Marketing Objectives And Risk Management Strategy For Eagle Boys

Organizational Overview

The aim of the following paper is to develop marketing objectives for a particular organization along with a risk management strategy for marketing by pursuing profound strategic analysis after reviewing the current marketing performances. In order to accomplish the aforementioned purpose of the paper, the present vision, mission, purpose and values of the distinct organization along with the organizational strategies would be identified and evaluated. At the same time, prior to develop the marketing objectives as well as marketing risk management strategy, the paper would identify the marketing opportunities currently are available for the organization. Moreover, the legal and ethical requirements mandatory for the organization would also be considered within the paper. For the outlined purpose above, the assignment has chosen the Australia-based organization – Eagle Boys.

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Eagle Boys, which has been providing delicious and affordable pizzas to the citizens of Australia from last 1987 and the organization has the mission or organizational aim to become Australia’s leading and largest food franchiser and provide quality food to the customers. On the other hand, in terms of organizational vision, it has been understood that Eagle Boys desires to measure their success through sustainability, providing tasty products, excellent service and keeping a dynamic image of them. It is significant to denote that the organization wants to hold a dynamic image by pursuing a commitment to the environment and the community.

However, the organization holds an impressive list of values to the organization’s both internal and external stakeholders, which are professionalism, responsiveness, innovation, dedication for growth and equality and consistency. Following the proposed value for the stakeholders, the organization is highly focused on providing foods with high quality taste, size and value. Additionally, the organization is highly customer-focused and constantly strives to improvise their service for satisfying customers.

Following its fundamental core values, mission and vision, the organization – Eagle Boys has the strategy to impress the target market constantly with exceptional product, which is convenient, affordable and enjoyable quality food for customers. Further, it is one of the strategic directions of the organization to embrace innovative business ideas, pursue community service, and franchise support opportunities. Nevertheless, the fundamental strategy that assisted the organization to hold one of the largest pizza businesses in Australia has been to establish as well as expand the organization’s store network to a certain extent, which would help the organization in pursuing strong market presence as well as an impressive brand personality. On the other hand, one of the chief motives of the organization is to make continuous franchising. Considering, the recent trend of online marketing and online delivery service, it has been found out that Eagle Boys’ another strategic intent is to make an impressive extent of investment on online delivery of pizzas.

Strategic Analysis

Besides, the organization targets the millennial or the young adults who belong to the age group of 18 – 28 years of Australia. The organization strategically chose young adults who are young professionals and have heavy reliance on the social media, and have the affordability to spend $48 billion/pa. It is one of the marketing strategies of the organization to associate the enterprise with social gathering and make casual overspending in terms of setting price. It means the marketing strategies of the organization entirely focus on its mission and vision and its target market.

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In terms of having a situational analysis, a porters five forces would be convenient to understand the external factors that can have major impact on the direction and performance of the organization.

The bargaining power of the customers would be medium because currently in the market, Eagle Boys have two chief competitors who are Dominos Pizza and Pizza Hut.

As per the reason, that there are already two giant competitors like Pizza Hut and Dominos Pizza in the territory of Eagle Boys, it is easy to assume that the threat of the rival organization is medium for the considered organization.

The opportunities for market growth and selling are high in the field of food industry; therefore, it is easy to assume that most of the entrepreneurs are desiring to penetrate into the particular market. Therefore, it is assumable that the threat rate of the new entrants is high.

The bargaining power of the customers would be medium as per the reason that the market is already having two giant pizza-selling organizations like Dominos and Pizza-Hut.

From the above analysis, it can be interpreted that the threatening power of the rival of the aforementioned organizations can mainly affect the performance of the business of Eagle Boys. As the customer service quality of Dominos and Pizza Hut are high, therefore, understandably Eagle Boys has to make improvement constantly upon its products and service quality and decision regarding marketing.

The organization highly focuses on pursuing online service to the target market; therefore, Eagle Boys needs to follow the ADMA direct marketing code of practice as well as the best practice model of Australian E-commerce.  At the same time, for the purpose of marketing, the considered organization should also oblige the Free TV Australia Commercial Television Industry code of practice.

Identification of the marketing opportunities

SWOT analysis


· Wide range of stores

· Joyful customized ambience

· Fastest delivery

· High customer service

· High quality food


· Lack of variety in food

· Lack of differentiable attributes than the competitors


· Geographical expansion worldwide

· Capability of introducing varied products

· Earn customer satisfaction


· The increasing choice of eating healthy food among people

· Dominance of Dominos Pizza

· High threat of new entrants as the market of the restaurant is fragmented

The identified opportunities are indicative of the fact that in future, the organization can successfully attain its mission and vision as per the reason the it is the fundamental aim of the enterprise to expand in a wider geographical location and acquire an impressive extent of profit. Additionally, the organization attempts to satisfy its target market with every possible way. The opportunities imply that the enterprise has the potentiality to accomplish the attempt. On the other hand, the organization is currently facing issues regarding

Long-term strategic objectives


To acquire a worldwide brand personality

· More customers

· More feedbacks

To open store in countries like India and Japan

· Customer satisfaction

· Customer feedback

To pursue a product development and

Situational Analysis

A situational analysis is a particular method for defining both external and internal factors of an organization. A situational analysis is also a known to be the method for recognizing strength, weakness, opportunities as well as threats of an organization. Therefore, some of the essential elements, which should be involved in a situational analysis, are – the current situation of the product or the service of an organization, the present competitive situation, distribution situation, environmental factors and possible opportunities and issues.

The word – “marketing” is indicative of a distinct procedure through which products or services move from the idea to the customers or clients. In other words, marketing is a social procedure through which organizations as well as individuals acquire their needs by establishing and exchanging values and service with others. In the most colloquial form, marketing is considered as a set of activities, which are associated with the process of buying as well as selling products. Two essential activities are included in the marketing, which are advertising, and selling or delivering service and products to the customers.

a) Strategies in relation to marketing mean the distinct ways or procedures through which the marketing objectives of an organization could be achieved.  

b) The word – “value” in marketing means the difference between a customer’s assessment of the benefits related to a product and the particular cost of the product when it is compared with others. Therefore, the word – “value” is used for defining the way consumers weigh benefits of individual buying decision against the price of the purchase.

The chief aim of a marketer is to make an impressive extent of sale of a particular product or service. Therefore, some of the essential duties of a marketer are to promote the service or the product through advertising to make a flexible and smooth selling of the service. Prior to promote the product, every marketer studies the competition, addresses a particular target audience, makes segments of them and set market price of the service or product and sets a positioning strategy

In order to deal with assertively customer, it is essential to stay calm throughout the conversation and to control the body gestures. It is essential to keep in mind that the in time of dealing with assertively customer, it is important to first listen to the grievances from the customer side and ask questions frequently to have a better understanding with the problem. Finally, it is essential to come to a convenient solution for the problem according to the consent of the customers.

a) ADMA or association for Data-driven marketing and advertising helps both the business and government for shaping a regulatory as well as legal framework to both protect customers and safeguarding all the rights of business.

b) The Australian E-commerce Best Practice model is a framework that is responsible for setting standard in the world of e-commerce. The aforementioned model acts as a voluntary framework or code of conduct for business organization and individuals to deal with customers online.

c) A policy framework, that has the responsibility to outline government policy for protecting consumer rights in the world of electronic commerce. The policy framework attempts to increase consumer confidence by providing fruitful guidance.

d) It is a self-regulatory code that is adopted by “free-to-air” broadcasters by the media of Australia. The self-regulatory code is responsible for balancing varied conflicting interest of the diverse society through the delivery of TV commercials.

e) The law of defamation has the aim of protecting people’s reputation as well as the particular right of having freedom to speech.

f) Copy right is known to be a legal right for protecting the original works of the creator. Copy right is a legal right for the original creators or inventors to use and distribute their original works according to their wish.

g) Equal opportunity is the principle of anti-discrimination that emphasizes the equal opportunity for human individuals irrespective of sex, religion, age, ethnic origin and race, in the field of education, advancement, resource distribution, employment and opportunities

h) Privacy law is a set of laws, which chiefly deal with the storage, utilization and regulation of personal information regarding organizations and individuals those can be collected by both private organizations and governments.

i) Age discrimination act 2004 – The act prohibits any kind of discrimination regarding age in premises like employment, education, opportunity and accommodation.

  • Disability Discrimination Act 1992 – The act prohibits any kind of discrimination against disable person in employment, provision of goods, education and in public place.
  • Racial Discrimination Act 1975 – The act prohibits any kind of discrimination against racial discrimination in employment, provision of goods, education and in public place.
  • Sex Discrimination Act 1984 – The act prohibits discriminations, which are made under the basis of marriage, sex, potential pregnancy, sexual orientation and gender identity.

j) The particular act is a legislative vehicle for the competition law in Australia and it attempts to promote fair trade, competition and protection to consumers.

7. Marketing is the process to drive the economy of the society and the process addresses particular needs of the society. Moreover, with the help of Marketing, organizations make a society aware of varied facts related to different needs.