Lessons From Mukundbhai Joshi’s Lecture On Management

Importance of Idea Development

Discuss about the Critical Thinking and Managerial Decision Making for Communication.

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Mukundbhai Joshi’s profile lecture has several lessons, to begin with; every individual can take an idea and develop it into a final solution. This is the strength that one is required to utilize whenever an opportunity presents itself. One’s opinion is his or her business.  The ideation process is one’s greatest asset. He or she should use those around him or her to develop the idea into a fully grown decision that can be of high benefit to their life or organization (Rodgers, 2016). Having that positive spirit is an active gear towards making a positive change in an organization or a team. The ideation process seems to be the most laborious process though it can be made simpler through making use of any resource around to achieve the specified goal. Whenever any managerial idea comes to one’s mind, he or she should write it down no matter how silly the idea may seem to be (Rodgers, 2016). This is because one never knows when an opportunity to pursue such an approach may come. For one to turn his or her managerial dreams into reality, he or she needs to take the right steps of molding the thoughts into a tangible and valuable reality. One needs to follow the right steps.

To begin with, one needs to assess the impact of their idea to the whole management (Gerber, 2018). That is how does the idea achieve the organization’s goal and by what extent. This is the most crucial stage. It ensures that one puts into action only the ideas that yield positive impacts to their organization. Secondly, one needs to invest in the approach to see if it can achieve its intended goals (Gerber, 2018). This is followed by mapping out where to start. Consistently, call several members of the organization and ask them what they think about the idea being put in to action.

The second lesson from the Mukundbhai lecture is that one should not be tempted to abuse power or a position to get his or her way. Power is an important yet a delicate part of any organization (Newman, Jennifer; Grigg, Darryl;, 2008). As a leader one must understand the power they hold, what happens when it is misused and what happens when it is used correctly? If a leader does not use his or her power well, the organization may suffer seriously. A leader, who uses their power correctly, when making decisions about management in an organization, motivates stuff and pushes the employees to a greater achievement. Overusing power to get a way is not a always efficient to get the necessary results. One is needed to try and minimize the manner in which he or she depends on his or her power when making decisions. It is strengthening when one knows the specifics to use to make your idea come to reality. Building on natural talent maximizes strengths (Robert & Kaplan, 2013).

Assessing the Impact of Ideation

When making managerial decisions, it is good for a leader to create a balance between emotions and logic more so when communicating to others. Feelings are real and trying to limit them; ones potential is closed down.  This enables a manager to respond diligently while maintaining a positive climate for communication. Ignoring what the members of an organization feel affects their functionality in the organization (Lukens, 2016). It is good to persuade the members of the team assertively. This helps to solve complex projects which might seem complicated.

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From the second lecture, effective communication is very vital to any organization. Communication plays a significant role in team relations (Richards, 2018). Organizations team is paramount because it serves as a link between the organization and the target audience. It is the building block of any organization. It keeps the foundation of any business. It helps organizations leader to understand how to make individual decisions concerning the management of the organization. The decision-making process gets resources from communication, and if things get tough, the same conversation provides an alternative course of action. A well-informed leader will have a better attitude towards decision making in an organization than a less informed leader. This can be achieved by introducing different forms of communication in an organization such as magazines, journals and regular meetings (EduKart, 2013).

No organization can survive in isolation in the current world. Socialization is the main idea behind the success of any organization. This is well guaranteed for by an excellent communication. Managers get to know about the grievances of their managers through the connection. This helps in controlling process of the management.  A leader of any organization should see the way, follow the road and show the way (Sarmad, 2017). He or she should be able to make a difference between success and failure in an organization. Futuristic vision, honesty and integrity, and confidence are the fundamental principles of any good leader. 

A self-reflects tool is a tool that one uses to exercise introspection and their desire to learn a lot about their fundamental nature, purpose, and significance (McCausland, 2003). Self-reflection is like a looking into a mirror and describing what you observe. It is the way through which one assesses themselves, their ways of working and their methods on how to study. It only means thinking about something. A self-reflect tool has been critical to me. It has enhanced my knowledge through several ways. To begin with, it has helped me to develop my skills as well as reviewing their essence instead of just doing things the way I used to do them. The self-reflect tool is all about questioning your actions in a positive way. That is why you do something and deciding if there could be a better way of doing what you do more efficiently to make it simpler in future.

Effective Communication

In any activity that I do whether at home or at work, self-reflection is very significant in learning. I don’t think that there is anyone who will use a recipe that went wrong for the first time to prepare a meal with it for the second time. He or she will have learned something and figured out a way of adjusting the initial one or possibly coming up with another one. When am stuck in something, I always figure out where I have gone wrong. This enables me to come up with another better way of dealing with the activity that seemed awkward to me in the first trial. Figuring out the strengths, weaknesses, skills, problems, achievements, happiness and solutions to my events are some of the things that I put more stress on in my daily activities. Self-reflection may seem to be painful, selfish and embarrassing at first but with continued practice, the end product is always fantasticc (Murray, 2014).

Knowledge refers to the process of one’s familiarization with different ideas, events, objects or ways of doing things (Gregg, 2013). It is acquired through experience, discovering or learning. It can also refer to a theoretical understanding of an issue. It can be formal or informal. The acquisition of knowledge involves communication and reasoning. Developing knowledge allows one to have a clear understanding of which cultural and societal expectations shape parts of their actions. It also includes understanding what motivates oneself in their day to day life. Failure to recognize oneself can lead to all manner of complications in the day to day life. One is not supposed to let any individual overstep their personal space. One can develop knowledge if he or she does what he or she feels it is good to do rather than doing what others expect him or her to do. Self-knowledge is like a door that opens a way to wisdom acquisition. It should be treated with great respect. There are several ways in which one can develop knowledge (Natascha, 2013). They include discovering more about oneself and furthering your inner understanding.

The decision-making process is a very critical part of an organizations success. Making the right decisions in an organization is highly reliable on the attributes of critical thinking. Critical thinking is the art of one making sure that he or she uses the best reflection he or she is capable of in any set of circumstances. It involves the ideology to think rationally and reasonably- minded. Thinking must be employed reflectively and independently. Following the right steps helps to make the best decisions since the critical facts are engaged. An organization can be influenced by one’s education, stress or personal beliefs.


EduKart. (2013, January 14). Importance of effective Communication in an Organization. Retrieved from Edukart Blog: https://www.edukart.com/blog/importance-of-effective-communication-in-an-organization/

Gerber, S. (2018). 10 Ways to Turn a Business Idea into a Reality. Retrieved from Bplans: https://articles.bplans.com/10-ways-to-turn-a-business-idea-into-a-reality/

Gregg, H. (2013, December 4). What Is Knowledge? A Brief Primer. Retrieved from Psychology Today: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/theory-knowledge/201312/what-is-knowledge-brief-primer

Lukens, M. (2016, September 3). How Leaders Can Balance Logic And Emotion To Make Better Decisions. Retrieved from How to be a Success at Everything: https://www.fastcompany.com/3057568/how-to-balance-logic-and-emotion-in-order-to-make-better-d

McCausland, S. (2003). First Masterpiece of Chinese Painting. British Museum Press.

Murray, B. (2014, December 17). Reflecting on Your Inner Self. Retrieved from Mind Tools: https://www.mindtools.com/blog/reflecting-on-your-inner-self/

Natascha, C. (2013, August 27). 4 Ways to Improve Your Self-Knowledge and Awareness. Retrieved from Inside Highered: https://www.insidehighered.com/blogs/gradhacker/4-ways-improve-your-self-knowledge-and-awareness

Newman, Jennifer; Grigg, Darryl;. (2008, March 19). Company suffers when leaders abuse power. Retrieved from Financial Post: https://www.financialpost.com/related/topics/Company+suffers+when+leaders+abuse+power/386746/story.html

Richards, L. (2018, February 20). How Effective Communication Will Help an Organization. Retrieved from Chron: https://smallbusiness.chron.com/effective-communication-organization-1400.html

Robert, K. B., & Kaplan, R. E. (2013, April 4). Strengths Become Your Weaknesses. Retrieved from Harvard Business Review: https://hbr.org/2013/04/dont-let-your-strengths-become

Rodgers, C. (2016, February 15). Turning your Idea into a Reality. Retrieved from Qut Starters: https://www.qutstarters.com/blog/2016/2/15/turning-your-idea-into-a-reality

Sarmad, H. (2017, February 13). Top 10 Leadership Qualities That Make Good Leaders. Retrieved from Taskque: https://blog.taskque.com/characteristics-good-leaders/