IT Management Issues For Collection And Organization: Monet Group Case Study

Monet Group’s Booking Platform

Discuss about the IT Management Issues for Collection and Organization.

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Monet is a group of five holiday resorts that have merged their operations for the purpose of bringing more value to their customers and increasing their profit margins. The group provides its clients with an alternative method of booking as compared to the popular ones being used in the market. The main difference between their booking platform and the other popular ones are that clients get to deal with the group directly without having to go through any third party providers. An information system is a system which has been organized for the purpose of storage, collection, organization and communication of information (Bird, 2010). Computer information systems are systems which are comprised of computers and people who process and interpret information which is given to them. Information technology is the utilization of computers of retrieving, storing, transmitting, studying and manipulation of data.

Monet group decided to use a single website to help their clients in their booking needs. The website which enables users to gain information on their various rates and booking destinations is what is referred to as an information system (McNurlin et al, 2009). The operations that are used and implemented to ensure the website is running and users can be able to make bookings is the act of harnessing information technology to bring more value to its clients as they increase their profits. Management decisions are a comprehensive list of actions that have been agreed upon by the management of a company after careful consideration of facts and the business environment in which they are in. From the following case study it can be concluded that the single holiday resorts had foreseen or were experiencing a lot of issues in doing business. For them to think of coming together to form a group of holiday resorts meant that they had deliberated both together and independently and established that they would be in a better placed position to increase their profits by joining forces. They would also be able to bring more value to their customers as a merged group instead of them being independent.

The group having merged together knew that in order for them to offer good rates and a personalized experience to their clients they would need to come up with their own booking platform such as a website. The use of their own booking platform would enable the group to control the design of the website, its content and the general overall experience a client would have when interacting with their website (McKeen & Smith, 2003). Clients would get good prices and an exemplary experience because the merged group would not need to use the services of a third part such as who usually take a percentage from every booking which is made. Money Loyalty is a customer loyalty scheme in which the group has come up with that will be used to reward the customers who are loyal to them by giving them discounts on any bookings or meals they may have while on tour.  They can also get free meals and tours so that they can know how much the group appreciates them for giving them the opportunity to serve them. The customer loyalty scheme is also a way in which they can lure in more clients. If clients become aware of the benefits that come with being a loyal member of the group they are attracted to the group and would prefer to give them business as compared to other hospitality resorts who do not offer any rewards or appreciation to their loyal clientele (Rhane, 2009).

Customer Loyalty Scheme: Money Loyalty

‘There are interactive tools which can be implemented to ensure that customers can be able to choose which tours they would like to go on. It is said there is nothing better than the real thing. The use of pictures to give clients a description of what they can expect in a tour has been in use for many years. Pictures usually tell the story of the tour and its beautiful sceneries. With advancements in technology clients can be able to come closer and experience various destinations in a more realistic way (Zuppo, 2016). The use of virtual reality in giving clients a virtual tour of the various destinations being offered can give them a more personalized feel of what they should expect. This will also enable them to make a good choice in terms of the places they wish to tour based on their tastes and preferences. A video tour of the various destinations can also be done to give the clients a feel of the various destinations being offered at the comfort of their homes through the Monet booking website (Kedar, 2009). The video tour can be a video guide which is done by an individual or the group based on the actual experience of someone who has visited the various destinations before. The tour can give clients a good picture of what they can expect and which is the best destination for them based on their preference.  Pictures with a paranoma effect can also be used to illuminate the various destinations being offered. Such pictures are geared towards clients who prefer a pictorial view of where they are going. The paranoma tools are used to make the pictures have wider angles so that they look continuous and they can give clients up to a 360 degree view of all the destinations being offered for them to choose to tour on (Ralston, Hemmendinger & Reilly, 2000).

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An enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is a system that is integrated with the main business processes in a company to provide an updated view of the business operations. An ERP systems enables a company which is utilizing it to have the ability to store, manage, collect and interpret data from their business operations (Dmaithan, 2016). Monet group is planning to have an integrated ERP system developed. This ERP system will be to help them manage their business processes for the purpose of ensuring they can serve their client efficiently. The ERP system will help them track their business resources and for them to have an updated status of their business commitments. The ERP will help the group serve their clients better in that all the business processes which occur within the group will be tracked and monitored to ensure there is never a gap which comes up. An example is monitoring the stock levels in the holiday resorts. The ERP will be able to show the current stock levels and easily update the business that they may need to restock their supplies so that they can meet the needs of their clients. An ERP system has many benefits which include organizing the workflows of an organization. An ERP system can be compromised of several applications such as an inventory control system and a payroll system all in one integrated unit. This will enable all the operations and workflows of the various departments within the group to be streamlined allowing very efficient workflows in running their business (Shaul & Tauber, 2012).

Interactive Tools for Choosing Tours

The ERP system can be accessed by anyone in the company. This is very beneficial in that users will not need to keep calling other departments to confirm stock levels or bookings availability. Everything will be updated on the ERP system where all employees can source for information and ease their workflows. The system will also ensure that clients can book rooms which are available only. If the rooms are full the client will be advised on this and they can choose other rooms being offered. The utilization of an ERP system within an organization plays a key role in the improvement of customer satisfaction (Butler, 2012). When most of the work is automated through the ERP system clients are able to interact with the business and gain the services they need with a lot of ease. The employees of the business are also in a position to serve their clients better because a huge load of their work is handled by the system. The ERP system also helps the company track their business operations and needs (Mureell, 2005). In every business there needs a lot of planning to ensure that the business runs smoothly and delivers adequately to the needs of their clients. The ERP system can produce reports which can be analyzed and give the group a detail report of what they use in a period of time. It shows them when the peak season is and that is when they should order a lot of inventory and when it is low seasons and they should order minimal inventory to help them satisfy their needs and those of their clientele. 

Monet group has commissioned the creation of a web 4.0 level ultra-intelligent portal which is new and will help customers to be able to self-manage their accounts. The portal will also enable clients to customize their booking and shopping experience. A web 4.0 is an electronic agent that is intelligent and has the ability to recognize when you are in front of it.  The agent utilizes little cameras which can be used for facial recognition to identify you and you can be able to pass on your personality to it as it learns from your preferences (Fowler & Rodd, 2016). In essence this means that when Monet implement the Web 4.0 agent their clients will be able to interact with a very intelligent system that can learn based on their preferences and come up with results of the best destinations for them. The intelligent system will be able to pair a user with a unique destination based on their personality and preferences. Such a system can be very attractive to clients because all the work will be done for them all they will have to do is pack their bags and head off to their destinations (Chaudhuri, 2004).

Enterprise Resource Planning System

Advancements in technology are what bring about improved and intelligent systems for use in various aspects including business. Monet group have a website in which clients can be able to view the tours and accommodation they offer. The introduction of a Web 4.0 intelligent portal will improve the experience customers have while interacting and booking for the services Monet group offers. Clients will be able to manage their account on the portal which is very convenient for them (Olofson, 2009). They will be able to login to the system and view all the services being offered by Monet group and they can book when they wish to travel and the destination they intend to go to. The clients will also have the ability to customize their booking and shopping experience. For the clients this will mean they will have a lot of independence in designing and choosing the way in which they shop and book Monet group services. The clients can choose based on their preference on the products they wish and the intelligent system will generate similar bookings and shopping items that are close to their chosen options or preferences. A web 4.0 portal for Monet group will mean that they have gone a step forward in improving the customer service experience in which they offer their clients. It will also mean that they will not have to employ a lot of labor in booking or shopping assistance for the clients (Ward, 2006). This is because the intelligent system will guide users appropriately on how to use the portal.  The portal will also enable Monet group to gain more clients because it will eliminate any form of human limits the labor force might have had. The company will have the system running all the time, day and night which means that clients can login to the portal at any time and do their bookings and shopping even when the business representatives are not in the office.

The direction Monet group is taking is a critical business development objective so that they may be able to grow their business and serve their clients effectively. They have considered the needs of their clients and adapted to them using advancements in technology to ensure that they remain relevant to their clientele. The merging of the five resorts into one group helps them save on cost by sharing on the resources they need such as developing a web 4.0 portal and having an ERP system (Welk, 2000). These systems being implemented independently by a single company can be very expensive and their merger has in effect improved their business by bringing more value to their clients.


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