Leadership Behaviour And Styles Of Successful Leaders

FBLT067 Leadership

FBLT067 Leadership

FBLT067 Leadership

FBLT067 Leadership

FBLT067 Leadership

FBLT067 Leadership

FBLT067 Leadership

Leadership Behaviour: Explained

Leadership refer to the concept or ability that person comprises to influence and to provide guidance to an individual or a group of individual and other members of an organisation. Leadership is all about making some difficult decision, creating and articulating a clear vision, to achieve goals established by them and to provide knowledge to their followers to achieve those established goals (Clarke, 2013).  Leadership is an art of getting things done by others because the leaders want that them to do it. The great leaders are those who have the ability to make strategic and visionary decisions and convince other to follow those decisions. Leaders create a vision and make others ready to achieve those goals successfully.  At most aspects of society, business, politics and to community based organisation leadership is play a very essential role. To become an effective leader few characteristics are required such as, strong communication and management skills, creative and innovation thinking, strong communication, confidence, perseverance to face failures, openness to change, willingness to take risks, levelheadness and reactiveness in times of crisis (Du, et.al. 2013). There are two types of leaders in the world born leaders and others are made leaders. Born leaders are those who have the ability of being leader from their birth and made leaders are those who become leader gaining experiences and knowledge (Herrera, et.al. 2012). This essay is developed to explore the leadership behaviour of some successful world leaders. While doing research few leaders are been selected, every leader has their selected leadership style with their leadership style the pros and cons are also been discussed in this essay and to conclude some recommendations were discussed. 

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To understand the behaviour and leadership style here in this essay few leaders are been selected to evaluate and to analyse. First leader that has been selected is Bill Gates, he is the leader who appear on top of every list. He is one of the most admired business leaders. He is the great motivator and a creative and innovative thinker, which are considered to be his best qualities while running business and managing workforce. With the help of these behaviour traits Bill Gates encouraged and motivates MBAs, programmers, engineers, designers and others who regularly attend Gates development meetings (Herrera, et.al. 2012). The leadership style that Bill Gates consists is authoritarian leadership style. Authoritarian leadership style is all about guiding and telling the employees what to do, how to do and when to do without taking their advice. 

The positive side of the Bill Gates leadership style is, it is very effective when there is fast changing situation are in the market or where the fast or quick decision are to be made in some desired situation. The success of Microsoft is based on the behaviour of the Bill Gates and his willingness to make decision on the run (Bergman, et.al. 2014). There are some negative impact is also seen of his leadership style that is with the use of the authoritarian leadership style. This leadership style restricts the portion of innovativeness among the followers, as they have to work as per the guidelines provided to them by their leaders.

Successful Leaders and Their Leadership Styles

Walt Disney, he is the founder of the world’s most profitable entertainment company Walt Disney he adopted various leadership style while working. He the leader who did not stuck to one leadership style he believes in change and if the leader want change to get success they must posse the leadership style as per the situation and market conditions (Chytry, 2012).  However, the one leadership style which he posse throughout his life and career is Transformational leadership style. He the leader who treat his team members as a family and before implementing any changes and strategies he always involve his team members while making decision. The Transformational leaders are those who work with their team to identify required changes, create a vision to guide those changes through inspiration and executing those changes. On the positive note, he believes in motivating the morals of the employees for accomplishing the decided tasks. He believes in the synergistic relationship, that means the followers and leaders raise one another to higher levels of achievement and morale (Chytry, 2012).   On negative mode, due to the transformational leadership style sometimes he lack in the actions of department. He inspires colleagues and employees to get work done but while creating an actionable plan he cannot take help of his team members.

The next leader which is been selected for analysing the leadership behaviour is Arianna Huffington, she is a founder of Huffington Post. She the great leader and good communicator, with her communication style she can solve any problem (George, 2016).  The employees of the company are very much inspired with her communication style. With the help of her communication style, she can get work done by the employees and workers. With great communication style she is the obsessed women who to get done the particular task as efficiently as possible. She devote her most of the time in writing and posting online articles on the political new and blogging sites. She made her own leader ship style and named that particular leadership style on her own name that is ‘Huffington Leadership Style’ (George, 2016).  

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The another leader which is been selected is Winston Churchill, he is the man at the time of World War 2 provided his support and guidance to the England by developing courage and strengths among the people with the help of his excellent communication skills and by creating great vision which everyone can keep their focus on single goals.  Winston Churchill was a great leader and his leadership styles are classified as charismatic leadership and Transformational leadership (Rao, 2013).  He was among those leaders who keep the people motivated by delivering inspirational speeches. The leadership style of Winston Churchill evident that leaders are required to adopt charismatic leadership because it will help them in strengthen the bond of leader and followers as a team. When the entire team of the leader share the common goals and vision the chances of conflict among them were got reduced (Rao, 2013). The pros of his leadership style is as the most of the organisation goes under changes and it is the human tendency that they always resist to change and with help of these leadership style the leader with his/her communication skill show them a vision and path to adopt those changes and get success.  With the pros there are few cons are associated with the leadership style that is the leaders are consider to be very liberal and because of that there are chances the followers may not take the leaders seriously.

Bill Gates and his Authoritarian Leadership Style

The other leader which is been selected for this essay is a British stateswomen Prime minister of United Kingdom’s Margaret Hilda Thatcher. She poses a leadership style that is Situaltional leadership.  Margaret Hilda Thatcher remains flexible, quick and nimble while reading situation and people and while analysing what are the best tools for the particular task (Moore, 2013).  She understands the weakness and strength of the people who works under her. She is an dynamic leader in the and ready to face various challenges and she know how to survive by adapting best solution. There are some situations or conditions when the Situational leadership style will not rise as an effective style especially in long-term planning and long-term strategy making.

Great leader Abraham Lincoln President of United States is selected to analyse and evaluate the leadership style. He is the person from his childhood always desired to serve the country and the country people by bringing revolutionary changes in long run that can provide benefits to the people. The leadership style that Abraham Lincoln had is Servant Leadership style (Goethals and Allison, 2014).  The one vital component of his leadership style is, it is important for the ethical values like working for the benefits of the residents. The people who are having or adopting the servant leaders are those who internally or has the internal desire to server people, they do not requires any legitimate power to bring changes. He is the leader who focuses more on the sustainability development.  He is among those leaders who have set an example of a paramount democracy in the whole world that is extended to providing liberty opportunities to every citizen of America (Goethals and Allison, 2014).   By his efforts the Americans are enjoy the full liberty of expressing feeling. The base is been prepared by him and now the people of America are using all their fundamental rights very specifically. With adopting Servant leadership style, he face various problem and issues, while accomplishing his vision there are many people in the economy to stop him and there are many people who was thinking that what he is doing is not for their benefits is all about him.

Mahatma Gandhi a great leader and freedom fighter of India is selected for analysing the essay, He is the leader who has adopted the servant leadership style. In Servant Leadership style, the leader dedicates their whole life for the benefits of the people (Blank, 2016). In servant leadership style, the leaders put the needs of his team above him or herself and they will make sure that the requirement of every team member will get fulfilled. Mahatma Gandhi is a person who believes in following ethics and integrity while attaining their objective. He is the Person who fought for the freedom of Indian against British and the way that he has chosen to attain the motive is of ‘Non-violence’ (Kaiser, LeBreton and Hogan, 2015).  The leadership style which is been used by Mahatma Gandhi was given a successful results to him and help him in attaining his objectives. However, it is not necessary the Servant Leadership Style will be useful for every leader because this leadership style is not suitable when the leader has to made quick decision that are bound in timeline. 

Walt Disney and his Transformational Leadership Style

There are many leaders and with every leader some leadership style and a particular behaviour is attached, to accomplish the various task and objectives it is important for every leader to adopt a particular leadership style. In this essay there are some great leaders of the world and their leadership style is been discussed and it was also stated that with leadership styles what type of positive and negative effects are associated. To resolve the problems or negative impact associated with leadership styles some recommendations are stated below.

It is essential for a good leader to be a good follower. The rules and regulations or procedures and policies which are been designed by them it is very important that at initial stage they should follow those designed rules and regulations or procedures and policies by their own and then they ask their followers or team members to follow those (Al-Asfour, and Lettau, 2014).  For a good leader it is important for the good leader to follow rules and regulations or procedures and policies to create value. Risk taking is one of the main qualities of a good leader if the leader is a risk taker for that particular organisation it can play a very important role in getting success. The leader should be flexible enough to evaluate the time to try a new procedure or implementation of new policy (Anderson and Sun, 2017).  For many people risk taking is frightening but for benefit for a entire group the leader are required to take risk.  

Delegation of work is very important part of the duties of the leader, and it is very essential for leaders to divide duties or delegate work to the team or followers. The decision of delegation of duty is very important and for leader it is important to delegate the duty as per the ability of the team members and some time it is important to boost the efficiency of the individual to assign him/her taught task (Yahaya and Ebrahim, 2016).  For every leader it is important to have a vision to been a leader the person has to attain some goal and vision will help them in deciding and attaining those goals. The leader should be a person who is focused toward their goals. For a good leader it is important to be self-aware.


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