Leadership In Nursing: Transformational Leadership Style And Its Importance

SNUG302 Leadership in Nursing


A specific situation has been impacted upon within this study to get a better understanding of the leadership in nursing. I was placed in Campbelltown Hospital, and aspire to become a registered nurse in the future.  An effective style of leadership is very important in order to ensure that I become a registered nurse and able to attain all my future endeavors within a short span of time. By following an effective style of leadership I can ensure that I can give a better boost to my morale and therefore be more dedicated towards my job. I will rely on the leadership style based on the leadership style of Jeff Bezos, which is a transformational leadership style. Efficient leadership is very important in nursing as it helps in providing effective and high-quality care to the patients.

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I have personally noticed a lot of efficient leadership styles while in the clinical placement, which has facilitated the flow of work to a great extent. I have drawn a lot of inspiration from those effective leadership styles. The leadership style that the registered nurses and the enrolled nurses used to undertake were the transformational leadership style. The steps undertaken by the leaders that help in altering the individual as well as the social systems is known as “transformational leadership style” (Fischer, 2017).The goals can be better achieved with the creation of a value-based positive attitude to work. The inclusion of this leadership style by Jeff Bezos is what has made Amazon a world-known company all across the globe. Their ability to adapt to the changing trends of globalization is the factor that has made it so renowned worldwide.

I had experienced a patient having severe pressure fluctuations before an operation. I had been inspired by the way the patient had been consoled by the registered nurse. This had created a sense of security in the patient and had ensured her that she was being taken proper care of.The registered nurse used to undertake decisions based on the requirements and the priority of certain cases. The style of adapting to the new methods of working and their ability to adjust even in the toughest of situations is what has inspired me greatly. I want to incorporate John’s Model Of Reflection, in my area of functionality.As per this particular model, the factors of looking inwards as well as looking outwards has to be included during a particular event and reflecting on one’s own actions has to be done during those situations (Wain, 2017). The ethical aspect of the decision has to be self-analyzed and therefore a conclusion has to be drawn. This model will prove to be quite beneficial for my career as it will help me to analyze several standpoints. I will also be more conscious regarding the ethical standpoints in my field of functioning as nursing is a profession that requires a lot of ethics.


There were a lot of aspects that I had tried to collect or pick up from the leaders that I have followed throughout my course of action. I have ensured that I can pick up the transformational leadership style and abide by it so that I can attain a better hold over my career as abiding by these aspects will help me to attain my goals faster. The ability to adapt to difficult situations is very important as it will make me more flexible as a registered nurse in the future. In a certain case I had seen the team leaders consoling the patient, while the blood pressure had skyrocketed due to nervousness before the operation. This has brought about confidence in me to become more responsible as a nurse. One of the topmost skills that I had attempted to acquire is the ability to work in groups or more coordinately, as it is one of the most important skills that is required in nursing. Motivating the subordinates is also one of the greatest leadership skills that is very important and also the ethical aspects that are to be followed to become a great leader in the future. I have also attempted to pick up the raw communication skills as it is one of the most essential factors that is important to inspire others and make the working atmosphere positive (Bullington et al., 2019). If there were real-life patients involved in the situation of effective leadership conducted then they would feel safer and secure about their care being taken.

I have also been aiming at attaining a better edge over the skills of conflicting internal issues among the team-mates that leads to delayed and decreased outputs. Nursing is one of the noblest tasks and therefore requires a lot of cooperation from all the team-members.

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 I have been trying to ensure that my communication skills are being focused on as I lack proper communication skills. I will be able to motivate the other team-mates better in the future if I have a strong grip on the communication skills. I have been able to delve in group discussions and make the best out of it in providing productive outcomes. This entire situation of convincing the patient to calm down the nervousness before the operation could have been done better if a team of nurses were appointed instead of just one person trying to convince the patient. The effort would have been very reassuring for the patient. I have also ensured that I abide by the ethical factors, as it is one of the most important tasks in nursing. However, I have yet to learn how to adapt myself to the changing workplace environment in order to become a better leader in the future. I have been able to focus better on some of my skills in order to increase the scope to grow as a leader in the nursing segment, while few aspects have yet to be focussed on.

Influencing Factors

There are a lot of factors that have been responsible for the decision making and the alterations that have been done in handling the situation. The internal factors that have influenced the decision are self-confidence, nature of competence, experience as a nurse and a lot more aspects have been considered. Some of the important external factors include the entire procedure of nursing education, support facilities, facilities that are included within the healthcare facility, working atmosphere, are the aspects that have provided support during the time of emergency in taking the clinical decision (Dickinson, Haerling & Lasater, 2019). Therefore, these internal as well as the external aspects are some of the major influencers of decision making in nursing.

The existing knowledge and experience of the registered nurse in handling similar cases of nervousness in the past has helped in taking the major decision. Following the  knowledge on the aspects of transformational leadership the nurse has taken the risk to converse freely with the patient which is one of the drastic steps, as it may have affected the patient otherwise. The expertise in conversing freely with the patients and experience has helped in lowering the nervousness of the patient. The ethical aspects had to be kept in mind and decisions had to be taken accordingly, taking into consideration “John’s Model of Reflection”. The various internal as well as the external aspects have to be considered while taking a major step in order to ensure that proper decisions are being taken.

The alternate strategy to talking the patient out of the nervousness could have been proper doses of anesthetic in order to ensure that nothing goes wrong. The conversation was time-inducing and the situation could have been dealt with better. The patient could also have been given lesser amounts of protein in the morning as high sources of proteins are said to increase the levels of blood pressure instantly. Certain minute details are very important in nursing which can bring about a change in the nursing. 

There are various methods in which my future practice in clinical decision making can be improved. Some of the models discussed below will enhance my skills in medical practice.

As per Belbin’s team roles model there are nine roles that are necessary within a team. The roles include coordinator, shaper, resource investigator, plant, specialist, monitor evaluator, implementer, team worker and finisher (Rahmani et al., 2021). Therefore, coordination among the team is very important in order to attain a desired goal. This aspect has to be implemented within myself so that I can motivate others to do proper teamwork in the future, as it is mandatory in any field and especially nursing. A lack of communication and coordination among the team-members can prove to be a threat to the security of a patient. I have been trying to inculcate the spirit of inducing and adapting to working in teams so that I can set an example as a good leader in the future.


There are some dysfunctionalities among teams that lead to the mismanagement and confusion. Some of the dysfunctionalities as per the model includes a lack of trust, conflict among team-members, lack of commitment to work, lack of accountability and not paying attention to results. These can be resolved with the aid of proper team discussions and better understanding among the team-members (Ramaswamy et al., 2017). I am trying to work on these five factors so that I can prove to be an efficient leader in the future and set an example for the trainees.

I will be dedicated to my work, will be accountable for all my actions and will be more attentive to the results. I will also develop a sense of trust within myself and try to avoid conflicts so that it impacts my future endeavors positively.

There are five domains associated with the scarf domain which includes status, certainty, autonomy, relatedness and fairness. This model is important in improving one’s own as well as others’ responses to certain social conditions, so that they can be more adaptive in their workplace. I can relate this model to influence others to behave more adaptively with respect to John’s reflection model (Freedman, 2019). This model will prove to be more beneficial for me in my future aspirations as a leader.


There are a lot of aspects that have been focussed upon within this reflective study so that a better analysis of the points that are to be focussed on can be understood better. Various internal as well as the external factors of reflecting on the major aspects of leadership style has also been focussed upon within this area of study. The various models have been linked with the reflection which has helped in a better understanding of the aims that are to be attained and the pines that has already been achieved by following in the footsteps of some efficient leaders. Some effective leadership styles have been focussed upon in order to ensure that the personal goals can be set accordingly.

Reference List

Bullington, J., Söderlund, M., Sparén, E. B., Kneck, Å., Omérov, P., & Cronqvist, A. (2019). Communication skills in nursing: A phenomenologically-based communication training approach. Nurse Education in Practice, 39, 136-141. Retrieved from: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1471595318303901 [Retrieved on: 6 March, 2022]

Dickison, P., Haerling, K. A., & Lasater, K. (2019). Integrating the National Council of State Boards of Nursing clinical judgment model into nursing educational frameworks. Journal of Nursing Education, 58(2), 72-78. Retrieved from: https://journals.healio.com/doi/abs/10.3928/01484834-20190122-03 [Retrieved on: 1 March, 2022]

Fischer, S. A. (2017). Transformational leadership in nursing education: making the case. Nursing Science Quarterly, 30(2), 124-128. Retrieved from: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0894318417693309  [Retrieved on: 3 March, 2022]

Freedman, B. D. (2019). Risk factors and causes of interpersonal conflict in nursing workplaces: Understandings from neuroscience. Collegian, 26(5), 594-604. Retrieved from:

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S132276961830307X [Retrieved on: 7 March, 2022]

Rahmani, F., Scott-Young, C., Tadayon, A., & van der Walt, J. D. (2021). Team composition in relational contracting (RC) in large infrastructure projects: a Belbin’s team roles model approach. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management. Retrieved from: https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/ECAM-11-2020-0941/full/html [Retrieved on: 2 March, 2022] 

Ramaswamy, R. S., Tiwari, T., Ramaswamy, H. F., & Akinwande, O. (2017). Teamwork and communication in interventional radiology. Journal of Radiology Nursing, 36(4), 261-264. Retrieved from:

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1546084317301694 [Retrieved on: 5 March, 2022]

Wain, A. (2017). Learning through reflection. British Journal of Midwifery, 25(10), 662-666. Retrieved from: https://www.magonlinelibrary.com/doi/abs/10.12968/bjom.2017.25.10.662 [Retrieved on: 5 March, 2022]