Media Management Objectives For Australian Team At The World Track Cycling Championships, Netherlands


The two primary objectives for media management for the Australian Team in the World Track Cycling Championships, Netherlands are as follows:

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  • Increasing the periphery of social attendees and target accurate fan base




This objective is specifically faceted towards increasing the followership towards cycling as an emerging sports category in Australia.

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Influenced from the opinion of Newman (2017), it can be opined that this is measurable through the available media feedback regarding the TRP ratings attained on featuring the sports event in Australia and also globally over online and on air platforms.


This is easily attainable as sports is an integrated and yet emerging part of the Australian culture. Again, cycling is a vibrant part of lives of most Australians. As an outcome, with right publicity of the cycling sports events, and influenced by the opinion of Ngai et al. (2015), Australians can be expected to readily stand up to support the national Cycling team as they support the Soccer or Rugby team.


This objective is highly relevant as ensuring media coverage and viewership are essential success criteria against increment of the popularity of track cycling as a nationwide sports in Australia.

Time Bound

The projected time period for achieving this target is 18 months.

Table 1: SMART table for assessment of the first objective set for media management

(Source: Developed by the Researcher)

  • Framing engagement strategies for the popularisation of the sport in Australia




This target is specifically faceted towards ensuring the fact that the track cycling events gets equal attention of the media and equally illustrated coverage as the other sports like Rugby, cricket or Cricket gets in Australian national network.


In order to measure the outcomes of this objectives, a steady observation of the media trends of covering he events of track cycling have to be done. Influenced from the views of Fox et al. (2015), it can be opined that the measurement would also be depending on the increment of the number of frontline Sports media channels like Channel 9 featuring cycling events.


This is easily attainable as track cycling have a high international craze as a frontline sports events and is endorsed by many frontline global brands. Hence, media channels can gain high sponsorship value by featuring the track cycling events


This objective is highly relevant as the track cycling is not given much priority by the Australian Sports media and cycling contests held other than in the Olympics or events of similar grandeur are not usually portrayed over the air.

Time Bound

The specific time required for the fulfilment of this objective is 10 months

Media Opportunities

Media Opportunities


Media Outlet 1

Media Outlet 2

Media Outlet 3

Media Outlet 4

Media Opportunity 1: Emergence of more new sports Broadcast channels

The main media outlets that can be targeted in this regard are the 4 four major television networks that delver service to the most populated cities of Australia

The second media outlet in this context would be the Pay TV. Foxtel, Inc. would be liable to make the media coverage of the event. They can buy broadcast rights from Channel 9 or any other channel that would make the primary coverage.

7mate or ishopTV can be the third media outlet in this context. This channel would be responsible for spreading awareness about the upcoming event.  

Under the clearinghouse network, the government of Australia can license the foundation of a new and exclusive local media network for covering the activities at the Track Cycling Championship in Australia.

4 to 5 months at the most

Media Opportunity 2: Online YouTube Streaming

YouTube live media streaming is a recently trending and emerging media of event coverage. People who are travelling or staying out of cities can stream the 2018 World Track Cycling Championships, Netherlands directly from You-Tube

hayU or AMAZON Prime can also be asked to cover the live Track cycling event in Netherlands.

GWN7’s online portal can also be used for providing live streaming services.

MySpace or The Internet Archive are also active channels in Australia that the Sports Development Authority of Australia can use for steaming the event, live.

1 month

Media Opportunity 3: Other online streaming applications

The two most important media outlets in this context are Stan application and ABC iview. The Sports Authority of Australia can also set up a unique live tracking VPN network for this event. This would incur a nominal cost of AUD $7000. However, this channel would be tariff free and hence easily used for further broadcasting of the event.

Shared network channel Imparja can also buy online distribution rights. About 25% of the Australians enjoy services of Imparja.

FreeTV can be another channel that about 70 to 80% of the Australians have access to.

The Open Video Project in Australia can also be used for the promotion of the event in Australia.

40 to 50 days

Media Opportunity 4: Sports Magazines (highly popular in Australia)

The Inside Sports Magazine covers minimal track cycling events. Other than that there are exclusive magazines for individual sports. Similarly, a popular publishing house can be given the responsibility to cover this sports event and make exclusive print media releases.

The Pop Magazine can be another print media channel for the promotion of the event.

The New Idea magazine also have exclusive sports column that can be used for posting clicks and publishing essential acts and trivia about track cycling and hence endorse the national Cycling team of Australia.

MetaCafe can also publish an online magazine for sharing news about the Track Cycling event in Netherlands.

3 months

A proper and justified media plan is highly required for the promotion of the Track Cycling event at Netherlands. This is because, in Australia the spectators give priority to soccer, rugby and cricket as their frontline sports. On the Contrary, sports like Cycling are not given priority by the spectators (Torkzaban et al., 2015). As an outcome, the media also makes very less coverage of such events. So far as the current scenario is concerned, Australia as a team is making considerable progress in track and field events including cycling. However, as Sastry, Singh and Trivedi (2018), opines, popular fan base is required to be created for sustained popularity of the sport in the country. In this context, there have been emergence of multiple channels of media broadcasting in recent times. This plan advocated feasible ways in which all these channels can be put to use for the promotion and coverage of the event so that maximum fan support for the game as well as the event can be gathered.

Key Action:

Conference with the Media managers of the selected broadcasting and publishing houses chosen through bid conducted by the Sports Development Authority of Australia.


Project coordinator

The Chairperson, CSO, Corporate Relations Manager, Project Manager and Sorts Development Secretariat Chairperson of Australian federation


Contact person name:

The Project Manager and the CRM of the project


Contact person phone:



Contact person email:

[email protected]


Project’s Partners

The partners for this project include the Media head of the event management Committee of the track cycling championship in Netherlands. Along with that the event sponsors’ CRM team as well as the Sports Development Authority secretariat for Australia and the Title Sponsors of the Track cycling team of Australia are the sponsors of the project.


Project’s website:



This conference would look after the distribution of the broadcasting rights among the event partners and the media houses. The main aim is the gain maximum viewership across the country. Demographic and age based customer segmentation would be possible as an outcome of this proposed plan. Again, this is a shirt term project implementation. As an outcome, the sound management of the project would be crucial for the success of the media coverage of the event.



Track cycling 2018, championship 2018,  



February, 2018 to November 2018



AUD $12,000


Contract number:


Essential truths and significance of the project is revealed through the fact sheet (Nep et al., 2018). Preparation of the fact sheet is easier and more over this fact sheet is essential for the understanding of the overall expanse and expenses of the project. This fact sheet is essential for understanding the way the project would be executed and also includes the necessary details of all necessary stakeholders of the project. The people and the concerned authorities who have maximum resemblance to the project are also understated in the project. Moreover, influenced by the ideas of INSIGHTS and BONE (2014), the keywords that the people can use for accessing the events related to the project is understated also. This would help the people to get access to the various media links that can help the people to get access to the various promotional content, online.

The primary contact person are the event management head of the Sports Development Authority in Australia and the lead Event manager of the Australian National Team for the event. The event coverage rights should be provided to three or four primary media broadcast groups. Their representatives who would be liable for the coverage of the exclusive bytes from the layers and other essential members are also Key people who should be contacted for primary details and memo of the event ad how it is to be managed.


In the first month the broadcasting rights have been distributed to the leading broadcast groups and the online channels and other channels would be buying the franchise for the broadcast rights.

The next months would involve contract making with the title and the subordinate sponsors and discussion of the promotional plan for the event. In the next month, the broadcasters would form a group of executives who would be liable for deciding the team of sponsors and media journalists who would visit and cover the event.

In the next month the promotional budget would be decided and the spot coverage plans would be affixed. Again, in the following month, the casting permission from the central as well as the district governments of the Dutch Government would be collected. This would be followed by dedication of the rest of time for making rest of the preparations for the media coverage.

The media plans for coverage of the international cycling events in the previous years were different from that of this year. Previously, no online coverage of the track cycling events were officially done. This year, minimum of 5 agencies would be engaged in online coverage of the live events. Last year only Channel 9 had covered cycling events and hosted the live sport on their alternative event. The event branding had been negligible. Compared to the previous years, in this year, the investment budget would be 3 times higher.

  1. iv) Mini Bios

The event manager wants the sports lovers of Australia to support the players who have confirmed their place already in the 2019 track cycling championship. The Team also made a prestigious ending to the UCI Road World Championship. Hence the media manager expects that with greater support, this time the nation can expect a great performance from the team.

This year, if the project mapping goes on in the right track, the Australians can see the event over all the three frontline sports channels. Other than that the event would be available live on You-Tube and the other mentioned online streaming media sites. The Australians can view the event in their local channels also. This year, the Australian team have a new sponsor and repeated spectacular performance by the Australian team in track cycling events would give them a new arsenal for the 2018 event in Netherlands.

As proposed by Hanaysha (2016), the media guide is very essential for the audience to understand what the cycling team has achieved so far and the future prospects of the Australian national team have been discussed also. The ways in which the media team is planning to portray the event is described herein.

Media Opportunities


Subject: Media release for the 2018 Track Cycling Championship, Netherlands

With leading position in the UCI event and having already qualified for the 2019 global championship, the Australian team is expected to lift the cup in Netherlands. The Australian team have been putting up a memorable performance in track cycling and this is high time that as fans we show them extended support and boost them for a better performance. That is why, this year, the Sports Development Authority of Australia have decided that broader media coverage would be arranged for the Australian national team in Netherlands. Five mainstream media houses, 5 print media houses and 3 online media houses are making a direct telecast of the event from Netherlands.

The Olympics committee of Australia have claimed that this year it is the mightiest cycling side which would probably be able to break the domination of USA, Canada and France in cycling. In xxxxxx, xxxxxx and xxxxx channels, the event would be broadcasted live and as an outcome, the maximum majority of Australian would be able to follow the event live. Along with that, the Australians would be able to enjoy exclusive interviews and trivia from the drill sessions of the team. It is expected that Australians would support the team to victory this time.

Media Manager (Australian Team)

Track Cycling Championship, 2018, Netherlands

The exhibition of the media release would help in the development of the brand image of the Australian national team for the Track Cycling team and attract the attention of the viewers. Besides, as per Stewart et al. (2018), it is also very important to make the audience understand the fact that the Sports Development council of Australia and the Olympics committee of the country is looking forward for developing cycling as a mainstream sport in the country.

In order to support the Australian National cycling team, and celebrate the recent success of the players, the spectators are requested to support the team to the fullest and maximum viewership is expected of the Australians.  

WHO: The Australian National Team

WHAT: The track cycling Championship, 2018, Netherlands

WHEN: 2018

WHERE: Netherlands

The goal to make a grand coverage of the event in order to increase the craze of track cycling. For further information visit the official website of Australian track cycling team, visit [email protected] and and learn more about the event

The main purpose of this media advisory is to promote the sport of track cycling in Australia. This is to invite the Australians formally to the event so that the media coverage can be transformed in to a greatest hit event. This is a one stop announcement for the journalist and not actually the public (Sigala & Chalkiti, 2015). This media advisory alerts the press bodies regarding the scope in which the Australian media is planning to cover the event.

Key Action

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