Management Issues At JayB Insurance Company: Analysis Of Motivation, Retention, And Training And Development

Introduction to JayB Insurance Company

Discuss about the Symbolic Compliance to Modern HRM.

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Effective management is a critical aspect of every organization as it dives the organization to success. The major organization resources are the human resources, which when not managed efficiently, lacks work motivation hence reduces the level of individual productivity that translates to the entire organization (Jisung et al 2015, p.901). Apart from effective management, the workforce needs to be divers regarding age, gender, and skills to behave a long-term growth and development. All these management issues need strategic administrations skills. The paper examines the management issues in JayB Insurance Company, taking into account the motivation, retaining retention and training and development.

JayB is an audit firm based in Australia focusing on the provision of professional financial advice, auditing, human capital, tax and economic services and was developed in 1992, The acquisition when Lakewood Vane and co-opened for the business. The major purpose of the company is to provide services that will drive customers to have maximum experience. The company growth has always been based on the ability to embrace of the sexual orientation and cultural diversity thus being recognized as the equal opportunity to all irrespective of the gender. For the sustainability, the company has continued to invest in innovation of new services through acquisition, alliance, and growth. The company is faced up with for significant factors of management as a result of the recruiting and promotion strategy that was adopted by the managing in the past 30 years. The internal recruitment and development resulted into numerous old top managers, who had stayed in that firm for quite a long time, making them feel the most powerful hence intimidation the young employees who were externally recruited. The intimidation and slow response to junior staffs concerns have led to high rate of turnover of about two employees per three months.

The company practiced internal recruitment to promote the staffs for quiet and long time. This resulted in the promotion of most crews to top management positions depending on the period of employment with the organization (Ash, Hodge & Connel 2013, p.98).  Internal recruitment offers employee within the organization better chances of advancing the career into a higher level of the management, a move that eventually motivates them to work harder since the level of performance considers each promotion(Giggs et al 2015,p.218). However, the practice in a long run always places the organizations into the more disadvantaged way.  Such organizations always find it difficult to change the style of operation since in most cases, with the high level of technology and advancement of human resource strategies. Organization changes are important for the advancement, but this always becomes more difficult with organizations that are practicing internal recruitment since every employee from the junior staffs to the top managers are all used to one nature of organizational behavior and culture. Any change always causes strikes and rejections hence find it difficult to develop.

Management Issues in JayB Insurance Company

The practice of internal promotion left out the new potential young recruits out during the top managers recruiting, a training that many did not take well, leaving them no choice but to look for better opportunities resulting into high employee turnover. The resentment caused by the different job shots by the recruiting team tends to cause disagreements not only between the employees and the management buts also among the employees themselves(St-Sauveur, Girouard & Goyette 2014,p.233).In every organization, the performance of all individuals always translates to the performance of the entire organization. Hence the JayB company performance reduced over time especially after the time’s recruitment times as a large number of employees who were disappointed tend to withdraw full service to the organization.

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JayB Company prefers internal recruitment and promotion since the employees are always well conversant with the organization’s culture and skills. The new staffs in those respective positions always require no or minimal training unlike in the external new hires that must be inducted and well trained to adapt to the organizational cultures (Zhao & Cao 2017, p.17. However, the internal recruitment poses the greatest threat of locking out dives ideas and skills that are significant for the organization development. Consequently, JayB Company ends up having old top managers.

The worker motivation driven by promotion is not the best strategy to the JayB Company, as an employee might underperform on the assignments that are the most relevant to their current jobs and over perform on the tasks that are related to the higher- level position that they aspire. This leads to having top managers in the company that is not able to deliver.

 JayB Company should employ both internal and external promotion and recruitment process to resolve the looming problem of having a large pool of managers retiring at the same time.  The two concepts will cover the expenses of training. Through extensive training of the external recruits, the company is capable of installing the culture and skills into the new employees.

JayB Insurance Company does not intensively engage in employee training and development. Practice is a program that aids employees to learn specific skills and knowledge attributed to a particular task, to improve the performance of both the employee and the organization. On the other hand, development refers to an extensive focus on and employee growth that will impact the future performance rather than the job role (Mastracci & Arreola 2016, p.138). Proper training helps organizations to retain the right employees that have a positive impact on the profit growth of the organization. Adequate preparation of junior staffs helps the organizations expense as it is more cheaply than hiring top talented expertise and also supports the employees to develop in directions that are in line with their career plans.

Impact of Internal Recruitment and Promotions on Employee Turnover

Through adoption of effective training JayB company will reduce the problems of low performance of the top managers that were promoted concerning the number of years they have been employed. JayB Company Strategic training and development should focus on the design and the implementation of the skills and knowledge used in auditing and tax calculations(Naveed et al.,2017,p90). The training model of the company should focus on issues such as commitment, productivity, collaboration and compliance of the employees.

The process of training and development should advance to an effective knowledge management system: a method that will ensure that information is shared across employees. The knowledge gained during the training is essential to the whole organization even in the future recruits (Yu, Bei & Butt 2017, p.243). The most likely knowledge management system that can be applied by JayB Company is the use of interconnected communication systems between the head office and the field’s workers hence improves the efficiency of the company. Adequate training should follow systematic steps:

Training Needs Analysis identifies the specific job and task performance that requires more skills for the development. For example, in the JayB Company, the training opportunities include the use of auditing rules and regulations, the practical ways of doing auditing among many others.

Training Instructional design- the TID helps in deciding, compiling and producing useful training program content that includes aspects such as exercise, activities and some equipment such as a computer for that specific job training technique. The design should be simple to understand and long to remember for every member of the trainees.

Training validation requires that the training program to contain a considerable number of trains that are easy to manage during the training session. Having large number or the whole group of employees tend to be hectically resulting in ineffective training impact therefore, the whole lot of employees should be divided into smaller portions that are trained systematically. Implementation of the training program should target only the group of employees that went through the training program, to ease the evaluation of the success of the program.

Several training methods impact employees with considerable skills and knowledge. However, JayB Company mostly practices on-site training method because most of the recruits were taken within the organization (Karve & Dias 2016, p.18). At times the company could bring in some trainers from outside to offer skills and knowledge’s to the new young manager. The on-site training has several advantages and disadvantages to the organization. Lets start by looking at the benefits that the training method posed to the organization.

Need for Diversity in the Workforce

The greatest preferred standpoint of on-site is the job training area. The training done on the organization’s premises, representative’s spare profitable time, which generally would have been lost on driving from another area to the trainer (Florea & Mihai 2014, p.302). On location preparing likewise enables the association to be allowed to roll out a minute ago improvements and roll out extra enhancements to who may or won’t be useful to incorporate into the preparation. For instance, a tasks director who could impart a couple of encounters to the class or a cutting-edge official who may sit in the following accessible preparing program.

Individuals can share sensitive hierarchical information and used as strong representations in the midst of instinctive and classified workshop sessions in complete certainty. Upper-administration may prepare particular mid-leveled officials on the inner workings of the association.

Associations can customize every last part of the preparation procedure and also tweak the lessons as indicated by the organization’s arrangements. Directing employees on which direction the organization might want them to center around for a particular day and age or money related year.

Employees are capable of formulating new skills, create prevailing ranges of abilities, and compile new information about items and administrations that will influence their at career advancement. Given that most of the preparation and training programs from colleges and preparing establishments are very tedious and costly on individual based preparation. With on location preparing representatives don’t need to time out of the workplace and rather clock back to function when the preparation is finished and since they depend on bunch lessons, the cost for such preparing is fundamentally diminished.

With on location preparing, preparing can be booked to the association’s needs and learning and improvement experts can design preparing to suit their own staffs instead of the standard classroom style of colleges which have a predefined plans that frequently conflict with work hours.

While many staffs are offered training chances on their first days of the job, on-site training continues throughout their employment period in the organization, updating them on the new changes as brought in by the management. Since organization forms are continually developing, it’s essential that delegates are offered access to new preparing and remain forward. On location, preparation gives experts the chance to develop their capacities or get some answers concerning new subjects within their strength to stay able and creative with industry patterns or new bits of knowledge that may give them a favorable position at work.

Strategic Administration for Growth and Development

The experimental training entails intuitive training to a higher level that will help the company from having a manager that is unable to deliver. According to the innovative training, participants learn in a “hands-on” and intelligent condition that connects with both their psyches and feelings through an assortment of experiential exercises. These “remarkable” and creative exercises create inward development and result in a more elevated amount of information and aptitudes the members can instantly actualize to enhance their execution. Advantages and more about experiential

Interactive training prepares participants through a watch and listens to event whereby information is being exhibited and then expected to undertake complete unmistakable exercises. Intelligent preparing appears as breakout exercises, dialogs, hone, critical thinking exercises and appraisals. This approach encourages members to ace materials and thoughts through a hands-on environment. Virtual conveyance enables the training arrangement gives live, teacher drove preparing with the advantages of sparing your association valuable time and cash. The company’s virtual conveyance arrangements are advantageous for preparing representatives in numerous areas and maintaining a strategic distance from exorbitant travel costs. Take in more about our Webinars/video chatting preparing.

Trainees take part in three different steps that are important, these are: the corporate-level system; the business-level methodology and the capacity level technique. These levels are supposed to be executed in a programed manner to enable maximum benefit to the company and the participants. Bothe the ciorporate abd the buisness leve in the JayB insurance Conpany should be admisnisterd by the human resource department.

At that point, will revolve on its practical procedure, particularly the HR system (Jie 2017, p.1789). Apart from the above mentioned variables, JayB insurance company administration forms its minimal effort creator on work training that will eventually help in accomplishing the objectives of the company at reduced and manageable level. Through the reduced cost and energy exhibited by HR pratices, JayB is capable to keeping and improving to the highest level of competency.

The fundamental preface that concealed SHRM is that affiliations grasping a particular method require HR practices that isn’t exactly the same as those required by affiliations getting elective frameworks Generally, there are three SHRM theoretical models in the examination of this educating: the universalistic endorsed systems, the conceivable perspective of “best fit” and the benefit based game plan perspective(Rana 2013,p.4).

The following is a thought of the three models to take a gander at the HR sharpens at JayB, however essentially pick the likelihood perspective of “best fit.” With this view, the individual HR practices will be picked given the likelihood of the specific setting of an association. Like the JayB has an assorted corporate system with those retailers with detachment methodology, which develops the essential possibility factor in the SHRM writing (Ren 2010, p.99). Also, we ought to be reminded that the individual HR practices will collaborate with a firm methodology to bring about authoritative execution, and only for this connection impacts make the “all-inclusive accepted procedures” may not have any significant bearing so well in a particular organization. In the above part we have put awesome accentuation in recognizing and breaking down the essential possibility factor of JayB’s corporate methodology, so in the accompanying part we’ll look at the “wellness” of HR hones in JayB with this hypothetical model, which is clearly likewise the reconciliation procedure of HR hones with the possibility factors to some degree.

As there are the HR strategies and exercises, (for example, how the organization enrolls, chooses, and prepares and remunerates representatives) that contain the HR framework itself, here, we could delineate the incorporation just by the arrangement of the HR exercises. From the enrollment, JayB has attempted its best to decrease the cost thinking about such a huge number of its representatives. For instance, the New York Times (January 2004) gave an account of an internal JayB review which discovered “broad infringement of youngster work laws and state directions requiring time for breaks and dinners.” The shoddy cost of kids works and minors influence it to procure more cost upper hand over different organizations. JayB additionally confronted a flood of claims asserting that the organization oppresses laborers with inabilities, for the enlistment of these folks implies giving more offices to them and the loss of proficiency to some degree

JayB Company experience high rate of employee turnover, resulting from the poor management strategies that are capable of retaining the employees. The high rate of turnover is quite expensive and waste quite a lot of time to the company due to various recruitment processes is done.  Low-level turnover is much acceptable in some organizations since it offsets potential stagnancy, encourages innovation and eliminates low performers (Palma 2016, p.9). The turnover can be reduced through application of proper retention strategies by the management team. The developed retention strategies must ensure that it addresses the employee’s needs and concerns leading to low turnover(Areola 2015,p.38). The retention process is explained through the use of motivator-hygiene theory or two-factor theory and process theory.

The two-factor theory developed by Herzberg denotes that employee’s retention decision lies on two issues: that either is satisfied or dissatisfied. According to the theory, some job factors results in satisfaction that makes the employee remain in the organization for quite a long period, while some job factors lead to dissatisfaction resulting in high turnover of employees (Pandza et al 2015, p.101). The satisfaction factors are various such as good salary that enables the employee to acquire all the basic needs that eventually stabilizes the physiological and psychological elements.  In this case, money can be used by the JayB Company as a motivator for a longer period of engagement.

On the other hand the dissatisfying factors include strict rules and lack of appreciation in case of good performance leading to a reduction of working morale. Additionally, the flat organizational structure of the JayB Company also leads to high rate of turnover, as prospective employees don’t see any position available for promotion. Hence they tend to look for better places in other jobs. The theory designed a systematic step in creating satisfying job situation to employees; these are: eliminating the job dissatisfaction factors such as through facing the poor company policies(Mumbai 2017,p.35). These policies may include the refund of transport money used by field officers during the auditing of various firms. Second is the creation of job satisfying conditions such as recognizing employee’s contributions and giving more responsibilities to the customers.

Employee motivation is the key determinant of organization performance. Motivation through incentives and rewards tends to ignite the effort of an individual and directs the whole energy towards achieving the assigned task (Hitka et al2017, pp.7889). The improved profitability of an individual and the whole group translates to the enhanced performance of the entire organization, therefore; organizations that use an enormous pool of rewards tend to have high performance.

 In JayB the production is low because the individual achievements are not always appreciated, the salary is not in accordance to the market range, and it takes a long time like five years for an employee in the company to have the pay increased(Dias 2015,p.215). Employees tend to get tired of waiting for the five years hence look for new opportunities. In many organizations, performance has been enhanced through the use of motivation concepts and theories such as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Herzberg’s Hygiene model, McGregor’s Theories among many others.

Both the theories entails with changing the motivational factor that influences the nature of the behavior of the employees and was developed by Sigmund Freud and McGregor respectively. The theory X states that people work only to gain security and that staffs motivation is through coercion, rewards, and punishment (du Plooy & Roodt 2010,p.8).  On the other hand, McGregor using Theory Y stated that people enjoyed work and responsibility and tended to be committed if the work is satisfying with enough incentives.  The theory x is an authoritarian style as most of the emphasis is placed on the products rather than the employees. However, the theory is perceived as a cynical way of employee management, and that is evidential in the JayB Company, whereby the lifestyle of the employees are of the least impotence to the administration.  The strict rules and low salary makes the employee’s absenteeism rate to be high, and most of them fail to accomplish the assigned task in minimal or under no supervision.

The company can only achieve better organizational performance, through investing in employee reward system the use of the Theory Y. The theory states that management should be participative, whereby employees can exercise self-direction and self-control in achieving the objectives of the organization. JayB Company through delegating more duties to the employees that will make them feels trusted with responsibilities (Sarmad et al 2016, p.180). These employees will strive to do well, an act that will be like a motivator to them, hence increasing the productivity of the whole organization. Consequently, the assigned tasks will make the junior employees turnover reduce as they get committed to the organization, thus solving the impending problem of top managers retiring leaving a gap in the management.

The process theory suggests that two motivational systems that are extrinsic and intrinsic are the main motivator factors (Young 2014, p.56) The intrinsic motivators entail those that result from the actual performance of an assignment  such as achievement and competency among others. While extrinsic motivators entails things like feedback, a promotion that come from the working environment and are controlled by others. The process theory suggests that shift of either external or the internal rewards affect motivation level of an employee and therefore should be treated differently and concurrently.

The process theory state that psychologically, the motivation of an individual is based on specific forces and the process is always more applicable than the Maslow and Herzberg Theories. These theories provide more realistic approach to increasing the performance of an employee through expectancy technique, goal achievement technique, and equity technique.

Expectancy technique was developed by Vroom, who indicated that valence or values that an individual considers from an output tend to increase the performance (Maryniak 2017, p.324). For example in the JayB Company, the performance of the employee will improve when they know that their effort will earn them an opportunity to be considered for a high level if not a direct ticket to the position. Therefore, by recognizing that, the employee will become work harder to capture the attention of the recruiters.

The goal technique developed by Locke and Latham indicates that motivation and performance are quite higher for individuals that have specific goals unlike those that don’t have goals.  In the situation of JayB Company, it is observable that the employees that have strong urge to be managers or have specific leadership roles tend to be best performers than those that don’t want any functions in the organization. Human resource management of the organization therefore can employ the goal technique to improve the performance of the organization.

Equity Technique indicates that employees who are capable of predicting and evaluating that they are fairly treated in an organization will get motivated to work harder to continue getting the favors form the employers.  The equity technique can be used by the JayB Company to change the behaviors of all the employees to enhance the performance of the entire organization since the reward that will be awarded to the employee will make them satisfied and work harder.


Organization behavior is determined by the nature of management that impact the employee’s behavior through various practices such as motivation, training and development, retention and recruitment.  Employees motivation is theoretically explained through McGregor’ Theory that suggests that the two fundamental approaches to managing people.  In many occasion such as in JayB company applies theory x, resulting in poor performance. Therefore, to achieve better performance and results, managers must allow people to grow and develop knowledgeable strategies.

Organization motivational systems are basically either unforeseen or inherent. For each situation, be that as it may, the way of influencing the technique to work is through acknowledgment. With sudden inspiration, where workers seek after a particular objective, the acknowledgment is the reward, gift voucher or another reward. With original inspiration, where profitability is the essential esteem, acknowledgment comes in more simple structures. This could incorporate companion exchanges or give worker groups self-sufficiency over particular items

Employees turnover tend to be high as a result of numerous job dissatisfaction factors such as low salary, job insecurity among others. JayB Company should reorganize the organization structure from a flat to a hierarchical system to create new positions for promotions.  Consequently, Effective training also promotes employee retention in an organization since through training employees get required knowledge.

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