Market Research For Wind Energy Project In China – Challenges And Opportunities

General challenges for international management in China

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The Chinese marketing has huge advantages as it provides number of opportunities to the businesses of other countries to expand their business in this country. It is more populated company and due to an average annual economic growth rate of 9.5% since 1979, the market of China attracts a number of foreign companies. However, there are many companies that have failed in China but it has been found that many companies get huge success due to expansion in China. WIND KRAFT Company was founded in Germany and now it wants to expand its business in China as developed wind farms from start to finish that offers its expertise at every phase of projects. Along with that the company has dealt with financing and planning and takes care of engineering, commissioning, operation and procurement. There can be various international management challenges that can be the cause of issues for WIND KRAFT at the time of expanding its business.

There are many inhabitants of China that share the same traditions and values, although it is totally different from some extent between rural and urban areas. The values are highly appreciated in China such as righteousness, wisdom, loyalty and honesty (Jin, Zhang, Shi and Ju, 2014). The cultural diversity can become the major issue in handling the international management in china as one should always try to communicate to focus on the integrity of moral and harmony of the universe (Moran, Abramson and Moran, 2014). However, this kind of activity is considered as the negative if one use communication to pursue own individual self interest (Kull and Wacker, 2010).

Guanxi is another challenge for international management as it depicts the effective connections of relationships that link the incorporated person by mutual accountabilities of exchanging loyalty, obligations and mutual obligation to filling an effective relationship. Guanxi is made up of two words such as Guan and Xi. Guan refers the view of Chinese on groups in which inside the gate you are one of us on the other hand outside they are not recognized and it would be required to be the part of the network. While Xi entails the favours which can be banked (Wang, 2007).

There is another concern of international management such as growing debt in China. It has been found that most of the infrastructure investment s of China has decreased due to costs that outweighed the benefits (Changliang and Zhanfeng, 2009). The company WIND KRAFT can face the challenges as the country’s economic growth has slowed. 

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Cultural diversity

There are some factors that impact the company in a positive as well as negative manner at the time of entering in new market (Han, Mol, Lu and Zhang, 2009). It is required for the new company to analyze political, economic and environment factor entire entering into new market. These factors have significant impact on the entire businesses. These three factors are defined below:

The legal system of China is generally based on the Civil law. In the past few decades, the country has lost the trade policy to the outside world which had become the great issue as it was facing issues regarding trading all over the world. The company will be benefitted if it invests in this country as the friend investments are encouraged by the government in strong basis. There is a favourable policy of attracting foreign investment in China and the country has developed and organised judiciary. There are many companies in China that generate wind power in more efficient manner which shows that these are getting full support from the government of China that is why they are established for many years. WIND KRAFT will be getting huge advantages in the term of legal prospective as they are already established in which it has better understanding about legal prospective of different countries.

The political system of the company is stable as the government of china entails a system of multi party co operational as well as political consultation undertaken the leadership of the CPC. It has been found that China is especially hazardous with the term of political risk. It is required for the country to focus on the possibility of nationalization of industries. Likely wise, there are some risks of expropriation, currency inconvertibility and confiscation. It has been found that the rampant inflation currency devaluation is the scenarios that are faced by many companies (Glasse, 2010). In the context of WIND KRAFT, the company can expand its business in China but it is necessary for the country to keep strict policy regarding coming or exit of employee as there is a huge risk to the employees of the company of personal harm or kidnapping, along with that the risk to the organization of extortion attempts. There is some political issues in China that can impact the business of wind energy as the business freedom is quiet tight due to the imposed regulations in the context of restricting businesses from other countries coming in (Han, Kang, Salter and Yoo, 2010).


It has been found that China has a primary recipient of the destination of world of FDI in latest years. FDI includes 27% of value added promotion, 58% of foreign trade and 4.1% of national tax revenue. Along with that over 190 countries all over the world are invested in China wich involves 450 of the world’s fortune 500 Companies (Foreign Investment in China, 2018). It represents that WIND KRAFT will be benefitted if it initiates wind energy projects in China as the economic stability is good of this country. The inflation rate of China is increased in an efficient way against a standard level of purchasing power and in 2009 the prices were dropped by 1.5% from last year which forced customers to spend on buying products (China Inflation Rate, 2010). The installation of the project of wind energy in China is not consuming that much cost that is why it would be great benefitted for the company to implement the project in China as company is finding that places for expansion where technical, legal and commercial risks are limited.  

In all over the world, the wind energy market is expanding at a much faster rate. This has created a huge opportunities for the companies all around the world (Da, et. al., 2011). Since the wind energy demand is increasing at much faster rate in China also hence the wind energy market is also expanding at much faster rate. Even the government of China has shifted its focus towards the wind energy market within the nation. This has benefitted many of the firms at the same time it has increased the chances of the company to make sure that they can gain more market share. Wind Kraft which is one such a big company of Germany aims to enter into the market of China with their plan to capture the larger part of the renewable resource market in China. The wind energy market in China is not different from other markets like in any developed market. Since is the nation that is developing at much faster rate and hence their energy requirements is also increasing at much faster. A fact also needs to be considered that the Chinese market is very large hence the demand of the wind energy will also be increasing.

The geographical structure of the China promotes Wind energy market. This can be understood by the fact that there are larger numbers of plain and plateau regions where strong winds are blowing hence these places acts as wonderful centres where Wind Kraft can install its wind mills. Such a large abundance of the wind energy facilitates the company to provide the electricity to the people at the lower cost. With the fact that Tibet is a part of China, the potential for the wind energy generation increases considerably (Traber and Kemfert, 2011). This is because of the fact that Tibet has a lot of steep mountain ranges where the wind is blowing in abundance. Such a plateau region helps in installing a large numbers of wind mills in a very small area.China has an exploitable wind capacity of 2380 gigawatts on lands while 200 GW on sea. The potential of China can be understood by the fact that China is having the total capacity of 149 GW and it is the highest in the whole world and a forecast suggests that by 2020 it will be having a capacity of 250 GW. Since the Chinese government is also helping the projects that are related with the Wind energy. This can be understood by the fact that Chinese government plans to produce 15% of its electricity requirements through wind energy. This makes the market highly suitable for the new investors to invest in this energy market (Jiang, et. al., 2011).

Economic stagnation

Chinese market is considered to highly techno-friendly and hence it will help the Wind Craft to easily available the technology that will be required in the installation of plants. China is also known for its highly advanced technologies at lower prices which will further help the companies to reduce their operational cost (Hong and Möller, 2011).

Along with this one important fact about the Chinese market is that it is a highly research oriented market and hence the innovation can easily be made in the technology that is used in the wind energy harnessing (Zhao, Wang and Wang, 2012). This is extremely beneficial for any company that is related to the technology. Since there are huge amount of innovation going on in the renewable energy industry which will help the Wind Kraft in making sustainable development and it is the most important aspect in any industry. Since China has large population that is living under the poverty line who wants the energy at lower prices. For them this wind energy can be an excellent option which can fulfil their demands. Since the network for the energy distribution is excellent in China hence the company will not face problems in making energy available to the people of China. Since China is the supplier of the energy to many neighbouring states hence the market for the wind energy becomes even greater. It is expected that the Return on Investment will be higher especially in terms of the fact that the industries that are powered through wind energies are also increasing.

There are various types of goods and services that are required by the wind energy market especially in China. This can be understood by the fact that today the wind energy market in china is at developmental stage hence it is crucial for Wind Kraft to check the potential goods and services that can be provided by them in the market. Since there is large numbers of companies that are coming in this industry hence the requirements is narrowing down. But there are many products whose market is still left to be captured. There is a limitation with the wind energy that it does not provide power on demand rather it has wait for the time when the wind will blow. Some of the products and services that it can offer are:

Wind energy powered mills: The energy that is generated through the wind can be used for powering the mills of various products such as the flour mills, sugar mills etc. This has the potential to generate electricity that could help in the working of mills which is having less power requirements (Zhao, et. al., 2013).

Legal, political and economic environment

Water pumps: This energy can be used for pumping the water out of the ground. Since the energy requirement in this case is also less hence can easily be provided by the wind energy sources. China requires a whole lot of wind powered water pumps.

Lighting far off places: There are many remote areas where it is not feasible to provide energy through other resources hence this energy can be used in this regards. It will help in their household activities. The regions like Tibet can be easily lighted with the help of it.

Sailing in the boat: Since there is electricity requirement in boats that are selling over the rivers and sea. This wind energy can be used to power them. China has a huge amount of goods transportation through the help of sea boats in which this energy can help (Energy4me, 2015).

It has been recommended to the WIND KRAFT management team to enhance the wind energy project of the company in the wind energy market of China. The wind energy market of china is significant in having number of skilled employees which would be the great opportunity for the WIND KRAFT to get skilled work forces. It is recommended to the CEO of the company to do not hire workforce from other places because the wind energy market in china is world’s largest which shows that the people of china has better understanding about the concept of Wind energy consumption and generation. Along with that the WIND KRAFT Company can expand their business in easy way due to attractive and easy policy of China. There is no required for the company to large investment in the project of China as it is the developing country and the cost of products and things are quite lower in comparison of Germany. However, the political, economy and legal factors are favour in the company but it is necessary for it to take appropriate action in against of implementing strategies in the country. There should be proper training and development program for them who are new for the country as it has been observed while researching that due to cultural differences many companies are failed to expand its business in the country of China (Briscoe, Tarique and Schuler, 2012). There are number of challenges that can be the cause of issues for the company but it can be resolved if WIND KRAFT focuses on the culture of China and develops strategies for the company by keeping consideration of the cultural concept of China.


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