaining the change.

The authors have extensively researched on companies such as Swisscom, AstraZeneca, IKEA, Nike, Starbucks, Chiquita, Interface as well as governmental bodies in Netherlands regarding how they have successfully implemented the change plans within their work operations. They have explained the importance of sustainability and provision of future change implementation in the organizations through a proper change management plan that can also be incorporate din SIA by Ronak. I have used this article to answer question number 6.

I have used this article to address question number 7. The authors have identified some of the common security related issues after extensive research that they have carried out. They are listed below as:

  • Intrusion from the hackers into the organizational network.
  • Theft of student information.
  • Insecure online payment of semester fees and other payments that students do online.
  • Virus attacks on SIA workstations that store important information.

The ethical issues that are explained in this article are:

  • Universities affiliated to SIA often fail to provide campus placements to students as they are promised in the beginning of their courses.
  • Government laws and rules pertaining to the education industry are often not followed such as scholarship guidelines for differently abled students etc.

This article also recommends some of the mitigation techniques, which can also be, applied in SIA. They are briefly discussed below:

  • Use of network firewalls as well as enterprise antivirus solutions such as Kaspersky internet solution in SIA workstations.
  • SIA staff should be honest and transparent in communicating information to the students and their families at the time of their admissions.