Maori Models For Youth Development And Health

The Models

Maori thought about the health is basically on a well-being or the holistic model of health. According to Maori the major deficiency in the current health is spiritual dimension ‘’taha wairua’’. His models mainly focuses on the development of youths. They focus mostly on the health of the people (Reid et al., 2014).  The models have distinct features which makes Maoris models be used mostly in health sectors to explain the development of the youth. There have been a lot of the gap in the development of people. A lot of the youth develop with some negative things in their minds. The problem has adversely affected the living and more so contributed in deteriorating the health in the current society.

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This paper will choose two models from Maoris perspective, it will identify the examples of where the model has been used and it will compare and contrast between the selected two models. It is important to compare and contrast since we will derive the best model which will be most appropriate to be applied (Pitama et al., 2014). Final judgements will also be made and their applicability to youth development as long as health is concerned.

The models

The models which will be used here are E tIpu rea and MAU whereby Mau with cover the youth development.

Model 1

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Te Whare Tapa Wha

This model was developed by the by Dr. Mason Durie in Maoris philosophy towards health that is based on the holistic health and a model of wellness known as Te Whare Tapa Wha. This model states that health is brought about by the four dimensions which are represented by the basic perceptions and believes of life (Brewer & Andrews, 2015). He views health in the following dimensions; Te taha hihengaro meaning psychological health, Te taha wairua meaning spiritual health, Te taha Tiana meaning physical health and the taha whanau meaning relational health. The dimensions can also be the characteristics of the model.

Taha hihengaro (Mental/psychological health)

Dr. Mason describes these as the capability to communicate, to feel and also to communicate. He proposes that thinking and feeling emotions are the crucial components of the body and soul.

Taha wairua (spiritual health)

This describes ones capacity for believing and having faith and the required core values for development. He states that health is relates to things which can never be seen or unspoken powers and energies which is driven by the availability of the spiritual powers (Harfield et al., 2015). This generally determines as individuals and also as collective. It brings questions on who and what are, where we come from and also where we are ending to.

Te whare tapa wha Model

Taha tinana (physical health)

This tackles the capacity for general physical growth and also development. For a proper growth of human beings, there should be a good physical health. Good physical health helps us from external harm and also infections. For Maori, the physical feature is one of the aspects of good health and the wellbeing which can never be excluded from the mind aspects, family and also people spirits.

Taha whanau (family health)

This relates to the capability of belonging, to care and to share what we have whereby the individuals are part of the wider society or social systems (Wilson et al., 2016). The family provides us with the power and the strength be who we are. It is also a link to our ancestors, our connection from the past and also the future. Having the knowledge of the family and how it contributes to illness and its assistance during illness is the base of understanding Maori health issues

Model 2

Te pae mahutoka

Te pae Mahutoka was developed was purposely developed for the development of health by Professor Mason Durie, a leading Maori doctor (Sirichareon, 2015). The model is based on the Southern Cross star constellation known as (Te pae mahutoka) considered as one of the most famous characteristics in the southern skies.

Aspects of Healthy Maori as per the model


This is an expression of the well living which is based on securing the cultural identity of the Maori people. Colonialism according to this model has ruined the culture. There has been a systematic attack on Maori succession, political structure, and land tenure among others. As a result of these diculturization, the leaders have made the necessary efforts to reverse the policies. Colonisation has really resulted to poor health for the indigenous people. Cultural dislocation is becoming a risk factor like in the prevalence of diabetes type two and the personal construction must involve the health issue. Maori communities should be able to access centres of culture and be trained reo Maori training. Health services are advised to work with iwi considering the needs of Maori who are living outside.


This model reflects the essential connection Maori must be having to the land and waters that sustain them and also focusing on the healthy environment. There have been land alienation that has been followed by features like deforestation, pollution and environmental degradation (Gifford et al., 2017). Through this Maori suffer from traditional food access and exposure to the environment that has not been polluted.

Te pae Mahutoka Model


There is also a cultural alienation which leads to poor environment, colonization has also put the health conditions in poor state. There is a poor diet, low exercise and injury rates increases whereas there is a very low access to the drugs.

Te Oraka

This entails participation in the big society taking into consideration of the decision of everyone (Nliania et al., 2016). Due to colonisation, there is a lot of marginalised Maori from the centre of political decision making which leads to discrimination in health leadership.

Te manukura

It is about the leadership whereby the communities participate in the status of their health. For this to go through, the communities must identify the health risks which faces them and their immediate response.

Comparison of the two models

From the discussion of the two models, we have identified several similarities and differences. We have understood that the models have one common goal which is improving the health of the Maori communities. The Maori people we have seen that they are following the traditions and from the two models can conclude that they are taking health in tradition perspectives (Wikaire et al., 2017). They mostly focus on the spiritual and cultural things which are traditions to make their health complete.


The two models view life from different dimensions. The first model indicates that health is brought by the psychology, mentality, spiritually and family dimensions whereas the second model basis its arguments from the colonisation and change in culture how it affects the health of the Maori people (Wepa, 2015). The cultural perspective is the key component in the second model in which you cannot be healthy in a rotten society. The first model also talks about the youth development about the health whereas the second model deals with the general health of the Maori people.

Assessment of the models

On accessing the model you can clearly see that the first model, Te whare tapa wha is basing its information on the development of youth. It bases argument that human is based on the development being physically, mentally and also psychologically. One is considered healthy if he is physically fit, emotionally stable, mentally active and also the family support. One should. Family support is essential part in the development of the human health. Good food given to the family members by the breadwinners helps a lot in one having good health.

Aspects of Healthy Maori as per the Model

From the second model, the culture is an integral part for example if someone believes that the ancestral spirits can heal one would easily get healed. Through that faith of ancestors, healing can be so easily to (Rata & Zubaran). The people of Maori. In the first model, there is a mention of faith which is an important thing during development. A believe to the unspoken things and the unforeseen things is very important to the people of Maori.

The first model also states that for the development one needs to be physically fit so that he can defend himself or herself from the external threats or attacks. The first model also points out that the spirit of sharing is a very important thing since the less privileged people will have something to eat and that their health will be stable to perform communal jobs (Hayman et al., 2015). Sharing also enables people to have access to the health services even when she has no money. This will definitely improve the communal health.

Poor environment also affects a lot the health of the youths of Maori. For the health development, the environment should be clean which will mean it would be free from the diseases. The clean environment is brought about by the communal cooperation to conserve environment (Wabrick et al., 2016). The Maori people take it as their responsibilities to keep the environment clean.

The first model talks about the sense of belonging whereby one has to accept himself or herself for the whole development as long as health is concerned (Curtis et al., 2015). If one is totally believing that he can accomplish a certain task, definitely he was always be happy and that his or her health will be good enough.

The second model talks about the colonialism effects which resulted to the deterioration of the culture (Thayer & Kuzawa, 2015). The people of Maori were not allowed to visit the colonialism health centres and points out how the colonisers interfered with the culture that was believed to be the healing power.

The second model talks about the essence of the leadership in the health sector. The government involvement in leadership is very important since every health worker would work with the laid policies and regulations. The leaders of Maori community are therefore should come together and make the health sector best and accessible for everyone.



From the two models, you can conclude that health is a very important thing in human. Health starts immediately one is conceived up to the date of death (Rata & Zubaran). The development of health is a thing that should be addressed in a clear way by the learners, inventor and also the government involved.

From the two models you have seen that the first model that is Te whare tapa wha, you can see it has several characteristics for the human development. The essential factors that are considered include mental, spiritual and also family support as explained by its features. The health should be perceived in the mentioned perspectives as addressed by the first model of development

Culture and social activities are the integral things which should be addressed to the young people to involve themselves in (Thayer & Kuzawa, 2015).  The cultural activities and development activities when practised by the youth they would not engage themselves in drug abuse which can make the health wanting.


I would recommend that the first model is the best on since it talks more about what is exactly needed for a one to have concerning health since he is born up to where he is. The first model puts emphasise on the health of youth and what is required for him or her grow healthy (Rata & Zubaran). The factors like physical, mental, and spiritual dimensions are really what is required for the development of human as far as health is concerned.

If one is physically fit for the food he takes since his young stage, he will not be able to get infected so easily hence he will stay healthy (Thayer & Kuzawa, 2015). Again, having a peace of mind will definitely help someone recover easily and be free from diseases. Stress brings about the lack of immunities which may make your body so weak in fighting the germs.


Reid, J., Taylor-Moore, K., & Varona, G. (2014). Towards a social-structural model for understanding current disparities in Maori health and well-being. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 19(6), 514-536.

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Brewer, K. M., & Andrews, W. (2016). Foundations of equitable speech-language therapy for all: The Treaty of Waitangi and M?ori health. Speech, Language and Hearing, 19(2), 87-95.

Comparing and Contrasting the Models

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