Learning Business Research: Reflections, Insights And Future Applications

The Learning Process

In the course of my learning experience of 12 weeks, I have recorded and journalized my experience and how I feel the learning outcome has helped me in the process of submitting my research paper. This report contains all the journals that I have gathered in the 12 weeks period in a chronological way. My choice of topic for research is “challenges of accounting in global organisations”. To carry forward my research I have followed the step by step procedure which I have learned from my course. The coursework has made the research procedure easier and less complicated.

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  1. Evaluate the effectiveness and your usefulness of the learning experience

 I think it is important to understand the significance of a field in order to do full justice to the subject therefore the nature of business is imperative in the process I understood the reason for conducting business research, which I kept in mind while selecting the topic, as the topic of research must have some contribution to future studies and must solve some problem. As a researcher I have also learnt the steps that has to be included in the writing a research paper. For example: Research design is an essential aspect of research; I understood that it helps in organisation of the study. It helps in the collection of data which is essential and an integral part of research. I received a theoretical insight of research methodology process, the tools that are used in gathering of data based on the subject of research is important to get appropriate outcomes. I also learnt how to manage my time efficiently as there are several steps that has to be followed in a study. Lastly the concept of research question was discussed it is a portion that has to be added in the proposal and I learnt that by answering these questions I will be able to take the research process ahead.

  1. Explain how this learning process will be useful to you

The significance of having an academic and theoretical knowledge regarding the subject of research is clear to me after the learning process.  It has helped me develop my knowledge base and start reading academic articles in order to understand the concept. In every aspect of life ethics, principles and values play an important role. For me it is important to be respectful and honorable in the work that I am involved in hence the lessons of this week are important for me. Acknowledging the works of other authors and providing the due respect is important. The universally accepted code of ethics is essential in order to proceed with a respectable work (Neuman 2013). Therefore the research ethics classes were useful for me.

Business Research and Research Learning Process

Literature review is a new concept for me and I learnt about it in this week, I have gathered that by reading and jotting down the points of other authors on the variables of the topic of research provides insightful information. I have started reading journal articles to gather information and add to the literature review section, there is another help that I go from this reading exercise, I learnt how to use formal English language in order to write a research paper. I also understand the importance of providing due respect to the authors whose work I am using to write my research paper.

Form the interview that I have conducted I had to analyses the data; I was really confused how to go ahead with the idea of an interview. I learnt that there are many ways depending on the research topic one has to choose the method. The process was a little complicated but after the practical application of the process I have got a grasp of it.

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  1. Describe objectively what happened in the learning process
  • In the first week the nature, process and strategy of conducting business research was taught
  • In the second week I learnt how to design and plan the project
  • Literature review and secondary research along with research ethics was also tough in the course
  • Collection of information can be divided in two parts qualitative and quantitative
  • Communication skill development (written and oral)
  1. Evaluate what you learn

I have learnt that depending on the tool of gathering information the approach is chosen. In this week I had learnt about the nature of qualitative research. There are skills and technicalities which are required in order to undertake a primary research, not only that I have also learnt that in the process there are some common barriers which can be easily overcome by rational thinking and application of analytical skills.

As Language plays a key role in ensuring that the purpose of communication is fulfilled as communications for research are strategic and should be well communicated so that there is no gap in understanding (Flick 2015). While writing the questions the outcomes of this week were useful. I learnt that choosing close ended questions and using simple formal language is the most effective way to get the desired outcome form the survey. I have chosen to interview 5 accounting managers for the purpose of completion of the research.

Survey is one of the most common quantitative research tools (Rowlinson et al. 2014).; I have implemented the same in my research as it thinks that this is the most suitable, cost effective and easy method of data collection that has a concrete and desirable outcome. I have learnt how to structure the survey questionnaire so that it is easy for the respondents to understand and comply with. With the help of technology the process of gathering information with the help of survey method has become very easy and hassle free (Rowlinson et al. 2014).

Insights and Connections for Future Learning

Selection of the sample size directly responsible for the effectiveness of the data that has been gathered therefore I have learnt how to select a sample size in this process.  This has helped me in my research as I have understood the best way of selection in the research that I am planning to conduct. The sample size is a guide in the process of research in terms of data collection. The response of the people selected impacts the outcome of the research hence it is an important process (Flick 2015).

  1. Explain your learning process

The process of learning was insightful and knowledge that I have gathered will help me in the future as well because I aspire to be a researcher and therefore the procedure and methodology is important. In the process I have understood the kind of limitations that are possible and how to overcome them. Overall, the experience is going to help me in the future.

  1. Explain how will you apply this learning process

Gathering information and analyzing of the same does not only end the process of research, the findings and analysis of the study must conclude by liking with the objectives. The question of the researched that was earlier mentioned has to be answered.  The outcome of a study is dependent on the merger of the two kinds of data collection procedures. I have learnt about quantitative data analysis and how to connect the two process of collection of information in order to reach conclusion at the end of the research. As I have used digital method of data collection the process of analysis has become much easier. There are several software that can be used to analyses the data which depending on the variables of the research are selected by the researcher. In my research I did not have to use any software.


As an aspiring researcher it is important for me to understand the process and the methods related to research study very well so that I can select topics which are of my interest and come up with desired outcomes as well. I also want to learn the software that are used to analyze data in the future as it is going to broaden my horizon.


Al?karasneh, S. M., 2014. Reflective journal writing as a tool to teach aspects of social studies. European Journal of Education, 49(3), 395-408.

Bell, K., 2013. Participants’ motivations and co-construction of the qualitative research process. Qualitative Social Work, 12(4), 523-539.

Bourke, B., 2014. Positionality: Reflecting on the research process. The Qualitative Report, 19(33), 1-9.

Flick, U., 2015. Introducing research methodology: A beginner’s guide to doing a research project. Sage.

Neuman, W.L., 2013. Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches. Pearson education.

Rowlinson, M., Hassard, J. and Decker, S., 2014. Research strategies for organizational history: A dialogue between historical theory and organization theory. Academy of Management Review, 39(3), pp.250-274.