Machine Inefficiencies And Supply Chain Management In Australian Steel Firms

Risk of Machine Inefficiencies in Steel Manufacturing Industry

Discuss about the Agribusiness Supply Chain Risk Management.

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The research question is in relation to supplies chain risk management and it seeks to determine whether the supply chains of Australian steel manufacturing firms are exposed to risks in the existing global business network and I have identified a specific engineering risk which the machine inefficiencies as a risk in supply chain management during the production process of steel is can affect the whole supply chain of steel products to the target market (Brindley, C., 2017). The question is framed as; Does machine inefficiencies affect the supply chain process of steel in the Australian Steel company? And the hypothesis was that machine inefficiencies which is a common risk in manufacturing industries is a major setback in the supply chain management and strategies to mitigate this risk should be put in place by the industry because when the machines stop to function, the whole production process stops and this affects the amount of steel products available in the market from the company hence the company might lose its customers to other competing firms within the same industrial setting(Zhao, L. and Huchzermeier, A., 2018). The relevance of the research question is to help steel manufacturing firms to maximize profits through minimization of the time wasted in repairing the damaged machines which might be critical in the production process.

Machine inefficiency refers to the situation where the machine fails to operate normally as a result of damages in some parts. When the damage occurs then we conclude that the machine is inefficient (Keilhacker, M.L. and Minner, S., 2017). Damages might be in the following ways:

Motor malfunctioning; this is where the motors that runs the conveyer belts crucial for the continuous flow of raw materials stop to function hence stopping the whole productivity process

Wear and tear; this is where some of the parts that are crucial for the operation of certain machine parts wear due to friction and lack of oiling

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Break downs; this is a common setback inmost of the manufacturing firms where machines break down hence whole process has to be delayed for repairing to be done.

Clogging, some parts may be blocked such as the oil filters hence the machines over heat and stop to function hence delaying the manufacturing process in the firm.

According to Welman, C., Kruger, F. and Mitchell, B., 2005, a good research methodology should be adopted by the researcher to come up with findings hence this part deals with the methodology adopted for the study by the researcher. It includes the research approach and design, the geographical area where the study was undertaken, description of the respondents of the study selected by the researcher, tools and methods of data collection, variables studied, pilot study and the statistical techniques used for analysis and interpretation of the data.

Research Methodology

During the research to establish whether machine inefficiencies affect the supply chain process in the steel industries in Australia the following instruments are going to be used to collect the data (Neuman, W.L., 2013).

According to Kothari, C.R., 2004, use of questionnaires is one of the methods of data collection in research hence I am going to design five hundred questionnaires which I will issue to employees in various steel manufacturing firms in Australia where I shall be able to obtain the feedback of the employees regarding the effect of machine inefficiency on the supply chain management process. This method fits in my research question of whether machine inefficiency affect the supply chain management process because it is going to give various individuals opportunity to give their views on the same.

In order to obtain the views as to whether machine inefficiency affects the supply chain management process in the firms I am going to interview the mechanical departments and the procurement departments of various firms which will enable me to makes conclusions and recommendations regarding my research question. This method is important regarding my research question because I will be in a position to obtain the feedback from the mechanical engineering experts who really know various machine inefficiencies with their effects in the manufacturing process which further affects the supply chain management process in the organizational products.

This is a preliminary study of the universe to ascertain the feasibility of the research instruments to be used for the study (K?r?lmaz, O. and Erol, S., 2017). The pilot study will enable me to determine the structure of my questions in the questionnaire to make it more clear and predictable and informative. This is vital to my research question of whether machine inefficiency has an influence in supply chain management process in steel manufacturing firms in Australia, because it is going to help me identify contracting issues in my questionnaire and delete them and after reframing the questions this will enable me to obtain good responses from the respondents.

I am going to conduct an experiment regarding the effect of machine inefficiency in supply chain risk management where I will visit the firms that are operating without machine inefficiencies and record how the production units are together with the supplies they make to the market and I will also be able to identify the supply chain from the manufacturer to the consumer and record the efficiency as a result of smooth flow of operations. I will also visit a firm that has always been experiencing problems in supply chain process and determine the efficiency of the operations regarding to the regularity of its supplies and how the supply chain management process is affected as a result of the slow production. This is significant in my research because it shall enable me to make a clear conclusion regarding the impact of the risk of machine inefficiencies to the supply chain management process within the organization

Data Collection Methods

According to Kumar, S. and Phrommathed, P., 2005, a clear procedure should be established for data collection hence during my research I will use the following research procedural methods to collect the relevant data required for the formulation of analysis and conclusions regarding my research.

I am going to request journals for various manufacturing firms and establish the machine inefficiency trends and the causes and how the whole scenarios affected the supply chain management process within the organization by comparing and contrasting various results from different firms in Australia. This research method is of significance in my research because it will enable me to make clear conclusion about the effect of machines inefficiency to the supply chain management process as a result of affecting manufacturing of the goods (K?r?lmaz, O. and Erol, S., 2017).

I am going to create a survey regarding my research question in the various survey websites where it is going to be accessed by many in Australia both the retired and the current employees who will be in a position to give their views regarding the same (Fan, H., Li, G., Sun, H. and Cheng, T.C.E., 2017). This method is significant because I shall obtain feedback from not only the workforce from various firms but also from retired employees who once worked for the firm

From my research I found out that most of the steel manufacturing firms in Australia suffered the risk of machine inefficiency due to the following:

  • Lack of a planned schedule of service and maintenance of the machines which is very crucial because risks may be identified earlier and mitigated
  • Most of the steel manufacturing firms absorbed mechanical engineering students who worked without closer supervision hence most of the machine problems are caused by such cases due to the risk of negligence among the attaches
  • Most of the firms never had enough spare parts in the store to replace the worn-out parts resulting to the break downs hence delay in the manufacturing and as a result there are usually few final products to be supplied in the market.
  • Most of the steel manufacturing firms do not have policies regarding negligence by employees that usually result to machine break down hence employees may do it intentionally to achieve a specific target.
  • Machine inefficiency leads to profit loss for the organization as a result of reduction in supplies in the market.
  • Machine inefficiency is caused by lack of proper training and development of the newly recruited mechanical engineers who lack specific skills for machine risk assessment and taking the precautionary measures to mitigate the risk                   

Machines are the important organization asset that facilitate production in any given industrial setting. When the machines break down the manufacturing process is hindered hence only few products will be supplied hence shorter market chains from the supplier to the consumer affecting the supply chain management process since some parties in business may not be involved hence with time they may quit the business hence minimizing the market covered by the organizational products. Risks that might lead to machine inefficiency should be mitigated before they result to losses by following the mitigation strategies laid within the organization.

From the experiment analysis that I was able to carry out among the several firms, I was able to establish that when firms mitigate the risks involved in the production process which machine inefficiency is one of the risks under my study, the supply chain management process will be efficient hence continuous production due to a wide market and availability of the products to the consumers(Hugos, M.H., 2018). Firms that had no machine inefficiencies were thriving better than those firms that experienced frequent break downs.


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