IT Management For World University: Case Study And Recommendations

Introduction to World University

Discuss about the Role Of Interactivity In the Student Satisfaction.

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Information technology is referred to several computer related technologies such as internet, data or software. It helps to complete the process of executing the business process of the particular organization. The enterprises have deployed information technology having the purpose of making simplification of the process of operations for information as well as managing and controlling the particular networks regarding the technical areas of the business. However, IT management is considered as one of the most significant factors to deploy the applications of IT in business.

The report deals with providing the outline of the case study of World University. In addition, there are important details of the university are discussed in the report. Two business procedures are provided in the particular scenario for appropriate improvement of the business model.  In addition, the important role of social media  will be provided in the present report with suitable recommendations.

World University is the group of private universities. It provides online courses to the students across the world. However, the students have the opportunities taking up classes from any part of the world without visiting the campus. In addition, the classes are usually taken online as well as the interactions that are done online (Wieling et al. 2010). On the other hand, the lecturers of the organization are from several popular universities. The enterprise is supposed for brining success in the field of education.

The first decision taken by the senior management of the university is incorporating with particular customer loyalty scheme named as Study Together. The student will get a credit fee eh while they refer to another student. In addition, it is fixed credit that can be paid through PayPal or any credit card.

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The second decision taken for business is providing laptops to the students. They do not need buying laptops or E-books. In this perspective, World University provides configured laptop to the students. The essential software will be present within it. However, the expenses of the computers are taken with courses fees that make no chances of avoiding facility.

Business process is defined as the collection of related works. In other words, the set of activities assist to complete the organizational goals as well as objectives. The business process can be described as followed.

Incorporating Compliance: Incorporation of Compliance within the business would be helpful for the business. It refers to safety audit or legal checking.  On the other hand, the type of confirmation may use fulfilling important needs related to the regulations of the rules, standards as well as legislations (Croxton, 2014). The mentioned standards and regulations are significant and needs to be followed by the students as well as staffs of the university. 

Two Business Procedures for World University

 Risk management: The next vital business procedure that is required to incorporate with the business of the university.  In addition, risk management helps to make successful recognition, calculation as well as prioritizing the significant risks involved with the business. Hence, situational utilities and scopes are maximised. However, risk management is considered as the process of extreme vital for minimizing the risks as well as threats of organizational model. The benefits of risk management include controlling chances of the risks, lack of errors as well as loss of information.

The role of social media is responsible to provide facilities of any types of sharing as well as creating information. In addition, there are several expressions and career interests of different types of virtualized communication. However, communication modes can be helpful for social media. It is considered as one of the most vital characteristics of social media platform. World University is one of the universities for online courses. Hence, it is required to be careful for marketing of services along with courses (Hammer, 2015). The students need to be able regarding the course promptly.  There are several roles of social media for the business of World University.

Interaction with target audience: The role of social media for the business of World University is used to assist appropriate interaction with target audience. In the present case study, the target audiences are various students of the university.  The students of the World University include specific capability for simplifying comments on several plans. They are required to provide the responses. In addition, the issues could be solved through social media as there are interactions for bringing out the significant demands of the students.

Enhancing responsiveness: Another vital role of social media within the enterprise is enhancing the responsiveness. The platform of social media is used for the purpose for providing and receiving any type of feedback. The feedbacks are lesser compared to any feedback. Hence, it is required for the students to be satisfied as well as makes the customers satisfied.

Market position:  The important role of social media is regarding the position of the enterprise. As World University is online institution that is required to provide clear idea regarding the leading university, it is important to help through social media.  In addition, it demonstrates the important position of the organization within the market.  It could be easily achieved through social media.

Effective marketing: One of the important benefits of social media within the business of the World University.  Social media platform is used for supporting to produce several interests amongst the world university (Allen & Seaman, 2013). In addition, there is an inherent creativity within the social media platform. The World University provides new online courses and marketing as the most important factor. Hence, it would be ethically as well as morally correct.

Role of Social Media in World University

Improvisation of responsiveness: Second most important part of social media with World university is all about upgrading its responsiveness. The platform of social media is all about utilizing the purpose of making or having significant process which can be used for providing significant kind of process along with receiving any kind of feedback. All these kind of feedback are considered to be much lesser than any kind of feedback.

Position in the competition: Third most important role of social media is all about having an idea regarding analyzing the position of the organization, which is present in the market (Lamb et al., 2015). It mainly focuses on acknowledging position of the competitors in the market. Since world university is considered to be new in the market so they should have a clear idea regarding other universities present in the market.

Effective kind of marketing: Fourth most disadvantages of social media with provided business model is having an efficient kind of marketing. Platform of social media plays a key role generation of various kinds of interest among every follower (Grebennikov & Sha, 2013). All the followers should be well aware on the page of social media.

Looking for large number of students: An advantage of social media presence in the world university is all about gathering students from different geographical locations. This platform will ultimately help any organization like World University in completing large number of business process in easy and proper way (Li et al., 2014). The significant benefits of social media presence that the World University would be able for searching various plans that is helpful for the students. In addition, it can be found that any student present in the world.

Affordability: The benefits of social media in the World University are easy affordability. Several marketing campaigns take up the use of  platform of social media in order  to fulfill the demands in effective way. An important factor of social media is this university that is world university is all about affordability. It generally does not result in any kind of huge cost that can easily affordable by large number of people (Yuan et al., 2013). As world university is new kind of university so overall kind of budget of this university tend to be much less in comparison to other universities.

Management of database: Social media also plays a significant kind of role in promotion of any kind of model based for world university which is used for managing database. The help of various kinds of social media platform generally manages database.

Recommendations for World University


From the above discussion it can be stated that information technology plays a key kind of role in managing infrastructures, device of network, systems and many other for securing, gathering along with exchange of data or important information. Various kinds of operation with any enterprise is mainly executed by the help of information technology. Commercial kind of information technology mainly consist of technology and information technology. In general information is restricted for performance by number of function where various kinds of technology are mainly programmed for various kinds of task. Various kinds of network administration and development of web is generally done with the help of IT. Information technology can be easily defined as a kind of concept which mainly requires be managed and control in proper way. It mainly focuses on best kind of discipline in which various kinds of resources based on IT are generally managed as per the priority and requirement. A list of recommendation has been provided for the world university in the report.

World University can be easily defined as a group of private universities, which are focused in providing various kinds of online courses to large number of students. Despite of being on the top of list, this organization encounters a list of issues and challenges. Three recommendations have been provided which considered to be helpful for this world university.

The university should adopt risk management process in the present business infrastructure. During the process of risk management, it will merely focus solving a large number of problem and overcoming a range of issues. Various kinds of risk can be easily overcome and probability of risk is found to be very much significant. In this way, the business can be improved.

The university should implement various kinds of rules and regulation in their business. The stated rules and regulations will ultimately reduce various kinds of illegal actions which are present in the business. Security of large number of students can be improved by the implementation.

World University should adopt a proper kind of information system in their business model. Information system are mainly used for storing any kind of data or information which is used for maintenance of integrity of data which contain vital kind of information.

All the three recommendation can be considered to be helpful for world university. These recommendations will ultimately help in executing its business in much better way.


 Allen, I. E., & Seaman, J. (2013). Changing course: Ten years of tracking online education in the United States. Sloan Consortium. PO Box 1238, Newburyport, MA 01950.

Croxton, R. A. (2014). The role of interactivity in student satisfaction and persistence in online learning. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 10(2), 314.

Grebennikov, L., & Shah, M. (2013). Monitoring trends in student satisfaction. Tertiary Education and Management, 19(4), 301-322.

Hammer, M. (2015). What is business process management?. In Handbook on Business Process Management 1 (pp. 3-16). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Lamb, S., Jackson, J., Walstab, A., & Huo, S. (2015). Educational opportunity in Australia 2015: Who succeeds and who misses out.

Li, Y., Cao, B., Xu, L., Yin, J., Deng, S., Yin, Y., & Wu, Z. (2014). An efficient recommendation method for improving business process modeling. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 10(1), 502-513.

Wieling, M. B., & Hofman, W. H. A. (2010). The impact of online video lecture recordings and automated feedback on student performance. Computers & Education, 54(4), 992-998.

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