Management Services Of ABC Revamp Project

Key Deliverables

Discuss about the Management Services Of ABC Revamp Project.

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ABC Limited is a Singapore based firm that is into logistics management services. Services provided by the company include warehousing, logistics, contained deport management and transport management. Its clients include both local and international organizations like Mitsui O.S.K. Lines and A.P. Moller-Maersk A/S.

The valuation of the company is more than $1 billion after 30 years of working. The aim of this project is the enhance the IT infrastructure of the security unit of the company which operates with the offshore marine for the oil and gas distribution. For this revamp, the total budget allotted is SGD 90,000 and the specifications are approved. The schedule is also allotted for a definite period to achieve the targets of this project.

The key deliverables of this revamping project include:

  • Windows 7 installed with the latest antivirus/security software over all the workstations.
  • Data back up and data restoration should be done during the installation.
  • The weekly status report of project’s progress should be prepared and discussed at team meetings.
  • Record action items discussed in meeting on Minutes of Meeting (MOM) and follow up with it thereafter.
  • Project Plan is to be prepared and approval to be taken for that
  • A formal sign off has to be provided by Higher management
  • The resources are required to be identified and roles and responsibility assigned.
  • The project plan would be shared by project manager
  • The project signoff for delivery items and time by the Project Manager

The project have certain technical requirements:

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  • The Risk Mitigation Plan preparation and review of this plan by a dedicated team before the actual enhancement is carried out
  • Maintaining of company data and resources integrity
  • A centralized server must store data such that users can retrieve this data only after they are verified and authorized.
  • Development of a stable and secure platform.
  • To perform routine operations of the company.
  • Technical training and motivation for the company employees


  • Delivery: The required deliveries of project items as have to be made as per specified project timelines.
  • Resources: The project has to be completed using resources approved  by the customer.
  • Budget: The project has to complete all deliveries within the allotted budget and if additional resources are required, approvals have to be taken for additional budget
  • Time: The project has to follow the timelines when completing requirements. If additional resources are needed to adhere to these timelines, it can increase costs and the project may not remain feasible.
  • Resources: Resources that are skilled must only be deployed on the project for delivering assignments as they have to adhere to schedule and at the same time deliver quality.


  • Data Backup removal of operation bottlenecks       
  • KPIs
  • Backup data can be used in case of disaster through a recovery process.
  • Windows server 2010 would be used for streamlining the operations and removing blockages by 70%.

Strategic Alignment

The project is suggested for the company with an aim to satisfy their growing needs. It must facilitate business processes and increases the company revenues. The company should either perform as pr customer expectations or should exceed them.

Product requirement

Deliverable component

Install Windows server 2010

windows server 2010 to be installed on all computers

Install Anti-virus

An updated version of anti-virus has to be installed on all machines

Network connectivity

Full network access to be provided to all machines

Upgrade software

All software should be upgrades on all systems.


Task Name



IT Infrastructure Enhancement

190 days



39 days


            Requirement Analysis

5 days


             Feasibility study & Feasibility Analysis Report Submission

5 days


            Creation of Project Plan

3 days


            Finalize the list of delivery items

3 days


            Prepare communication plan

5 days


            Creation of Test Plan

5 days


            Creation of Change Request Plan

5 days


            Prepare Risk Management & Mitigation Plan

5 days



3 days


  Design & Analysis

85 days


            Hardware Configuration

30 days

            Perform compatibility study

10 days

              Perform market survey

7 days

            Creation of configuration Plan (Computers)

5 days

            Submission of material – bill

5 days

            Approval on the bill Amount

3 days


            Vendor Selection

45 days

            Submission of tender for hardware

15 days

            Checklist preparation for vendor selection

5 days

            Identify hardware vendors

5 days


20 days


            Data Backup

10 days


  Purchase & Store

36 days


            Raise purchase order for hardware

11 days

            Checking the quality of the hardware

5 days

            Transfer the parts in the warehouse

6 days



25 days

            Machine identifications for hardware upgrade

4 days

            Software installation on identified machines

3 days

            Demo Presentation to the company management

3 days

            Perform Enhancement to the client

15 days


  Test and deployment

30 days


            Machine Test

24 days

            Machine Portability Testing

20 days


4 days


            Network testing

6 days

            Check the connectivity and data flow in machine placed on the network

3 days


3 days


Change Request: Domain networking

Project:  Revamp Project

Date: 20/01/15

Change Requestor: Management board

Change No: 1

Change Category (Check all that apply):

? Schedule      ? Cost ? Scope           ? Requirements/Deliverables

? Testing/Quality        ? Resources   

Does this Change Affect (Check all that apply):

? Corrective Action    ? Preventative Action ? Defect Repair          ? Updates

? Other

Describe the Change Being Requested:

One of the change requested is the addition of a security layer in the upgraded machines. The machines have to be placed on the company network and all the connecting services like mailing and file hosting have to be banned on these machines. The changes required are important to the company as they are related to security which is crucial aspect of the company. Significant time as well as efforts would be needed to make these changes. The changes would prevent employees for making use of company systems for personal use. Thus, these systems would be safe and the security solutions that would be enabled would further strengthen the security by preventing it from virus attacks. The transferring of the domain on which services would be placed would require additional port for support from the server. This would require construction of port holders for all the systems. On upgraded machines, CISCO agent would also be provided.

Describe the Reason for the Change:

Security has been a major concern for the company for long and thus, an upgrading with addition of security layer was sought. The company systems also faced virus attacks in past due to the lack of proper security. The company has planned to upgrade one unit as a pilot. After this installation, it was realized that more than one employees were using a single system. Moreover, some of them were not well accustomed to working machines and thus, there was a risk that they could end up installing an unofficial software or do personal activities like emailing. This would make the system vulnerable. Thus, changes in registry would not be allowed such that users can only open the company permitted websites.

Alternatives Considered:

Requested change can be managed without the allotment of additional resource and thus, no alternative is suggested.

Technical Changes Required for implementation:

·         The network engineer would be given responsibility for installing CISCO software on the systems

·         Additional ports that are required and the CISCO software would be purchased

Risks due to these Change:

·         There can be added cost to the budget due to additional port requirements.

Estimated Resources and Costs for Implementing Change:

·         Resources would be used for ports set-up and CISCO installation

·         The cost of the change is $50,000.


? Approve       ? Reject          ? Defer

Justification of Approval, Rejection, or Deferral:

Reason for change is logical.



Task Name


Domain networking


Purchase ports and set-up materials


Identify port locations


Identify and set-up ports


Identify server machine


Set-up server machine


Connect machine ports to server ports


Place machines on company domain


Install CISCO software


Test machines



The subsequent outputs are the result of the project-

  • Low and high level necessities
  • Plan for allocating resources with description of the job
  • Plan of the project
  • Results of market research
  • Controlling procedures.

The requirement for the aggressive system of information was caused due to the tactical pro-notation of the tourism focused government established society, located in Canada. The main aim of the system was the generation of timely and high quality intelligence which would assist the numerous managers of production to take tactical actions and decisions so that the Canadian Tourism Industry is benefitted. The explanation of the advantages of the system is provided below-

  • The administrator will be knowledgeable regarding the locations which were performing better when compares to other locations. Therefore, by utilizing this intelligence, the largest amount of benefits can be timely yielded. A major indicator of the performance for this advantage will be the amount of reports which can be provided with the necessary accuracy in comparison to the amount of reports which can be generated with the consequential accuracy
  • The subsequent advantage will be knowledge of all the risks and benefits.

The major goals of the specific agency of the government is collection of intelligence, processing and utilizing it so that it can be used for promotion and marketing of Canada as a destination for tourists. Additionally, other goals consists of helping the neighboring tourist agencies and companies, offers them with critical intelligence which might assist them in serving consumers better, offers them with operational support and other objectives. Keeping this in consideration, the aggressive system of intelligence is focused on bridging the gap by providing superior quality intelligence like the dynamics of the market, competitions and other various activities.

The authority had taken into assumption numerous things which were not true, in every regard. This was clearly expressed in ways which were lacking either the proper experience in regards to the development of the system or the management of the project or they were too sluggish while the project was going on. A proper plan for the project is not made on the basis of unrealistic suppositions. The project needed realistic suppositions which are based on broad contextual research. The biggest mistake which was made by the main management was to initiate the whole project on the basis of various suppositions. The first and major supposition was the fact that only one model of aggressive system of information was present and that this model was sufficient for the entire project. The management was not knowledgeable regarding the numerous system of intelligence – which were being presently used – within the market have been personalized and modified in accordance with the requirements and wants of a specific company. Due to this misinterpretation or lack of comprehension, the authority made a decision to duplicate attributes of the present model within their patented and future aggressive system of information. Additionally, they believed that the present system can be transferred without any alterations being done. The plan of the project was the most critical phase of all the project phases. If anything which might get sabotaged during this phase, the whole project might be sabotaged and a digestive system could be produced which might be quite hazardous. This supposition was done at the very start and it proved to be quite successful, but it may have been a failure. This is due to the fact that a complicated system of information is unique to the company and an individual system which works for all companies is quite rare.

A precise instance for a proper planning of a project was the time when the authority took the decision to locate the proper standards of the industry and the finest practices. They precisely segmented the whole team of the project into two teams – the 1st team were the internal team who were accountable for creating the groundwork, interface and handling the critical functional components of the whole project. The 2nd team were the external team. This team was made up of consultants and specialists of the industry who were assumed to do the proper research so that the finest practices and standards of the industry. If a project has the real-world standards, standards of the industry and uses the finest practices, it will assist in production of a properly efficient and approved system. This will additionally assist in the production of systems that are powerful, simple to create and straightforward to integrate. On top of this, the project that utilizes the finest practices and benchmarks tend to be more complete and successful.