Managing A Multinational Oil Company Project: Repairing Fuel Tanks In Western Australia

Project Goals and Objectives

The main goals of the multinational oil company are to repair the oil tanks for improving the conditions of tanks of Western Australian site and for reducing the amount of money that is mainly spent by the organization on the environmental fines. In addition to this, it is found that by improving the condition of the fuel tanks assists in enhancing the availability of the tanks in the area if Western Australian site.

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 The factors that assists in measuring the project goals are elaborated below:

 Availability: If the tank of the Western Australian site is easily available then it can be reflected that all the tanks have been repaired and the project goals are successfully achieved.

 Tank repair completion: If the project of Australian site gets completed within the time that is expected then it can be assumed that the project goals are achieved.

Environmental fines reduction: If the money that is paid on environmental fines reduces, then it will be reflected that the goals of the project is achieved.

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  Budget: The repair of the tank gets accomplished within the budget that is provided then it can be analyzed that the goals of the project are effectively achieved.

 The project scope statement is mainly categorized into in scope and out scope.

In-scope: Project in-scope includes:

  • Western Australian site tank repair
  • Environmental fines reduction
  • Increasing availability of the tanks
  • Project completion within the assumed time and approved budget

Out-scope: Out scope of the project includes:

  • Proper details about the project suppliers
  • Information about all the materials that are needed are not elaborated

 The processes as well as methods that are helpful in identifying the scope are elaborated below:

 Focusing on project objectives and aim: If the aim and objectives are determined then it is quite easily to develop the project scope for progressing with the work of the project (Joslin & Muller, 2015).

Analyzing needs of the project: The project manager analyzes the requirements and needs of the project then it will be found as one of the significant step for developing the project scope.

Analyzing project budget and availability of time:  If appropriate analysis about project time and project budget is made then it will be quite easy to determine the project scope (Hornstein, 2015).

Reflecting on constraints and assumptions: It is found that information related with constraints and assumptions of the project are found to be very much essential for determining project scope.

 The stakeholders who are involved with the project are listed below:





Project manager

  The project manager takes the responsibility of executing, managing as well as initiating the entire project of repairing the fuel tanks WA site.



Project planner

 The project planner takes the responsibility of creating proper plan for executing the entire project on time.




The supervisor takes the responsibility of supervising the project activities in order to repair the tan of the project.




 The contractor takes the responsibility of contract for finishing the repair of the tank within the expected budget and time.



Construction manager

 The construction manager takes the responsibility of managing as well as executing each of the activities of the project so that the tank of Western Australian tank can be properly repaired.



Finance manager

The project financial manager is mainly responsible of creating and managing the financial plan of the project for finishing the entire project.



The key project deliverables are listed below:

  • Repair tank 1 which generally have the capacity of 1 million liters of unleaded petrol
  • Repair tank 2 which generally have the capacity of 3 million liters of unleaded petrol
  • Repair the tank 3 that which have capacity of 7 liters of unleaded petrol
  • Resolving the problems and challenges that are associated with the Western Australian site

Project acceptance criteria includes the following:

  • Repair of the tanks must be completed within expected time
  • The project is beneficial in resolving challenges and issues
  • The project will reduce the environmental fines

 It is found that tank repairing project generally undergoes through seven phases of the project. The phases of the project mainly include identification, project preparation, project appraisal, implementation, project monitoring as well as evaluation.

Measuring Project Success

 It is analyzed that the project of Australian site is mainly repaired by utilizing the Agile methodology (Svejvig & Andersen, 2015). It is found that this methodology is mainly used as by using this methodology, the project managers needs to undertake testing as well as quality analysis after completing each of the phase of the project. Additionally, it is found that with the help of this methodology, proper customer service, enhanced project control as well as project related risks can be properly minimized.

The steps or procedures that are generally used for controlling the project are elaborated below:

Controlling project schedule: It is quite essential to use earned value analysis for controlling the budget as well as schedule of the project (Hornstein, 2015). It is found that appropriate management of schedule helps in monitoring the entire project successfully.

Performing quality control: It is necessary to deliver proper quality of the project and for this it is quite essential to perform proper quality control related steps. IN addition to this, it is quite essential to check the project quality for ensuring that the steps that are undertaken assists in delivering proper quality based project.

Controlling project risks: The risks that are present within the project must be determined in each phase of the project so that the risks can be resolved for making sure that the project that was undertaken does not get affected due to the risks (Too & Weaver, 2014).

Report performance: It is found that for monitoring the progress of the project, it is quite essential to make documentation of the project performance. It is found that maintenance of report performance as well as project status report assists in monitoring and controlling the project.

The project success can be analyzed with the help of the steps that are elaborated below:

Reduction in environmental fines: If the environmental fines reduces then it can be analyzed that the project which was undertaken is successful (Chih & Zwikael, 2015).

Timely completion of project: If the project gets completed within the time and budget that is approved by the higher authority of the organization then the project is considered to e successful.

Proper repair of the tank: If the tanks of WA site are properly repaired then it can be analyzed that the project which was undertaken are successful (Conforto et al., 2014).

Enhanced availability of tank: If the number of tanks that are available in Western Australian Site increases then it can be analyzed that the tanks are repaired properly and thus the project can be considered to be successful.

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