Marketing & Management For Micro-Environmental Factors: An Analysis

Environmental analysis

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This report discusses the behavior of consumer in relation to the chocolate products. It also presents the AIDA model of Hierarchy that supports to examine the factors of consumer buying behavior. In last, it presents macro as well as microenvironment factor that could influence Donald’s Company in Australia.

The microenvironment is effective to examine the internal condition of the organization. There are different factors like relevant publics, marketing intermediaries, and suppliers are considered to obtain a higher profit in the least time.              

Consumer behaviour concepts

Consumer behaviour is the study of the method by which an individual, organization, consumer and group select, consume and buy and dispose their belief about the product and services in order to accomplish their targeted requirements.

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Following are different steps involved in the AIDA model:

Attention: The initial phase in marketing and advertising is to involve how to persuade the attention of consumers.

Interest: Once the consumer is conscious regarding existing products and services then, business will work on growing the potential interest level of customers. For example, Donald’s company can boost the interest of customers regarding confectionary products such as cocoa product, confectionery, crystallized or glazed fruit, drinking chocolate, liquorice, marshmallow, candied nut, and candied popcorn (Bolton, Bhattacharjee, and Reed, 2015).

Desire: After the consumer is interested in the product and services, then the objective of the company is to create a desire among customers, moving their viewpoint from ‘I like it’ to ‘I want it’. For instance, if Donald’s company will communicate to target audience regarding how the product will give benefits then, the audience will make desire and want to go towards the products and services.

The key goal of the marketer is to lead the consumers towards the product of Donald’s company to initiate the action and buy the product and services.

Following AIDA model is discussed in detail:

First Step: Attention

The attention element is overlooked by marketers of Donald’s company. It is evaluated that the quality products or services may pull the attention of consumers. In any case, Donald’s company should not assume that everyone is already aware regarding the products. One of significant approach for Donald’s company is to influence the customer’s attention (Renton, Daellenbach, Davenport, and Richard, 2015). It is also called creative interruption. Furthermore, the company should consider the existing pattern of behavior via a vastly creative message. It can be performed in different manners. In this way, Donald’s company can use the advertisement in unexpected circumstances in different locations of Australia. It is also known as guerrilla marketing. The company can also generate the shock in advertisement via offensive imagery. The company should also intensely target the message. It can also consider the personalization. The key goal of the company is to create awareness among consumer regarding existing products and services (Gabrielli and Baghi, 2016). 

micro-environmental factors

Second Step: Interest

Creating interest is the complex element for a company. For instance, if the products and services are not inherently interesting then, it can be very complex to attain. Donald’s company should ensure that advertising information is easy to read with interesting design and subheadings. Donald’s company should emphasize on what is most significant for their target market in relation to product and services. It should also convey the message that a consumer wants to communicate. A good example of Donald’s company is to consider selling through Coles and Woolworths, Aldi options and creating high-end specialty stores. The company should focus on the health products with affordable price as compared to its competitors (Brown, 2016).  

Third Step: Desire

The third step of the AIDA model is desire. The company should build the interest among customers regarding products and services. It should also realize the customers why they need this products and services. The company should also focus on that how the content is commercial. The key aim is to offer data regarding products and benefits of buying it. It is also analyzed that the benefit will create the desire among customers to buy more and more. Commercial advertising demonstrates that the product is being used in several creative circumstances (Hajli, 2015). The company should also convey to the customers regarding the value of products and services along with this, why they need it in their real life practices.

Fourth Step: Action

The last step of AIDA model is to influence the customers to initiate the action. The advertisement should complete with a call to action. A statement should be designed by Donald’s company in order to obtain the immediate responses from the consumers. For instance, Donald’s company will use persuasive text in order to assure the consumer to try their free trial. It will also communicate how their product provides benefit to consumers and highlights its value and then, urges the consumers to sign up for a free trial (Kumar, Dash, Trivedi, and Panda, 2016).  Donald’s company should use good advertising as it will generate a sense of urgency and also motivates the consumers to take action immediately. One significant technique that Donald’s company can use for attaining their goal is to make limited time offers like free shipping.

There are many competitors of the Donald’s Chocó Company like Nestlé, Mars, and Duncan’s of Edinburgh”. These competitors provide the dairy goods and services to their consumers. Chocolate and candy bar is the products that are offered by their competitors. These competitors     


They target kids within the age group of 5 to 10 years. Because customers of this age group are desired to have chocolates as compared to the other confectionary. In addition, it is also analyzed that over the years Cadbury brand’s Dairy Milk products have moved from kids to the adults that consider all the members of the family and those individuals who believed to celebrate their festivals with the chocolate products and services. These brand also targeted on the young generation who enjoy celebrating occasions by buying chocolates (Wu, Wen, Dou, and Chen, 2015).

Customers are an imperative part of any trade as they tend to influence and retain a large number of consumers to create profit. Therefore, Donald’s might adopt a marketing approach by which they can attract new as well as potential consumers by offering them after sales services and value added service (Gillespie, Midmore, Hoeflich, Ness, Ballard, and Stewart, 2015).  

The activities of suppliers could influence the strategy of the business, as they offer materials for the production. For example, if the supplier did not have to offer effective services then it will affect production time and sales. Another example, if the supplier enhances the cost of raw materials then it could directly impact on the finish goods of the organization. Hence, maintaining a reliable relationship with a supplier could support the organization in getting the power over the competitors.  

The marketing intermediates could also directly impact on the growth of the company. In addition, it is analyzed that way of media activities could enhance or decline the outcome of the company. Donald’s should keep an effective relationship with the media to attract a huge amount of the consumers and enhance the business. If the will demonstrate the positive aspect then it will enhance the growth of the business and vice-versa (Chawla and Sondhi, 2016).   

With respect to keep an effective relationship with the media, Donald’s make public relation department who deal with the media on the basis of company norms. The company might understand the methods by which they could reach their consumers and make a positive brand image in their mind. In accomplishing this objective, Donald’s uses the newspapers to let individuals go about their business as it could support to enhance the sale of the products and services of the company.  Donald’s could imply the television programs as a marketing strategy that leads to a large number of the consumer in the least time and cost. There are many sources that could be effective to leading the business and attracting a huge amount of the consumers for purchasing the products and services of a firm like Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter (Copley, 2014).      

AIDA Model Hierarchy

Consumers are an essential element of Donald’s company. It is assessed that in Australia, customers do not require producing their own food as they can rely on the food industry to get chocolate products. The eating and lifestyle trend of Australian consumers have changed intensely over the last periods due to the changing the mix of society. Donald’s company can increase the choice of food and can incorporate the multicultural foods into Australian cuisine. It is also assessed that Australian cuisine is salted by European and Asian influences but the fresh development of trademark in Australia remains to lead (Percy and Elliott, 2016).  Thus, it can be stated that the demographic factor can be favorable for Donald’s company to deal in the Australian society due to the high demand for multicultural foods into Australian cuisine.

The government of Australia creates the awareness regarding the competitive landscape that is characterizing the fast food industry. It is an essential sub-sector of the consumer industry. Thus, it could have a favorable impact on the business of Donald’s company. The stability of the political climate in Australia also contributes to the growth in the fast food consumption industry over last years. Thus, it can be stated that political trends can positively impact on the fast food consumption (Alon, Jaffe, Prange, and Vianelli, 2016).    

The Annual GDP rate in Australia is 3.1% in 2018 that could be effective for new business.

The industry of the food could be imperative for Australia to enhance their expenditure and recovery of the country from the economic recession. The food service market is expected to enhance with fast service workers. Thus, it is analyzed that the Australian economic condition in favor of the Food market so Donald’s will be successful in the Australian market.    

Australian believed in the organized social effort as it associated with the ethics and nation inclusiveness. Australian also believed in having the healthier food. Consumers are already aware of the healthier food and fast food hence it is analyzed that Donald’s will ethically present their products with the healthier quality to obtain higher competitive benefits. The Australian cultural background is the favorite for Donald’s products caused of multicultural people are located (Burkhalter, 2015).

The Advanced Technology could enable the organization to have many benefits related to the enhancement in the quality, wider connectivity, and lower cost to the national and international market. The information technology enables the organizations to make innovation in their products and services and enhancement in the economic growth. From this, it is analyzed that Donald’s will get higher profit by investing in the fast food consumption in Australia caused by the favorable situation (Ozuem, 2016).       


The natural factor could also influence new business. The government of Australia protect to nature and focus on safeguarding the atmosphere. It is also analyzed that the entire population of Australia is following the rules and regulation of environment security hence Donald’s will remember this thing at the time of launching their products and services.    

In the current period, the Australian government focus on securing their food sector to enhance their competition level in the situation of the climate change. It is also analyzed that the food products demands will be increased in the urban population. Hence, it can be said that Donald’s could invest in the food and confectionery department in the urban sector of Australia (Lemmetti and Tuominen, 2017).

From the above analysis, it can be concluded that Donald’s is capable to effectively lunch their products and services in the Australia market caused of a favorable situation. It can also be summarized that the organization could use the AIDA model to evaluate the consumer buying behavior. Through this model, the organization could be able to understand the attention, desire, interest, and action of the form for attracting the behavior of the consumers. It can also be illustrated that the organization could evaluate the macro as well as the microenvironment of Australia for effectively launch their products and get higher success.   


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