Leadership In Organizations: Team Leadership, Transformational Leadership, Eliminating Barriers, Path Goal Theory, And 21st Century Leadership

The Hill Model for Team Leadership

1). The leadership actions that needed to be taken include:

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The team that is lacking in the making the goals should be observed by the leaders. Observing and monitoring the team and their performance makes them active to achieve their targets and goals. From this, analysis can be made that the activities are done in the team and their action affecting their decision on the group. In this monitoring, the external and internal environment is done in order to ensure the performance and opportunities available in the organization (Brauckmann and Pashiardis, 2011).

Another action faced by the organisation is continuing fight towards members in the team. Action that needs to be taken by the leader in Hill’s leadership is that observing their team members when they are performing the task. From this leader can able to analyse that the how the team is performing and task are achieved by the team or not. If the team is not able to achieve the task or goal set by them then the corrective measures will have to be taken by the team leader in order to ensure the achievement of organizational goals. On the other hand, the maintenance of a relationship with the team members is the responsibility of the leader. This maintenance of relationship will bring the positive result in the future to the team and to its member also. This will maintain the balance between the task and maintenance and ensure that there will be no interpersonal problems and all the members of the team remain satisfied. This will develop the cohesion in the organization and decision-making process in the organization becomes simple in order to adapt to the changes (Yang, Huang and Wu, 2011).

If the team is not getting the recognition and support from the top management team then the action should be taken by the team leader. The action that needs to be taken by the leader is to look at the team attention and its leadership. Actions have been taken in order to improve the team and interpersonal relationships among the members so that the relationship will be maintained in the organization.

2). Transformational leadership can be defined as the theory of leadership in which the leader’s works with the team to identify the changes needed to implement in the organization. This type of leadership is found essential in are the creating a vision to guide the change using the inspiration, motivation and executing all the change in tandem with the committed members of a group. Dr. Cook in the case study is working as the transformational leader in the organization as they are motivating their staff to perform to the best level so that the organizational goals can be achieved (Buzzfeed, 2017).

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Exploring Transformational Leadership

There are four factors of the transformational leadership, which are an idealized influence, inspirational motivation, individual consideration, and intellectual stimulation. From these four factors of transformational leadership, two are applied in the case study given. From the case study, it has been analyzed that Dr. Cook is motivating their team members in order to achieve the vision of the organization that is the inspirational motivation has been provided. On the other hand, Cook has been focussed on working as the advisor and trainer in order to achieve the goals that help both the associates and organization (EDIS, 2017).

3). There are various barriers faced by the women in the organization, which includes the personal barriers, organizational barriers, structural barriers, and cultural barriers. The two important barriers that may be faced by the women in the banking sector include the cultural and the structural barriers. These barriers affect the performance of the individuals as well as of the organization. to ensure that the barriers will not hamper the performance of the bank, measures have been chosen to eliminate these barriers (World Economic Forum, 2012).

The cultural barriers can be eliminated from the organization by eliminating the evaluation individually and leaders focus on evaluating the candidates whether males or females on multiple bases. This will help in reducing the cultural barriers in the organization.  All the candidates are treated on the same grounds and bases.

On the other hand, structural barriers can be eliminated in the organization by changing the organizational structure from hierarchal to flat structure. This will provide the equal distribution of power in the hands of the higher-level authorities so no partiality is there (Voon, Lo, Ngui and Ayob, 2011).

4). The path-goal theory is based on specifying a leader’s style or behavior that fits best for the individual in the organization for the employee and the work environment in order to achieve the organizational goals. The goal of this theory is to motivate the employees, empowering them and able to satisfying their needs so that they can be more productive members of the organization. In the case of Ibrahim, it can be analyzed that the leaders in the organization should be such, which motivate the employees in order to accomplish the organizational goals. From the characteristics of the Ibrahim, it has been analyzed that he is getting dissatisfied with the job and does not seem to be excited about the projects. The contribution to the new and innovative ideas is about to zero by Ibrahim which shows that he needs motivates in order to get the work done by him in the organization (Vinkenburg et al., 2011).

Eliminating Cultural and Structural Barriers in Organizations

By using the path-goal theory, it has been understanding that the independent variable of the theory has been applied. The leaders adjust to the style of behavior to the employee and marketing characteristics so that Ibrahim’s motivation should be increased and can able to achieve their goals.  The leadership should be adopted in the organization should be directive, supportive, participative in nature so that the people like Ibrahim can easily achieve their targets on time without any barriers (Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review, 2017).

5). The leadership in the 21st century is found to be innovative in nature which influences the individuals of the team member to work according to achieve the organizational goals. There has been a trend followed in the society and organization to have the leadership with some innovation in the organization. Innovation in the leadership plays an important role in developing the team and its members. Continuous innovation has been performing a major role in the present scenario in the organization (The National Academies Press, 2017).

Strategic leadership can be defined as the leader’s ability and capabilities to anticipate, maintain flexibility and to empower others to create the strategic change as necessary. As the strategic leadership capabilities, the leader should have strong communication skills and innovation in the working by the leader. Many organizations are expanding their business by making liaison with the world. By having the ability to clearly describing, what needs to be done in the organization should be communicated properly (Sandler Training, 2017).  

Various examples can be taken from the real-life organization in which Apple stands at the number one position in order to have the leadership of Steve Jobs in the organization. The proper communication and innovation channels used in the organization make the planning and implementation easy in the company.


Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review. (2017) The Effect of Strategic Leadership, Organization Innovativeness, Information Technology Capability on Effective Strategy Implementation: A Study of Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria [Online] Available from: https://www.omicsonline.org/open-access/the-effect-of-strategic-leadership-organization-innovativenessinformation-technology-capability-on-effective-strategy-implementati-2223-5833-1000271.php?aid=82791&view=mobile [Accessed on: 13-09-2018]

Brauckmann, S. and Pashiardis, P. (2011) A validation study of the leadership styles of a holistic leadership theoretical framework. International Journal of Educational Management, 25(1), pp.11-32.

Buzzfeed. (2017) The Hill Model For Team Leadership [Online] Available from: https://www.buzzfeed.com/udteamlead/the-hill-model-for-team-leadership-2ux8b [Accessed on: 13-09-2018]

EDIS. (2017) Transformational Leadership: The Transformation of Managers and Associates [Online] Available from: https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/hr020 [Accessed on: 13-09-2018]

Sandler Trainning. (2017) 5 Key Skills of a Strategic Leader [Online] Available from: https://www.sandler.com/blog/5-key-skills-strategic-leader [Accessed on: 13-09-2018]

The National Academies Press. (2017) Barriers for Women in Corporate Culture [Online] Available from: https://www.nap.edu/read/2264/chapter/4 [Accessed on: 13-09-2018]

Vinkenburg, C.J., Van Engen, M.L., Eagly, A.H. and Johannesen-Schmidt, M.C. (2011) An exploration of stereotypical beliefs about leadership styles: Is transformational leadership a route to women’s promotion?. The Leadership Quarterly, 22(1), pp.10-21.

Voon, M.L., Lo, M.C., Ngui, K.S. and Ayob, N.B. (2011) The influence of leadership styles on employees’ job satisfaction in public sector organizations in Malaysia. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Sciences, 2(1), pp.24-32.

World Economic Forum. (2012) Five Challenges, One Solution: Women [Online] Available from: https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_GAC_WomensEmpowerment_FiveChallangesOneSolution_Compendium_2013.pdf [Accessed on: 13-09-2018]

Yang, L.R., Huang, C.F. and Wu, K.S. (2011) The association among project manager’s leadership style, teamwork and project success. International journal of project management, 29(3), pp.258-267